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Airborne concentrations of viablemicroorganisms and bacterial endotoxin were determinedduring 10 intramural agricultural activities includinghandling or processing of 6 kinds of vegetableproducts: grain, hay, horticulture seeds, herbs, flaxand potatoes. The median values of the concentrationof total viable microorganisms (bacteria + fungi)were within a range from 43.2 × 103 CFU/m3at potato processing to 1240.0 × 103 CFU/m3in small granaries, exceeding in 9 out of 10 cases thelevel of 105 CFU/m3 suggested as aoccupational exposure limit (OEL). Many of theisolated bacteria and fungi were reported asallergenic and/or immunotoxic agents. The medianvalues of the endotoxin concentration ranged from0.0125 g/m3 at handling hay to54.9 g/m3 at crushing grain, exceeding in 5out of 7 cases the suggested OEL of0.1 g/m3. The high levels of exposure toairborne microorganisms and endotoxin found by thisstudy indicate a potential risk of occupationalrespiratory disorders among agricultural workers, mostly in those handling grain.  相似文献   
Human CD4(+) T lymphocytes undergo aging-related changes leading to decreased immunity to infections and neoplasms, and to increased frequency of autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Certain changes, observed in the CD4(+) cells of RA patients, resemble those observed during physiological aging, but occur at earlier age. Underlying cellular mechanism(s) of these similarities are so far largely unknown. Here we show that KLOTHO, a beta-glucuronidase gene whose activity changes are associated with aging phenotype, is down-regulated at the mRNA, protein, and enzymatic (beta-glucuronidase) activity levels both in the healthy elderly and especially in RA CD4(+) lymphocytes. Although the exact role of Klotho activity for CD4(+) cell function is unknown, we propose here that it might be involved in anti-inflammatory processes occurring in the young and healthy individuals, but reduced in both healthy elderly and RA patients. To support this hypothesis, we show here that the reduction of Klotho expression and activity in both elderly and patients' lymphocytes occurs in concert with the down-regulation of T cell costimulatory molecule CD28, the latter known to be dependent on increased levels of TNF-alpha. Thus, a common mechanism of KLOTHO down-regulation, but executed at various times in life, may underlie both physiological and disease-related T cell aging. Klotho activity might become a target of anti-RA drug development as well as a tool to help increase the immune system efficiency in the elderly.  相似文献   
Human neutrophil alpha-defensins (HNPs) are synthesized in vivo as inactive precursor proteins, i.e. preproHNPs. A series of sequential proteolytic events excise the N-terminal inhibitory pro peptide, leading to defensin maturation and storage in azurophilic granules. The anionic pro peptide, required for correct sub-cellular trafficking and sorting of proHNPs, inhibits the antimicrobial activity of cationic defensins, either inter or intra-molecularly, presumably through charge neutralization. To better understand the role of the pro peptide in the folding and functioning of alpha-defensins and/or pro alpha-defensins, we chemically attached the proHNP1 pro peptide or (wt)pro peptide and the following artificial pro segments to the N terminus of HNP1: polyethylene glycol (PEG), Arg(10) (polyR), Ser(10) (polyS), and (cr)pro peptide, a charge-reversing mutant of the pro peptide where Arg/Lys residues were changed to Asp, and Asp/Glu residues to Lys. Comparative in vitro folding suggested that while all artificial pro segments chaperoned defensin folding, with PEG being the most efficient, the pro peptide catalyzed the folding of proHNPs likely through two independent mechanisms: solubilization of and interaction with the C-terminal defensin domain. Further, the N-terminal artificial pro segments dramatically altered the bactericidal activity of HNP1 against both Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Surprisingly, (cr)pro peptide and (wt)pro peptide showed similar properties with respect to intra-molecular and inter-molecular catalysis of defensin folding as well as alpha-defensin binding, although their binding modes appeared different. Our findings identify a dual chaperone activity of the pro peptide and may shed light on the molecular mechanisms by which pro alpha-defensins fold in vivo.  相似文献   
Realistic molecular models of one and two-centre catalytic active sites originating from the cleavage of a precursor material known to give rise to an active double metal cyanide catalyst are described. Via periodic density functional calculations the structure of the proposed catalytic sites are shown to be dependent on electrostatic and structural relaxation processes occurring at the surfaces of the precursor material. It is shown how these effects may be adequately captured by small molecular models of the active sites. The general methodology proposed should provide a computationally efficient basis for detailed future studies into catalytic reactions over double metal cyanide materials. Figure Reconstructed DMC [100]-surface: electrostatic potential mapped on charge density isosurface This work has been originally presented on the Modelling and Design of Molecular Materials conference in Wrocław, Poland.  相似文献   
Aquatic Ecology - Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii) is currently one of the most invasive fish species in Europe. This inspired our research to identify potential channels of emigration in two...  相似文献   
From affiliative behaviors to romantic feelings: a role of nanopeptides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Debiec J 《FEBS letters》2007,581(14):2580-2586
