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Abstract Roads often negatively affect terrestrial wildlife, via habitat loss or fragmentation, noise, and direct mortality. We studied moose (Alces alces) behavior relative to a road network, in an area with a history of moose-vehicle accidents, to determine when moose were crossing roadways or using areas near roads and to investigate if environmental factors were involved in this behavior. We tracked 47 adult moose with Global Positioning System collars in a study area crossed by highways and forest roads. We hypothesized that moose would avoid crossing roads but would make occasional visits to roadsides to feed on sodium-rich vegetation and avoid biting insects. Further, we expected moose avoidance to be greater for highways than forest roads. We recorded 196,710 movement segments but only observed 328 highway and 1,172 forest-road crossings (16 and 10 times lower than expected by chance). Moose usually avoided road proximity up to ≥500 m on each side but 20% of collared moose made visits to areas within 50 m of highways, which might have resulted from moose searching for sodium in vegetation and roadside salt pools. In fact, vegetation along highways had higher sodium concentrations and was browsed in similar proportions to vegetation in adjacent forest, despite moose avoidance of these zones. Moose, however, did not use areas near roads more during periods of biting insect abundance. Our results supported the hypothesis of scale-dependent selection by moose; avoidance of highways at a coarse scale may confer long-term benefits, whereas selection of highway corridors at finer scales may be part of a strategy to overcome short-term limiting factors such as sodium deficiency. We found a positive relationship between home-range size and the proportion of road axes they contained, suggesting that moose either compensated for habitat loss or made specific movements along highways to gather sodium. The presence of sodium along highways likely increases moose-vehicle accident risks. Removal of salt pools or use of a de-icing salt other than sodium chloride should render highway surroundings less attractive to moose.  相似文献   
Abstract: Sodium has many fundamental physiological functions in animals but is rare in boreal ecosystems where moose (Alces alces) thrive. In Québec (Canada), sodium is readily available in aquatic vegetation and in salt pools that form along highways. We do not know if moose are adopting specific behaviors to access sodium sources or if they simply use the sodium sources they encounter during their movements. We tested the hypothesis that moose modify both space and habitat use to gather sodium from salt pools. We expected moose to use salt pools mostly in spring and early summer, when needs are greatest and before aquatic vegetation has fully developed. We fitted 47 moose with Global Positioning System telemetry collars and collected data for 2 to 36 months between 2003 and 2006. We rarely located moose at salt pools (0.12% among the 95,007 locations collected). As we expected, use of salt pools was highest in late spring and in early summer, and we observed a time lag between peak use of salt pools compared to use of lakes and waterways, indicating moose fulfilled their sodium requirements in salt pools before aquatic vegetation was available. Moose selected salt pools over lakes and waterways when these 2 sodium sources were present in their home range and moved rapidly over large distances to reach them. Our results were consistent with moose using salt pools when they are likely to be sodium deficient. Salt pools were less accessible, required long-distance movements, and were located in habitually avoided areas along highways. Elimination of roadside salt pools should be considered among strategies to reduce cervid-vehicle collision risks in boreal environments.  相似文献   
The taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Huperzia Bernh. in the Azores and Madeira have been reviewed. Plants collected in the Azores and Madeira were characterized morphologically. The independence between two endemic species common to Madeira and the Azores Islands –Huperzia suberecta (Lowe) Tardieu and Huperzia dentata (Herter) Holub – is clearly shown. A clear‐cut morphological separation between these taxa and Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. of continental Europe is established. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 522–533.  相似文献   
Abstract: A growing international concern for the welfare of animals, combined with the need to capture and handle specific species for conservation, management, or recreational purposes, is increasing the need for scientific evaluation of capture methods. We evaluated the efficiency, selectivity, and injury of cable restraint devices and cage-traps for capture of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in 4 sites of Castilla y León (Spain) during spring of 2006. All traps performed similarly at all sites, with no apparent site and trap interactions. Fox capture rates and mechanical efficiencies of the Belisle® (Edouard Belisle, Saint Veronique, PQ, Canada) and Collarum® (Wildlife Control Supplies, East Granby, CT; mention of product names does not infer endorsement) were similar, but both had higher capture rates than the cage-trap. Similar to previous studies, the Collarum was 100% selective for canids and had a selectivity of 94.4 overall, which was higher than that for the Belisle (63.4); both Collarum and Belisle were much more selective than the cage-trap (21.4). Fox injuries were statistically indistinguishable using injury scores, but the Collarum and the Belisle surpassed international standards for humane trapping; an insufficient number of animals were captured in cage-traps to allow evaluation. Both the Collarum and the Belisle may be useful for the capture of foxes in Spain, but training and experience with each may be necessary to ensure the highest efficiency while preventing injuries, especially to nontarget species. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):830–836; 2008)  相似文献   
