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Incubation of maize branching enzyme, mBEI and mBEII, with 100 μM diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) rapidly inactivated the enzymes. Treatment of the DEPC-inactivated enzymes with 100–500 mM hydroxylamine restored the enzyme activities. Spectroscopic data indicated that the inactivation of BE with DEPC was the result of histidine modification. The addition of the substrate amylose or amylopectin retarded the enzyme inactivation by DEPC, suggesting that the histidine residues are important for substrate binding. In maize BEII, conserved histidine residues are in catalytic regions 1 (His320) and 4 (His508). His320 and His508 were individually replaced by Ala via site-directed mutagenesis to probe their role in catalysis. Expression of these mutants inE. coli showed a significant decrease of the activity and the mutant enzymes hadK m values 10 times higher than the wild type. Therefore, residues His320 and His508 do play an important role in substrate binding.  相似文献   
Karyotype analysis by chromosome banding is the standard method for identifying numerical and structural chromosomal aberrations in pre- and postnatal cytogenetics laboratories. However, the chromosomal origins of markers, subtle translocations, or complex chromosomal rearrangements are often difficult to identify with certainty. We have developed a novel karyotyping technique, termed spectral karyotyping (SKY), which is based on the simultaneous hybridization of 24 chromosome-specific painting probes labeled with different fluorochromes or fluorochrome combinations. The measurement of defined emission spectra by means of interferometer-based spectral imaging allows for the definitive discernment of all human chromosomes in different colors. Here, we report the comprehensive karyotype analysis of 16 samples from different cytogenetic laboratories by merging conventional cytogenetic methodology and spectral karyotyping. This approach could become a powerful tool for the cytogeneticists, because it results in a considerable improvement of karyotype analysis by identifying chromosomal aberrations not previously detected by G-banding alone. Advantages, limitations, and future directions of spectral karyotyping are discussed. Received: 4 August 1997 / Accepted: 8 September 1997  相似文献   
Summary The inverse protein-folding problem has been explored by designing de novo the betabellin target structure (a 64-residue β-sandwich protein), synthesizing a 32-residue peptide chain (HSLTAKIpkLTFSIAphTYTCAVpkYTAKVSH, wherep=DPro,k=DLys, andh=DHis) that might fold into this structure, and studying how its disulfide-bridged form (betabellin 15D) folds in 10 mM ammonium acetate with and without Cu2+. Circular dichroic spectropolarimetry indicated that at pH 5.8, 6.4, or 6.7 betabellin 15D exhibited β-sheet structure in the presence of Cu2+ but not in its absence. Electrospray mass spectrometry demonstrated that at pH 6.3 each molecule of betabellin 15D bound one or two Cu(II) ions. Electron microscopy showed that at pH 6.7 betabellin 15D formed short broad fibrils in the presence of Cu2+ but not in its absence. The observed width of the fibrils (7±2 nm) was consistent with the width (6.8nm) of a structural model of a fibril that contained two adjacent rows of betabellin 15D β-sandwiches joined lengthwise by multiple intersheet hydrogen bonds and widthwise by multiple Cu(II)-imidazole bonds. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry revealed that some pairs of Cu(II) ions in a Cu(II)/betabellin 15D complex were magnetically coupled, which is consistent with the structural model of the Cu(II)/betabellin 15D fibril.  相似文献   
The evolutionary origins of the morphological and taxonomic diversity of angiosperms is poorly known. We used the genus Melianthus to explore the diversification of the southern African flora. Melianthus comprises eight species, and a phylogeny based on one nuclear and two plastid genes, as well as a morphological data set, confirmed that the genus is monophyletic. The two earliest diverging lineages are found in relatively mesic habitats, whereas the two terminal clades (an eastern and a western clade), each with three species, favor more arid habitats. The eastern clade is largely restricted to the summer-rainfall parts of southern Africa, and the western clade is found in winter-rainfall region. Molecular dating indicates a mid-Tertiary origin of the genus, with diversification of the eastern and western clades coincident with the Late Miocene-Pliocene uplift of the Escarpment mountains and the establishment of summer aridity along the west coast. The remarkably complex flowers are indicative of sunbird pollination, but many smaller birds can also visit. Speciation may be the consequence of allopatric divergence into edaphic-climatic niches. Divergence in flower and inflorescence morphology might be in response to the divergent pressures for nectar conservation in arid regions coupled with the need for signaling to avian pollinators in generally shrubby vegetation.  相似文献   
