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C L Jackson  R G Bryant 《Biochemistry》1989,28(12):5024-5028
The carbon-13 NMR spectra of glycogen are reported by using the methods of magic-angle sample spinning and high-power proton decoupling to provide a dynamic report on the glucose monomer behavior as a function of hydration. Although the glycogen behaves as a typical polymer in the dry state, addition of water makes a significant difference in the spectral appearance. Water addition decreases the carbon spin-lattice relaxation times by 2 orders of magnitude over the range from 7% to 70% water by weight. The proton-carbon dipole-dipole coupling, which broadens the carbon spectrum and permits cross-polarization spectroscopy, is lost with increasing hydration over this range. By 60% water by weight, scalar decoupling methods are sufficient to achieve a reasonably high-resolution spectrum. Further, at this concentration, the carbon spin-lattice relaxation times are near their minimum values at a resonance frequency of 50.3 MHz, making acquisition of carbon spectra relatively insensitive to intensity distortions associated with saturation effects. Though motional averaging places the spectrum in the solution phase limit, the static spectrum shows a residual broader component that would not necessarily be detected readily by using high-resolution liquid-state experiments.  相似文献   
During conjugation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two cells of opposite mating type (MATa and MAT alpha) fuse to form a diploid zygote. Conjugation requires that each cell locate an appropriate mating partner. To investigate how yeast cells select a mating partner, we developed a competition mating assay in which wild-type MAT alpha cells have a choice of two MATa cell mating partners. We first demonstrated that sterile MAT alpha 1 cells (expressing no a- or alpha-specific gene products) do not compete with fertile MATa cells in the assay; hence, wild-type MATa and MAT alpha cells can efficiently locate an appropriate mating partner. Second, we showed that a MATa strain need not be fertile to compete with a fertile MATa strain in the assay. This result defines an early step in conjugation, which we term courtship. We showed that the ability to agglutinate is not necessary in MATa cells for courtship but that production of a-pheromone and response to alpha-pheromone are necessary. Thus, MATa cells must not only transmit but must also receive and then respond to information for effective courtship; hence, there is a "conversation" between the courting cells. We showed that the only alpha-pheromone-induced response necessary in MATa cells for courtship is production of a-pheromone. In all cases tested, a strain producing a higher level of a-pheromone was more proficient in courtship than one producing a lower level. We propose that during courtship, a MAT alpha cell selects the adjacent MATa cell producing the highest level of a-pheromone.  相似文献   
Rhodobacter capsulatus strain BK5 possesses a membrane bound respiratory nitrate reductase rather than the periplasmic enzyme found in other strains. The enzyme in strain BK5 is shown to be both functionally and structurally related to the nitrate reductase of Paracoccus denitrificans and Escherichia coli.Abbreviation TMAO trimethylamine-N-oxide  相似文献   
In eukaryotic cells, two enzymes, DNA polymerases alpha and delta, are thought to play major roles in DNA synthesis. I have used butylphenyl dGTP (BuPdGTP), a potent inhibitor of purified DNA polymerase alpha, to assess the relative activities of these enzymes in two permeabilized cell systems. In both instances BuPdGTP eliminated all of the activity which was sensitive to aphidicolin. However, no conditions were found where BuPdGTP preferentially inhibited the synthesis of Okazaki fragments--the presumed products of DNA polymerase alpha activity. This implies that DNA polymerase activities on the two sides of the replication fork are unable to operate independently, being just two elements of the integrated replication machinery that undertakes DNA synthesis in permeabilized cells.  相似文献   
Portia is a genus of specialized web-invading salticids that use aggressive mimicry. Some other salticids leap into webs to catch spiders but do not use aggressive mimicry. Pholcus phalangioides is a web-building spider with a special defensive behaviour—called whirling—in which it swings its body around in a circle while keeping its long legs on the silk. Pholcus phalangioides is preyed on by Portia and probably other salticid spiders in nature. Interactions between P. phalangioides and 13 species of salticids were studied in the laboratory to compare how effective salticids with different styles of predation were at catching the pholcids. Four species of Portia were studied and each was more efficient at catching P. phalangioides than were the other nine salticids tested. For one species—Portia fimbriata—individuals from three different populations were studied. The Queensland P. fimbriata used aggressive mimicry more consistently and were more efficient at catching P. phalangioides than were the other species of Portia and the other populations of P. fimbriata . The salticids that were the most efficient at catching pholcids were also better able to avoid setting off whirling by the pholcids. An experiment in which pholcids were artificially induced to whirl whenever the predator was near provided additional evidence that whirling is an effective defence of pholcids against predation by salticids.  相似文献   
A fluorimetric assay for aminopeptidase W.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
