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The Maldanidae annelid worms are reviewed and the phylogenetic relationships of their subgroups provided, based on Hennigian principles and maximum parsimony. Characters were coded as binary and multistate (transformation series). We used 33 terminal taxa (species), and 50 characters. Characters were treated as unordered and of equal weight, and analysis was run in TNT. Three equally most-parsimonious trees were obtained with heuristic searches, with lengths of 64 steps; CI = 0.95, and RI = 0.98. The monophyly of Maldanidae was supported with 100% of bootstrap and jackknife values. As a result of our analysis, Arenicolidae remains the sister-group of Maldanidae, and both should be referred to Maldanomorpha. Maldanidae was supported by the following synapomorphies: dorsal prostomium; prostomium keel-shaped and fused to peristomium; torus globose behind median chaetigers; median chaetigers greatly elongated; number of pre-anal segments reduced. The subfamily Bogueinae was not monophyletic; Boguea and Boguella were included within Rhodininae. Clymenura, previously included in the Clymenurinae, was included within Euclymeninae. The taxa Notoproctinae, Maldaninae, Nicomachinae and Euclymeninae were grouped in the Maldanoplaca, a new taxon. Eight further new clades have been found, but were not named.  相似文献   

The first zoeal stages of eleven species of Sesarmidae from the Indo-West Pacific were obtained from ovigerous females. Those of Labuanium scandens, L. rotundatum, L. trapezoideum, L. politum, Metasesarma aubryi, Pseudosesarma crassimanum, Stelgistra stormi, and Sesarmops impressum, are described for the first time, while the first zoeal stages of Clistocoeloma merguiense, Metasesarma obesum and Sesarmops intermedium are re-described. Larval characters of all these species are compared with previously described ones for the family and morphological features are re-evaluated. Minute spines on the telson of the zoeae are described as a new larval character in Sesarmidae and their presence or absence in other grapsoid groups is discussed. The results demonstrate that a recurrent combination of reliable larval characters distinguishes zoeae and megalopae of the examined sesarmids from the rest of the Grapsoidea. This appears to be consistent with recent studies that redefine the Sesarmidae.  相似文献   
The genus Phymaturus (Reptilia: Liolaemidae) is distributed in the mountains and rocky plateaux of Argentina and Chile and comprises two groups of species, palluma and patagonicus. The two lineages have diverged early in the evolution of the genus and up to today, there is very little geographical overlap between them. We worked with records of localities from the literature, herpetological collections and field data to evaluate habitat suitability of the genus Phymaturus. We used 11 environmental variables to develop environmental niche models (ENMs) for each group within the genus using the Maxent software, and to determine those variables that best explain the distribution of each group. We also estimated measures of niche similarity using ENMTools to determine whether niche differentiation is real or apparent. The geographical overlap between the groups was very low considering the large geographical range of the genus. Some variables, such as mean annual temperature, soil type and bare soil cover, have a high contribution to the models for both groups. The current niche overlap between Phymaturus groups indicates that the environmental niches of the palluma and patagonicus groups are not equivalent. Based on background analysis, we cannot reject the hypothesis that similarity (or divergence) between groups of Phymaturus is no more than expected based on the availability of habitat. The results of this study are a first approximation to the knowledge of the environmental variables associated with the palluma and patagonicus groups, and reveal that the ecological differences found between these groups are more likely due to habitat availability in their respective regions than to differences in habitat preferences.  相似文献   
We show that variation in an intronic length polymorphism in the CHD1‐Z gene in Black‐tailed Godwits Limosa l. limosa is associated with fitness correlates. This is the second example of the CHDZ‐1 gene being correlated with fitness, a previous study having established that Moorhens Gallinula chloropus carrying the rare Z* allele have reduced survival. In Godwits, however, carriers of the Z* allele (374 bp) fared better than those with the more frequent Z allele (378 bp) with respect to body mass, plumage ornamentation, reproductive parameters and habitat quality. The Z* allele was found in 14% of 251 adult birds from nature reserves, but was absent from 33 birds breeding in intensively managed agricultural lands. Males and females with the Z* allele had less extensive breeding plumage, and females had a higher body mass, bred earlier and had larger eggs. There were no significant differences in annual survival between birds with and without the Z* allele. DNA isolated from museum skins demonstrated that this polymorphism was present at low frequency in 1929. We speculate that strong asymmetrical overdominance may explain the low frequency of the Z* allele and that genetic linkage to causal genes might be an explanation for the phenotypic correlations. Our findings suggest a degree of cryptic genetic population structuring in the Dutch Godwit population.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The practice of feeding cervids in winter, either as a supplement to enhance nutritional status or to divert animals away from roads, railways, or vulnerable habitats, is rising noticeably. Moose (Alces alces) densities in Scandinavia are currently at historically high levels, resulting in amplified damage to economically important young Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest stands. Nevertheless, there is limited information as to how diversionary feeding affects herbivore space use and habitat selection. We followed 32 female moose marked with Global Positioning System collars to evaluate 1) if feeding stations serve as attraction points to the extent that habitat-selection patterns resemble those of central-place foragers (i.e., high usage and more uniform selection close to the attraction point), and 2) if moose using feeding sites select young pine stands less than those not using feeding sites. Moose that used diversionary forage concentrated their space use around feeding stations and selected habitats as predicted for a central-place forager with a decreasing probability of using areas away from feeding sites and a low degree of habitat selectivity close to feeding sites. However, moose that used feeding sites continued to select young pine stands to the same extent as moose that did not use feeding sites. Feeding sites were, therefore, not successful in diverting moose away from valuable natural browse, so we recommend wildlife managers establish feeding sites in sacrifice areas where moose browsing is permissible and, if possible, >1 km from young pine plantations.  相似文献   
