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The mannose receptor (MR) is a heavily glycosylated endocytic receptor that recognizes both mannosylated and sulfated ligands through its C-type lectin domains and cysteine-rich (CR) domain, respectively. Differential binding properties have been described for MR isolated from different sources, and we hypothesized that this could be due to altered glycosylation. Using MR transductants and purified MR, we demonstrate that glycosylation differentially affects both MR lectin activities. MR transductants generated in glycosylation mutant cell lines lacked most mannose internalization activity, but could internalize sulfated glycans. Accordingly, purified MR bearing truncated Man5-GlcNAc2 glycans (Man5 -MR) or non-sialylated complex glycans (SA0-MR) did not bind mannosylated glycans, but could recognize SO4-3-Gal in vitro. Additional studies showed that, although mannose recognition was largely independent of the oligomerization state of the protein, recognition of sulfated carbohydrates was mostly mediated by self-associated MR and that, in SA0-MR, there was a higher proportion of oligomeric MR. These results suggest that self-association could lead to multiple presentation of CR domains and enhanced avidity for sulfated sugars and that non-sialylated MR is predisposed to oligomerize. Therefore, the glycosylation of MR, terminal sialylation in particular, could influence its binding properties at two levels. (i) It is required for mannose recognition; and (ii) it modulates the tendency of MR to self-associate, effectively regulating the avidity of the CR domain for sulfated sugar ligands.  相似文献   
We investigated whether substrate availability influences the type of energy metabolism in procyclic Trypanosoma brucei. We show that absence of glycolytic substrates (glucose and glycerol) does not induce a shift from a fermentative metabolism to complete oxidation of substrates. We also show that glucose (and even glycolysis) is not essential for normal functioning and proliferation of pleomorphic procyclic T. brucei cells. Furthermore, absence of glucose did not result in increased degradation of amino acids. Variations in availability of glucose and glycerol did result, however, in adaptations in metabolism in such a way that the glycosome was always in redox balance. We argue that it is likely that, in procyclic cells, phosphoglycerate kinase is located not only in the cytosol, but also inside glycosomes, as otherwise an ATP deficit would occur in this organelle. We demonstrate that procyclic T. brucei uses parts of the Krebs cycle for purposes other than complete degradation of mitochondrial substrates. We suggest that citrate synthase plus pyruvate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase are used to transport acetyl-CoA units from the mitochondrion to the cytosol for the biosynthesis of fatty acids, a process we show to occur in proliferating procyclic cells. The part of the Krebs cycle consisting of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and succinyl-CoA synthetase was used for the degradation of proline and glutamate to succinate. We also demonstrate that the subsequent enzymes of the Krebs cycle, succinate dehydrogenase and fumarase, are most likely used for conversion of succinate into malate, which can then be used in gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   
The enterolignans enterolactone and enterodiol are phytoestrogens that are formed from plant lignans by microorganisms in the human colon. Enterolignans circulate in plasma as conjugates. We hypothesized that conjugation of enterolignans takes place in colon epithelial cells, and studied the time course of uptake and metabolism of enterolactone and enterodiol in three human colon epithelial cell lines. In addition, the conjugates were identified by mass spectrometry with accurate mass measurement (LC/QTOFMS/MS). Intracellular levels of conjugated enterolactone and enterodiol in HT29 cells rose immediately after starting the exposure. This was accompanied by a rapid decrease in free enterolactone and enterodiol in the exposure medium of HT29 and (un)differentiated CaCo-2 but not of CCD841CoTr cells. Conjugation and excretion of enterolactone and enterodiol was complete within 8 h, except for enterodiol in CaCo-2 cells ( approximately 48 h). Enterolactone appears to be more rapidly metabolized and/or excreted than enterodiol, and also the appearance of conjugated enterolactone in medium is less affected by the presence of enterodiol than vice versa. Total (free plus conjugated) enterolignan concentrations remained constant throughout the experiments. Three conjugates were identified in exposure medium of HT29 cells: enterolactone-sulfate, enterolactone-glucuronide, and enterodiol-glucuronide.Taken together, our data suggest that phase II metabolism of enterolactone and enterodiol already may take place during uptake in the colon and that colon epithelial cells may be responsible for this metabolism.  相似文献   
