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Evidence for the non-indolic nature of the new citrus auxinis presented on the basis of fluorometric properties, thin-layerchromatography, Ehrlich's colour reaction, paper electrophoresis,and the infra-red spectra determinations. Citrus auxin had alower Rf in TLC than IAA, did not give the typical indole reactionwith Ehrlich's reagent, and behaved differently in electrophoresis.The infra-red spectra also provided preliminary informationconcerning chemical structure. The hypothesis that indolic compoundsconstitute the only natural auxins in higher plants should berevised in view of this evidence that a non-indole auxin existsin higher plants.  相似文献   
Abstract Brief exposure to low (0oC) or high (40oC) temperature elicits a protective response that prevents injury when the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart, is subjected to more severe cold (-10oC) or heat (45oC). Both the low and high temperature responses were found in all developmental stages of the fly, but were most pronounced in the pupal and pharate adult stages. The protective responses generated by brief exposure to 0 or 40oC appear similar in that both result in a rapid acquisition of cold or heat tolerance and a loss of protection after the flies are returned to 25oC. The protection generated by chilling is obvious within 10 min of exposure to 0oC while a 30 min exposure to 40oC is required to induce the high temperature protection. High temperature protects against cold shock injury within a narrow range (around 36oC) but we have no evidence that low temperature can protect against heat injury. We previously demonstrated that the rapid increase in cold tolerance correlates with concomitant increases in glycerol concentration, but in this study we found no significant elevation in glycerol in heat-shocked flies. Thus the physiological and biochemical bases for the rapid responses to cold and heat appear to be different.  相似文献   
The survival of overwintering boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis (Boheman), adults on non-cotton hosts in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) of Texas was examined from 2001 to 2006. The success of the Boll Weevil Eradication Program, which was reintroduced into the LRGV in 2005, depends on controlling overwintering boll weevil populations. Laboratory studies were conducted using boll weevil adults that were captured in pheromone traps from September through March. The number of adults captured per trap declined significantly in the field from fall to the beginning of spring (3.5-7.0-fold). The proportion of trapped males and females did not differ significantly. The mean weight of boll weevil adults captured in September was 13.3 mg, while those of captured adults from November to February were significantly lower and ranged from 6.7 to 7.8 mg. Our results show that boll weevil adults can feed on different plant pollens. The highest longevity occurred when adults were fed almond pollen or mixed pollens (72.6 days and 69.2 days, respectively) and the lowest when they fed on citrus pollen or a non-food source (9.7 days or 7.4 days, respectively). The highest adult survival occurred on almond and mixed pollens [88.0%-97. 6% after 1st feeding period (10 days), 78.0%-90.8% after 3rd feeding period (10 days), 55. 0%-83.6% after 5th feeding period (10 days), and 15.2%-32.4% after lOth feeding period (10 days)]. The lowest adult survival occurred on citrus pollen [52.0%-56.0% after 1st feeding period (10 days), 13.3% after 3rd and 5th feeding periods (10 days), and 0 after 6th feeding period (10 days)]. Pollen feeding is not a behavior restricted to adult boll weevils of a specific sex or physiological state. Understanding how boll weevil adults survive in the absence of cotton is important to ensure ultimate success of eradicating this pest in the subtropics.  相似文献   
Ant inquilines are obligate social parasites, usually lacking a sterile worker caste, which are dependent on their hosts for survival and reproduction. Social parasites are rare among the fungus‐gardening ants (Myrmicinae: tribe Attini) and only four species are known until now, all being inquilines from the Higher Attini. We describe Mycocepurus castrator sp.n. , the first inquiline social parasite to be discovered in the Lower Attini. Our study of the parasite's behaviour and life history supports the conclusion drawn from external morphology: Mycocepurus castrator is an evolutionarily derived inquiline parasite of Mycocepurus goeldii. Inquilines are of great interest to evolutionary biology because it is debated if they originated via sympatric or allopatric speciation. We discuss the life history evolution, behaviour and morphology of socially parasitic, fungus‐growing ants.  相似文献   
