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We studied the habitat of the polecat at different scales in a low density area. For this purpose we gathered data on the presence of the species and characterised them by location, home range and landscape scales. Polecats selected areas of high diversity close to, but not in, streams whilst avoiding intensively managed conifer plantations and dense urban areas. Variables determining the presence/absence of the species were found at home range scales, which implies that management and conservation practices for the species should be aimed mainly at this scale. Finally, our results agree with previously published works, which validate GIS-based approaches as a tool for carnivore management in areas with scarce data or in cases of rare species.  相似文献   
Ungulate vehicle collisions (UVC) provoke serious damage, including human casualties, and a large number of measures have been developed around the world to avoid collisions. We analyse the main factors involved in UVC in a road network built in the absence of ungulates, where mitigation structures to avoid UVC were not adequately considered. Ungulate population greatly increased during the last two decades and now Roe Deer and Wild Boars are widely distributed over the study area, but even after this increase, the road network was not adapted to avoid UVC. A total of 235 Roe Deer (RDVC) and 153 Wild Boar vehicle collisions (WBVC) were recorded between January 2008 and December 2011. We randomly selected 289 sample points (87 RDVC, 60 WBVC and 142 controls) separated by at least 500 metres from the next closest point and measured 19 variables that could potentially influence the vehicle collisions. We detected variations in the frequency of RDVC on a monthly basis, and WBVC was higher at weekends but no significant differences were detected on a monthly basis. UVC were more likely to occur at locations where sinuosity of the road, velocity, surface of shrub and deciduous forest area were greater, the presence of fences entered with positive relationship and distance to the nearest building was less. RDVC were more likely to occur at locations where timber forest area increased and distance to the nearest building decreased and WBVC was related to open fields cover and also to the presence of fences. Sinuosity and velocity entered in both cases as significant factors. Major roads, in which the traffic volume is greater and faster, caused more accidents with ungulates than secondary roads. Nowadays, the high frequency of ungulate road-kills deserves a new strategy in order to adapt infrastructure and adopt mitigation measures.  相似文献   
1. Acute effects of dipyridamole, an inhibitor of adenosine transport, direct activators of adenylate cyclase and thirteen adenosine antagonist analogs on fatty acid synthesis have been examined in terms of the control of [1-14C]acetate incorporation into labeled fatty acids in the presence of glucose. 2. This monosaccharide acts as a stimulator of lipogenesis by generating NADPH for the lipid synthesis. 3. The relationship between lipogenesis and lipolysis was compared with a variety of adenylate cyclase stimulators. 4. The data obtained reveals that dipyridamole potentiated the inhibitory or stimulatory effects of isoproterenol and forskolin on lipogenesis and on lipolysis, respectively. 5. In these cases the data show that it exists an inverse relationship between lipogenesis and lipolysis. 6. Dipyridamole and methylxanthine analogs only moderately affect the rate of lipolysis whereas its effects are more potent on lipogenesis and lend further support to the hypothesis that dipyridamole antagonize adenosine actions as well as methyl xanthines. 7. These results suggest that dipyridamole and adenosine antagonists alter lipogenesis independently of the lipolytic process and that it exists an inverse relationship between lipogenesis and lipolysis under some conditions whereas there are not under others.  相似文献   
Alpha-hemolytic plasmids belonging to four different incompatibility groups contained several copies (two to six) of the same DNA sequence. This sequence was capable of illegitimate recombination and thus behaved as an insertion sequence element. Its size (1.9 kilobases) and restriction enzyme cleavage map suggested that it was different from previously described insertion sequence elements.  相似文献   
