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SYNOPSIS. Oxytricha fallax and Stylonychia pustulata possess 6 rows of dorsal bristle units. Each dorsal bristle unit consists of a pair of kinetosomes; the anterior kinetosome has a cilium and the posterior kinetosome a ciliary stub. The kinetosome pair, located at the bottom of a cortical pit surrounding the cilium and ciliary stub, is surrounded by an asymmetrical fibrillar mass. Future rows 1-4 are formed from 2 sets of primordia originating within mature dorsal rows 1-3. Rows 5 and 6 originate from the anterior regions of both right marginal cirral primordia. Old dorsal bristle units utilized in formation of primordia are presumably maintained in the new rows of the proter and opisthe; those outside the primordia are resorbed. The morphogenetic pattern of the Oxytrichidae is similar to those of the Urostylidae and Holostichidae, but quite different from that of the Euplotidae.  相似文献   
Abstract— Farris (1985) claimed that my assertions about unbiasedness and consistency of estimates of a phylogeny obtained by least squares fitting are in error. The counterexample he constructed violates the assumptions of additivity and independence of distances which were clearly stated in my earlier paper. As such it is not a valid counterexample. It is argued, contrary to Farris's claims, that one need not avoid nonmetric distances, and that one should avoid negative branch lengths in estimates of phylogenies from distance data. Statistical tests of clockness, and, to a limited extent, of alternative phylogenies can be constructed, and these are demonstrated by example. A computer program to infer phylogenies from distance matrices has been in free distribution by me for several years; it seems as effective as the program recently announced by Farris. Information on phylogenies is present in distance data, as in other kinds of data, and statistical methods can be developed to extract it.  相似文献   
The daily course of carbon influx and efflux was measured inyoung plants of Phaseolus vulgaris, Xanthium strumarium, Zeamays, and Atriplex halimus, exposed to low levels of salinity(NaCl) and varying daytime light intensities. Maintenance respiration(RM) was calculated. In Phaseolus, Xanthium, and Atriplex, RMrose with increasing salinity, approximately up to those levelsof salinity above which apparent signs of toxicity appear. Athigher levels of salinity RM declined. There was no responseof RM to salinity in Zea. At the levels of salinity tested,salinity did not affect the ratio of growth respiration to photosynthesis. At –5 x 105 Pa of NaCl salinity, the increase in RM inXanthium was calculated to account for 24% of the growth reductioncaused by salt. The remainder could be ascribed to reduced photosynthesis.The increase of RM is considered to be indicative of an adaptivemechanism, not present in the very salt-sensitive Zea.  相似文献   
Hemocyanins are high molecular weight oxygen-carrying proteinsthat occur in the molluscs and arthropods. The oxygen-bindingsite in these proteins is a pair of copper atoms bound directlyto ammo acid side chains. The biscopper sites of these proteinsbind single molecules of dioxygen or carbon monoxide. In arthropodsthere are two copper atoms per approximately 70 000 daltonsof protein. This corresponds to the molecular weight of theminimum polypeptide chain. In molluscs however there are twocopper atoms per 50,000 daltons of protein. This does not correspondto the minimum polypeptide chain although it does correspondto the minimal functional unit. The minimal polypeptide chainin molluscan hemocyanins is approximately 400,000 daltons andappears to be composed of eight or more 50 000 dalton unitslinked together like a string of pearls. In the molluscs, thenative hemocyanins found in the hemolymph generally occur asgiant cylindrical molecules 350 Å in diameter, 380 Ålong, with molecular weights of 9 000,000. These large moleculesare composed of approximately 20 polypeptide chains. In thehemolymph of the arthropods depending upon the species, hemocyaminsoccur as hexamers dodecamers 24-mers and 48-mers. The molecularweight of the 48-mers is about 3 600,000. The respiratory functionsof hemocyamns show a wide range of allosteric properties. Thelarge molecules commonly show cooperativity in oxygen binding.The number of interacting subunits is in some cases dependentupon external conditions of pH and ionic composition. The oxygenaffinity is usually sensitive to pH and to low molecular weightcofactors like chloride, calcium and magnesium ions. The intrinsicoxygen binding properties of an organism s hemocyanin and itsallosteric control by modulators allow organisms possessingthese giant molecules to adapt to their environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Pith