Love is one of the most desired experiences. The quest for understanding human bonds, especially love, was traditionally a domain of the humanities. Recent developments in biological sciences yield new insights into the mechanisms underlying the formation and maintenance of human relationships. Animal models of reproductive behaviors, mother-infant attachment and pair bonding complemented by human studies reveal neuroendocrine foundations of prosocial behaviors and emotions. Amongst various identified neurotransmitters and modulators, which control affiliative behaviors, the particular role of nanopeptides has been indicated. New studies suggest that these chemicals are not only involved in regulating bonding processes in animals but also contribute to generating positive social attitudes and feelings in humans.  相似文献   
Here, two temperature sensitive promoters, P2 and P7, isolated from Bacillus subtilis, were characterized. The production of beta-galactosidase driven by these promoters was much higher at 45 degrees C than that at 37 degrees C both in Escherichia coli and B. subtilis and that the P2 promoter showed higher expression strength in B. subtilis at 45 degrees C. Thereby, an efficient temperature-inducible expression system was constructed by using P2 promoter in B. subtilis. Thus, we isolated and characterized a newly temperature inducible promoter and exploited it as a potential expression element in B. subtilis.  相似文献   
Immunohistochemical markers of cancerogenesis in the lung   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths for people of both sexes worldwide. Early diagnosis of precancer lesions may be of crucial significance to lowering lung cancer mortality. The World Health Organization has defined three preneoplastic lesions of the bronchial epithelium: squamous dysplasia and carcinoma in situ, atypical adenomatous hyperplasia and diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia. These lesions are believed to progress to squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and carcinoid tumors, respectively. Apart from WHO classification, two other lesions such as bronchiolization and bronchiolar columnar cell dysplasia (BCCD) can be observed and thought to be preneoplastic lesions leading to adenocarcinoma. In this review we summarize the data of morphological and cell cycle related proteins changes in both central and peripheral compartments of lung. Many molecular changes, which accompany the multistep process of the development of invasive types of cancer, may be observed thanks to the application of immunohistochemical markers. A deeper knowledge of molecular and genetic changes accompanying pre-cancer states may show new directions of early diagnostics of cancer development.  相似文献   
DNA methylation in states of cell physiology and pathology   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
DNA methylation is one of epigenetic mechanisms regulating gene expression. The methylation pattern is determined during embryogenesis and passed over to differentiating cells and tissues. In a normal cell, a significant degree of methylation is characteristic for extragenic DNA (cytosine within the CG dinucleotide) while CpG islands located in gene promoters are unmethylated, except for inactive genes of the X chromosome and the genes subjected to genomic imprinting. The changes in the methylation pattern, which may appear as the organism age and in early stages of cancerogenesis, may lead to the silencing of over ninety endogenic genes. It has been found, that these disorders consist not only of the methylation of CpG islands, which are normally unmethylated, but also of the methylation of other dinucleotides, e.g. CpA. Such methylation has been observed in non-small cell lung cancer, in three regions of the exon 5 of the p53 gene (so-called "non-CpG" methylation). The knowledge of a normal methylation process and its aberrations appeared to be useful while searching for new markers enabling an early detection of cancer. With the application of the Real-Time PCR technique (using primers for methylated and unmethylated sequences) five new genes which are potential biomarkers of lung cancer have been presented.  相似文献   
Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) has been implicated as a key factor in the recruitment and activation of peripheral blood leukocytes in atherosclerotic lesions and adipose tissue. Elevated levels of circulating MCP-1 have been found in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as with coronary artery disease. In this study we compared serum MCP-1 concentrations between pregnant women with normal glucose tolerance (NGT), gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and non-pregnant healthy women. The group studied consisted of 62 patients with GDM (mean age 30.1 +/- 5.0 years) at 29.0 +/- 3.5 week of gestation, 64 pregnant women with NGT (mean age 30.0 +/- 4.7 years) at 29.2 +/- 2.9 week of gestation and 34 non-pregnant healthy women (mean age 29.8 +/- 4.7 years). Serum MCP-1 concentration was measured using an enzyme - linked immunosorbent assay. Median MCP-1 concentrations did not differ significantly between women with GDM (median 342.3 [interquartile range 267.9-424.4] pg/ml) and NGT (338.0 [274.7-408.2] pg/ml), but were markedly lower than those found in non-pregnant women (485.2 [409.6-642.4] pg/ml, p<0.0001). After adjusting for glucose, the difference between pregnant and non-pregnant women remained highly significant (p<0.0001). In GDM patients MCP-1 levels correlated significantly with fasting glucose (r=0.2665, p=0.0363), insulin (r=0.4330, p=0.0004), HOMA-IR (r=0.4402, p=0.0003), ISQUICKI (r=-0.4402, p=0.0003), HbA1c (r=0.2724, p=0.0322), as well as with prepregnancy and current BMI (r=0.3501, p=0.0057 and r=0.3250, p=0.0106, respectively). Multiple regression analysis revealed that MCP1 concentrations were significantly predicted only by plasma glucose ( beta=0.3489, p=0.00004). Our results suggest that MCP1 levels are decreased in pregnant women, irrespective of their glucose tolerance status.  相似文献   
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