Uptake and consecutive phosphorylation of mannitol in Escherichia coli is catalyzed by the mannitol permease EnzymeIImtl. The substrate is bound at an extracellular-oriented binding site, translocated to an inward-facing site, from where it is phosphorylated, and subsequently released into the cell. Previous studies have shown the presence of both a high- and a low-affinity binding site with K(D)-values in the nano- and micromolar range, respectively. However, reported K(D)-values in literature are highly variable, which casts doubts about the reliability of the measurements and data analysis. Using an optimized binding measurement system, we investigated the discrepancies reported in literature, regarding both the variability in K(D)-values and the binding stoichiometry. By comparing the binding capacity obtained with flow dialysis with different methods to determine the protein concentration (UV-protein absorption, Bradford protein detection, and a LDH-linked protein assay to quantify the number of phosphorylation sites), we proved the existence of only one mannitol binding site per dimeric species of unphosphorylated EnzymeIImtl. Furthermore, the affinity of EnzymeIImtl for mannitol appeared to be dependent on the protein concentration and seemed to reflect the presence of an endogenous ligand. The dependency could be simulated assuming that >50% of the binding sites were occupied with a ligand that shows an affinity for EnzymeIImtl in the same range as mannitol.  相似文献   
Motility and chemotaxis are believed to be important in the pathogenesis of Lyme disease caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. Controlling the phosphorylation state of CheY, a response regulator protein, is essential for regulating bacterial chemotaxis and motility. Rapid dephosphorylation of phosphorylated CheY (CheY-P) is crucial for cells to respond to environmental changes. CheY-P dephosphorylation is accomplished by one or more phosphatases in different species, including CheZ, CheC, CheX, FliY, and/or FliY/N. Only a cheX phosphatase homolog has been identified in the B. burgdorferi genome. However, a role for cheX in chemotaxis has not been established in any bacterial species. Inactivating B. burgdorferi cheX by inserting a flgB-kan cassette resulted in cells (cheX mutant cells) with a distinct motility phenotype. While wild-type cells ran, paused (stopped or flexed), and reversed, the cheX mutant cells continuously flexed and were not able to run or reverse. Furthermore, swarm plate and capillary tube chemotaxis assays demonstrated that cheX mutant cells were deficient in chemotaxis. Wild-type chemotaxis and motility were restored when cheX mutant cells were complemented with a shuttle vector expressing CheX. Furthermore, CheX dephosphorylated CheY3-P in vitro and eluted as a homodimer in gel filtration chromatography. These findings demonstrated that B. burgdorferi CheX is a CheY-P phosphatase that is essential for chemotaxis and motility, which is consistent with CheX being the only CheY-P phosphatase in the B. burgdorferi chemotaxis signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   
Individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtype C infrequently harbour X4 viruses. We studied R5 and X4 biological clones generated from HIV-1 subtype C-infected individuals. All subtype C R5 viruses demonstrated slower profiles of replication on CD4+ lymphocytes in comparison to subtype B viruses, whereas subtype C X4 viruses replicated with comparable efficiency to subtype B X4 viruses. No differences were identified in CC or CXC chemokine inhibitions (RANTES and SDF-1α, respectively) between subtype C and subtype B viruses. Immature dendritic cells were shown in coculture experiments to similarly enhance the infection of subtype C and subtype B R5 as well as X4 viruses. By amino acid sequence analysis, we showed that the R5 and X4 subtype C gp120 envelope gene alterations were similar to those for a switching subtype B virus, specifically with respect to the V3 charge and envelope N-linked glycosylation patterns. By phylogenetic analysis, we showed that one patient was infected with HIV-1 C′ and the other was infected with HIV-1 C" and that one of the patients harbored a virus that was a recombinant in the gp120 env gene between an R5 and an X4 virus, with the resultant virus being R5. No differences were identified between the long terminal repeat regions of the subtype C R5 and X4 biological clones. These results indicate that even though R5 subtype C viruses are restrictive for virus replication, the R5-to-X4 phenotype switch can occur and does so in a manner similar to that of subtype B viruses.  相似文献   