parenchyma tissues of tobacco sometimes lose their exogenous requirement for a cell division factor such as the cytokinin, kinetin. This process, known as cytokinin habituation, appears to involve epigenetic changes since it is a heritable change in cell phenotype which is directed, regularly reversible, and leaves the cell totipotent. In this report, we show that pith cells in culture consist of at least two types of cytokinin-requiring cells. The first type habituates rapidly under inductive conditions. The second type continues to express the cytokinin-requiring phenotype for many cell generations in culture but retains the capacity for habituation. These findings suggest that pith cells differ in their competence to habituate and that different states of competence are inherited by individual cells.  相似文献   
The Israeli land snail, Xeropicta vestalis, offers a particularly clear example of gene regulation in relation to natural selection, in that within each population the appropriate phenotype is generated only at the correct part of the animals life cycle, and a contrasting phenotype develops when the forces of natural selection change. In the mountains of Jerusalem, where the winter is cold, the shells are dark. Westwards, towards the coastal plain where the winter is warmer, the shells gradually become paler. As dark shells absorb more radiation than pale ones, this clinal variation in morph frequencies can be explained in thermal terms. (Banded shells are also more cryptic than non-banded shells, so that in the mountains visual selection by predators may be an additional force which favours dark shells.) Xeropicta vestalis is an annual, semelparous species: the snails hatch in winter, become mature within one year, reproduce, and then die. In the coastal plain the snails are active throughout most of the year, and they have a long period in which to grow to reach adult size. In the mountains and hills, on the other hand, the snails are active for only a very short period. They spend most of their lives as small snails, in a state of aestivation. Xeropicta vestalis must be dark in mountains because when it finally awakens, it must very rapidly and hastily reach reproduction size. A dark shell, by speeding up temperature-dependent processes in this critical stage, assists the snail to mature rapidly. Shell darkness varies with age: in the mountains and hills the shells are moderately dark when they hatch, but become darker whilst growing in early winter. In the coastal plain also, the snails are moderately dark when they hatch; but here they become paler, whilst growing in winter and spring. In both cases, each snail is darker in the colder months and paler in the hot ones. A strategy of gene regulation of shell colour is thus favoured when the subsequent forces of the environment are very contrasting in their direction, very severe—yet also very predictable.  相似文献   
WE have reported our original finding of frameshift suppression in Salmonella1,2. The frameshift we studied initially was induced in the histidinol dehydrogenase (HDH) gene with the intercalating agent ICR-191 (ref. 3.) It is a +1 type most likely containing an extra C in an mRNA repeat of C residues2. External suppressors are efficiently induced by ICR-191 (ref. 1). The suppressors restore small amounts of HDH with the normal amino-acid sequence to the mutant cell4. We have hypothesized a proline suppressor tRNA with a quadruplet (+G) anticodon or its functional equivalent2,4. Prompted by our findings, Riddle and Roth showed that most frameshifts tentatively classified as +1 types by genetic criteria are externally suppressible. Almost all were induced with ICR-191 (ref. 5). Two classes of suppressible frameshift were found, each with a set of mutually exclusive suppressors5. Judging from the demonstrated capacity of ICR compounds to produce + 1 additions in DNA repeats of GC pairs, we have further suggested to Riddle and Roth that these two frameshift-suppressor systems represent +1 additions in RNA repeats of C residues (proline codons, glycine anticodons) and in RNA repeats of G residues (glycine codons, proline anticodons)4 (personal communication to J. R. Roth, Histidine Workshop, 1970); that is, the two types of +1 frameshift are genetic “isomers”, the one involving proline and the other glycine (Fig. 1). The recent demonstration by Riddle and Roth of altered proline tRNA and glycine tRNA in appropriate suppressed strains6 is consistent with this suggestion. Further characterization of frameshifts of the type originally investigated has implicated a proline mRNA quadruplet, CCCg, as a sufficient if not necessary condition for suppression7,8. A requirement for neighbouring sequences, particularly chain terminating codons, cannot be completely ruled out, however8. I have now examined a suppressible frameshift of the second type and present evidence that it contains a +1 addition in or near a glycine codon (Fig. 2). Oddly enough, this mRNA site is followed by an extensive nucleotide sequence reminiscent of two out of three +1 “proline” sequences examined (Fig. 2)8. The ICR compounds seem to have a marked bias for inducing suppressible +1 frameshifts in this extensive sequence. Whether some property of this extensive sequence is crucial to suppression is not yet clear.