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The potential for nitrogen fixation in the water column and sediment of Grasmere (English Lake District) was investigated using the acetylene reduction technique, with reference to seasonal changes and concentrations of dissolved oxygen and inorganic nitrogen in the epilimnion and hypolimnion. Potential rates of nitrogen fixation and MPN counts of nitrogen-fixing bacteria correlated with each other and with decreases in dissolved oxygen concentration. The results suggested that selective changes in the nitrogen-fixing microflora took place during the period of thermal stratification. Neither light-dependent fixation, nor cyanobacteria could be detected in water column samples, and acetylene reduction was detected, for most of the season, only in samples of water and sediment to which a source of carbon and phosphorus had been added. The possible role of the sewage effluent in suppressing nitrogen fixation is discussed.  相似文献   
The endosomal LeNHX2 ion transporter exchanges H+ with K+ and, to lesser extent, Na+. Here, we investigated the response to NaCl supply and K+ deprivation in transgenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) overexpressing LeNHX2 and show that transformed tomato plants grew better in saline conditions than untransformed controls, whereas in the absence of K+ the opposite was found. Analysis of mineral composition showed a higher K+ content in roots, shoots and xylem sap of transgenic plants and no differences in Na+ content between transgenic and untransformed plants grown either in the presence or the absence of 120 mm NaCl. Transgenic plants showed higher Na+/H+ and, above all, K+/H+ transport activity in root intracellular membrane vesicles. Under K+ limiting conditions, transgenic plants enhanced root expression of the high‐affinity K+ uptake system HAK5 compared to untransformed controls. Furthermore, tomato overexpressing LeNHX2 showed twofold higher K+ depletion rates and half cytosolic K+ activity than untransformed controls. Under NaCl stress, transgenic plants showed higher uptake velocity for K+ and lower cytosolic K+ activity than untransformed plants. These results indicate the fundamental role of K+ homeostasis in the better performance of LeNHX2 overexpressing tomato under NaCl stress.  相似文献   
Ants in the Neotropical genus Sericomyrmex Mayr cultivate fungi for food. Both ants and fungi are obligate, coevolved symbionts. The taxonomy of Sericomyrmex is problematic because the morphology of the worker caste is generally homogeneous across all of the species within the genus, species limits are vague, and the relationships between them are unknown. We used ultraconserved elements (UCEs) as genome‐scale markers to reconstruct evolutionary history and to infer species boundaries in Sericomyrmex. We recovered an average of ~990 UCE loci for 88 Sericomyrmex samples from across the geographical range of the genus as well as for five outgroup taxa. Using maximum likelihood and species‐tree approaches, we recovered nearly identical topologies across datasets with 50–95% matrix completeness. We identify nine species‐level lineages in Sericomyrmex, including two new species. This is less than the previously described 19 species, even accounting for two species for which we had no UCE samples, which brings the total number of Sericomyrmex species to 11. Divergence‐dating analyses recovered 4.3 Ma as the crown‐group age estimates for Sericomyrmex, indicating a recent, rapid radiation. We also sequenced mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) for 125 specimens. Resolution and support for clades in our COI phylogeny are weak, indicating that COI is not an appropriate species‐delimitation tool. However, taxa within species consistently cluster together, suggesting that COI is useful as a species identification (‘DNA barcoding’) tool. We also sequenced internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and large subunit (LSU) for 32 Sericomyrmex fungal cultivars. The fungal phylogeny confirms that Sericomyrmex fungi are generalized higher‐attine cultivars, interspersed with Trachymyrmex‐associated fungal species, indicating cultivar sharing and horizontal transfer between these two genera. Our results indicate that UCEs offer immense potential for delimiting and resolving relationships of problematic, recently diverged species.  相似文献   
Both island-biogeographic (dynamic) and niche-based (static) metapopulation models make predictions about the distribution and abundance of species assemblages. We tested the utility of these models concerning such predictions for terrestrial vascular plants using data from 74 landscapes across the globe. We examined correlations between species frequency and local abundance and shapes of the species frequency distribution. No data set met all of the predictions of any single island-biogeographic metapopulation model. In contrast, all data sets met the predictions of the niche-based model. We conclude that in predicting the distribution of species assemblages of plants over scales greater than 10–1 km, niche-based models are robust while current metapopulation models are insufficient. We discuss limitations in the assumptions of the various models and the types of empirical observations that they will each have to deal with in further developments.  相似文献   
