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Extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) are nectar‐secreting glands found on plants independent of their flowers. EFNs are diverse in form, present on a wide variety of plants, and their secretions are known to recruit ants. However, much less information has been published on insects with known EFN associations other than ants. Two distinct species groups of Orasema Cameron (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae) deposit their eggs close to the EFNs of their plant hosts. The simulatrix group comprises six species found in deserts and xeric shrublands of the southwestern United States and Mexico. This species group is revised, retaining O. aureoviridis, O. beameri and O. simulatrix as valid species, and describing O. cancellata sp.n. , O. difrancoae sp.n. and O. zahni sp.n. The wayqecha group is from Peru and Colombia and includes the newly described O. wayqecha sp.n. and O. quadrimaculata sp.n. Members of the simulatrix group oviposit near EFNs of Chilopsis linearis Cav. (Bignoniaceae), Prosopis glandulosa Torr. (Fabaceae), Prosopis velutina Wooton (Fabaceae) and Populus angustifolia James (Salicaceae), whereas Orasema wayqecha oviposit on leaves of two species in the family Primulaceae. Monophyly of the two species groups is proposed based on a molecular analysis of ribosomal (28S and 18S) and mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) DNA, morphological features of the adults and planidia larvae, and their shared behavioural association with EFNs. Adults of both species groups have an expanded postgena that encloses the mouthparts, but are otherwise morphologically divergent. The planidia of both groups also share several features, including long cerci that may facilitate their movements within EFNs. Oviposition near EFNs is proposed as a means of increasing encounter rates of the first‐instar larvae with their myrmicine ant host; however, it remains unclear whether the planidia are transported directly by the foraging workers of their host Pheidole (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) or indirectly with the help of an intermediate host. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:EA112E3D-52BE-45D1-B03B-8764E8C94BE0 .  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. We have determined the DNA sequence of the gene encoding the protein of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase in Paramecium tetraurelia . The predicted amino acid sequence of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase shows homology to conserved regions of known plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPases and contains the known binding sites for ATP (FITC), acylphosphate formation, and calmodulin, as well as the "hinge" region: all characteristics common to plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPases. The deduced molecular weight for this sequence is 131 kDa. The elucidation of this gene will assist in the studies of the mechanisms by which this excitable cell removes calcium entering through voltage gated calcium channels and the pump functions in chemosensory signal transduction.  相似文献   
In rapid tests for pre-formed enzymes, all strains of ' Haemophilus somnus ' examined gave positive reactions for alkaline phosphatase, cytochrome oxidase, β-glucosidase, β-glucuronidase and hippurate hydrolase but were negative for α-mannosidase, β-galactosidase and β-xylosidase, tributyrin esterase, cystine aminopeptidase and γ-glutamyl aminopeptidase. The pattern of results differed from those given by Actinobacillus, Haemophilus, 'Histophilus', Pasteurella and Taylorella species.  相似文献   
When barley plants were grown in a solution with nitrate asthe sole N-source but deprived of sulphate (–Splants)for 1 to 5 d, the capacity for sulphate transport by the rootsincreased very markedly; subsequent measurement of influx using35S-labelled showed increases of > 10-fold compared to plants continuously supplied with sulphate (+S plants).There were only small effects on plant growth over a 5 d periodand yet the influx of , labelled with the short-lived tracer 13N, was diminished by approximately 30%.By contrast, the influx of phosphate was little affected bysulphate-deprivation. When a sulphate supply was restored to– S plants, the sulphate influx was quickly repressedover the subsequent 24 h and the nitrate influx was restoredto >90% of the value in +S plants. When plants were grown in a solution with a mixed nitrate andammonium supply and deprived of sulphate for 1 d or 5 d thedepression of nitrate influx was more strongly marked (up to55% depression). The influx of ammonium was also depressed after5 d of sulphate-deprivation, but not at 1 d, nor where the concentrationof ammonium in the uptake solution was lowered to 20 mmol m–3or less. Additional measurements with 15N-labelled