1. In order to understand fully the evolution of a behavioural trait one must not only consider whether it is adaptive in its present environment but also whether it originated as an adaptation to existing selective forces or as a fortuitous consequence of selection for a different role in other environments (i.e., as a pre-adaptation) or of selection for different traits (e.g., as a pleiotropic effect). In this paper interspecific territorialism is examined in species of humming-birds, sun-birds, tropical reef fishes, stingless bees, stomatopods, crayfish, and limpets as a means of determining its adaptiveness and its origins. 2. Humming-birds form complex assemblages with species sorted out among the available resources. Dominant species establish feeding territories where flowers provide sufficient nectar. A few large, dominant species, usually uncommon, are marauders on others' territories. Subordinate species establish territories where flowers are more dispersed or produce less nectar, or they fly a circuit from nectar source to nectar source when flowers are even more dispersed, a foraging pattern called ‘traplining’, or they steal nectar from the territorial species by being inconspicuous while foraging. Two species, Amazilia saucerottei and Selasphorus sasin, subordinate in one-to-one encounters, are able to take over rich resources by establishing several small territories within a territory of a dominant and forcing it to forage elsewhere. 3. Among humming-birds, territorial individuals attacked not only subordinate competitors but marauding humming-birds and some insects, which stayed in the territory and foraged at will, and seemingly inappropriate targets, such as non-competitors. This suggests that the stimulus for aggression is ‘any flying organism near the food resources’, regardless of its appearance. The behaviour rather than the identity of the intruder is the stimulus. 4. Sun-birds resemble humming-birds to the extent that dominants establish territories on rich nectar sources and subordinates establish territories on less rich nectar sources or steal from the territories of dominants. The diversity of foraging patterns is not so great as in humming-birds, perhaps because so few species of sun-birds have been studied. However, the advantage of territorialism has been measured in the sun-bird Nectarinia reichenowi. Individuals with territories lose much less nectar to competitors than do those without territories. 5. Field work on three species of tropical reef fishes involved a single aggressive species whose individuals attacked a wide range of species intruding on their territories. The stimulus for aggression in Pomacentrus jenkinsi seemed to be an “object moving through [its] territory”. As suggested for humming-birds, the stimulus is the behaviour rather than the identity of the intruder. 6. The relationships found in stingless bees, stomatopods, crayfish, and limpets are simpler. The dominant and subordinate species divide the resources in their habitat, the dominants' aggression preventing the subordinates from using resources that were otherwise available to them. 7. A general pattern emerges. Mutual interspecific territorialism occurs between species that (i) have different geographic ranges, (ii) occupy different habitats, or (iii) use different resources within the same habitat. Examples of two species holding separate territories on the same resources within the same habitat are rare and occur when the dominant species is rare relative to the available resources. These observations are contrary to the usual view that interspecific territorialism is an adaptation that permits co-existence of potential competitors within the same habitat. 8. Interspecific territorialism is sometimes adaptive and sometimes maladaptive, depending upon the species and the situation. 9. The general pattern of occurrence of the behaviour and the general nature of the stimulus for aggression, i.e., the behaviour rather than the identity of the intruder, suggest that interspecific territoriality is a fortuitous consequence of selection for intraspecific territorialism, the latter being not only an adaptation to the presence of conspecific competitors but a pre-adaptation to the presence of competitors of other species, should they occur.  相似文献   
The nuclear matrix is operationally defined as the structure remaining after nuclease-digested nuclei are extracted with high concentrations of salt. The nuclear matrix is thought to have a role in organizing higher order chromatin into loop domains. We determined whether specific regions of the histone H5 gene were very tightly bound to protein of erythrocyte and liver nuclear matrices in vitro. We demonstrate that DNA fragments spanning sequences 5' to the promoter and the 3' enhancer region of the histone H5 gene, but not DNA fragments spanning the promoter, were very tightly bound to protein of nuclear matrices of erythrocytes and liver. The nuclear matrix consists of internal nuclear matrix and nuclear pore-lamina complex. Recently, we demonstrated that histone deacetylase could be used as a marker enzyme of the internal nuclear matrix. We demonstrate that nuclear pore-lamina complex preparations that were depleted of histone deacetylase activity, and thus of internal nuclear matrix, retained the protein that bound very tightly to the beta-globin and histone H5 enhancers. These results provide evidence that specific regions of the histone H5 gene are very tightly bound to nuclear pore-lamina complex protein.  相似文献   
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