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Hyperpolarizing potentials in guinea pig hippocampal CA3 neurons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is a bewildering variety of hyperpolarizing potentials which control activity in hippocampal pyramidal cells. These include an inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) with early and late components, voltage- and calcium-dependent potassium conductances, a voltage-dependent potassium conductance modulated by muscarinic agents (the M-current), and a complex and poorly understood afterhyperpolarization following epileptiform bursts. In hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells, mossy fiber stimulation elicits an IPSP which is made up of two readily separable components. Using the in vitro slice preparation, we investigated the underlying ionic basis of these IPSP components and compared them to other hyperpolarizing potentials characteristic of the CA3 neurons. Intracellular recordings were obtained and then tissue was exposed to bathing medium low in chloride concentration or high in potassium concentration; the ion "blockers" EGTA (intracellular); tetraethylammonium (TEA) (intra- and extracellular), and barium and cobalt (extracellular); and the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)/chloride antagonists penicillin, bicuculline and picrotoxin.  相似文献   
We describe a general technique to inhibit gene expression in eukaryotic cells. The gene we chose to inhibit was the E. coli LacZ gene (encoding beta-galactosidase), which has previously been cloned into a eukaryotic expression vector [1]. This plasmid is called pCH110. We constructed a variant of pCH110 in which we flipped a 2566 base pair 5' fragment of the LacZ gene into the antiparallel orientation. The plasmid containing this mutated LacZ gene is called pNSLacZ (NS signifies non-sense coding sequence). When equal amounts of pCH110 and pNSLacZ are co-transfected into 3T6 mouse fibroblasts, the beta-galactosidase activity is decreased by approximately a factor of ten. Increasing the ratio of pNSLacZ to pCH110 above 1:1 does not appreciably increase the level of inhibition. Next, we prove the specificity of the inhibition by adding a third gene to the transfection mixture. For this purpose, we used pSVneo beta, a plasmid which expresses a phosphotransferase. We found that even when the beta-galactosidase activity was diminished by a factor of 10, the phosphotransferase activity was unaffected. Therefore, we have demonstrated that: the presence of an antiparallel copy of the LacZ gene results in a significant and specific diminution of the LacZ gene's expression; only a fraction of the LacZ gene needs to be in the antiparallel orientation in order to observe this effect. These results suggest that this technique can serve as a tool to decrease the level of gene expression in order to study the function of specific genes, or as a therapeutic manoeuvre in the treatment of disorders of abnormal gene expression.  相似文献   
The uropygial gland secretions of Charadriiformes species (Thinocorus rumicivorus, Gallinago gallinago, Scolopax rusticola) were analysed and the quantitative compositions compared with those of other Charadriiformes and Lariformes species. The results are discussed from a chemotaxonomic viewpoint and evidence for a close relationship between Thinocorus and other Charadriiformes is given.  相似文献   
Cell surface antigens of a multipotential embryonal carcinoma (EC) line, PCC4, have been investigated. As do other EC cells, these cells express the F9 antigen but not the H-2 or Ia antigens. In addition, these cells express another antigen called PCC4. This antigen is present on the multipotential EC cells tested, on spermatozoa, and on the inner cell mass of newly implanted blastocyst.  相似文献   
This paper concerns the properties of herpes simplex virus 1 DNA replicating in HEp-2 and human embryonic lung cells. The results were as follows. (i) Only a small fraction of input viral DNA entered the replicative pool. The bulk of the input viral DNA cosedimented with marker viral DNA and did not appear to be degraded or dissociated into L and S components. (ii) Nascent DNA sedimented faster and banded at a higher density than that of mature viral DNA extracted from virions. Pulse-chase experiments indicated that nascent DNA acquires the sedimentation rate and buoyant density of viral DNA within 30 to 40 min after its synthesis. (iii) Electron microscopic studies indicated that the DNA extracted from cells replicating viral DNA and banding at the density of viral DNA contained: (a) linear, full-size molecules with internal gaps and single-stranded regions at termini; (b) molecules with lariats, consisting of a linear segment up to 2x the size of mature DNA and a ring ranging from 0.5 x 10(6) to 100 x 10(6) in molecular weight, showing continuous and discontinuous forks; (c) circular, double-stranded molecules, both full-size and multiples of 18 x 10(6) in molecular weight, but without forks or loops; (d) molecules showing "eye" and "D" loops at or near one end of the DNA; (e) large, tangled masses of DNA, similar to those observed for T4 and pseudorabies virus replicating DNAs, containing loops and continuous and discontinuous forks. The electron micrographs are consistent with the hypothesis that the single-stranded ends on the DNA anneal to form a hairpin, that the DNA synthesis is initiated at or near that end and proceeds bidirectionally to form a lariat, and that resulting progeny derived by semiconservative replication are "head-to-head" and "tail-to-tail" dimers.