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Stable carbon isotope ratios have been successfully used to assess modern animal diets and to reconstruct prehistoric diets of animals and humans (Vogel & van der Merwe, 1977; van der Merwe & Vogel, 1978; Burleigh & Brothwell, 1978; Vogel, 1978a; DeNiro & Epstein, 1978; Tieszen et al., 1979; Tieszen & Imbamba, 1980; Chisholm, Nelson & Schwarcz, 1982; Tauber, 1981). We have used 13C/12C ratio measurements of bone collagen to study the diets of African elephants in twelve wildlife refuges. These represent most of the habitats in which elephants live, including such diverse plant communities as primary rain forest, savanna woodland and desert. The δ13C values were found to have a simple linear relationship with tree density in most cases. When translated into relative amounts of dietary browse (C3 plants) and graze (C4 plants), the grass content is seen to be systematically under-represented, presumably due to inefficient metabolism. This does not affect the relationship between elephant diet and tree density, which has implications for the study of elephant-woodland interactions, and for reconstructions of past African environments.  相似文献   

The genital primordium of the first stage juvenile (J1) of the free-living marine nematode Halichoanolaimus sonorus (Chromadorida: Selachinematidae) was studied using transmission electron microscopy. The primordium consists of four undifferentiated cells: two primordial germ cells (PGC) 5–6 μm in diameter and two somatic cells. The PGC have a large nucleus with nucleolus. The centriole was detected in close vicinity of the PGC nucleus. Most of the cell mitochondria are in close contact with the nuclear envelope. The mitochondria are interspersed by 0.2–0.3 μm particles of an electron-dense diffuse substance devoid of surrounding membrane. Both PGC are closely attached to each other and to the neighboring somatic cells of the genital primordium. The elongated somatic cells contain nuclei devoid of nucleoli; the cytoplasm is filled with free ribosomes and contains occasional cisternae of rough endoplasmatic reticulum (RER), Golgi bodies, mitochondria, and transparent vesicles. The genital primordium is separated by a narrow space from of the intestine (dorsally) and the somatic muscles (ventrally). The PGC of H. sonorous are devoid of typical P granules known for previously studied nematodes as distinct markers of germ line cell lineage. Perinuclear particles of dense diffuse substance found in PGC of H. sonorous could be considered as germ determinants analogous to P granules.  相似文献   
Leaf photosynthetic CO2 responses can provide insight into how major nutrients, such as phosphorus (P), constrain leaf CO2 assimilation rates (Anet). However, triose‐phosphate limitations are rarely employed in the classic photosynthesis model and it is uncertain as to what extent these limitations occur in field situations. In contrast to predictions from biochemical theory of photosynthesis, we found consistent evidence in the field of lower Anet in high [CO2] and low [O2] than at ambient [O2]. For 10 species of trees and shrubs across a range of soil P availability in Australia, none of them showed a positive response of Anet at saturating [CO2] (i.e. Amax) to 2 kPa O2. Three species showed >20% reductions in Amax in low [O2], a phenomenon potentially explained by orthophosphate (Pi) savings during photorespiration. These species, with largest photosynthetic capacity and Pi > 2 mmol P m?2, rely the most on additional Pi made available from photorespiration rather than species growing in P‐impoverished soils. The results suggest that rarely used adjustments to a biochemical photosynthesis model are useful for predicting Amax and give insight into the biochemical limitations of photosynthesis rates at a range of leaf P concentrations. Phosphate limitations to photosynthetic capacity are likely more common in the field than previously considered.  相似文献   
The braconid subfamily Euphorinae is a large, cosmopolitan group of endoparasitoid wasps. The majority of species attack adult hosts, a strategy that is rare among parasitic wasps, but there are also many species that attack nymphs and larval stages. Euphorine hosts may belong to a variety of insect orders (Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Neuroptera, Psocoptera, Orthoptera and Lepidoptera) although most euphorine tribes are confined to Coleoptera. Here we investigate the phylogenetic relationships of the Euphorinae based on molecular data (3 kb of nucleotide data from four markers: 18S, 28S, CAD and COI) and propose a higher‐level classification based upon the resulting phylogeny. We also infer the evolution of host associations and discuss the diversification of the Euphorinae. Results from both Bayesian inference and maximum‐likelihood analysis show that the subfamily, as previously circumscribed, is paraphyletic. We propose that the subfamily be expanded to include the tribes Meteorini and Planitorini (Mannokeraia + Planitorus), so that it corresponds to a clade that is strongly supported as monophyletic in our analyses. Based on our results, a revised higher classification of the Euphorinae is proposed, in which 52 extant genera and 14 tribes are recognized. We reinstate the genus Microctonus belonging to the tribe Perilitini, and synonymize Ussuraridelus with Holdawayella, Sinuatophorus with Eucosmophorus. Furthermore, we propose the following tribal rearrangements: Spathicopis and Stenothremma are transferred to Perilitini; Tuberidelus, Eucosmophorus and Plynops to Cosmophorini; Ecclitura to Dinocampini; Chrysopophthorus, Holdawayella and Wesmaelia to Helorimorphini; Proclithroporus and Heia to Townesilitini. The monotypic tribe Cryptoxilonini is synonymized with Cosmophorini. The genera Pygostolus and Litostolus are placed in a separate tribe, Pygostolini, previously recognized as a subtribe among the Centistini. Parsimony‐based ancestral state reconstructions suggest that the ancestor of Euphorinae was a parasitoid of lepidopteran larvae, and that a host shift to larval Coleoptera occurred only in one clade of the Meteorini, some members of which secondarily shifted back to larval lepidopteran hosts. In the remainder of the subfamily, there was an initial shift from larval to adult coleopterans, followed by subsequent shifts to adults or larvae of Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Neuroptera, Orthoptera and Psocoptera.  相似文献   
