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COLICINOGENIC factor E1 (Col E1) is a small bacterial plasmid (4.2×106 daltons) present in colicinogenic strains of Escherichia coli1 to the extent of about twenty-four copies per cell (Clewell and Helinski, unpublished results), which continues to replicate in the presence of high levels of chloramphenicol, a specific inhibitor of protein synthesis, although the chromosome only completes current rounds of replication and ceases (Clewell and Helinski, unpublished results). The average rate of Col E1 semiconservative replication in the absence of protein synthesis is, in certain conditions, faster than (as much as eight times) the normal rate of synthesis (Clewell, unpublished results). Replication continues for 10–15 h after the addition of chloramphenicol, resulting in nearly 3,000 copies of Col E1 DNA per cell. We are taking advantage of this system to study the effects of a number of antibiotics on DNA replication and now report evidence that rifampicin (an active semisynthetic derivative of rifamycin B)2, an antibiotic known specifically to inhibit bacterial DNA dependent RNA polymerase3–6, has a dramatic inhibitory effect on Col E1 DNA replication.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. An age-autolyzed culture of Chroomonas salina , grown under cool-white light with glycerol, produced waxy lipid constituting about 44% of total matter harvested. This lipid was composed of 87% wax ester, 9% triglyceride, 3% polar lipid and 1% hydrocarbon. The major wax ester species were identified by total carbon number as C26(28%), C28(35%), C30(15%). The main fatty acid components of the wax esters were 12:0 (39%), 14:0 (30%), 16:0 (14%), while the main alcohols were 14:0 (53%) and 16:0 (40%). The hydrocarbon fraction showed saturated paraffins ranging from C17 to C33, with odd-numbered chain components predominating. No polyunsaturated components were detected in the wax ester or hydrocarbon fractions. This is the first record of wax ester production by a cryptomonad or a marine phytoplankter.  相似文献   
水螅(Hydra oligactus Pallus)之觸手數目,在天然環境中,可以有自十個至五個之差異。早期之研究皆以為觸手數目之决定皆由于水螅之大小及年齡。但實際觀察中有二點,顯示觸手數目似與水螅之大小無關:(1)此二者之間之相關係數極低,(2)水螅在生長條件最優時,可以增加其體積之大小,而觸手之數目不增多。但在某種環境下,水螅之觸手確能增加。此種環境之一即為華氏五十五度左右之温度。在該情形下,出芽生殖率降低,而觸手可以長出。此一情形,在自然間,即為晚晚春及早秋之温度。故水螅經年後,可以增加觸手之數目,亦可謂,觸手數目舆水螅之年齡有關。觸手增多無一定之規則。平常皆增加一至二觸手。但有時亦可增加一圈觸手(四個至五個)。水螅觸手數目正常或係六個,最少為三個,最多為十二個。但此二情形之水螅曾不能存在長久。三個觸手之水螅不久即長出第四個觸手,十二個觸手之水螅則不久即縱裂為二個水螅。  相似文献   
The squid giant axon provides an excellent model system for the study of actin-based organelle transport likely to be mediated by myosins, but the identification of these motors has proven to be difficult. Here the authors purified and obtained primary peptide sequence of squid muscle myosin as a first step in a strategy designed to identify myosins in the squid nervous system. Limited digestion yielded fourteen peptides derived from the muscle myosin which possess high amino acid sequence identities to myosin II from scallop (60–95%) and chick pectoralis muscle (31–83%). Antibodies generated to this purified muscle myosin were used to isolate a potential myosin from squid optic lobe which yielded 11 peptide fragments. Sequences from six of these fragments identified this protein as a myosin II. The other five sequences matched myosin II (50–60%, identities), and some also matched unconventional myosins (33–50%). A single band that has a molecular weight similar to the myosin purified from optic lobe copurifies with axoplasmic organelles, and, like the optic lobe myosin, this band is also recognized by the antibodies raised against squid muscle myosin II. Hence, this strategy provides an approach to the identification of a myosin associated with motile axoplasmic organelles.  相似文献   
Nonlethal injury is pervasive in metazoans, but surprisingly little is known about its impact upon reproductive allocation. The impact of injury on reproduction has been explored in some detail in lizards and salamanders, which have tails that are adapted for fat storage but are also injured or lost during predatory and social encounters. We synthesize diverse insights from these studies and propose new hypotheses using graphical models which highlight three distinct, hierarchical effects of injury on reproduction: reproductive inhibition, reduction in propagule number and diminished per‐propagule investment (PPI), a maternal effect. Previous studies, which involved experimentally amputating the whole tail, have provided evidence of the first two effects, although there is little evidence of reduced PPI. We assayed these effects in free‐ranging Desmognathus salamanders exhibiting naturally occurring injury. Whereas earlier studies found that tail injury prohibits reproduction (precipitating functional conflict), we found that females missing 80% of their tails, including the smallest mature individuals, still reproduce. We also detected a negative correlation between magnitude of injury and PPI, a continuous maternal effect. Continuous (graded) effects of injury on PPI have not been reported previously; neither discrete nor continuous maternal effects due to injury have been previously demonstrated in free‐ranging vertebrates. The dearth of evidence for such effects may be due to the design of experimental manipulations that use all‐or‐nothing treatments. Future studies employing quantitative field data, or more realistic experimental treatments that mimic the continuous distribution of injury are likely to detect maternal effects arising from nonlethal injury. Although our comparative and empirical findings derive from studies of lizards and salamanders, we discuss how they apply in principle to all metazoans. Studies of these effects in nonvertebrate model systems are sorely needed. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 86 , 309–331.  相似文献   
