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Based on similarities in basidial morphology and nucleotide sequences of the V3 variable region in the large sub-unit ribosomal RNA, the yeastLeucosporidium lari-marini is considered phylogenetically related to the genusCystofilobasidium. Therefore the new combinationCystofilobasidium lari-marini is proposed.  相似文献   
R S Jack  H Eggert 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(8):2603-2609
Sequence specific DNA binding proteins in eukaryotic cells must efficiently locate their binding sites in chromosomes. Restriction enzymes provide a simple model system with which to investigate the factors which influence this process. We have used P element mediated transformation to introduce a DNA fragment containing a set of characterized restriction sites into the Drosophila germline. Embryonic nuclei prepared from these transgenic animals were treated with restriction enzymes to probe the accessibility of the target restriction sites. The results show that the insert is within an accessible region of the chromosome and that restriction sites within the inserted sequence can be cut. However, the rate of cutting is biphasic. At each restriction site, a fraction of the chromosomes is cut rapidly after which the remainder is refractory. Similar levels of incomplete cutting are obtained when the same P element construct is examined at a different chromosomal location, when different sequence elements are introduced into the P element vector or when the experiment is carried out on nuclei from different embryonic stages. These results are discussed in terms of how sequence specific DNA binding proteins may locate their genomic targets in vivo.  相似文献   
Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus occurs at Bantayan Island in a habitat of small patches of mixed scleractinian and alcyonacean corals of low diversity and simple structure. Male-female pairs were predominant, and the sex-ratio showed only a slight skew towards females. However, the presence of single male, two-female social groups demonstrates that the species is polygamous. Small size of social groups is attributed to a preference for a habitat lacking structural complexity. The species did not occur on complex coral reefs. Social and spawning behavior are nearly identical to that of most pomacanthids for which data are available, and although sex-change was not demonstrated, size-related dominance hierarchies and close phylogenetic relationships to sex-changing pomacanthids suggest protogynous hermaphroditism in this species. Behaviorally,C. mesoleucus appears quite similar to a large group of species proposed herein to represent a generalized pomacanthid behavioral type. Divergences from this generalized type by members ofGenicanthus, eastern PacificHolacanthus, and western AtlanticPomacanthus are discussed. Evidence is given to suggest the phylogenetic derivation of the subgenusCentropyge (genusCentropyge) from an ancestor of the subgenusXiphipops type. Color dimorphism and “rendezvous sites” are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that locomotor speed and endurance show a negative genetic correlation using a genetically variable laboratory strain of house mice (Hsd:ICR: Mus domesticus). A negative genetic correlation would qualify as an evolutionary “constraint,” because both aspects of locomotor performance are generally expected to be under positive directional selection in wild populations. We also tested whether speed or endurance showed any genetic correlation with body mass. For all traits, residuals from multiple regression equations were computed to remove effects of possible confounding variables such as age at testing, measurement block, observer, and sex. Estimates of quantitative genetic parameters were then obtained using Shaw's (1987) restricted maximum-likelihood programs, modified to account for our breeding design, which incorporated cross-fostering. Both speed and endurance were measured on two consecutive trial days, and both were repeatable. We initially analyzed performances on each trial day and the maximal value. For endurance, the three estimates of narrow-sense heritabilities ranged from 0.17 to 0.33 (full ADCE model), and some were statistically significantly different from zero using likelihood ratio tests. The heritability estimate for sprint speed measured on trial day 1 was 0.17, but negative for all other measures. Moreover, the additive genetic covariance between speeds measured on the two days was near zero, indicating that the two measures are to some extent different traits. The additive genetic covariance between speed on trial day 1 and any of the four measures of endurance was negative, large, and always statistically significant. None of the measures of speed or endurance was significantly genetically correlated with body mass. Thus, we predict that artificial selection for increased locomotor speed in these mice would result in a decrease in endurance, but no change in body mass. Such experiments could lead to a better understanding of the physiological mechanisms leading to trade-offs in aspects of locomotor abilities.  相似文献   
