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Radiolitids (Bivalvia, Radiolitidae) built the calcite outer layer of their shell with compact structure as many other bivalves, or with repetitively layered non-compact structure following different patterns: continuous radial ridges, discontinuous radial ridges, normal cellular, cellular with radially elongate cells, discontinuous cellular, and discontinuous cellular with elongate cells. Some special structures may develop in localized parts: radial structures and inner-marginal or radial grooves. All these structures are currently used in the diagnosis of the family and for the characterization of subfamilies. Constructional morphology analyses and re-evaluation of all these structures reveal that they were misunderstood in some important aspects in the bivalve Treatise and that, consequently, the diagnosis of the family has to be emended and their subfamilies reconsidered. All outer shell layer structure related characters are described, illustrated, and interpreted under a constructional approach, some characters are proposed to emend the diagnosis of the family, and two possible clades are preliminarily distinguished.  相似文献   
The role of jasmonic acid in the induction of stomatal closure is well known. However, its role in regulating root hydraulic conductivity (L) has not yet been explored. The objectives of the present research were to evaluate how JA regulates L and how calcium and abscisic acid (ABA) could be involved in such regulation. We found that exogenous methyl jasmonate (MeJA) increased L of Phaseolus vulgaris, Solanum lycopersicum and Arabidopsis thaliana roots. Tomato plants defective in JA biosynthesis had lower values of L than wild‐type plants, and that L was restored by addition of MeJA. The increase of L by MeJA was accompanied by an increase of the phosphorylation state of the aquaporin PIP2. We observed that MeJA addition increased the concentration of cytosolic calcium and that calcium channel blockers inhibited the rise of L caused by MeJA. Treatment with fluoridone, an inhibitor of ABA biosynthesis, partially inhibited the increase of L caused by MeJA, and tomato plants defective in ABA biosynthesis increased their L after application of MeJA. It is concluded that JA enhances L and that this enhancement is linked to calcium and ABA dependent and independent signalling pathways.  相似文献   
Eryngium viviparum (Apiaceae) is an endangered aquatic plant, listed as threatened in several European documents. The genotypes are distributed patchily in various wetlands in the north‐west of Spain and one is located in north‐west France. The study of the genetic diversity of a small population of a rare species is important for conservation and studies aimed at recovery programmes. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity among five Spanish and one French genotype. This technique has contributed to the knowledge of the genetic diversity in E. viviparum, showing a greater genetic distance between the Spanish cluster formed by S1, S4 than the second cluster formed by S2, S3, S5 and the French genotype. Mantel testing did not show a significant correlation between genetic and geographical distances, but a significant correlation was found between altitude, habitat and genetic distance. The French genotype showed the highest level of polymorphism (28.16) and the highest percentage of exclusive markers (32%). One of these was isolated, purified, cloned and sequenced, revealing a high homology to a protein mainly expressed in roots. This could represent, for the F genotype, an adaptation to a specific habitat near the sea compared with the Spanish genotypes which grow inland. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 237–244.  相似文献   
Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus in northern Spain were studied between 1969 and 1994. The number of breeding pairs increased from 221 in 1969–1975 to 1395 in 1994. The annual population growth rate decreased in the last 5 years, and this may reflect population regulation through density-dependent phenomena. Breeding success was monitored in 1994 and examined in relation to colony size, density of breeding pairs within a radius of 25 km (regional density), climate, human disturbance and food availability. We also recorded whether the year of first occupation of each nest site was before 1989 or after 1989 and whether or not the nest had a rocky shelter. The probability of successfully raising young declined as the regional density increased, which suggests that resource limitation would take place at foraging sites because the Griffon Vulture scavenges socially and no permanent feeding hierarchies are established. The other significant variable was the year of occupation of the nest; nests occupied after 1989 had a lower probability of raising a chick. The increase in the regional density of Griffon Vultures produced a decrease in the productivity at both optimal and suboptimal nest sites. This suggests that density-dependent regulation of breeding success operates through interference and that all the individuals in a colony are similarly affected. In birds of prey, prevalence of interference or habitat heterogeneity may be dependent on the social strategy of each species in space exploitation.  相似文献   
The lack of dependable morphological indicators for the onset and end of seed growth has hindered modeling work in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). We have addressed this problem through the use of mathematical growth functions to analyse and identify critical developmental stages, which can be linked to existing developmental indices. We performed this study under greenhouse conditions with an Andean and a Mesoamerican genotype of contrasting pod and seed phenotypes, and three selected recombinant inbred lines. Pods from tagged flowers were harvested at regular time intervals for various measurements. Differences in flower production and seed and pod growth trajectories among genotypes were detected via comparisons of parameters of fitted growth functions. Regardless of the genotype, the end of pod elongation marked the beginning of seed growth, which lasted until pods displayed a sharp decline in color, or pod hue angle. These results suggest that the end of pod elongation and the onset of color change are reliable indicators of important developmental transitions in the seed, even for widely differing pod phenotypes. We also provide a set of equations that can be used to model different aspects of reproductive growth and development in the common bean.  相似文献   
1. Anthropogenic pressures have produced heterogeneous landscapes expected to influence diversity differently across trophic levels and spatial scales. 2. We tested how activity density and species richness of carabid trophic groups responded to local habitat and landscape structure (forest percentage cover and habitat richness) in 48 landscape parcels (1 km2) across eight European countries. 3. Local habitat affected activity density, but not species richness, of both trophic groups. Activity densities were greater in rotational cropping compared with other habitats; phytophage densities were also greater in grassland than forest habitats. 4. Controlling for country and habitat effects, we found general trophic group responses to landscape structure. Activity densities of phytophages were positively correlated, and zoophages uncorrelated, with increasing habitat richness. This differential functional group response to landscape structure was consistent across Europe, indicated by a lack of a country × habitat richness interaction. Species richness was unaffected by landscape structure. 5. Phytophage sensitivity to landscape structure may arise from relative dependency on seed from ruderal plants. This trophic adaptation, rare in Carabidae, leads to lower phytophage numbers, increasing vulnerability to demographic and stochastic processes that the greater abundance, species richness, and broader diet of the zoophage group may insure against.  相似文献   
Abstract: The revision of the radiolitid rudist bivalve Praeradiolites biskraensis (Coquand), including shell morphology and structure, taxonomical status, and palaeogeographical and stratigraphical distribution, was undertaken. We studied Coquand’s collection, other specimens from the type locality, Col de Sfa, and other Algerian fossil localities, as well as recently collected material from the Gafsa region in Tunisia. A neotype from Col de Sfa is proposed. The stratigraphical distribution of the species is bracketed in the Upper Cenomanian, using the distribution of co‐occurring ammonites in Tunisia and microfossils in Algeria. The palaeogeographical distribution is verified for Algeria and Tunisia based on all records in North Africa. Survey of the taxonomical status and problems of related radiolitid genera has resulted in revised diagnoses of Praeradiolites Douvillé, Eoradiolites Douvillé, Sphaerulites Lamarck and Radiolites Lamarck and revealed problems with Radiolites fleuriaui d’Orbigny, which is being the type species of Praeradiolites. Maghrebites gen. nov. is proposed for the North African radiolitid rudist Praeradiolites biskraensis (Coquand).  相似文献   
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