To improve our mechanistic understanding and predictive capacities with respect to climate change effects on the spring phytoplankton bloom in temperate marine systems, we used a process‐driven dynamical model to disentangle the impact of potentially relevant factors which are often correlated in the field. The model was based on comprehensive indoor mesocosm experiments run at four temperature and three light regimes. It was driven by time‐series of water temperature and irradiance, considered edible and less edible phytoplankton separately, and accounted for density‐dependent grazing losses. It successfully reproduced the observed dynamics of well edible phytoplankton in the different temperature and light treatments. Four major factors influenced spring phytoplankton dynamics: temperature, light (cloudiness), grazing, and the success of overwintering phyto‐ and zooplankton providing the starting biomasses for spring growth. Our study predicts that increasing cloudiness as anticipated for warmer winters for the Baltic Sea region will retard phytoplankton net growth and reduce peak heights. Light had a strong direct effect in contrast to temperature. However, edible phytoplankton was indirectly strongly temperature‐sensitive via grazing which was already important in early spring at moderately high algal biomasses and counter‐intuitively provoked lower and later algal peaks at higher temperatures. Initial phyto‐ and zooplankton composition and biomass also had a strong effect on spring algal dynamics indicating a memory effect via the broadly under‐sampled overwintering plankton community. Unexpectedly, increased initial phytoplankton biomass did not necessarily lead to earlier or higher spring blooms since the effect was counteracted by subsequently enhanced grazing. Increasing temperature will likely exhibit complex indirect effects via changes in overwintering phytoplankton and grazer biomasses and current grazing pressure. Additionally, effects on the phytoplankton composition due to the species‐specific susceptibility to grazing are expected. Hence, we need to consider not only direct but also indirect effects, e.g. biotic interactions, when addressing climate change impacts.  相似文献   
The environmental importance of methyl bromide (CH3Br) arises from its contribution to stratospheric ozone loss processes and, as a consequence, its emissions from anthropogenic sources are subject to the Montreal Protocol. A better understanding of the natural budget of CH3Br is required for assessing the benefit of anthropogenic emission reductions and for understanding any potential effects of environmental change on global CH3Br concentrations. Measurements of CH3Br flux in temperate woodland ecosystems, in particular, are very sparse, yet these cover a large fraction of terrestrial land surface. Results presented here from 18 months of field measurements of CH3Br fluxes in four static flux chambers in a woodland in Scotland and from enclosures of rotting wood and deciduous and coniferous leaf litter suggest net emissions from temperate woodlands. Net CH3Br fluxes in the woodland varied between the chambers, fluctuating between net uptake and net emissions (?73 to 279 ng m?2 h?1 across 161 individual measurements), and with no strong seasonality, but with time‐averaged net emission overall [27±57 (1 SD)] ng m?2 h?1]. This work demonstrates that scale‐up needs to be based on sufficient individual measurements to provide a reasonably constrained estimate of the long‐term mean. Mean (±1 SD) net CH3Br emissions from deciduous and coniferous leaf litter were 43 (±33) ng kg?1 (dry weight) h?1 and 80 (±37) ng kg?1 (dry weight) h?1, respectively, and ~1–2 ng kg?1 (fresh weight) h?1 from rotting woody litter. Despite the intrinsic variability, data obtained here consistently point to the conclusion that the temperate forest soil/litter ecosystem is a net source of CH3Br to the atmosphere.  相似文献   
The sequence of events during pollination in pearl millet isdescribed. Four or five hours after pollination with compatiblepollen a constriction region located in the fused stylodia,consisting of a collar of parenchymatous cells, becomes apparent.The structural integrity of the constriction region is lostwithin 6 h of pollination, thereby eventually isolating theovary from other pollen and also from ovary pathogens whichnormally enter throught the stigma. The constriction developsin unpollinated gynoecia 4–5 d after stigma emergence,thereby contributing to out-crossing in the protogynous commercialhybrid commonly grown in the semi-arid tropics. The potentialsignificance of a stigma constriction character in a wider botanicalcontext is discussed, particularly as it is a hitherto unrecognizedincompatibility barrier. Pennisetum americanum (L.), pearl millet, Sorghum bicolor (L.), sorghum, pollination, stigma constriction, ergot, protogyny, incompatibility barrier  相似文献   
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