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SYNOPSIS. The effects of temperatures of 12–18 C on cell division and oral primordium development were investigated in cultures of synchronized Tetrahymena pyriformis GL-C. If exposures to 12 or 15 C were initiated prior to a “transition point,” long delays of cell division were generated. After this transition point, cell division could no longer be substantially delayed by exposure to low temperature. The time of the transition point was somewhat earlier with 15 C than with 12 C treatments. At temperatures higher than 15 C long delays of cell division were not generated regardless of time of treatment. The effects of low temperature on oral morphogenesis were strongly dependent on the stage which was affected. (i) The further development of cells initially in the “anarchic field” stage (stage 1) was immediately blocked at both 12 and 15 C. (ii) Cells initially in the stages of incipient membranelle differentiation (stages 2 and 3) continued to develop at both 12 and 15 C, and formed oral primordia in which all 3 membranelles were clearly differentiated (stage 4). The subsequent progress of these stage 4 primordia depended on the temperature: at 12 C virtually all were resorbed (and cell division was blocked); at 15 C only about 1/3 were resorbed, while the remaining 2/3 completed their development (with the concomitant completion of cell division). (iii) Cells initially in intermediate stages of membranelle differentiation (early stage 4) developed to some extent at 12 C, and then underwent resorpton of oral primordia and blockage of cell division; at 15 C such cells completed their development and division normally. (iv) Cells in which the membranelles and undulating membrane were complete or nearly so (stage 5 and very late stage 4) at the time of the beginning of the cold treatment subsequently finished their development and went thru cell division, even at temperatures as low as 5 C. These results indicate that in addition to a “stabilization point” which occurs shortly before the completion of membranelle development, there is an earlier change in the primordium at the time of the onset of membranelle development, which renders development much less sensitive to direct interference by low temperature.  相似文献   
The ongoing and projected warming in the northern high latitudes (NHL; poleward of 60 °N) may lead to dramatic changes in the terrestrial carbon cycle. On the one hand, warming and increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration stimulate vegetation productivity, taking up CO2. On the other hand, warming accelerates the decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM), releasing carbon into the atmosphere. Here, the NHL terrestrial carbon storage is investigated based on 10 models from the Coupled Carbon Cycle Climate Model Intercomparison Project. Our analysis suggests that the NHL will be a carbon sink of 0.3 ± 0.3 Pg C yr?1 by 2100. The cumulative land organic carbon storage is modeled to increase by 38 ± 20 Pg C over 1901 levels, of which 17 ± 8 Pg C comes from vegetation (43%) and 21 ± 16 Pg C from the soil (8%). Both CO2 fertilization and warming enhance vegetation growth in the NHL. Although the intense warming there enhances SOM decomposition, soil organic carbon (SOC) storage continues to increase in the 21st century. This is because higher vegetation productivity leads to more turnover (litterfall) into the soil, a process that has received relatively little attention. However, the projected growth rate of SOC begins to level off after 2060 when SOM decomposition accelerates at high temperature and then catches up with the increasing input from vegetation turnover. Such competing mechanisms may lead to a switch of the NHL SOC pool from a sink to a source after 2100 under more intense warming, but large uncertainty exists due to our incomplete understanding of processes such as the strength of the CO2 fertilization effect, permafrost, and the role of soil moisture. Unlike the CO2 fertilization effect that enhances vegetation productivity across the world, global warming increases the productivity at high latitudes but tends to reduce it in the tropics and mid‐latitudes. These effects are further enhanced as a result of positive carbon cycle–climate feedbacks due to additional CO2 and warming.  相似文献   
Hypotheses about the causes of biodiversification during the Ordovician have been focused in three main areas: tectonic activity and nutrient supply, palaeogeography, and ecological escalation. There is as yet no consensus on mechanisms, and it is unclear whether it is better to study the patterns at local or regional scales. By applying ecological knowledge to the available palaeontological information, it can be shown that neither tectonic nor palaeogeographic effects could account for the permanence of the diversity rise, in the absence of elements of ecological escalation. However, it may be possible to identify trigger mechanisms resulting in enhanced speciation or reduced extinction. Areas of local diversity increase should be distinguished from speciation centres. An ongoing study of the Middle Ordovician Builth-Llandrindod Inlier of central Wales, conducted over 10 years, has identified elements of all three of the above categories of causal mechanisms affecting local diversity. This implies that the patterns of causal relationship and diversification are complex even at very local scales, and at this stage we should not anticipate a clear correlation of global diversity with any single factor. More data are needed from small-scale but intensive studies before we can generalize about the causal mechanisms of the Ordovician Radiation.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. The mid-summer declines of Daphnia species in three small lakes were investigated to examine the relative roles of reduced natality and increased mortality. Reduced natality (assessed by quantifying clutch size, lipid index, and available food) could not account for the decline in daphnid abundance in any of the populations examined.
2. The role of increased mortality imposed by zooplanktivorous fish was assessed by estimating the sizes of the mid-water refuge areas where daphnids could escape fish predation. The boundaries of the refuge areas were estimated from field measurements and literature values and were based on gradients of temperature, dissolved oxygen and light. Observed decreases in refuge thicknesses correlated well with the mid-summer declines of large-bodied Daphnia species in all three lakes. Intermediatesized daphnids were less affected as the refuges thinned and small-bodied species increased in abundance.