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial volume fraction was compared among three regions along the length of six multiply innervated fibers (MIFs) in the orbital surface layer of rabbit superior rectus. These MIFs are of about 5 μm diameter toward the middle of their length, and of about 15 μm diameter toward their proximal and distal ends. The region of highest volume fraction (26%) was located toward the proximal end of their segment of minimal diameter, in apparent association with endplate-like nerve junctions. The region of lowest volume fraction (8%) was located at their distal segment of maximal diameter. The region toward the distal end of their segment of minimal diameter displayed an intermediate volume fraction (15%). These mitochondrial volume fractions were further analyzed in terms of the relative contributions of the I-band, the A-band, and the subsarcolemmal mitochondrial clusters. Comparable changes in mitochondrial content occur in both the I-band and A-band: in the fibers' distal segment of maximal diameter, however, the mitochondrial volume fraction in the A-band (5%) is lower than in the I-band (11%). These modifications of mitochondrial content along the fibers' length occur irrespective of the contributions of the subsarcolemmal mitochondrial clusters.  相似文献   
A monoclonal IgG4 (lambda) with inhibitory activity to human coagulation factor V was isolated from the serum of a patient with a fatal hemorrhagic diathesis by using a combination of DE-52 ion exchange chromatography and isoelectric focusing techniques. Using the criteria for defining a monoclonal immunoglobulin of restricted mobility on protein electrophoresis, immunoelectrophoresis, and isoelectric focusing, as well as neutralization with class, subclass, and light chain type antisera, we are the first to demonstrate a factor V inhibitor as a monoclonal IgG4 (lambda) detectable in serum or plasma.  相似文献   
K Ramabadran  J J Jacob 《Life sciences》1979,24(21):1959-1969
It is known that various opiate antagonists enhance stereospecifically reactions to superficial nociceptive stimuli (e.g. in the hot plate test) suggesting the involvement of endogenous ligands in these reactions. In mice and rats the writhing responses to deep nociceptive stimuli (intraperitoneal test) were also enhanced stereospecifically by (-) naloxone, Mr 2266 and GPA 2163 but some other antagonists (naltrexone, levallorphan, diprenorphine) were inactive probably as a consequence of interfering agonist (antinociceptive) properties. An another antagonist, (-) Win 44441 suggested to bind principally with κ receptors did not enhance either superficial or deep nociception indicating that the former antagonists are probably interfering with endorphins at the level of μ receptors. The motor reaction of mice to a novel environment was stereospecifically depressed by opioid antagonists including (-) Win 44441 suggesting an involvement of endorphins at the level of κ receptors ; Mr 2266 and GPA 2163 were ineffective in this test and hyperalgesic in the two antinociceptive tests ; they might be relatively pure μ antagonists.  相似文献   
A kinetic study was made of the relationship between respiration rate, sugar content and ATP levels, in fresh and aged potato tubers stored at 4°. The ATP content in tubers rose rapidly immediately after the chilling stress, while respiration rate decreased below the initial rate and sugar accumulation was not detected. After 4 days of storage, the ATP level declined and the sugars started to accumulate. The typical increase in respiration rate that usually follows chilling stress, appeared only in fresh tubers (at about the 6th day of storage). In dinitrophenol-treated tubers, the ATP level remained below the initial level and sugar accumulation was blocked completely. The evidence presented suggests that ATP elevation is not generated by the respiration burst.  相似文献   
Because the integrity of an axon depends on the supply of proteins synthesized in the cell body, we examined the effect of axotomy on the transport of structural proteins in rat motor axons, and the effect of altered transport on the rate of outgrowth after a subsequent testing axotomy. To examine the axonal transport of structural proteins, we labeled newly synthesized proteins with 35S-methionine 7 days after a "conditioning" lesion of the sciatic nerve, and removed the nerve 7-21 days later for SDS-PAGE. Tubulin, actin, calmodulin, and the 68-kD light neurofilament protein (NF-L) were identified by fluorography and removed for liquid scintillation counting. The fastest moving structural proteins were carried by slow component b (SCb) of axonal transport, which advanced 20% faster in conditioned axons: 4.2 versus 3.5 mm/day (p less than 0.01). NF-L was not accelerated, indicating that the motor for subcomponent a (SCa) of slow axonal transport was unaffected by axotomy. To measure outgrowth distances, the testing lesions was made 7 days after the conditioning lesion, and growth cones were located by the fast transport method 3 or 9 days later. The regression analysis of outgrowth distance on time showed that sprouts elongated 25% faster in conditioned axons: 4.0 versus 3.2 mm/day (p less than 0.001). These accelerated sprouts were formed too far from the spinal cord to contain SCb proteins that were synthesized after axotomy. Because the rate of outgrowth correlated closely with the rate of SCb in outgrowing sprouts (McQuarrie and Jacob, J. Comp. Neurol. 305:139-147, 1991), we conclude that SCb is accelerated throughout the length of the axon by 7 days after axotomy.  相似文献   
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