Abstract: Identifying and managing Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) habitat has been an important wildlife issue for many years on the Tongass National Forest of southeastern Alaska, USA. We evaluated habitat selection of Sitka black-tailed deer in the central portion of the region during a winter with snowfall 43% above average using telemetry relocations from 30 individuals that survived the winter. Ivlev indices for habitat selection within home ranges indicated that deer used less than expected, based on availability, north, east, and west aspects, areas >244-m elevation, noncommercial forests, and the low-timber volume stratum while selecting south aspects, areas <153-m elevation, and areas within 305 m of saltwater. Deer used less than expected moderately coarse-canopied forests in the medium- and high-timber volume strata typically found on north slopes while selecting moderately fine-canopied forest in the high-timber volume stratum on south slopes. The lower than expected use of higher volume gap-phase old growth was likely because these were on north aspects where snow accumulated and persisted due to protection from maritime storms. Point relocations suggested less use than expected in clearcuts <41 years of age, while data from 7.2-ha error polygons showed deer were neutral to clearcuts. This suggests that if deer do avoid clearcuts they remain close to the forest-clearcut edge. Of 4 habitat-mapping methods evaluated, the method that incorporated timber volume strata and a wind disturbance-related aspect had greatest utility in identifying areas selected for or used disproportionately little by deer during the deep snow winter. We found that deer exhibited marked changes in habitat use during deep snow conditions compared to a low snow winter, and we agree with previous researchers that providing habitats selected by deer during deep snowfall is an important consideration in Sitka black-tailed deer habitat management.  相似文献   
We analyzed the δ13C of soil organic matter (SOM) and fine roots from 55 native grassland sites widely distributed across the US and Canadian Great Plains to examine the relative production of C3 vs. C4 plants (hereafter %C4) at the continental scale. Our climate vs. %C4 results agreed well with North American field studies on %C4, but showed bias with respect to %C4 from a US vegetation database (statsgo ) and weak agreement with a physiologically based prediction that depends on crossover temperature. Although monthly average temperatures have been used in many studies to predict %C4, our analysis shows that high temperatures are better predictors of %C4. In particular, we found that July climate (average of daily high temperature and month's total rainfall) predicted %C4 better than other months, seasons or annual averages, suggesting that the outcome of competition between C3 and C4 plants in North American grasslands was particularly sensitive to climate during this narrow window of time. Root δ13C increased about 1‰ between the A and B horizon, suggesting that C4 roots become relatively more common than C3 roots with depth. These differences in depth distribution likely contribute to the isotopic enrichment with depth in SOM where both C3 and C4 grasses are present.  相似文献   
Tansley Review No. 110.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
III. S IZE 379
1. Air 383
(a) Physical considerations 383
(b) Dispersal 387
(c) Birds 415
2. Water 416
(a) Physical considerations 416
(b) Dispersal 416
Acknowledgements 417
References 418
Orchid seeds are very small, extremely light and produced in great numbers. Most range in length from c . 0.05 to 6.0 mm, with the difference between the longest and shortest known seeds in the family being 120-fold. The 'widest' seed at 0.9 mm is 90-fold wider than the 'thinnest' one, which measures 0.01 mm (because orchid seeds are tubular or balloon-like, 'wide' and 'thin' actually refer to diameter). Known seed weights extend from 0.31 lg to 24 μg (a 78-fold difference). Recorded numbers of seeds per fruit are as high as 4000000 and as low as 20–50 (80000–200000-fold difference). Testae are usually transparent, with outer cell walls that may be smooth or reticulated. Ultrasonic treatments enhance germination, which suggests that the testae can be restrictive. Embryos are even smaller: their volume is substantially smaller than that of the testa. As a result, orchid seeds have large internal air spaces that render them balloon-like. They can float in the air for long periods, a property that facilitates long-distance dispersal. The difficult-to-wet outer surfaces of the testa and large internal air spaces enable the seeds to float on water for prolonged periods. This facilitates distribution through tree effluates and/or small run-off rivulets that may follow rains. Due to their size and characteristics, orchid seeds may also be transported in and on land animals and birds (in fur, feathers or hair, mud on feet, and perhaps also following ingestion).  相似文献   
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