The hydrocarbon composition of the marine diatom Pleurosigma strigosum isolated from coastal Mediterranean sediments is described. A suite of five C(25) highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) alkenes with 2-5 double bonds were detected together with n-C(21:4) and n-C(21:5) alkenes and squalene. The analysis by (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopy of two isolated HBI alkenes allowed the structural identification of a novel C(25) HBI triene (2,6,10,14-tetramethyl-7-(3-methylpent-4-enyl)-pentadeca-5E,13-diene) and the first identification in diatom cells of 2,6,10,14-tetramethyl-7-(3-methylpent-4-enyl)-pentadec-5E-ene, an HBI previously detected in marine sediments and particulate matter. The other minor C(25) HBIs detected were a tetraene and a pentaene that have been previously identified in other diatoms from the genera Haslea and Rhizosolenia, and one other C(25) tetraene that could not be structurally identified. The structures of the HBI alkenes of P. strigosum were compared with those of C(25) homologues previously identified in three other Pleurosigma sp. (Pleurosigma intermedium, Pleurosigma planktonicum and Pleurosigma sp.). Unlike most structures previously reported, none of the HBI alkenes produced by P. strigosum showed an unsaturation at C7-C20, or E/Z isomerism of the trisubstituted double bond at C9-C10 (whenever present).  相似文献   
Co-expression of guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory (G) protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), such as the G(i/o)-coupled human 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B (5-HT(1B)R), with the G(q/11)-coupled human histamine 1 receptor (H1R) results in an overall increase in agonist-independent signaling, which can be augmented by 5-HT(1B)R agonists and inhibited by a selective inverse 5-HT(1B)R agonist. Interestingly, inverse H1R agonists inhibit constitutively H1R-mediated as well as 5-HT(1B)R agonist-induced signaling in cells co-expressing both receptors. This phenomenon is not solely characteristic of 5-HT(1B)R; it is also evident with muscarinic M2 and adenosine A1 receptors and is mimicked by mastoparan-7, an activator of G(i/o) proteins, or by over-expression of Gbetagamma subunits. Likewise, expression of the G(q/11)-coupled human cytomegalovirus (HCMV)-encoded chemokine receptor US28 unmasks a functional coupling of G(i/o)-coupled CCR1 receptors that is mediated via the constitutive activity of receptor US28. Consequently, constitutively active G(q/11)-coupled receptors, such as the H1R and HCMV-encoded chemokine receptor US28, constitute a regulatory switch for signal transduction by G(i/o)-coupled receptors, which may have profound implications in understanding the role of both constitutive GPCR activity and GPCR cross-talk in physiology as well as in the observed pathophysiology upon HCMV infection.  相似文献   
A number of testosterone analogs with a 13,14-secosteroidal fragment have been prepared from (13S)-13-iodo-6beta-methoxy-3alpha, 5-cyclo-13,14-seco-5alpha-androstan-14,17-dione. The key steps involved stereoselective deiodination of the starting compound with triphenylphosphine and selective protection of the 17-keto group with trimethylsilylcyanide. Removal of iodine at C-13 proceeded with inversion of the configuration at C-13, which has been established by X-ray crystallography. 13,14-Secotestosterone analogues substituted and non-substituted at C-14 have been prepared. The obtained compounds containing flexible CD ring fragments are of great interest for comparative studies in biological tests together with testosterone and other steroids with a rigid tetracyclic skeleton.  相似文献   
A synthetic methodology for the synthesis of 13,14-seco-steroids with substituents at C-14 and C-17 is described. The approach involves Grob fragmentation of 14beta-hydroxy-17beta-tosylates, hydroboration-oxidation of the intermediate delta13(17)-olefin, and hydride reduction of the 14-ketone. An unambiguous structural assignment of (13R,14S,17S)-14,17-diacetoxy-3-methoxy-7alpha-methyl-13,14-secoestra-1,3,5(10)-triene was determined by X-ray analysis.  相似文献   
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