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Streptococcus pyogenes (or group A streptococcus [GAS]) is a major human pathogen causing infections, such as tonsillitis, erysipelas, and sepsis. Several GAS strains bind host complement regulator factor H (CFH) via its domain 7 and, thereby, evade complement attack and C3b-mediated opsonophagocytosis. Importance of CFH binding for survival of GAS has been poorly studied because removal of CFH from plasma or blood causes vigorous complement activation, and specific inhibitors of the interaction have not been available. In this study, we found that activation of human complement by different GAS strains (n = 38) correlated negatively with binding of CFH via its domains 5-7. The importance of acquisition of host CFH for survival of GAS in vitro was studied next by blocking the binding with recombinant CFH5-7 lacking the regulatory domains 1-4. Using this fragment in full human blood resulted in death or radically reduced multiplication of all of the studied CFH-binding GAS strains. To study the importance of CFH binding in vivo (i.e., for pathogenesis of streptococcal infections), we used our recent finding that GAS binding to CFH is diminished in vitro by polymorphism 402H, which is also associated with age-related macular degeneration. We showed that allele 402H is suggested to be associated with protection from erysipelas (n = 278) and streptococcal tonsillitis (n = 209) compared with controls (n = 455) (p < 0.05). Taken together, the bacterial in vitro survival data and human genetic association revealed that binding of CFH is important for pathogenesis of GAS infections and suggested that inhibition of CFH binding can be a novel therapeutic approach in GAS infections.  相似文献   
Infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (INCL) is a severe neurodegenerative disorder of the childhood caused by mutations in the gene encoding palmitoyl protein thioesterase 1 (PPT1). PPT1 localizes to late endosomes/lysosomes of non-neuronal cells and in neurons also to presynaptic areas. PPT1-deficiency causes massive death of cortical neurons and most tissues show an accumulation of saposins A and D. We have here studied endocytic pathways, saposin localization and processing in PPT1-deficient fibroblasts to elucidate the cellular defects resulting in accumulation of specific saposins. We show that PPT1-deficiency causes a defect in fluid-phase and receptor-mediated endocytosis, whereas marker uptake and recycling endocytosis remain intact. Furthermore, we show that saposins A and D are more abundant and relocalized in PPT-deficient fibroblasts and mouse primary neurons. Metabolic labeling and immunoprecipitation analyses revealed hypersecretion and abnormal processing of prosaposin, implying that the accumulation of saposins may result from endocytic defects. We show for the first time a connection between saposin storage and a defect in the endocytic pathway of INCL cells. These data provide new insights into the metabolism of PPT1-deficient cells and offer a basis for further studies on cellular processes causing neuronal death in INCL and other neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   
In plants, programmed cell death (PCD) is an important mechanism that controls normal growth and development as well as many defence responses. At present, research on PCD in different plant species is actively carried out due to the possibilities offered by modern methods in molecular biology and the increasing amount of genome data. The pine seed provides a favourable model for PCD because it represents an interesting inheritance of seed tissues as well as an anatomically well-described embryogenesis during which several tissues die via morphologically different PCD processes.Key words: conifer, developmental cell death, embryogenesis, megagametophyte, necrotic cell death, pine, seed development  相似文献   
Nurseries would benefit greatly if frost hardiness (FH) of seedlings could be predicted by some environmental variable or by bud development in spring. We investigated the FH of 1-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings of local origin. The seedlings were stored frozen until incubated in the growth chamber at six different temperature sums (TSs) (0, 55, 88, 142, 185 and 240 d.d., >5°C) from mid-February to mid-March. FH of the buds, stems and previous year needles was assessed on three occasions. When the TS was 88 d.d. or less, buds exhibited only microscopic signs of development, even when seedlings tolerated temperatures below −10°C. As TS increased, primordial needles and primordial stems of buds grew while FH weakened, especially in previous year needles. When the TS was at least 142 d.d., all plant parts were frost hardy to approximately −6°C. Monitoring TS and bud development can help predict FH of Norway spruce seedlings in spring. However, more studies with seedlings of different ages and from multiple locations are necessary to appreciate the generality of our results.  相似文献   
Prolyl 4-hydroxylases (P4Hs) catalyze the hydroxylation of collagens and hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-α subunits. We studied the zebrafish homologue of the recently characterized human transmembrane P4H (P4H-TM) that can hydroxylate HIF-α, but not collagens, in vitro and influence HIF-α levels in cellulo. The zebrafish P4H-TM mRNA had its highest expression in the eye and brain and lower levels in other tissues, including the kidney. Morpholino knockdown of P4H-TM in embryos resulted in a reduction in the size of the eye and head and morphological alterations in the head from 2 days postfertilization onward. In addition, pericardial edema, regarded as a sign of kidney dysfunction, developed from 3 days postfertilization onward. The phenotype was dependent on the P4H-TM catalytic activity because similar results were obtained with morpholinos targeting either translation initiation or catalytic residues of the enzyme. Structural and functional analyses of the morphant pronephric kidneys revealed fragmented glomerular basement membranes (BMs), disorganized podocyte foot processes, and severely compromised pronephric kidney function leading to proteinuria. The opacity of the eye lens was increased due to the presence of extra nuclei and deposits, and the structure of the lens capsule BM was altered. Our data suggest that P4H-TM catalytic activity is required for the proper development of the glomerular and lens capsule BMs. Many HIF target genes were induced in the P4H-TM-deficient morphants, but the observed phenotype is not likely to be mediated at least solely via the HIF pathway, and thus P4H-TM probably has additional, as yet unknown, substrates.  相似文献   