nitrate and ammoniumover longer periods were used to determine net uptake. Net uptakeof nitrate was depressed to a similar extent to efflux, butnet ammonium uptake was depressed only in unbuffered uptakesolution where the pH decreased to pH 4.9 during the uptakeperiod. The 15N-tracer experiments showed that the translocationof label to the shoot, from both nitrate and ammonium, was depressedto a greater extent than net uptake in –S plants. Thedepression of nitrate influx, caused by 5 d of sulphate deprivation,could be relieved almost completely by providing plants with1.0 mol m–3 L-methionine during the day prior to influxmeasurement. This treatment substantially decreased sulphateand potassium (86Rb-labelled) influx in both +S and –Splants, but greatly increased total S-status of the plants.This methionine treatment had no effect on ammonium influx ornet uptake in – S plants but increased influx significantlyin +S ones. When plants were grown with sulphate but deprived of nitratefor 4 d there was a marked depression of the sulphate influx(by 48–65%) but a smaller effect on phosphate influx (21–37%of +N). The results are discussed in relation to the effects of sulphate-deprivationon growth rate and the root: shoot weight ratio. It is concludedthat the effects on influx and net uptake of nitrogen are moresevere than could be accounted for by these factors. The decreasedtranslocation of either nitrate, or the products of nitrateand ammonium assimilation from the roots, is suggested as areason for the depression of influx. The restoration of nitrateinflux and net uptake by methionine suggests that, for thision at least, a shortage of S-amino acids within the plant maylead to the accumulation of inhibitory concentrations of non-Samino acids in the transport pool. Key words: 13N, sulphate, nitrate, ammonium, ion-uptake, barley  相似文献   
Exposure to 950 rads 60Co radiation has been reported to cause long-lasting damage to the hematopoietic stroma (HS), although the size of the CFUs population recovers to pre-irradiation levels. In these studies HS damage was detected only after subcutaneously implanting the femurs of the irradiated mice into syngeneic hosts. To exclude the possibility that what was considered to be HS damage was merely caused by artifacts due to the process of implantation in a new host, we compared the rate of regeneration of CFUs in mice which had recovered from 950 rads prior to receiving 300 rads 60Co radiation (950 + 300 rads group) with that of mice which received only 300 rads (0 + 300 rads group). The CFUs population in the 950 + 300 rads group grew exponentially for 2 weeks at a rate which did not differ significantly from that of CFUs in the 0 + 300 rads group. However, the rate of CFUs growth reached a plateau before full recovery was achieved in contrast to that in the 0 + 300 rads mice. We therefore conclude that the incomplete regeneration of CFUs in the marrows of 950 + 300 rads mice was most likely caused by X-irradiation-induced damage to the HS rather than damage to the inherent repopulating potential of the CFUs per se.  相似文献   
Floral development includes initiation of floral primordia andsubsequent anthesis as discrete events, even though in manyinvestigations only anthesis is considered. For ‘Ransom’soya bean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] grown at day/night temperaturesof 18/14, 22/18, 26/22, 30/26, and 34/30 °C and exposedto photoperiods of 10, 12, 14, 15, and 16 h, time of anthesisranged from less than 21 days after exposure at the shorterphotoperiods and warmer temperatures to more than 60 days atlonger photoperiods and cooler temperatures. For all temperatureregimes, however, floral primordia were initiated under shorterphotopenods within 3 to 5 days after exposure and after notmore than 7 to 10 days exposure to longer photoperiods. Onceinitiation had begun, time required for differentiation of individualfloral primordia and the duration of leaf initiation at shootapices increased with increasing length of photoperiod. Whileproduction of nodes ceased abruptly under photoperiods of 10and 12 h, new nodes continued to be formed concurrently withinitiation of axillary floral primordia under photoperiods of14, 15 and 16 h. The vegetative condition at the main stem shootapex was prolonged under the three longer photoperiods and issuggestive of the existence of an intermediate apex under theseconditions. The results indicate that initiation and anthesisare controlled independently rather than collectively by photoperiod,and that floral initiation consists of two independent steps—onefor the first-initiated flower in an axil of a main stem leafand a second for transformation of the terminal shoot apex fromthe vegetative to reproductive condition. Apical meristem, intermediate apex, floral initiation, anthesis, photoinduction, Glycine max(L.) Merrill, soya bean, photoperiod, temperature  相似文献   