Within 60 min of the administration of serotonin to fasted-refed rats, there was a 5-, 16-, and 20-fold stimulation of the mRNA coding for the cytosolic form of P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase in the kidney, small intestine and liver, respectively. This stimulation was 5-, 1.3-, and 2-fold higher than noted in the same tissue after 24 h of starvation. Dose- and time-response curves to serotonin in the three tissues were similar. The level of PEPCK mRNA in the liver was significantly elevated within 30 min of serotonin administration, whereas 60 min was required in the small intestine and the kidney. The direct effect of serotonin on PEPCK mRNA was also assessed in hepatocytes maintained in primary culture. Serotonin (10(-8) M to 10(-4) M) caused a dose-dependent increase in the level of PEPCK mRNA and a transient increase in cAMP concentration. Within the first min of serotonin (10(-6) M) addition to cells, cAMP concentration increased 4-fold and returned after 10 min to basal level. Therefore, these results provide functional evidence of serotonin action in the rat peripheric tissues and suggest that cAMP is involved in its intracellular signalling.  相似文献   
In Salmonella typhimurium, cadA has a role in virulence expression and is an inducible gene that responds to external lysine concentration. In this study, a strain of S. typhimurium carrying a cadA: lacZ fusion was used to determine if the induction of cadA occurred under different lysine concentrations and mildly acid conditions in the presence of short chain fatty acids. Aliquots of an 18-h culture of S. typhimurium were placed on fresh media containing different lysine concentrations at pH 5.8 adjusted by addition of HCl or by 1 M short chain fatty acids (SCFA, acetic, propionic and butyric acid) stock solution. After an induction period of 2 h, -galactosidase activities were assayed. Expression of cadA in rich medium was significantly higher than that of minimal medium at neutral pH and different lysine concentrations. In contrast, at pH 5.8, there was a significant increase in cadA expression, particularly when pH was adjusted using HCl at all lysine levels. Addition of a mixture of organic acids yielded an overall lower cadA expression at all lysine levels studied when compared to HCl. However, each SCFA challenge (individual or as a mixture) caused a high level of expression, both at neutral and acidic pH. Based on these results it is apparent that in the presence of external lysine, SCFA and nutrient availability can influence cadA expression in S. typhimurium.  相似文献   
The European mink is a critically endangered mustelid with only three declining and isolated populations. Based on particular interpretation of genetic studies, the origin of SW population (France and Spain) and its conservation measures were recently questioned, and considered an example of managed relocation. The four published genetic studies show similar results, revealing a bottleneck structure. The SW population was probably established by very few individuals, which can be explained by dispersal of some-long distance migrants or by human introduction. The historical records evidence a long-distance dispersal capacity of the species and the temporal trend expansion in SW Europe is spatially collated with the idea of an expanding population. On contrast, most support for the introduction hypothesis comes from critics to other hypotheses, while it lacks of structure to stand on its own as hypothesis: no ecological barrier preventing natural expansion identified, no reports or reasons for captivity breeding or translocation programs, and lacks of supporting documents among others. Arguing shifting baseline syndrome in European mink conservation has weak basis and can result perilously misleading for a species in the brink of extinction.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in small-scale spatial distribution patternsof abundance and composition of Hemimysis speluncola Ledoyer(1963) (Crustacea, Mysidacea) were studied in a population ofcave-dwelling mysids off the Medes Islands (NW MediterraneanSea). The distribution pattern was characterized all year roundby marked spatial segregation of juveniles, which occupied areascloser to the cave entrance, while adults were concentratedmainly in the innermost part of the cave. The small-scale spatialheterogeneity observed appears to be regulated by biologicalfactors, particularly social and reproductive behaviour. Nevertheless,a certain adaptation of the distribution of the swarms to hydrodynamicfactors suggests that physical factors may also play a role.The heterogeneous aggregation pattern recorded would clearlyappear to be an adaptive strategy by the population to enableit to thrive within its habitat. That adaptation is designedto reduce predation mortality, enhance mating efficiency andregulate the population generally. Marked seasonal fluctuationsin the density and composition of the population were recorded,with high density levels in winter and throughout the spring.Two methods were employed to quantify the population: haulswith plankton nets towed by divers and collection of faecalpellets. The patterns observed using both these methods weresimilar, although the latter method yielded total density valuesthat were an order of magnitude greater.  相似文献   
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