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Induction of maturation in small Xenopus laevis oocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The competence of Xenopus laevis oocytes in various stages of growth to respond to progesterone treatment was investigated. Full-grown (stage 6) oocytes undergo nuclear membrane dissolution and resume meiosis in response to progesterone exposure, while smaller oocytes (stages 3-5; less than 1100 micron in diameter) do not. The defect which prevents 750- to 1050-micron oocytes from responding to progesterone can be overcome by microinjecting cytoplasm withdrawn from a stage 6 oocyte. Germinal vesicle breakdown in these small oocytes occurs on a timetable similar to that of stage 6 oocytes exposed to progesterone and is accompanied by a twofold increase in protein synthesis as well as the activation of MPF. The results argue that a cytoplasmic factor(s) which probably first appears at late stage 5 is required for progesterone responsiveness. The identity and role of the factor(s) in the development of maturation competence and the regulation of maternal mRNA translation are discussed.  相似文献   
We have previously described in rats the selective uptake of HDL-associated cholesterol esters (traced by [3H]cholesteryl oleyl ether) in excess of the uptake of HDL-associated apoA-I. In the present studies we show that the mechanism also exists in cultured cells of human and mouse origin as well. This selective uptake represents a net uptake of cholesterol esters and not an isotope exchange, as shown by mass flux studies in adrenal cells. Inhibitors of receptor recycling, chloroquine, monensin, and colchicine, inhibited uptake of apoA-I from HDL by Hep G-2 human hepatoma cells to about the same extent as a reference protein, asialofetuin, but inhibited uptake of the cholesteryl ether tracer much less. Levels of NaN3 which effectively inhibited sucrose pinocytosis inhibited uptake of apoA-I to about the same extent but did not inhibit uptake of the cholesteryl ether at all. Thus, not only receptor recycling, but endocytosis as well, appears not to be involved in selective uptake. This conclusion was supported by studies in which synthetic HDL particles were made to contain two neutral lipid core tracers; one of them, the [3H]cholesteryl ether previously used, was selectively taken up, whereas the other, [14C]sucrose octaoleate, was excluded from selective uptake. Thus, selective uptake cannot involve endocytosis of the entire lipid core, but may involve other specific transfer mechanisms.  相似文献   
Observations have been made on the mode of burrow construction in the snake blenny, Lumpenus lampretaeformis , under laboratory conditions. It appears that head probing and lateral oscillations of the body are principally responsible for the excavation of the burrow which is completed within 24 h. The burrow structure has been analysed in detail, showing a mean depth of 7.2 cm with a maximum observed length of 73 cm, with most systems between 20 and 35 cm in length. Initially linear burrows with two openings are usually provided with a small side tunnel, giving the system a characteristic Y-shape.
Burrow irrigation was investigated for the first time in L. lampretaeformis. The mean duration of burrow irrigation, by flexions of the tail of the fish, was 21 s with over 13 min h−1 spent in irrigating the burrow. The mean water displacement per irrigation period was 3.1 ml. The PO 2 and PCO 2 were measured in both surface water and within the burrow system of L. lampretaeformis. Surface water values for PO 2 were high (> 150 Torr) and PCO 2 low (<0.4 Torr). Hypoxic and hypercapnic conditions were measured in the burrow system itself, with PO 2 values ranging between 57 and 129 Torr and PCO 2 rising to > 1.3 Torr in some burrows.
A comparative study of Cepola rubescens burrows indicated similar surface water PO 2 and PCO 2 values as in L. lampretaeformis. Burrow water PO 2 values ranged between 60 and 94 Torr, with PCO 2 values as high as 1.5 Torr being recorded. These results are discussed in relation to the adaptation of both species to a burrowing lifestyle.  相似文献   
Alignment of the sequences, the identification of conserved residue patterns and secondary structure predictions indicate that the extra-cellular regions of the human and Drosophila epidermal growth factor (EGF), c-erb-B2 and human insulin receptors each contain two large, homologous domains (L) which are probably comprised of at least four short alpha-helices followed by turns of conserved length and beta-strands. In the human and Drosophila EGF and c-erb-B2 receptors these homologous domains are each followed by a series of smaller cystine-rich domains (S) to give a gene-duplicated structure of L1S11S12S13L2S21S22S23. In the human insulin receptor, the second series of cystine domains is replaced by a different sequence. These duplicated structures are probably organised as a pseudo-symmetrical dimer. There are two 'hyper-variable' regions, one at the end of the large domains and one in the cystine-rich sequences, which are candidates for hormone or growth-factor binding.  相似文献   