Permanent jejunal fistulas enable easy, noninjurious, repeated and direct administration to and collection from the small intestines of conscious laboratory dogs. This study aimed at identifying potential alterations in the small intestinal morphology and function of this canine model after the surgery required to establish the fistulas. Assays of serum folate and cobalamin and (51)Cr-EDTA permeability tests were performed before and 4 wk after experimental jejunoplasties in 14 laboratory beagle dogs. Serum folate concentrations (mean ± SD) before (12.22 ± 1.80 μg/L) and after (14.14 ± 1.70 μg/L) jejunal surgery were within reference ranges for healthy dogs, although folate concentrations were higher after surgery. The cobalamin concentrations and the 6-h urinary excretion of (51)Cr-EDTA before (573.50 ± 150.04 ng/L and 6.75 ± 1.56%, respectively) and after (496.71 ± 164.22 ng/L and 6.41 ± 1.10%) were normal for healthy dogs, and no significant differences between pre- and postsurgical values were detected. The findings of the present study indicate that the small intestinal vitamin absorption and permeability of laboratory beagle dogs with jejunal fistulas remains unimpaired.  相似文献   
The temperate double-stranded DNA bacteriophage Bam35 infects gram-positive Bacillus thuringiensis cells. Bam35 has an icosahedral protein coat surrounding the viral membrane that encloses the linear 15-kbp DNA genome. The protein coat of Bam35 uses the same assembly principle as that of PRD1, a lytic bacteriophage infecting gram-negative hosts. In this study, we dissected the process of Bam35 entry into discrete steps: receptor binding, peptidoglycan penetration, and interaction with the plasma membrane (PM). Bam35 very rapidly adsorbs to the cell surface, and N-acetyl-muramic acid is essential for Bam35 binding. Zymogram analysis demonstrated that peptidoglycan-hydrolyzing activity is associated with the Bam35 virion. We showed that the penetration of Bam35 through the PM is a divalent-cation-dependent process, whereas adsorption and peptidoglycan digestion are not.  相似文献   
Grain (size of sampling units) affects the spatial resolution at which ecological patterns can be observed and analysed, and potentially has an important effect on the results of broad‐scale studies on diversity gradients. Here we examine the effect of grain on patterns of species richness and turnover in lowland rainforests of western Amazonia (Peru and Colombia). We inventoried pteridophytes (ferns and lycophytes), melastomes (Melastomataceae) and palms (Arecaceae) in four line transects of 22–29 km length. Different grains were obtained by aggregating original 100‐m‐long sampling units into larger segments up to 19.2 km long. With any given grain and plant group, local species richness varied considerably both within and among transects, and a transect segment that was species‐rich with one grain could be relatively species‐poor with another. Which transect had the highest vs lowest mean species richness per sampling unit (α richness) differed among plant groups. It also varied to some degree with grain, as transects differed in how rapidly local species richness increased with increasing grain. Patterns of species turnover were more consistently correlated among plant groups than patterns of species richness were, and NMDS ordinations were rather similar with all grains and plant groups. Floristic heterogeneity within the Amazonian terra firme rainforest seems to contain a general compositional pattern that is sufficiently robust to be detectable with various sampling schemes, but patterns of species richness appear more case‐specific. Therefore, using one plant group as an indicator for patterns in other plant groups can be expected to work better for species turnover than for species richness.  相似文献   
Mitochondria are eukaryotic organelles supporting individual life-style via generation of proton motive force and cellular energy, and indispensable metabolic pathways. As part of genome sequencing of the white rot Basidiomycota species Phlebia radiata, we first assembled its mitochondrial genome (mtDNA). So far, the 156 348 bp mtDNA is the second largest described for fungi, and of considerable size among eukaryotes. The P. radiata mtDNA assembled as single circular dsDNA molecule containing genes for the large and small ribosomal RNAs, 28 transfer RNAs, and over 100 open reading frames encoding the 14 fungal conserved protein subunits of the mitochondrial complexes I, III, IV, and V. Two genes (atp6 and tRNA-IleGAU) were duplicated within 6.1 kbp inverted region, which is a unique feature of the genome. The large mtDNA size, however, is explained by the dominance of intronic and intergenic regions (sum 80% of mtDNA sequence). The intergenic DNA stretches harness short (≤200 nt) repetitive, dispersed and overlapping sequence elements in abundance. Long self-splicing introns of types I and II interrupt eleven of the conserved genes (cox1,2,3; cob; nad1,2,4,4L,5; rnl; rns). The introns embrace a total of 57 homing endonucleases with LAGLIDADGD and GYI-YIG core motifs, which makes P. radiata mtDNA to one of the largest known reservoirs of intron-homing endonucleases. The inverted duplication, intergenic stretches, and intronic features are indications of dynamics and genetic flexibility of the mtDNA, not fully recognized to this extent in fungal mitochondrial genomes previously, thus giving new insights for the evolution of organelle genomes in eukaryotes.  相似文献   
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