3. The importance of refuge thickness in modifying zooplanktivore-induced mortality was further tested in large enclosures where refuge thickness was experimentally modified. In the presence of zooplanktivorous fish, large-bodied Daphnia , which used the refuge, persisted when the refuge was thick but disappeared when it thinned. Daphnia galeata mendotae , which did not occupy the refuge zone, was rapidly eliminated regardless of refuge thickness. We conclude that refuge availability plays a major role in Daphnia population dynamics.  相似文献   
Homeotherms are generally considered to lack classical active dermal pigment cells (chromatophores) in their integument, attributable to the development of an outer covering coat of hair or feathers. However, bright colored dermal pigment cells, comparable to chromatophores of lower vertebrates, are found in the irides of many birds. We propose that, because of its exposed location, the iris is an area in which color from pigment cells has sustained a selective advantage and appears to have evolved independently of the general integument. In birds, the iris appears to have retained the potential for the complete expression of all dermal chromatophore types. Differences in cell morphology and the presence of unusual pigments in birds are suggested to be the result of evolutionary changes that followed the divergence of birds from reptiles. By comparison, mammals appear to have lost the potential for producing iridophores, xanthophores, or erythrophores comparable to those of lower vertebrates, even though some species possess brightly colored irides. It is proposed that at least one species of mammal (the domestic cat) has recruited a novel iridial reflecting pigment organelle originally developed in the choroidal tapetum lucidum. The potential presence of classical chromatophores in mammals remains open, as few species with bright irides have been examined.  相似文献   
Chemorepellents in Paramecium and Tetrahymena   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Although Paramecium has been widely used as a model sensory cell to study the cellular responses to thermal, mechanical and chemoattractant stimuli, little is known about their responses to chemorepellents. We have used a convenient capillary tube repellent bioassay to describe 4 different compounds that are chemorepellents for Paramecium and compared their response with those of Tetrahymena. The classical Paramecium t-maze chemokinesis test was also used to verify that this is a reliable chemorepellent assay. The first two compounds, GTP and the oxidant NBT, are known to be depolarizing chemorepellents in Paramecium but this is the first report of them as repellents in Tetrahymena. The second two compounds, the secretagogue alcian blue and the dye cibacron blue, have not previously been described as chemorepellents in either of these ciliates. Two other compounds, the secretagogue AED and the oxidant cytochrome c, were found to be repellents to Paramecium but not to Tetrahymena. The repellent nature of each of these compounds is not related to toxicity because cells are completely viable in all of them. More importantly, all of these repellents are effective at micromolar to nanomolar concentrations, providing an opportunity to use them as excitatory ligands in future works concerning their membrane receptors and possible receptor operated ion channels.  相似文献   
On protected intertidal sand flats, virtually worldwide, nassariidsnails scavenge carrion. Typically, they lie in repose beneaththe sand surface but emerge to feed when chemoreceptors detectcarrion. Distance from the potential food influences whetherthey move towards it and, if they do, whether they obtain ameal before it is consumed by others. This study shows that the rate at which Nassarius festivus movestoward food bait is similar for starved and well-fed individuals.That is, when individuals decide to feed, the rate at whichthey move toward food is always approximately the same. Thisstudy exposes another facet of nassariid nutrition related tothe degree of hunger. Recently fed individuals, i.e., thosewhich have fed for < 14 days, will cease feeding and departpalatable food if crushed conspecifics are added to it. Individualswhich have not fed for > 14 days tend to remain feeding,despite the addition of crushed conspecifics. Another studyhas shown that N. festivus consumes sufficient energy from afed-to-satiation meal to sustain it in repose for 20 days.These experiments clarify the observation. Between 14 to 20days since its last meal, N. festivus will feed when the possibilityarises, despite potentially adverse consequences. That is, hungerovercomes the fear of being consumed at a feeding assemblagebecause, without feeding, the alternative may be death by starvation.Thus, a nassariid makes decisions about whether or not to feed.The fear of predation causes N. festivus to abandon a meal ifthe previous one was obtained within a fortnight but, thereafter,it will risk predation to avoid starvation. (Received 14 March 1994; accepted 7 July 1994)  相似文献   
Melanocytes grow well in culture media supplemented with phorbol ester. However, phorbol ester is metabolically stable and has prolonged effects on multiple cellular responses. Different groups have reported that they could cultivate melanocytes without phorbol ester. However, in medium without phorbol esters contaminating fibroblasts are often difficult to eliminate. We have developed an improved method for eliminating fibroblasts using geneticin in serum free medium with bFGF, endothelin-1 and no phorbol ester. Treatment with a low concentration of geneticin effectively eliminated contaminating fibroblasts and was not harmful to melanocytes if geneticin was added initially in a high calcium media (2 mM) followed by a change to a low (0.09 mM) calcium media immediately after removal of the geneticin. With this technique we could easily establish pure melanocyte culture. This culture method will provide a useful tool for studies on melanocyte cellular response without the influence of phorbol ester.  相似文献   
Thirty-one species of microsporidia, isolated from insects and stored in liquid nitrogen for up to 25 yr, were infectious when removed from liquid nitrogen. The natural hosts of all of these microsporidia were terrestrial insects, representing six different insect orders: Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Orthoptera. All microsporidia from terrestrial insects that were tested survived storage in liquid nitrogen, while Nosema algerae , a microsporidium from aquatic mosquito hosts did not survive freezing in liquid nitrogen. A Nosema species from the alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica , lost some infectivity in a water storage medium after 25 yr in liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen storage of microsporidian spores in 50% and 100% glycerol media reduced loss of infectivity and is recommended for extended storage of microsporidia from terrestrial insect hosts.  相似文献   
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