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Heterotrophic nitrogen fixation is a key ecosystem process in unpolluted, temperate old‐growth forests of southern South America as a source of new nitrogen to ecosystems. Decomposing leaf litter is an energy‐rich substrate that favours the occurrence of this energy demanding process. Following the niche ‘complementarity hypothesis’, we expected that decomposing leaf litter of a single tree species would support lower rates of non‐symbiotic N fixation than mixed species litter taken from the forest floor. To test this hypothesis we measured acetylene reduction activity in the decomposing monospecific litter of three evergreen tree species (litter C/N ratios, 50–79) in an old‐growth rain forest of Chiloé Island, southern Chile. Results showed a significant effect of species and month (anova , Tukey's test, P < 0.05) on decomposition and acetylene reduction rates (ARR), and a species effect on C/N ratios and initial % N of decomposing leaf litter. The lowest litter quality was that of Nothofagus nitida (C/N ratio = 78.7, lignin % = 59.27 ± 4.09), which resulted in higher rates of acetylene reduction activity (mean = 34.09 ± SE = 10.34 nmol h?1 g?1) and a higher decomposition rate (k = 0.47) than Podocarpus nubigena (C/N = 54.4, lignin % = 40.31 ± 6.86, Mean ARR = 4.11 ± 0.71 nmol h?1 g?1, k = 0.29), and Drimys winteri (C/N = 50.6, lignin % = 45.49 ± 6.28, ARR = 10.2 ± 4.01 nmol h?1 g?1, k = 0.29), and mixed species litter (C/N = 60.7, ARR = 8.89 ± 2.13 nmol h?1g?1). We interpret these results as follows: in N‐poor litter and high lignin content of leaves (e.g. N. nitida) free‐living N fixers would be at competitive advantage over non‐fixers, thereby becoming more active. Lower ARR in mixed litter can be a consequence of a lower litter C/N ratio compared with single species litter. We also found a strong coupling between in situ acetylene reduction and net N mineralization in surface soils, suggesting that as soon N is fixed by diazotroph bacteria it may be immediately incorporated into mineral soil by N mineralizers, thus reducing N immobilization.  相似文献   
The extensive work carried out during more than a decade by the International Subcommission on Ordovician Stratigraphy has resulted in a new global classification of the Ordovician System into three series and seven stages. Formal Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Points (GSSPs) for all stages have been selected and these and the new stage names have been ratified by the International Commission on Stratigraphy. Based on a variety of biostratigraphic data, these new units are correlated with chronostratigraphic series and stages in the standard regional classifications used in the UK, North America, Baltoscandia, Australia, China, Siberia and the Mediterranean‐North Gondwana region. Furthermore, based mainly on graptolite and conodont zones, the Ordovician is subdivided into 20 stage slices (SS) that have potential for precise correlations in both carbonate and shale facies. The new chronostratigraphic scheme is also tied to a new composite δ13C curve through the entire Ordovician.  相似文献   
Simple and rapid methods for the quantification of DNA, RNA and proteins using specific fluorescent dyes are proposed for the comparison and monitoring of microbial communities from the environment. The purpose of this study was the use of straightforward in situ methods which voided the need for preservation of samples and the risk of potential degradation and quantitative changes during transportation. Aside from this, methods used to obtain information on environmental microbial communities are generally time-consuming and present certain difficulty above all when working on solid substrates such as soils and rocks. New generation fluorescent dyes that bind specifically to DNA, RNA and proteins allow simple and rapid estimates of these biomolecules in crude environmental samples.


Monitoring the metabolic state of microbial communities on different substrates and environments is a requirement for comparing samples and assessing the participation of microorganisms in a variety of processes. Solid substrates are not easily analyzed by microscopic techniques and they require long processing times and tedious work. Aside from this, only a minor fraction (<1%) of microorganisms in most natural environments can be cultured in standard microbiological media ( Ward et al. 1990 ). Other studies using incorporation of labeled substrates to approach activity rates or biomolecule extractions represent complex and long procedures during environmental studies.In order to evaluate microbial communities in a variety of substrates and environments, rapid and simple methods are proposed by measuring DNA, RNA and/or proteins using specific fluorescent dyes, without a need for prior purification, from crude solid samples.  相似文献   
This study reports the value of leaf cuticle characteristics in the identification and classification of Iberian Mediterranean species of the genus Pinus (P. nigra subsp. salzmannii, P. pinaster, P. pinea and P. halepensis), with the aim of using these characters to identify isolated cuticles and stomata in palynology slides. Preparations were made of the cuticles of pine needles belonging to one natural Iberian population of each of the above species. A number of epidermal morphological characteristics were then recorded with the aim of distinguishing these species from one another. The structure of the stomatal complex (the shape and arrangement of the subsidiary cells) was different in each species. The aperture of the epistomatal chamber was significantly smaller in P. pinea than in the other species examined, and the variables recorded for the thickening of the guard cells provided relationships that clearly distinguished all four taxa. The width and length of the stomata and the upper woody lamellae, the central distance between the external limits of the medial lamellae borders and the length of the stem were the most useful variables in this respect. The present results contribute to the ongoing discussion regarding the taxonomic classification of the members of Pinus, and provide valuable clues for the identification of Iberian Mediterranean pine species from small pine needle fragments or isolated stomata. After validation of the present results for multiple populations, these results could also be used to help identify fossil leaf macroremains and the scattered/isolated stomata commonly observed in palaeopalynological samples. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161 , 436–448.  相似文献   