Abstract— Evolutionary changes require historical explanations, yet these are limited by the evolutionary processes we entertain and investigate. Using phylogenetic analysis, adaptation and natural selection can be tested as historical claims, but this is appropriate only in those special cases where change follows the scheme of one character-one function, singled out in new environmental circumstances. Systematic treatment of the evolutionary origin of characters (in particular, origin through ecological and developmental flexibility) lies outside the scope of selectionist explanations. Structural hypotheses about regularities in the directions of change, also analyzed phylogenetically, expand the scope of historical explanation to include the origin of characters, yet retain the view of organisms as passive and constrained objects of evolutionary change. Historical biology needs to encompass both the active responses of organisms and the construction by organisms of their own environments. For this to be realized will require changes in the concepts and practices of evolutionary biology, including a re-examination of the Lamarckian theme that the active responses of organisms have evolutionary significance—the rarity of individual-to-individual transmission of "acquired" characters does not disprove the possibility of their frequency increasing in a population.  相似文献   
This paper reports an experiment designed to demonstrate that the calf lung can be sensitized to a specific respirable challenge following parenteral immunization with a nonliving antigen (human serum albumin). The possibility that immune-mediated injury could subsequently interfere with nonspecific mucosal defenses was also investigated by infecting calves with Pasteurella haemolytica after the antigen challenge and assessing pulmonary clearance of the organism. The results indicated that specific aerosol challenge produces reversible signs of respiratory hypersensitivity and that persistence of incidental infection in the upper respiratory tract is potentiated. Since the calves were sensitized by an immunization regime which imitated conventional vaccination, this study highlights the potential dangers of inactivated parenteral respiratory vaccines.  相似文献   
2-Amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoxaline (MeIQx) is a potent mutagen found in cooked food. MeIQx and its isotopically labelled (13C, 15N2 and 14C) analogues were synthesised and used for metabolic studies in vivo. An equimolar mixture of MeIQx and its 13C, 15N2 stable isotope labelled analogue (containing tracer amounts of 14C-MeIQx) was given intraperitoneally to mice. Some 67% of the radioactivity was eliminated in urine and faeces within 24h. Four radiolabelled species were observed when urine was analysed by HPLC, corresponding to unchanged MeIQx and three more polar metabolites. Urine was analysed directly by HPLC-thermospray mass spectrometry. Four signals were observed containing the characteristic 1:1 isotopic doublet, corresponding to unchanged MeIQx, an MeIQx glucuronide, and two uncharacterized metabolites.  相似文献   
The carbohydrate moieties of Erythrina cristagalli lectin were released as oligosaccharides by hydrazinolysis, followed by N-acetylation and reduction with NaB3H4. Fractionation of the tritium-labelled oligosaccharide mixture by Bio-Gel P-4 column chromatography and high-voltage borate electrophoresis revealed that it is composed of five neutral oligosaccharides. Structural studies by sequential exoglycosidase digestion in combination with methylation analysis and two-dimensional 1H-NMR showed that the major component was the fucose-containing heptasaccharide Man alpha 3(Man alpha 6)(Xyl beta 2)Man beta 4GlcNAc beta 4(Fuc alpha 3)GlcNAcol. This is the first report of such a structure in plant lectins. Small amounts of the corresponding afucosyl hexasaccharide were also identified, as well as three other minor components. The structure of the heptasaccharide shows the twin characteristics of a newly established family of N-linked glycans, found to date only in plants. The characteristics are substitution of the common pentasaccharide core [Man alpha 3(Man alpha 6)Man beta 4GlcNAc beta 4GlcNAc] by a D-xylose residue linked beta 1----2 to the beta-mannosyl residue and an L-fucose residue linked alpha 1----3 to the reducing terminal N-acetylglucosamine residue. The oligosaccharide heterogeneity pattern for Erythrina cristagalli lectin was also found for the lectins from four other Erythrina species and the lectins of two other legumes, Sophora japonica and Lonchocarpus capassa.  相似文献   
The factors influencing the migration of gall stones are ill understood. Altogether 331 patients undergoing cholecystectomy were studied prospectively. The diameters of the cystic and common bile ducts and of stones in the gall bladder and bile ducts were measured. Increasing pressure was applied to the freshly excised gall bladder in an attempt to evacuate stones through the cystic duct. Stones passed in 33 (60.0%) of patients with choledocholithiasis, 45 (67.2%) of patients with pancreatitis, and 7 (3.2%) of patients without either pancreatitis or choledocholithiasis. Stones migrated in 6 (3.0%) who had a normal cystic duct diameter (less than or equal to 4 mm) and in 46 (32.5%) with a duct over 4 mm diameter. Common bile duct stones were often larger than the diameter of the cystic duct and when reintroduced into the gall bladder would not migrate. The passage of debris (less than or equal to 1 mm) through the cystic duct bore no relation to the presence or absence of choledocholithiasis or a dilated cystic duct. Small stones (1-4 mm diameter) must migrate to initiate and facilitate further migration; some must increase in size in the common bile duct. Increased biliary pressure consequently dilates the duct system retrogradely, allowing larger stones to follow. Patients at risk of stone migration and thereby pancreatitis and jaundice have large ducts that can be detected by ultrasound assessment.  相似文献   
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