We report the species of crustacean zooplankton found in 19 resevoirs and ponds that were sampled at on at least two occasions in Aguascalientes State, Mexico, at a latitude of about 21°30 North Latitude. We collected a total of 33 cladoceran taxa, 15 calanoid and cyclopoid copepods, an Ergasilus copepod, 2 anostracans, one notostracan species and an amphipod. All these taxa had previously been reported in Mexico. As in more temperate areas, there was a significant correlation between the species richness and lake size. The species-area relationship for Aguascalientes was indistinguishable from that of more northerly lakes. The two most common associations of zooplankton species were (1) those small species that occurred with fish: Daphnia parvula, Diaphanosoma birgei, Leptodiaptomus siciloides, Mastigodiaptomus albuquerquensis, and Thermocyclops inversus, and (2) the large Daphnia schodleri that occurred with the predator Notonecta, in the absence of fish. With minor variations, these two associations also occur throughout temperate North America.  相似文献   
Summary In order to determine the ploidy of individual embryo-like structures (ELSs) following chromosome doubling treatments, a method was developed to determine the DNA content (ploidy level) of nuclei from single ELSs weighing as little as 1 mg using flow cytometry. About half (53%) of the ELSs which formed during anther culture of the maize inbred line used in control medium were haploid, 27% mixoploid and 20% diploid. Gibberellic acid (GA3) increased the diploid percentage to 52% without affecting the mixoploid frequency (26%). A four day treatment with the chromosome doubling agent colchicine (50M) increased chromosome doubling while oryzalin eliminated the diploidy and mixoploidy. When regenerable callus cultures were initiated from the ELSs none were found to be mixoploid but the haploid and diploid proportions were similar to that of the ELSs analyzed. Regenerable cultures could not be initiated from the colchicine treated ELSs, however. These studies show that with the genotype used here, GA3 and colchicine increased the amount of chromosome doubling of the ELSs while oryzalin and pronamide did not. The mixoploidy which existed in about 25% of the ELSs was never observed in calli apparently because these structures do not initiate callus or cells of only one ploidy level grew.Abbreviations ELS embryo-like structure - GA3 gibberellin A3  相似文献   
A pink-pigmented, facultative methylotrophic (PPFM) bacterium, Methylobacterium mesophilicum, which is found on the leaf surface of most plants, has been reported to be a covert contaminant of tissue cultures initiated from Glycine max (soybean) leaves and seeds by Holland and Polacco (1992). The bacteria can be detected as pink colonies when leaves are pressed or tissue culture homogenates are plated on a medium with methanol as the sole carbon source. Since the presence of contaminating bacteria can confound any biochemical results obtained with such cultures (Holland and Polacco 1992), we wanted to determine the extent of the contamination of our tissue cultures of soybean and other species. No PPFMs were detected in any soybean culture we have, and previous results describing the biochemical characteristics of ureide utilization by one of our soybean suspension cultures (27C) also indicates that PPFM bacteria were not present. Analysis of about 200 other strains of 11 different species maintained in this lab showed that only three of about 160 callus cultures, recently initiated from Datura innoxia leaves, contained PPFMs. The D. innoxia leaves did have PPFMs on their surface but in most cases they did not survive the surface disinfestation and culture regimes. Thus PPFM bacterial contamination should not be a serious problem in most plant tissue cultures.Abbreviations AMS ammonium mineral salts medium - PPFM pink-pigmented facultative methylotrophic bacteria  相似文献   
Test strains suspended in skim milk, quickly frozen in dry ice-ethanol, and stored at - 70°C can be used as quality control samples that are immediately available by quickly thawing at 37°C. The samples remain homogeneous and stable for at least 1 year, except for Aeromonas hydrophila, which decreases 20 to 30% in 1 year.  相似文献   
(S)-(-)-Tropic acid is the acidic moiety of the tropane ester alkaloids, hyoscyamine and scopolamine (hyoscine). When tropic acid is fed to transformed root cultures of Datura stramonium L. or a Brugmansia (Datura) Candida x B. aurea hybrid, the formation of these alkaloids is inhibited. Phenyllactic acid, from which the tropoyl moiety is derived, is considerably less inhibitory. Label from (RS)-phenyl[1,3-13C2]lactic acid is incorporated at high levels into apoatropine, littorine, aposcopolamine, hyoscyamine, 7-hydroxyapoatropine, scopolamine and 7-hydroxyhyoscyamine when fed to these cultures. The presence of an excess concentration of unlabelled tropic acid has little influence on the specific incorporation into these products. It is concluded that free tropic acid is not an intermediate in hyoscyamine biosynthesis but rather that the rearrangement of phenyllactic acid occurs subsequent to its esterification.Abbreviations FM fresh mass - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy We are grateful to Drs. N.J. Walton, A.J. Parr, M.J.C. Rhodes (Institue of Food Research, Norwich) and B. Dräger (Münster, Germany) for helpful and critical discussions. We also wish to thank Dr. P. Bachmann (Braunschweig, Germany) for suggesting the use of the DB-17 column to separate littorine from hyoscyamine and for the modified Excel programme used to calculate the specific incorporations, Yannick Ford (AFRC Co-operative Award Studentship, University of Oxford) and Abigael Peerless for their able assistance, Dr. I. Colquhoun for assistance with some of the NMR spectroscopy and Drs. K. Shimomura (Tsukuba, Japan) and T. Hashimoto (Kyoto, Japan) for pure samples of 7-hydroxyhyoscyamine. J.G.W, gratefully acknowledges support from the Nuffield Foundation under the Small Grants Scheme to promote collaborative experimentation and M.A. is grateful to the Ministry of Education, Iran for a research scholarship.  相似文献   
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