N-Methylformamide extracts of acid-treated precipitated VFe protein of the V-nitrogenase of Azotobacter chroococcum are yellow-brown in colour and contain vanadium, iron and acid-labile sulphur in the approximate proportions 1:6:5. E.p.r. spectra of the extracts exhibit a weak signal with g values near 4.5, 3.6 and 2.0 characteristic of an S = 3/2 metal-containing centre. The N-methylformamide extracts activated the MoFe protein polypeptides from mutants of nitrogen-fixing bacteria unable to synthesize FeMoco, the active centre of Mo-nitrogenase. The active hybrid protein exhibited the characteristic substrate-reducing phenotype associated with the VFe protein except that it could not reduce N2 to NH3. The above data are interpreted as demonstrating the existence of an iron- and vanadium-containing cofactor, FeVaco, within the VFe protein. It is suggested that nitrogen fixation requires specific interactions between FeVaco or FeMoco and their respective polypeptides. The biosynthesis of these cofactors is discussed.  相似文献   
The third and fourth AUG codons in GCN4 mRNA efficiently repress translation of the GCN4-coding sequences under normal growth conditions. The first AUG codon is approximately 30-fold less inhibitory and is required under amino acid starvation conditions to override the repressing effects of AUG codons 3 and 4. lacZ fusions constructed to functional, elongated versions of the first and fourth upstream open reading frames (URFs) were used to show that AUG codons 1 and 4 function similarly as efficient translational start sites in vivo, raising the possibility that steps following initiation distinguish the regulatory properties of URFs 1 and 4. In accord with this idea, we observed different consequences of changing the length and termination site of URF1 versus changing those of URFs 3 and 4. The latter were lengthened considerably, with little or no effect on regulation. In fact, the function of URFs 3 and 4 was partially reconstituted with a completely heterologous URF. By contrast, certain mutations that lengthen URF1 impaired its positive regulatory function nearly as much as removing its AUG codon did. The same mutations also made URF1 a much more inhibitory element when it was present alone in the mRNA leader. These results strongly suggest that URFs 1 and 4 both function in regulation as translated coding sequences. To account for the phenotypes of the URF1 mutations, we suggest the most ribosomes normally translate URF1 and that the mutations reduce the number of ribosomes that are able to complete URF1 translation and resume scanning downstream. This effect would impair URF1 positive regulatory function if ribosomes must first translate URF1 in order to overcome the strong translational block at the 3'-proximal URFs. Because URF1-lacZ fusions were translated at the same rate under repressing and derepressing conditions, it appears that modulating initiation at URF1 is not the means that is used to restrict the regulatory consequences of URF1 translation to starvation conditions.  相似文献   
The geochemistry of available soil Se varies enormously in different localities, and the corresponding amounts moving up through crops to food vary accordingly. In a belt extending from northeastern to south central China, the available soil Se was measured by human blood Se levels. Severe deficiency occurred at 8–26 ng/mL; subadequate amounts occurred in large areas with 32–83 ng/mL; adequate amounts of 200–300 ng/mL occurred in large cities; and toxic amounts of 3000–7800 ng/mL occurred in terrace areas where runoff from the uplands evaporated, and in certain other soils. Some heart deaths (Keshan Disease) occurred in children 1 to 10 yr of age in the most deficient areas, but were prevented by 230–900 μg/wk Se supplementation. One mg Se/wk was the adult dosage. In Se deficient areas, the life span of adults was lowered severely (35 to 45 yr), with heart muscle damage common at autopsy. Se and Zn deficiencies are apparently associated with stomach cancer. The geochemistry of Se in the USA is also highly variable, blood Se ranging from 100–350 ng/mL. Se data for individuals are limited; however, ischemic heart death correlated inversely with blood Se in 25 cities of 22 states (r=?70;p<.01). Counties of Wisconsin and Florida are highly variable in human heart death and cancer death rates, as are the 50 states, suggesting Se geographic variability.  相似文献   
Antibodies raised against the synthetic peptide corresponding to the carboxy-terminal 24 amino acids (305-328) of the heavy chain of the hemagglutinin molecule of influenza virus A/X-31 (H3) bind this peptide at three antigenic sites. These sites were identified by assaying binding of polyclonal BALB/c mouse antipeptide sera to the complete set of all possible di-, tri, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, hepta-, and octapeptides homologous with the 24-residue sequence. Individual epitopes were defined and essential residues identified by testing the binding of monoclonal antibodies to sets of peptide analogues in which every one of the homologous residues was replaced in turn by each of the 19 alternative genetically coded amino acids. The immunodominant epitope was shown to be a linear sequence of five amino acids, 314LKLAT318. Replacement of any one of these residues with any other amino acid resulted in loss of antibody binding, indicating that all five are essential to the interaction and that they are probably contact residues. Another antigenic site contains at least two overlapping epitopes: polyclonal sera recognize predominantly an epitope or epitopes encompassed by the linear sequence 320MRNVPEKQT328, whereas the epitope defined by a particular monoclonal antibody comprises the seven amino acids 322NVPEKQT328, of which N322, E325, and Q327 were implicated as contact residues.  相似文献   
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