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The Euplotes cytoskeleton obtained by treatment with Triton X-100 in a microtubule-stabilizing buffer has been studied by electron microscopy and SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis. An antiserum has been prepared using the tubulin band from preparative gels of Euplotes cytoskeletons as an antigen. This antiserum reacts with the tubulin from different ciliated protozoa but fails to recognize the vertebrate tubulin by immunoblotting. Immunoblotting studies have demonstrated a slower electrophoretic mobility for the α-tubulin of Euplotes and Oxytricha than that of Paramecium and Tetrahymena. A cytoplasmic microtubular network in Euplotes has been revealed by indirect immunoftuorescence using both an anti-α-tubulin monoclonal antibody directed against chick brain tubulin and an antiserum raised against the tubulin of Euplotes.  相似文献   
The interaction of memory structures and retrieval dynamics is discussed. A mathematical model for associative free recall is presented to support the view that the organization of simple processing units plays an important role in the retrieval of memory traces. Computer simulations show that "flexibility" and "fidelity" of the dynamics strongly depend on the network structure, the amplification and decay parameters, and the noise term.  相似文献   
The responses of the neurons to electrocutaneous stimulation, light flashes, and clicks in the cortical region of the motor representation of the rabbit forelimb were investigated by means of intra- and quasiintracellular recordings. In unanesthetized animals, in only eight out of 65 neurons did postsynaptic potentials (PSP) with a short (10–30 msec) latent period arise in response to light and sound. In 15 neurons, long latency (50–150 msec) responses to one or both of these stimuli were recorded. In most of the cells, short latency stable responses to stimulation of the contralateral forelimb and unstable long latency responses to light and/or sound, frequently of the nature of an increase in the background "synaptic noise," were observed. Under deep chloralose narcosis, the type of convergence was sharply changed: in most of the neurons, short latency responses to all the stimuli used appeared. However, the picture of convergence differed from that described earlier [5,6] for the motor cortex of the cat under chloralose narcosis. The responses to various stimuli were less similar to one another; the somesthetic modality substantially "predominated" (judging by the stability and nature of the interaction of the response).Brain Institute, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 474–483, September–October, 1971.  相似文献   
To test the possibility that the theta-rhythm may spread passively from the hippocampus into the neocortex in rabbits and to analyze the properties of these rhythms recorded from the surface of the neocortex, an investigation was made of activity recorded simultaneously from the hippocampus and various points of the neocortex, including from a strip of the sensomotor cortex isolated completely with respect to its nervous connections. The use of special correlation methods showed that an appreciable contribution to the potentials recorded from the isolated strip can be made by the passive conduction of hippocampal activity (provided that it generates a regular high-amplitude theta-rhythm). At the same time, potentials in a theta-rhythm may be generated in the isolated strip itself. The theta-rhythm recorded in the intact rabbit cortex may thus be of combined genesis: generated in the neocortex itself and spreading passively from the hippocampus through the brain tissues as through a volume conductor.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird über histopathologische Untersuchungen des chronologischen Verlaufs an der durchSelyes Ventrikel-Ligatur hervorgerufenen Herzspitzennekrose bei Ratten berichtet. In dem der Nekrose verfallenen Myokard setzt alsbald Organisation ein; dann wandelt sich allmählich das Granulationsgewebe in eine zellarme und faserreiche Narbe um. In den subendokardialen Schichten des Narbengewebes entstehen erst Knorpel-, später Knochenherde. Der Prozeß der Knorpelbildung wird nicht von Verkalkung eingeleitet; vielmehr werden zuerst die Fibroblasten zu Knorpelzellen, um die sich dann sekundär Kalziumsalze ablagern; danach spielt sich eine typische endochondrale Ossifikation ab. Schließlich erscheint Knochenmarkgewebe zwischen den Knochenbalken.Triamcinolon hemmt geringgradig die Bindegewebsproliferation, Thyroxin steigert die Knorpel- und Knochenbildung, während Östradiol diese Vorgänge nicht beeinflußt.
The effect of hormones on the heteroplastic cartilage and bone formation in the cardiac muscle of the rat
Summary A chronologic study was made of the histopathologic changes which occur in the cardiac apex of the rat following the application of Selye's ventricular ligature. Organisation in the necrotic cardiac muscle begins soon after ligature. Later, the granulationtissue is gradually replaced by scar tissue which is poor in cells but rich in fibers. In the subendocardial fibrous tissue, cartilage and bone develop. It is emphasized that cartilage formation is not initiated by calcification. Instead, the fibroblasts are converted to cartilage cells and, later, calcium salts are deposited in the matrix. This is followed by endochondral bone formation. Finally, bone marrow appears in the intertrabecular spaces.Triamcinolone mildly hindered connective-tissue proliferation, thyroxine increased cartilage and bone formation, while estradiol did not influence these processes.