Organism size is one of the key determinants of community structure, and its relationship with abundance can describe how biomass is partitioned among the biota within an ecosystem. An outdoor freshwater mesocosm experiment was used to determine how warming of~4 °C would affect the size, biomass and taxonomic structure of planktonic communities. Warming increased the steepness of the community size spectrum by increasing the prevalence of small organisms, primarily within the phytoplankton assemblage and it also reduced the mean and maximum size of phytoplankton by approximately one order of magnitude. The observed shifts in phytoplankton size structure were reflected in changes in phytoplankton community composition, though zooplankton taxonomic composition was unaffected by warming. Furthermore, warming reduced community biomass and total phytoplankton biomass, although zooplankton biomass was unaffected. This resulted in an increase in the zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass ratio in the warmed mesocosms, which could be explained by faster turnover within the phytoplankton assemblages. Overall, warming shifted the distribution of phytoplankton size towards smaller individuals with rapid turnover and low standing biomass, resulting in a reorganization of the biomass structure of the food webs. These results indicate future environmental warming may have profound effects on the structure and functioning of aquatic communities and ecosystems.  相似文献   
The species related to Vriesea paraibica (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) have controversial taxonomic limits. For several decades, this group has been identified in herbarium collections as V. × morreniana, an artificial hybrid that does not grow in natural habitats. The aim of this study was to assess the morphological variation in the V. paraibica complex through morphometric analyses of natural populations. Two sets of analyses were performed: the first involved six natural populations (G1) and the second was carried out on taxa that emerged from the first analysis, but using material from herbarium collections (G2). Univariate ANOVA was used, as well as discriminant analysis of 16 morphometric variables in G1 and 18 in G2. The results of the analyses of the two groups were similar and led to the selection of diagnostic traits of four species. Lengths of the lower and median floral bracts were significant for the separation of red and yellow floral bracts. Vriesea paraibica and V. interrogatoria have red bracts; these two species are differentiated by the widths of the lower and median portions of the inflorescence and by scape length. These structures are larger in the former and smaller in the latter. Of the species with yellow floral bracts, V. eltoniana is distinguished by longer leaf blades and scapes and V. flava is characterized by its shorter sepal lengths. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 163–181.  相似文献   
Sharka, a disease caused by plum pox virus (PPV), has a significant economic impact on fruit tree production. In this work, we analysed the effect of (2,1,3)‐benzothiadiazole (BTH) and L‐2‐oxo‐4‐thiazolidine‐carboxylic acid (OTC) on plant growth and virus content. OTC reduced sharka symptom, stimulated plant growth and alleviated PPV‐induced oxidative stress, indicated by a lack of changes in some oxidative stress parameters. PPV infection reduced chloroplast electron transport efficiency. However, in the presence of BTH or OTC, no changes in the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were observed. PPV produced an alteration in chloroplast ultrastructure, giving rise to a decrease in starch contents that was less dramatic in OTC‐treated plants. Furthermore, PPV reduced the abundance of proteins associated with photosynthesis, carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism and photorespiration. These changes did not take place in OTC‐treated plants, and increases in the expression of proteins related with the aforementioned processes, including ADP‐glucose pyrophosphorylase, were produced, which correlated with the lower decrease in starch contents observed in PPV‐infected plants treated with OTC. The results suggested that OTC treatment provides protection to the photosynthetic machinery and/or the chloroplast metabolism in PPV‐infected peaches. Thus, OTC could have practical implications in agriculture in improving the vigour of different plant species as well as in immunizing plants against pathogens.  相似文献   
Abstract: Compared with crocodylomorph body fossils, the record of fossil crocodiloid eggs is scarce and poorly understood, a gap partially attributed to their typically thin eggshell, which is not conducive to preservation. A remarkable new association of well‐preserved eggs and eggshells from the Adamantina Formation (Bauru Group, Upper Cretaceous) is described and compared to other known materials, while the significance of their unique oological features is discussed. These eggs constitute a new ootaxon, Bauruoolithus fragilis oogen. et oosp. nov., diagnosed by the following characteristics: elongate and elliptical egg with blunt ends; length‐to‐diameter ratio of 1:0.55; outer surface slightly undulating; shell thickness ranging from 0.15 to 0.25 mm; pore openings elliptical or teardrop‐shaped, ranging from 30 to 80 μm in diameter; and shell units wider than higher, with the interstices forming an obtuse triangle. Specimens of Bauruoolithus also show only slight signs of extrinsic degradation that, coupled with the evidence that some of them constitute hatched eggs, suggests that the egg‐laying taxon had a different pattern of egg incubation, in which the hatchling could break through the rather thin eggshell relatively easily and that the extrinsic degradation of the eggshell was not necessary. This contrasts with the pattern of incubation for all other known crocodylomorphs and crocodiloid eggs, where extrinsic degradation is a key component of the hatching process.  相似文献   
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