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. An immunity to reinfection with E. bovis was demonstrated in 3 experiments involving 60 calves. This immunity develops rapidly, as indicated by resistance to a challenge given 14 days after the immunizing inoculation. In 3 groups of 3 to 6 young calves each, immunity was still present to a moderate degree 2 to 3 months after inoculation; in one group of 5 animals about a year old there was apparently a high degree of immunity about 7 months after the last inoculation. In one experiment an immunizing inoculum of 10,000 oöcysts did not produce as much immunity as 50,000 oöcysts. In 2 experiments there appeared to be little difference in the immunity produced by a single inoculation of 50,000 as compared with 100,000 oöcysts, but inoculation with 100,000 oöcysts, resulted in substantially longer and more severe illness than 50,000 oöcysts. There appeared to be no appreciable difference in clinical symptoms or development of immunity between calves given a single immunizing inoculum and those given the same number of oöcysts in 5 equal inocula on successive days. Treatment with sulfamethazine and sulfamerazine (Merameth) 13 to 15 days after inoculation alleviated the clinical symptoms of coccidiosis without interfering appreciably with the development of immunity. In one experiment with 7 calves, no beneficial effect was noted from 1 or 2 transfusions of 500 ml. of plasma and leucocytes from immune calves into 4 calves 1 and 12 days or 11 days after a challenge inoculation.  相似文献   
Leishmania major promastigotes were washed and resuspended in an iso-osmotic buffer. The rate of oxidation of 14C-labeled substrates was then measured as a function of osmolality. An acute decrease in osmolality (achieved by adding H2O to the cell suspension) caused an increase in the rates of 14CO2 production from [6-14C]glucose and, to a lesser extent, from [1, (3)-14C]glycerol. An acute increase in osmolality (achieved by adding NaCl, KCl, or mannitol) strongly inhibited the rates of 14CO2 production from [1-: 14C]alanine, [1-14C]glutamate, and [1, (3)-14C]glycerol. The rates of 14CO2 formation from [1-14C]laurate, [1-14C]acetate, and [2-14C]glucose (all of which form [1-14C]acetyl CoA prior to oxidation) were also inhibited, but less strongly, by increasing osmolality. These data suggest that with increasing osmolality there is an inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative capacity, which could facilitate the increase in alanine pool size that occurs in response to hyper-osmotic stress. Similarly, an increase in oxidative capacity would help prevent a rebuild up of the alanine pool after its rapid loss to the medium in response to hypo-osmotic stress.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. Rotenone was applied to Round Lake in the autumn of 1980 in order to eliminate predominantly planktivorous and benthivorous fish. The lake was subsequently restocked with a higher population density of piscivores. The effect of this biomanipulation on the phytoplankton and zooplankton communities and on total nutrient concentrations was monitored at fortnightly intervals during the summers, from May 1980 to September 1982.
2. The abundance of phytoplankton was much lower after biomanipulation and was consistent with observed changes in Secchi disc transparency, total attenuation coefficient and chlorophyll a concentration. Zooplankters were also less abundant in 1981 and 1982 but the decrease in numbers was more than offset by the large increase in the mean sizes of the zooplankters present, so that the estimated grazing pressures in 1981 and 1982 were at least double the 1980 value.
3. Daphnia , rare in 1980, became the dominant genus in 1981 and 1982, and a shift to progressively larger-bodied Daphnia species was observed.
4. Although total nitrogen and total phosphorus levels were generally lower after biomanipulation, their decline could not explain the reduction in phytoplankton abundance which was attributed to the increased grazing pressure. Possible causes of the observed declines in nutrient concentrations are discussed.  相似文献   
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