We present a phylogenetic and taxonomic study of the morphology and biology of the terminal‐instar larval stage of 19 species representing all the genera of Torymidae parasitoids of gall wasps in Europe, with the single exception of Megastigmus. The genera studied include Adontomerus Nikol'skaya, Idiomacromerus Crawford, Chalcimerus Steffan & Andriescu, Glyphomerus Förster, Pseudotorymus Masi and Torymus Dalman. We primarily used chaetotaxy and some head structures. The terminal‐instar larvae of all studied species are thoroughly described for the first time and illustrated with SEM images. We provide diagnostic characters for the family and the genera studied, and keys to genera and species for the identification of torymid larvae associated with cynipid galls. The majority of the torymid larvae studied are solitary monophagous parasitoids. Finally, to assess the potential use of larval characters in systematic studies of the family, a phylogenetic analysis of the studied taxa based on 42 larval morphological characters is proposed and compared with the current taxonomy of Torymidae. Our results suggest that body chaetotaxy, and characters of the head and mouthparts could be used for genera and species discrimination. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 676–721.  相似文献   
One of the best examples of differentiation and hybridization among South American passerine birds is exhibited by Icterus cayanensis (Epaulet Oriole) and Icterus chrysocephalus (Moriche Oriole). Icterus chrysocephalus is a monotypic species restricted to northern South America. Icterus cayanensis is a polytypc species that ranges from Suriname and French Guyana to northern Argentina. Five subspecies are recognized to I. cayanensis. Hybrid zones are known between I. cayanensis and I. chrysocephalus as well as between subspecies of I. cayanenis, even though character variation has never been adequately assessed and mapped. Although molecular data support the hypothesis that I. cayanensis and I. chrysocephalus form a monophyletic group, they do not support the species limits currently recognized within this group. We analysed the geographic variation of plumage characters along the range of this group to map the geographic variation of individual plumage characters and identify the populations that have uniform phenotypic character expression and therefore represent genuine phylogenetic species. We also used molecular data to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among these species. Geographic variation of plumage characters, habitat preferences and molecular data identified four species within I. cayanensis–chrysocephalus clade: an Amazonian species group, formed by I. cayanensis and I. chrysocephalus and a Southern species group composed of I. pyrrhopterus and I. tibialis. The Amazonian species are separated by a relatively narrow hybrid zone along the Amazon valley, whereas the Southern species are separated by a hybrid zone that is larger than the ranges of the two species individually. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 583–597.  相似文献   
A comparative study of fluorescent singlet oxygen probes in plant leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four fluorescent singlet oxygen sensors: DanePy, its oxalate salt, Singlet Oxygen Sensor Green and MVP, were infiltrated into tobacco leaves and tested for toxicity, subcellular localization, light sensitivity and capacity to trap the singlet oxygen produced in photoinhibition. For reference, a broad sensitivity free radical probe, TEMPO-9-AC, was also included. Photochemical yield was approximately 15% and 10% inhibited by Singlet Oxygen Sensor Green and MVP, respectively, but was not significantly affected by the other probes. Under photoinhibitory conditions, brought about by irradiating lincomycin-treated leaves with strong photosynthetically active radiation, DanePy and Singlet Oxygen Sensor Green were responsive. Singlet Oxygen Sensor Green was also reactive to low, non-photoinhibitory light exposure of the leaf, which was not characteristic to the other probes. MVP did not respond to singlet oxygen which can partly be explained by a possible attenuation of its blue emission in the leaf, as shown by the example TEMPO-9-AC. DanePy-oxalate did not respond to photosynthetic singlet oxygen due to lack of its penetration into photosynthetic tissue and hence could be useful in detecting any singlet oxygen which escapes from a chloroplast initiation site. DanePy was localized in the chloroplasts, while Singlet Oxygen Sensor Green was mainly found in the epidermal cells preferentially associated with the nucleus.   相似文献   
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