Die Versuche, die diesem Bericht zugrunde liegen, wurden durch das Ministère de la Santé, Québec, die Quebec Heart Foundation, Montreal, das Medical Research Couneil of Canada (Block Term Grant MT-1829) und das USPHS, Child Welfare (Grant HDO 2612-02) unterstützt. Die Autoren danken an dieser Stelle der Firma Lederle Laboratories Div., Pearl River, N.Y., USA für das bei diesen Versuchen verwendete Triamcinolon (Aristocort®) und der Firma Schering Corporation Ltd., Pointe Ciaire, Quebec, für die Bereitstellung von Estradiol.  相似文献   
Summary In monogenic, recessive chloroplast mutants of maize which contain chlorophylls, and lycopene or -carotene but no normal carotenoids, great variability in the size of plastids was associated with a number of ultrastructural abnormalities. In the mutant accumulating lycopene some plastids contain dense bundles of lamellae, whereas the chloroplasts of the -carotene mutant show poor thylakoid development. Neither of the mutants was able to form normal grana.A comparison of chlorophyll/carotenoid ratios in different chloroplast fractions of normal and mutant leaves showed that plastids of small size and delicate structure contain relatively less chlorophyll than fully differentiated chloroplasts.  相似文献   
The Triassic ammonoid Czekanowskites rieberi displays a covariation of morphological charac ters, which is rather common in ammonoids. Its morphological spectrum ranges from laterally compressed, involute, weakly ribbed forms to depressed, semiinvolute, strongly ribbed forms. In order to study this covariation, fifteen axially cut specimens have been analyzed by means of image analysis, which allows us to obtain the ontogenetic record of radii, area and perimeter of the individual whorl cross-sections. A logarithmic model of growth has been applied. Our data indicate that, owing to the covariation, the radii from the origin to the venter and to the umbil ical seam of a given whorl section vary inversely in order to maintain the relative position of the center of gravity of the whorl cross-section both throughout the ontogeny of single specimens and within the population. This influences hydrostatic parameters, such as the position of the center of mass and the orientation and stability of the shell. Since the ontogenetic record of the angular length of the body chamber is not known, we have calculated those hydrostatic varia bles using two mutually exclusive assumptions: (1) the angular length of the body chamber was constant throughout ontogeny and (2) the volume of the body chamber grew monotonically with the revolution angle. Fluctuations of the three hydrostatic variables were always less important in the first assumption. In any case, the spectrum of, for example, theoretical orien tations is comparable to those observed in the species of present-day Nautilus. The range of adult body-chamber length observed in C. rieberi is much narrower than the theoretical adult body-chamber length calculated under the second assumption which indicates that a certain control over this parameter existed in the natural population, probably in order to maintain a narrow range in orientation and stability. The excess or deficit in soft-body weight was probably compensated by inverse variations in shell-wall weight. The main conclusion is that, despite the extreme morphological variability, hydrostatic and, possibly, hydrodynamic properties of the population remained within narrow limits.  相似文献   
The nature of the pigment formed by Vibrio cholerae and the characterization of its biosynthetic pathway is shown. This microorganism is able to synthesize melanin-like pigment when cultured in the presence of L-tyrosine. Other phenolic chemicals related to L-tyrosine do not lead to pigment production. The microorganism has no tyrosine hydroxylase activity, and the levels of dopa oxidase activity are very low, making the existence of a tyrosinase very unlikely. However, Vibrio cholerae contained transami-nases that transforms L-tyrosine into p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate. Moreover, Vibrio cholerae is able to go further in the catabolic pathway, releasing a great amount of homogentisic acid. This acid can spontaneously be oxidized to its p-quinone form, which subsequently polymerizes leading to pigment formation. It is concluded that the pigment formed by Vibrio cholerae is not synthesized by the Raper-Mason pathway, but by a L-tyrosine catabolism pathway leading to homogentisic acid. Some simple properties of that melanin are compared to model eu- and pheomelanin, but no clear distinction could be stated, indicating the similarity between all these pigments.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. We describe the in vitro culture of Phytomonas species isolated from Euphorbia characias . The best choice between tested media was SDM-79, in which promastigotes, after 6 days of culture, reached cell densities as high as 4 × 107 cells/ml. Cells growing in LIT or MTL medium showed longer division times and lower cell densities. We succeeded in obtaining Phytomonas sp. amastigote and spheromastigote forms in modified GRACE's medium, yielding transformation rates of up to 70%. Electron microscopy studies were performed in order to characterize the ultrastructural features of these forms obtained in vitro. On the other hand, metabolic studies based on qualitative (nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) and quantitative metabolic methods (enzymatic assays) showed that promastigote forms secreted mainly ethanol, acetate, glycine, glycerol, piruvate and succinate in SDM-79 medium, whereas the major metabolites found after transformation in modified Grace's medium were ethanol, acetate, glycine, piruvate and smaller amounts of glycerol.  相似文献   
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