Factors related to bacterial environment of nests are of primary interest for understanding the causes of embryo infection and the evolution of antimicrobial defensive traits in birds. Nest visitors such as parasites could act as vectors for bacteria and/or affect the hygienic conditions of nests and hence influence the nest bacterial environment. In the present study, we explored some predictions of this hypothetical scenario in the great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius)–magpie (Pica pica) system of brood parasitism. Great spotted cuckoos visit the nests of their magpie hosts and frequently damage some of the host eggs when laying eggs or on subsequent visits. Therefore, it represents a good system for testing the effect of nest visitors on the bacterial environment of nests. In accordance with this hypothesis, we found that the bacterial load of magpie eggshells was greater in parasitized nests, which may suggest that brood parasitism increases the probability of bacterial infection of magpie eggs. Moreover, comparisons of bacterial loads of cuckoo and magpie eggs revealed that: (1) cuckoo eggshells harboured lower bacterial densities than those of their magpie hosts in the same nests and (2) the prevalence of bacteria inside unhatched eggs was higher for magpies than for great spotted cuckoos. These interspecific differences were predicted because brood parasitic eggs (but not host eggs) always experience the bacterial environments of parasitized nests. Therefore, the results obtained in the present study suggest that parasitic eggs are better adapted to environments with a high risk of bacterial contamination than those of their magpie hosts. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 836–848.  相似文献   
The productivity and morphology of fruit and seeds were studied in 30 species (and subspecies) of the tribe Genisteae (Fabaceae) in south-west Spain. The morphological characters of greatest taxonomic value both for the segregation of the two subtribes (Genistinae and Lupininae) recognized in Genisteae and for the delimitation of the lower taxonomic levels (genus and species) are the size of the pod and characters of the pericarp, the colour and weight of the seeds, whether or not an ad exists, and the shape, size, and position of the hilum. In contrast, characters of little taxonomic interest are pod colour, shape and number of seeds, and characters of the lens. There were also found to be major relationships between fruit and seed, and between these and other floral (e.g. corolla size) or reproductive (e.g. polledovule [P/O] and seed/ovule [S/O] ratios) attributes. Thus in this tribe, pod size was positively correlated with corolla size, seed size, the number of viable seeddfruit, and the S/O and P/O ratios. Corolla size was positively correlated with the number of viable seeds/ fruit and with the seed weight. Similarly, the number of seeddfruit was positively correlated with the fruit's weight and with the number of ovules/ovary. Also, the weight of the seeds was positively correlated with the pollen/ovule ratio. There was also positive correlation between the S/O and P/O ratios.  相似文献   
为了探明漆酶在斑玉蕈生长发育过程中的功能,对斑玉蕈转录测序预测的13个漆酶基因序列进行分析、鉴定和构建分子系统发育树;检测了不同生长发育时期漆酶的活性和漆酶基因表达水平。研究结果显示:13个基因片段中有10个是漆酶基因。不同的漆酶同工酶之间进化关系存在明显差异,大多数漆酶与木腐菌(金针菇Flammulina filiformis和侧耳属Pleurotus)进化关系较近。对斑玉蕈不同生长发育时期的酶活检测结果显示,从斑玉蕈的菌丝恢复期到钉头期,漆酶活性逐渐升高,而在子实体形成后期酶活逐渐降低。对培养40d、60d和80d的菌丝样品以及不同生长发育时期的样品进RT-qPCR检测,结果显示在菌丝营养生长时期,大多数漆酶基因在第40-60天表达量持续增加1-3倍,而在第60-80天时表达量出现降低的情况。而在生殖生长时期,大多数漆酶基因在转色期或者原基期相对表达量达到最大值,并在子实体期出现降低,这与漆酶活性的检测具有一致性。lcc3lcc7lcc8lcc9在斑玉蕈生殖生长过程中相对表达量出现了10-100倍的上调。这说明从菌丝培养到菌丝扭结形成子实体和子实体发育的过程中,不同的漆酶可能发挥着不同的作用,表达量较高的漆酶基因可能对基质降解和子实体形成起主要作用。  相似文献   
The dynamics of dissemination of the environmental human pathogen Vibrio parahaemolyticus are uncertain. The O3:K6 clone was restricted to Asia until its detection along the Peruvian coasts and in northern Chile in 1997 in phase with the arrival of El Niño waters. A subsequent emergence of O3:K6 strains was detected in austral Chile in 2004. The origin of these 1997 and 2004 population radiations has not yet been conclusively determined. Multiple loci VNTR analysis using seven polymorphic loci was carried out with a number of representative strains from Asia, Peru and Chile to determine their genetic characteristics and population structure. Asian and Chilean subpopulations were the most genetically distant groups with an intermediate subpopulation in Peru. Population structure inferred from a minimum‐spanning tree and Bayesian analysis divided the populations into two genetically distinct groups, consistent with the epidemic dynamics of the O3:K6 clone in South America. One group comprised strains from the original Asiatic population and strains arriving in Peru and Chile in 1997. The second group included the remaining Peruvian Strains and Chilean strains obtained from Puerto Montt in 2004. The analysis of the arrival of the O3:K6 clone at the Pacific coasts of South America has provided novel insights linking the origin of the invasion in 1997 to Asian populations and describing the successful establishment of the O3:K6 populations, first in Peru and subsequently in the South of Chile owing to a possible radiation of Peruvian populations.  相似文献   
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