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ABSTRACT San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica) occur in central California, USA, and are endangered due to habitat loss and degradation. As the human population of California grows, more roads are being constructed in remaining kit fox habitat. We examined effects of 2-lane roads on demographic and ecological patterns of kit foxes on the Lokern Natural Area (LNA) from August 2001 to June 2004. Of 60 radiocollared kit foxes, only one was struck by a vehicle. Foxes were assigned to 1 of 3 risk categories (high, medium, or low) based on proportion of time spent in road-effect zones, which were defined by the probability of a fox encountering a road during nocturnal movements. Fox survival probabilities, reproductive success, litter size, nocturnal movements, and den placement all were similar among risk categories. Nocturnal locations of foxes were closer to roads than were den locations, and den fidelity was lowest for medium-risk foxes and highest for low-risk foxes but intermediate for high-risk foxes. Food availability and use were not affected by proximity to roads. We were unable to detect any significant detrimental effects from 2-lane roads on kit fox demography and ecology. Our results suggest that standard mitigation strategies, such as crossing structures and exclusionary fencing, would not benefit kit foxes on the LNA.  相似文献   
Within three decades, the barnacle goose population wintering on the European mainland has dramatically increased in numbers and extended its breeding range. The expansion has occurred both within the Arctic as well as by the colonization of temperate areas. Studies of performance of individuals in expanding populations provide information on how well species can adapt to novel environments and global warming. We, therefore, studied the availability of high quality food as well as timing of reproduction, wing moult, fledgling production and postfledging survival of individually marked geese in three recently established populations: one Arctic (Barents Sea) and two temperate (Baltic, North Sea). In the Barents Sea population, timing of hatching was synchronized with the peak in food availability and there was strong stabilizing selection. Although birds in the Baltic and North Sea populations bred 6–7 weeks earlier than Arctic birds, timing of hatching was late in relation to the peak in food availability, and there was moderate to strong directional selection for early breeding. In the Baltic, absolute timing of egg laying advanced considerably over the 20‐year study period, but advanced little relative to spring phenology, and directional selection on lay date increased over time. Wing moult of adults started only 2–4 weeks earlier in the temperate populations than in the Arctic. Synchronization between fledging of young and end of wing moult decreased in the temperate populations. Arctic‐breeding geese may gradually accumulate body stores from the food they encounter during spring migration, which allows them to breed relatively early and their young to use the peak of the Arctic food resources. By contrast, temperate‐breeding birds are not able to acquire adequate body stores from local resources early enough, that is before the quality of food for their young starts to decrease. When global temperatures continue to rise, Arctic‐breeding barnacle geese might encounter similar problems.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of the synthetic pyrethroids deltamethrin and lambda-cyhal-othrin in preventing (i) aphid colonisation of four cowpea cultivars with different levels of aphid resistance and (ii) the introduction and subsequent spread of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus was investigated under tropical field conditions. Sprays of these pyrethroids eight days apart prevent aphid colonisation and within crop spread of virus by the colonising Aphis craccivora. However, neither deltamethrin nor lambda-cyhalothrin prevented the initial introduction of virus into the cowpea crop and, when incoming alate incidence was high, virus incidence was higher in the sprayed than in the unsprayed plots. In addition, the degree of aphid resistance of each cultivar affected secondary virus spread within the crop, with greatest spread in the most resistant cultivar.  相似文献   
Petioles of the semi-aquatic fern Regnellidium diphyllum donot show acid growth but low wall pH is a necessary conditionfor maximum rates of IAA-induced cell expansion. Measurementsof wall pH by two indirect methods indicate an unusually lowvalue, in the range pH 4 to 5. This is one to two pH units belowthat estimated for petioles of the semi-aquatic dicotyledonNymphoides peltata, a species in which IAA aand ethylene causegrowth responses very similar to those in Regnellidium but whereacid growth occurs. Having shown previously that fusicoccinenhances proton secretion in both Regnellidium and Nymphoides,we now show that although it causes a reduction in the estimatedapoplast pH to below 4·0 in Regnellidium, cell expansionis not promoted. The FC-induced reduction in pH in Nymphoidesis less and occurs more slowly, but growth is promoted significantly;when IAA and fusicoccin are present together, growth promotionis approximately additive for Nymphoides A model is proposed for Regnellidium in which equilibrium wallpH is maintained at a low value that is optimal for acid growth,the availability of acid-labile sites in the wall being thechief limitation to cell extension. We suggest that this controlmechanism may be widespread for organs without a cuticle, includingroots and the gametophytes of lower plants growing in acidicconditions. Key words: Acid growth, wall pH, fusicoccin, Regnellidium diphyllum, Nymphoides peltata  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS The pattern of chloroplast development was followed in Euglena gracilis strain Z greening in media with a variety of fixed carbon and nitrogen