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Recent research has identified protein kinase D (PKD, also called PKCmu) as a serine/threonine kinase with potentially important roles in growth factor signaling as well as in stress-induced signaling. Moreover, PKD has emerged as an important regulator of plasma membrane enzymes and receptors, in some cases mediating cross-talk between different signaling systems. The recent discovery of two additional kinases belonging to the PKD family and the plethora of proteins that interact with PKD point to a multifaceted regulation and a multifunctional role for these enzymes, with functions in processes as diverse as cell proliferation, apoptosis, immune cell regulation, tumor cell invasion and regulation of Golgi vesicle fission.  相似文献   
The genus Clostridium comprises a large, heterogeneous group of obligate anaerobic, Gram‐positive spore forming bacilli. Members of this genus are ubiquitous in the environment and although most species are considered saprophytic, several are pathogenic to both humans and animals. These bacteria cause a variety of diseases including neuroparalysis, gas gangrene, necrotic enteritis, food poisoning, toxic shock syndrome and pseudomembraneous colitis, which in most cases arise as a consequence of the production of potent exotoxins. Treatment options are often limited, underscoring the need for new treatment strategies and novel therapeutics. Understanding the fundamental mechanisms and signals that control toxin production in the pathogenic clostridia may lead to the identification of novel therapeutic targets that can be exploited in the development of new antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   
It is now recognized that speciation can proceed even when divergent natural selection is opposed by gene flow. Understanding the extent to which environmental gradients and geographical distance can limit gene flow within species can shed light on the relative roles of selection and dispersal limitation during the early stages of population divergence and speciation. On the remote Lord Howe Island (Australia), ecological speciation with gene flow is thought to have taken place in several plant genera. The aim of this study was to establish the contributions of isolation by environment (IBE) and isolation by community (IBC) to the genetic structure of 19 plant species, from a number of distantly related families, which have been subjected to similar environmental pressures over comparable time scales. We applied an individual-based, multivariate, model averaging approach to quantify IBE and IBC, while controlling for isolation by distance (IBD). Our analyses demonstrated that all species experienced some degree of ecologically driven isolation, whereas only 12 of 19 species were subjected to IBD. The prevalence of IBE within these plant species indicates that divergent selection in plants frequently produces local adaptation and supports hypotheses that ecological divergence can drive speciation in sympatry.  相似文献   
Background: The abundance of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the eastern United States has escalated during the twentieth century, potentially impacting plant communities.

Methods: We measured understorey plant cover and biomass five years after excluding deer from mature forests of three ecological regions in Mississippi, USA. We extended the significance of P values to 0.10 to detect developing impacts.

Results: Deer impacts were limited and varied by ecological region. We recorded 151 species in cover transects. Consistent exclosure treatment effects were detected in two regions where there was greater cover of two deer forages and less cover of three non-forages. Species richness was greater in exclosures in one region, but otherwise species richness and diversity indices did not differ. We recorded 127 species in biomass quadrats. Exclosure treatment effects on biomass were inconsistent. Out of five species with significant differences, three had more biomass in controls, including two deer forages. Except for greater total biomass in controls of one region, there were no differences by growth form or total vegetation for canopy coverage or biomass. Ordination of community canopy cover demonstrated similarity of paired exclosure and controls.

Conclusions: Exclosure treatment effects on canopy cover and species richness in two regions indicated limited negative impacts from deer foraging. A time frame of more than five years may be required for exclusion to allow recovery of vegetation, even with relatively open canopies and a long growing season.  相似文献   

Obesity is an established colon cancer risk factor, while preventing or reversing obesity via a calorie restriction (CR) diet regimen decreases colon cancer risk. Unfortunately, the biological mechanisms underlying these associations are poorly understood, hampering development of mechanism-based approaches for preventing obesity-related colon cancer. We tested the hypotheses that diet-induced obesity (DIO) would increase (and CR would decrease) colon tumorigenesis in the mouse azoxymethane (AOM) model. In addition, we established that changes in inflammatory cytokines, growth factors, and microRNAs are associated with these energy balance-colon cancer links, and thus represent mechanism-based targets for colon cancer prevention. Mice were injected with AOM once a week for 5 weeks and randomized to: 1) control diet; 2) 30% CR diet; or 3) DIO diet. Mice were euthanized at week 5 (n = 12/group), 10 (n = 12/group), and 20 (n = 20/group) after the last AOM injection. Colon tumors were counted, and cytokines, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), IGF binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3), adipokines, proliferation, apoptosis, and expression of microRNAs (miRs) were measured. The DIO diet regimen induced an obese phenotype (∼36% body fat), while CR induced a lean phenotype (∼14% body fat); controls were intermediate (∼26% body fat). Relative to controls, DIO increased (and CR decreased) the number of colon tumors (p = 0.01), cytokines (p<0.001), IGF-1 (p = 0.01), and proliferation (p<0.001). DIO decreased (and CR increased) IGFBP-3 and apoptosis (p<0.001). miRs including mir-425, mir-196, mir-155, mir-150, mir-351, mir-16, let-7, mir34, and mir-138 were differentially expressed between the dietary groups. We conclude that the enhancing effects of DIO and suppressive effects of CR on colon carcinogenesis are associated with alterations in several biological pathways, including inflammation, IGF-1, and microRNAs.  相似文献   
Bioremediation is a possible mechanism for clean-up of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils in the Antarctic. Microbes indigenous to the Antarctic are required that degrade the hydrocarbon contaminants found in the soil, and that are able to survive and maintain activity under in situ conditions. Alkane- degrading bacteria previously isolated from oil-contaminated soil from around Scott Base, Antarctica, grew on a number of n-alkanes from hexane (C6) through to eicosane (C20) and the branched alkane pristane. Mineralization of 14C-dodecane was demonstrated with four strains. Representative isolates were identified as Rhodococcus species using 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Rhodococcus spp. strains 5/14 and 7/1 grew at −2°C but numbers of viable cells declined when incubated at 37°C. Both strains appear to have the major cold-shock gene cspA. Partial nucleotide sequence analyses of the PCR-amplified cspA open reading frame from Rhodococcus spp. strains 5/14 and 7/1 were approximately 60% identical to cspA from Escherichia coli. Accepted: 6 September 1999  相似文献   
Mysis introductions to the lakes of western North America have shown they are important predators on zooplankton, especially daphnids, and intercept energy flows that would otherwise be available to pelagic fishes. However, understanding of the ecological roles of Mysis within invaded communities following their establishment remains weak. We analyzed zooplankton and phytoplankton data collected from Okanagan Lake, British Columbia, within a time-series framework to evaluate the strength of ecological interactions between Mysis and the other dominant plankton. Top-down effects of Mysis in the plankton community were only detected on cyclopoid copepods and cyanophytes. Mysis dynamics were mostly driven by bottom-up effects from diatoms and from small cladocerans whose dynamics were driven primarily by the abundance of edible phytoplankton. This result supports the growing appreciation of the importance of omnivory in mysids and was consistent between the two main basins of the lake. We also analyzed published stable C and N isotope data from the plankton of Okanagan Lake with an isotope mixing model to estimate the relative importance of various potential energy sources to Mysis. This analysis supported the time-series results suggesting the importance of diatoms and small zooplankton to Mysis. However, the isotopes also suggested important resource flows from Daphnia to Mysis, an interaction not detected in the time-series analysis. Taken together, these results suggest that Mysis is a strong interactor in the Okanagan Lake food web, relying in part on energy flow through Daphnia. However, subsidies from diatoms likely decouple seasonal Mysis population dynamics from the seasonal population dynamics of Daphnia.  相似文献   
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