Interleukin (IL)-13, a key mediator of Th2-mediated immunity, contributes to the pathogenesis of asthma and other pulmonary diseases via its ability to generate fibrosis, mucus metaplasia, eosinophilic inflammation, and airway hyperresponsiveness. In these studies, we compared surfactant accumulation in wild-type mice and mice in which IL-13 was overexpressed in the lung. When compared with littermate controls, transgenic animals showed alveolar type II cell hypertrophy under light and electron microscopy. Over time, their alveoli also filled with surfactant in a pulmonary alveolar proteinosis pattern. At the same time, prominent interstitial fibrosis occurs. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from these mice had a three- to sixfold increase in surfactant phospholipids. Surfactant proteins (SP)-A, -B, and -C showed two- to threefold increases, whereas SP-D increased 70-fold. These results indicate that IL-13 is a potent stimulator of surfactant phospholipid and surfactant accumulation in the lung. IL-13 may therefore play a central role in the broad range of chronic pulmonary conditions in which fibrosis, type II cell hypertrophy, and surfactant accumulation occur.  相似文献   
Many authors have claimed that short branches in the Tree of Life will be very difficult to resolve with strong support, even with the large multilocus data sets now made possible by genomic resources. Short branches may be especially problematic because the underlying gene trees are expected to have discordant phylogenetic histories when the time between branching events is very short. Although there are many examples of short branches that are difficult to resolve, surprisingly, no empirical studies have systematically examined the relationships between branch lengths, branch support, and congruence among genes. Here, we examine these fundamental relationships quantitatively using a data set of 20 nuclear loci for 50 species of snakes (representing most traditionally recognized families). A combined maximum likelihood analysis of the 20 loci gives strong support for 69% of the nodes, but many remain weakly supported, with bootstrap values for 20% ranging from 21% to 66%. For the combined-data tree, we find significant correlations between the length of a branch, levels of bootstrap support, and the proportion of genes that are congruent with that branch in the separate analyses of each gene. We also find that strongly supported conflicts between gene trees over the resolution of individual branches are common (roughly 35% of clades), especially for shorter branches. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that short branches may be very difficult to confidently resolve, even with large, multilocus data sets. Nevertheless, our study provides strong support for many clades, including several that were controversial or poorly resolved in previous studies of snake phylogeny.  相似文献   
Our previous work has shown that adult mice with overexpression of IL-6 and IL-13 in the lung have enhanced survival in hyperoxia associated with reduced hyperoxia-induced lung injury and cell death. We hypothesized that there are developmental differences in these responses in the adult vs. the newborn (NB) animal, and these responses have clinical relevance in the human NB. We compared the responses to 100% O(2) of NB IL-6 and IL-13 transgenic mice with wild-type littermate controls by evaluating mortality, lung tissue TUNEL staining, and mRNA expression using RT-PCR. We used ELISA to measure IL-6 levels in tracheal aspirates from human neonates. Our results show that, in contrast to the cytoprotective effects in mature mice, IL-6 caused significantly increased mortality, DNA injury, caspases, cell death regulator and angiogenic factor expression in hyperoxia in the NB. Furthermore, tracheal aspirate levels of IL-6 were significantly increased in premature neonates with respiratory distress syndrome who had an adverse outcome (bronchopulmonary dysplasia/death). In contrast to the protective effects in adults, there was no survival advantage to the NB IL-13 mice in hyperoxia. These findings imply that caution should be exercised in extrapolating results from the adult to the NB.  相似文献   
Impacts of fish predation on an Ohio River zooplankton community   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Compared to lentic systems, much less is known about the factorsthat structure zooplankton communities in large river environments.In this study, we used an in situ mesocosm system, the potamocorrals,to assess the impact of larval fish on the zooplankton communityin the Ohio River (USA). The responses of zooplankton to increasingbiomasses of fish were taxon-dependent. The population growthrates of the most common zooplankton, Diacyclops thomasi, variedinversely with fish biomass, while other crustacean zooplanktonshowed no significant responses to the fish treatment. The reversepattern was seen for the rotifer Polyarthra sp. whose populationgrowth rates increased with increasing fish biomass. This isthe first in situ evaluation of fish predation on zooplanktonin a large river system and demonstrates that predation as wellas physical factors may influence riverine zooplankton densitiesand community structure.  相似文献   
Nitrogen fixation in decaying chestnut logs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Nitrogen fixation is shown to occur in decaying logs of American chestnut, Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh., by acetylene reduction techniques, and its significance is considered in relation to log decomposition in forest ecosystems. re]19721109  相似文献   
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