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A human monoclonal antibody to cytomegalovirus (CMV)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report the development of a human monoclonal antibody to cytomegalovirus (CMV) produced from a human X human hybridoma. This hybrid was developed by fusion of an EBV-transformed cell line making antibody to CMV and a human lymphoblastoid cell line WI-L2. The antibody is directed to a CMV-specific antigen primarily in the nucleus of CMV-infected human fibroblasts. It cross-reacts with at least 10 different strains of CMV and may provide a method for the rapid in vitro diagnosis of CMV infections. The production of CMV-specific human man monoclonal antibodies from human-human hybridomas for future therapeutic use is now technically feasible with this specific method of production.  相似文献   
In-house use consumer test data from four studies dealing with three pairs of household products and a pair of antiperspirant products were examined for significant carry-over (product usage order) effects, which would confound the analysis of treatment (product) effects. In each study, two products were compared using a two-period crossover design. One hundred twenty panelists participated in each study. A forced choice preference scale or a 9-point hedonic scale was used to obtain responses from various sensory attributes. In all studies, the estimates of carry-over effects were not significant at the 5% level. Transformation of hedonic scale data into preference dichotomy also gave estimates of carry-over effects which were not significant at the 5% level, but led to a loss of test sensitivity for detecting treatment differences. The authors recommend that all comparative crossover design studies in sensory evaluation be monitored for carry-over effects and that statistically determined sample size should be used to reduce the possibility of obtaining significant carry-over effects.  相似文献   
The microorganism Brevibacterium flavum 21129 has been used to produce multigram batches of L-[15N2]lysine of high purity and isotopic enrichment by supplementation of the growth medium with (15NH4)2SO4 of 98.0 atom% excess. The doubly 15N-labeled lysine can be detected at dilutions 10 times greater than singly labeled lysine when isotope dilution curves are analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. This enhanced sensitivity permits kinetic measurements of plasma free-lysine isotope content over a 300-fold dilution during 6 h following a single oral bolus of 5 mg/kg body wt. This inexpensive preparation method lends itself to the production of highly useful biochemical compounds for kinetic studies of human nutrition.  相似文献   
Evidence regarding the interaction of ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280-320 nm) radiation and plant competition in terrestrial ecosystems is examined. The competitive interactions of some species pairs were affected even by ambient solar UV-B radiation (as exists without ozone depletion), when compared to control pairs grown without UV-B. Also, the total shoot biomass of these species pairs was depressed under ambient UV-B. Relatively large increases in UV-B radiation (approximating a 40% ozone layer reduction when weighted with the generalized plant action spectrum) altered the competitive interactions of some species pairs grown in pots under field conditions, but did not affect the total shoot biomass production of those pairs. Recent field experiments have examined the competitive interactions of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Bannock) and wild oat ( Avena fatua L.) under a simulated increased UV-B regime resulting from a 16% ozone layer reduction when weighted with the generalized plant action spectrum. This increase in UV-B altered the competitive interactions of these two species without affecting the total shoot biomass production of the species pair. The manner in which increased UV-B affected the relative competitive abilities of the two species was highly dependent upon the environmental conditions during the early life stages of the plants. The implications of these results for both agricultural and natural plant communities are discussed.  相似文献   
The ontogeny of strombid behavior was studied by observing thebehavior of Strombus maculatus veligers collected from the planktonand reared past metamorphosis to adults, and by observing juvenilestrombids collected in the field. Complete adult modal actionpatterns (MAP's) associated with locomotion, feeding, and rightingof overturned shells are performed by S. maculatus juvenilesimmediately after metamorphosis. There are changes in the frequencyof the use of certain MAP's which are associated with variationsin shell shape and size. The unique strombid escape response to molluscivorous gastropods(Conns spp.) is not released until juvenile S. maculatus arethree weeks past metamorphosis and two millimeters in shelllength. At that stage, the complete response is released uponthe first encounter with a predator. Experience with a predatordoes not seem to lower the age or size criteria. During ontogeny there is a trend toward an increasing complexityof behavior which is paralleled by an increasing complexityof neural structure and general morphology. There are majorsteps in the ontogeny of strombid behavior which probably coincidewith neural and morphological stages.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The iguanid lizard Basiliscus basiliscus in Panama is parasitized by Plasmodium basilisci and P. achiotense sp. nov. P. basilisci in this host is characterized by schizonts containing 4–14 merozoites, with schizonts parasitizing proerythrocytes containing more merozoites than those in erythrocytes. Asexual parasites lack cytoplasmic projections, while mature gametocytes are round or oval with regular margins.
P. achiotense is characterized by the combination of prominently pigmented, large schizonts containing 36–56 merozoites and oval or round gametocytes which are about 1/3 larger than those of P. basilisci.
EE-schizonts of P. basilisci were observed commonly in thrombocytes and occasionally in lymphocytes, and appeared early in experimental infections induced by blood inoculation.  相似文献   
Translation of the UGA triplet in vitro by tryptophan transfer RNA's   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Tryptophan transfer RNA from the UGA-suppressing strain of Escherichia coli CAJ64 was purified and assayed for suppressor activity in vitro in two ways: by translation of the bacteriophage T4 lysozyme messenger RNA bearing a UGA mutation, and by translation of poly(U-G-A). Purified tRNATrp, and no other fraction, stimulates lysozyme synthesis 30-fold above the level seen when comparable amounts of tryptophan tRNA from the non-suppressing strain, CA244, were added; it also translates poly(U-G-A) as polytryptophan more efficiently than the su tRNA. Tryptophan tRNA from the non-suppressing strain is active in the assays but far less so than CAJ64 tRNATrp, and this is consistent with the leakiness of su strains. Since the nucleotide sequences of these tryptophan tRNA's are known (Hirsh, 1971), it is concluded that tRNA with a CCA anticodon recognizes the UGA triplet and this recognition is improved by a nucleotide change elsewhere in the molecule.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Plasmodium balli sp. nov. is described from Anolis lionotus and A. poecilopus of central Panama.
Large, elongate gametocytes and segmenters containing up to 100 merozoites are produced by P. balli. Proerythrocytes and normoblasts are more commonly parasitized than erythrocytes. Pigment is uncommon, but when present consists of a minute dot. Hypertrophy, distortion and lysis of host cell nuclei may result from parasitization of immature blood cells by gametocytes, while enucleated host cells are common.  相似文献   
The Control of Color in Mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SYNOPSIS. Recent advances in the biology of mammalian pigmentationare reviewed.Particular attention is given to emerging informationon the integration of pigmentary events occurring at differentlevels of biological organization within mammalian skin andhair. The structural and functional significance of keratinocytesand melanocytes as components of mammalian epidermal melaninunits is viewed from this perspective. New evidence on the natureof genetic, developmental, endocrine, and radiation influenceson performance of melanocytes and the establishment of pigmentarypatterns is summarized.  相似文献   
Partitioning of respiratory flow resistance in man   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
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