Macaca mulatta with multilead electrodes permanently implantedin the brain were electrically stimulated, either under restraint,or by radio while moving freely as part of a colony, in whichcase individual and social behavior were recorded, analyzed,and quantified with the aid of time-lapse photography. Somecerebral radio stimulations evoked complex sequences of wellorganized responses. Increase in running and in offensive behaviorwas produced by excitation of midline thalamus, while even fasterrunning without changes in aggressiveness was produced by stimulationof the fimbria of the fornix. Conditioning was absent in thefirst case, but it was easily established in the latter. Increasein aggressive behavior was also produced by stimulation of Forel'sfield, the nucleus ventralis posterior lateralis of the thalamus,and the central gray matter. Increase in aggressiveness wasoriented by the animal according to past experience, likes anddislikes, and was adapted to the changing strategies of itsopponent, indicating an excellent processing of sensory information,and demonstrating that brain stimulation had induced a "drive"and not a stereotyped motor response. As a working hypothesis it is proposed that cerebral mechanismsfor perception of pain and for aggressive behavior have differentanatomical and physiological systems closely interrelated byuse, disuse, and conditioning.  相似文献   
The lack of a comparative approach makes it impossible to determine the main factors influencing colonization and evolution in plants. Here we conducted the first comparative study of a characteristic Mediterranean lineage (white‐flowered Cistus) taking advantage of its well‐known phylogenetic relationships. A two‐scale approach was applied to address the hypothesis of higher levels of isolation in mountain than in lowland species. First, a time‐calibrated phylogeny using plastid sequences of Cistaceae suggested that the origin of Cistus species postdated both the refilling of the Mediterranean Sea (5.59–5.33 Ma) and the onset of the Mediterranean climate (3.2 Ma). Two hundred and sixty‐three additional, plastid sequences from 111 populations showed different numbers of haplotypes in C. laurifolius (7), C. monspeliensis (2) and C. salviifolius (7). Although haplotype sharing among disjunct populations was observed in all species, phylogeographic analyses revealed haplotype lineages exclusive to Europe or Africa only in the mountain species (C. laurifolius). Isolation by either geographical distance or sea barriers was not significantly supported for the lowland species (C. monspeliensis; C. ladanifer from a previous study). The same is true for the less habitat‐specific species of the lineage (C. salviifolius). Comparative phylogeography of the Cistus species leads us to interpret a general pattern of active colonization surpassing Mediterranean barriers. In contrast, ecological conditions (precipitation, temperature, soils) appear to have determined the distribution of the Cistus species of Mediterranean mountains. This study further provides molecular evidence for multiple colonization patterns in the course of successful adaptation of Cistus species to Mediterranean habitats.  相似文献   
We investigated seasonal variation in dark respiration and photosynthesis by measuring gas exchange characteristics on Pinus radiata and Populus deltoides under field conditions each month for 1 year. The field site in the South Island of New Zealand is characterized by large day-to-day and seasonal changes in air temperature. The rate of foliar respiration at a base temperature of 10 °C ( R 10) in both pine and poplar was found to be greater during autumn and winter and displayed a strong downward adjustment in warmer months. The sensitivity of instantaneous leaf respiration to a 10 °C increase in temperature ( Q 10) was also greater during the winter period. The net effect of this strong acclimation was that the long-term temperature response of respiration was essentially flat over a wide range of ambient temperatures. Seasonal changes in photosynthesis were sensitive to temperature but largely independent of leaf nitrogen concentration or stomatal conductance. Over the range of day time growth temperatures (5–32 °C), we did not observe strong evidence of photosynthetic acclimation to temperature, and the long-term responses of photosynthetic parameters to ambient temperature were similar to previously published instantaneous responses. The ratio of foliar respiration to photosynthetic capacity ( R d/ A sat) was significantly greater in winter than in spring/summer. This indicates that there is little likelihood that respiration would be stimulated significantly in either of these species with moderate increases in temperature – in fact net carbon uptake was favoured at moderately higher temperatures. Model calculations demonstrate that failing to account for strong thermal acclimation of leaf respiration influences determinations of leaf carbon exchange significantly, especially for the evergreen conifer.  相似文献   
Using genetic crosses between single chs mutants of Ustilago maydis inoculated into maize ( Zea mays ) seedlings, two classes of double mutants affected in genes coding for chitin synthetases were isolated: chs3 / chs4 , and chs4 / chs5 . Analysis of the mutants showed almost no change in their phenotype compared with wild-type strains. Growth rate, effect of stress conditions, dimorphic transition and mating were not affected. The only salient differences were increased sensitivity to osmotics at acid pH, and decrease in chitin synthetase activity, especially when measured with CO2+, and in chitin content. Most significant was a decrease in virulence, although this appeared to be due a factor unrelated to CHS genes. These data can be taken as further evidence that multigenic control of chitin synthetase in fungi operates as a safety mechanism to guarantee fungal viability in changing and hostile environmental conditions.  相似文献   
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