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本文报道人兽共患的泡状肝包虫病原,西伯利亚棘球绦虫Echinococcus sibiricensis (Rausch andSchiller, 1954)泡状蚴和多房棘球绦虫Ech inococcusmultilocularis ( Leuckart, 1863)泡状蚴在KM株小白鼠发育成熟过程比较观察的结果.此两虫种泡状蚴的发育成熟过程仍然和它们早期发育的规律(唐崇惕等,2001)相同.虽然它们成熟的泡囊都被着生在网状结构中的许多原头节所充满,但是在多房棘球绦虫9-14个月的泡状蚴,仍然可以见到它们的原头节和网状结构都是起源于泡囊囊壁内表面的胚细胞层,并且始终保持与该层的联系.而西伯利亚棘球绦虫泡状蚴在鼠肺脏或肝脏的各泡囊中的原头节和网状结构是由可移动的胚细胞团发育生成,它们与泡囊囊壁没有如前者样的联系.西伯利亚棘球泡状蚴在各别小白鼠肝脏也能发育成熟,但不正常,宿主反应异常强烈.  相似文献   
The effects of enhanced (NH4 2SO4deposition on soil solution cation and anion concentrations and annualionic fluxes were followed using a standardised experimental protocolin six European coniferous forests with contrasting soil types, pollutioninputs and climate. Native soil cores containing a ceramic suction cupwere installed in the field, roofed and watered every two weeks withlocal throughfall or local throughfall with added(NH4)2SO4 at 75 kgNH4 +-N ha-1 a-1. Livingroot systems were established in half of the lysimeters.Untreated throughfall NH4 +-N deposition at thesites ranged from 3.7 to 29 kg ha-1 a-1Soil leachates were collected at two weekly intervalsover 12 months and analysed for volume, andconcentrations of major anions and cations. Increasesin soil solution NO3 - concentrations inresponse to N additions were observed after 4–9months at three sites, whilst one sandy soil with highC:N ratio failed to nitrify under any of thetreatments. Changes in NO3 - concentrationsin soil solution controlled soil solution cationconcentrations in the five nitrifying soils, withAl3+ being the dominant cation in the more acidsoils with low base saturation. The acidification responses ofthe soils to the (NH4 2SO4additions were primarily related to the ability of thesoils to nitrify the added NH4 +. pH and soiltexture seemed important in controllingNH4 + leaching in response to the treatments,with two less acidic, clay/clay loam sites showingalmost total retention of added NH4 +, whilstnearly 75% of the added N was leached asNH4 + at the acid sandy soils. The presenceof living roots significantly reduced soil solutionNO3 - and associated cation concentrations attwo of the six sites. The very different responses of the sixsoils to increased (NH4)2SO4deposition emphasise that the establishment of N critical loadsfor forest soils need to allow for differences in N storagecapacity and nitrification potential.  相似文献   
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