sources. The greening pattern of cells grown in inorganic medium with added ethanol or glucose involves an inhibition of chloroplast development when compared to that of cells grown in inorganic medium alone. Several nitrogen sources were tested to ascertain their effectiveness in relieving the inhibition of chloroplast development by glucose. Of those, only 0.05% (w/v) (NH4)2 SO4 accelerated the recovery from the inhibition after most of the glucose had been removed from the medium by the cells. The other nitrogen sources tested were not effective. An inhibition of chloroplast development, similar to that observed in cells greening in the presence of glucose, was seen in cells greening in an ethanol-containing medium. These cells, however, had a different response upon the addition of 0.05% (NH4)2 SO4. They appeared to recover from the inhibition of chloroplast development, even before the ethanol was removed from the medium by the cells. A slight enhancement of chloroplast development was noted in cells greening in an inorganic medium with glycine or serine. Other amino acids tested had little or no effect.  相似文献   
The growth of a strain of Rhizobium trifolii and of R. meliloti was studied in broth and peat cultures to determine the relative toxicity of Na+ and Cl-. The following salts were added in a range of concentrations: Na2HPO4 as a source of Na+, CaCl2.2H2O as a source of Cl-, and NaCl. Disodium hydrogen orthophosphate affected the growth rate of both strains in broth culture but not in peat culture. Unexpectedly, calcium chloride was more toxic than NaCl in broth and peat culture. The toxicity of NaCl can be ascribed to the Cl-. Rhizobium meliloti strains grew on 3·5% NaCl after adaptation during a long period. Rhizobia for soya bean and cowpea grew at 0·5% NaCl and those for clover and pea, at 1·0% NaCl.  相似文献   
Predictive models of habitat suitability for the Common Crane Grus grus in a wintering area of southern Portugal were derived using logistic multiple regression and Geographic Information Systems. The study area was characterized by landscape variables and surveyed uniformly for the presence of cranes. The most important variables were distance to roosts, to open Holm Oak woods and to villages, and the occurrence of unpaved roads, shrubby vegetation, slope and orchards. Two models were built, the second having one variable fewer than the first. The selection of the best model was based on statistical and biological criteria. Crane distribution was negatively related to: distance to open Holm Oak Quercus rotundifolia woods and roosts. Additionally, unsuitable vegetation and orchard areas are avoided. In these areas movement is difficult, food availability is reduced and the risk of predation increased. We also found that villages and roads were avoided; disturbance is a significant factor for this species. Some management guidelines are proposed for the area: (1) maintenance of open Holm Oak woodlands, (2) incentives to avoid the abandonment of traditional agriculture and pastoral use of the area, which would lead to an increase of shrubby vegetation areas, (3) preservation of suitable roosting places and (4) management of new patches of forest and orchards.  相似文献   
A phylogenetic analysis of the majority of sparid genera and representatives of the sparoid families Centracanthidae, Lethrinidae and Nemipteridae is presented using 87 predominately osteological characters. The Sparidae constitute a monophyletic grouping, with the inclusion of the centracanthid Spicara smaris , which nests deep within the ingroup. The phylogeny was then used to investigate agreement with the most recent molecular study, taxonomic stability of subfamilial classification and the evolution of feeding strategies. Results show that the incongruence between morphological and molecular data appears largely to be an artifact of errors in rooting. However, there appears to be real and substantial conflict between the molecular tree and the morphological data, which is not attributable to the different positions of the least congruent taxa. The data support the molecular hypothesis that none of the subfamilial classification, based on dentition and trophic specialization, is monophyletic, and should be rejected pending further taxonomic revision. The phylogeny supports multiple independent origins of trophic types and it is suggested that the evolutionary plasticity of the oral teeth of sparids has been fundamental to the adaptive radiation of this family compared to their closest allies. ©2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 269–301.  相似文献   
Late embryogenesis‐abundant (LEA) proteins are one of the components involved in desiccation tolerance (DT) by maintaining cellular structures in the dry state. Among them, MtPM25, a member of the group 5 is specifically associated with DT in Medicago truncatula seeds. Its function is unknown and its classification as a LEA protein remains elusive. Here, evidence is provided that MtPM25 is a hydrophobic, intrinsically disordered protein that shares the characteristics of canonical LEA proteins. Screening protective activities by testing various substrates against freezing, heating and drying indicates that MtPM25 is unable to protect membranes but able to prevent aggregation of proteins during stress. Prevention of aggregation was also found for the water soluble proteome of desiccation‐sensitive radicles. This inhibition was significantly higher than that of MtEM6, one of the most hydrophilic LEA protein associated with DT. Moreover, when added after the stress treatment, MtPM25 is able to rapidly dissolve aggregates in a non‐specific manner. Sorption isotherms show that when it is unstructured, MtPM25 absorbs up to threefold more water than MtEM6. MtPM25 is likely to act as a protective molecule during drying and plays an additional role as a repair mechanism compared with other LEA proteins.  相似文献   
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