1. The oviposition choices of phytophagous insects determine the environment that their offspring will experience, affecting both larval performance and host plant fitness. These choices, however, may be influenced by other activities, such as nectar foraging. 2. In the Sonoran Desert, Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) oviposits primarily on the perennial herb Datura wrightii. It has been reported to oviposit on the smaller‐flowered, co‐blooming, sympatric annual Datura discolor as well. Datura is also M. sexta's most important source of nectar in this region. Nectaring and oviposition decisions thus determine M. sexta's reproductive success, as well as the relative benefits (pollination) and costs (herbivory) that each Datura species derives from this interaction. 3. The nectaring and oviposition choices of adult M. sexta on these congeners were studied to investigate how nectar foraging influences oviposition. Larval performance on the two hosts was then assessed. 4. Nectaring and oviposition were behaviourally linked, with M. sexta preferring the perennial D. wrightii as both a nectar source and larval host when given a choice between the two species. This preference disappeared, however, when only D. discolor bore flowers. 5. In the laboratory, larvae developed at equal rates when fed D. wrightii or D. discolor leaves, but survival was higher on D. wrightii when larvae fed on intact plants. 6. These findings suggest that while female preferences match larval performance in most cases, the link between nectaring and oviposition may at times bias moths to lay eggs on inferior larval hosts.  相似文献   
Cuticular Proteins in Insects and Crustaceans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Comparisons between crustacean and insect cuticles are hamperedby the paucity of cuticular protein sequences for the former.Sufficient complete sequences are available for insect cuticularproteins to allow recognition of conserved motifs and relationshipsamong proteins that reflect the type of cuticle from which theyhave been extracted. All five sequences from an arachnid andtwo of 14 from crustaceans have a motif found in the largestgroup of insect cuticular proteins. Numerous insights have beengained from studying insect cuticular proteins and their genes.These insights have been summarized in hopes of encouraginginterest in building on the foundations laid by Dorothy Skinnerwith the exoskeleton of Gecarcinus.  相似文献   
A novel microsporidian parasite is described, which infects the crustacean host Gammarus duebeni. The parasite was transovarially transmitted and feminised host offspring. The life cycle was monomorphic with three stages. Meronts were found in host embryos, juveniles, and in the gonadal tissue of adults. Sporoblasts and spores were restricted to the gonad. Sporogony was disporoblastic giving rise to paired sporoblasts, which then differentiated to form spores. Spores were not found in regular groupings and there was no interfacial envelope. Spores were approximately 3.78 x 1.22 microns and had a thin exospore wall, a short polar filament, and an unusual granular polaroplast. All life cycle stages were diplokaryotic. A region from the parasite small subunit ribosomal RNA gene was amplified and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis based on these data places the parasite within the genus Nosema. We have named the species Nosema granulosis based on the structure of the polaroplast.  相似文献   
Female ornamentation has received little attention in studies of sexual selection. Traditionally, female ornaments have been explained as a genetically correlated response to selection in males. However, recent findings suggest that female ornaments may be adaptive. Southern populations of Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca are suited for studies of female ornamentation because, in addition to the white wing patch, some females also express the white forehead patch characteristic of males. We thus addressed the associations of these two ornaments with female age and with some health and breeding parameters in a Spanish population of Pied Flycatchers. Female ornament expression was not associated with haemoparasite prevalences, clutch size or parental provisioning effort. However, females expressing the white forehead patch raised more fledglings, and females with larger wing patches bred earlier, had higher number of hatchlings and showed increased levels of total serum immunoglobulins. Thus, these two unrelated epigamic ornaments may indicate some aspects of female quality. Further experimental studies could test the possibility that these plumage traits might function as signals to the males or might be used during female–female aggressive encounters in competition for nest-sites and mates.  相似文献   
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