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Winter‐drought induced forest diebacks in the low‐latitude margins of species' distribution ranges can provide new insights into the mechanisms (carbon starvation, hydraulic failure) underlying contrasting tree reactions. We analysed a winter‐drought induced dieback at the Scots pine's southern edge through a dual‐isotope approach (Δ13C and δ18O in tree‐ring cellulose). We hypothesized that a differential long‐term performance, mediated by the interaction between CO2 and climate, determined the fates of individuals during dieback. Declining trees showed a stronger coupling between climate, growth and intrinsic water‐use efficiency (WUEi) than non‐declining individuals that was noticeable for 25 years prior to dieback. The rising stomatal control of water losses with time in declining trees, indicated by negative Δ13C‐δ18O relationships, was likely associated with their native aptitude to grow more and take up more water (suggested by larger tracheid lumen widths) than non‐declining trees and, therefore, to exhibit a greater cavitation risk. Freeze‐thaw episodes occurring in winter 2001 unveiled such physiological differences by triggering dieback in those trees more vulnerable to hydraulic failure. Thus, WUEi tightly modulated growth responses to long‐term warming in declining trees, indicating that co‐occurring individuals were differentially predisposed to winter‐drought mortality. These different performances were unconnected to the depletion of stored carbohydrates.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. The maximum homing ability of female bees, that is, their capacity to return to the nest after being displaced a certain distance, is considered to be an estimate of their maximum foraging distance. 2. The present study provides data on homing ability and body weight for Osmia lignaria and combines them with data for five other congenerics, O. rufa, O. cornuta, O. pedicornis, O. cornifrons, and O. emarginata for analysis. These species are important pollinators of spring‐flowering plants, and some have been developed as commercial crop pollinators. 3. It is shown that homing ability is positively and linearly related to body weight (r2 = 0.81; P = 0.01). 4. These results should be of use in selecting Osmia species as potential crop pollinators and establishing adequate buffer distances around genetically modified crops.  相似文献   
Microbial‐mediated decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) ultimately makes a considerable contribution to soil respiration, which is typically the main source of CO2 arising from terrestrial ecosystems. Despite this central role in the decomposition of SOM, few studies have been conducted on how climate change may affect the soil microbial community and, furthermore, on how possible climate‐change induced alterations in the ecology of microbial communities may affect soil CO2 emissions. Here we present the results of a seasonal study on soil microbial community structure, SOM decomposition and its temperature sensitivity in two representative Mediterranean ecosystems where precipitation/throughfall exclusion has taken place during the last 10 years. Bacterial and fungal diversity was estimated using the terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism technique. Our results show that fungal diversity was less sensitive to seasonal changes in moisture, temperature and plant activity than bacterial diversity. On the other hand, fungal communities showed the ability to dynamically adapt throughout the seasons. Fungi also coped better with the 10 years of precipitation/throughfall exclusion compared with bacteria. The high resistance of fungal diversity to changes with respect to bacteria may open the controversy as to whether future ‘drier conditions’ for Mediterranean regions might favor fungal dominated microbial communities. Finally, our results indicate that the fungal community exerted a strong influence over the temporal and spatial variability of SOM decomposition and its sensitivity to temperature. The results, therefore, highlight the important role of fungi in the decomposition of terrestrial SOM, especially under the harsh environmental conditions of Mediterranean ecosystems, for which models predict even drier conditions in the future.  相似文献   
Abstract: Middle Miocene tests of Clypeaster from L’Arrabassada (Tarragona, north‐east Spain) show evidence of intense endoskeletozoan colonization, preserved as borings and associated carbonate secretions that allow gastrochaenid bivalves to be identified as the colonizers. Two modes of occurrence have been recognized for these bivalve dwelling cavities; ‘intrastereom clavate borings’ which are restricted to the echinoid stereom, and ‘semi‐endoskeletal dwellings’, which penetrate across the test wall and extend as carbonate crypts into the sediment fill of the internal test cavity. Their size, density and position rule out a syn‐vivo relationship with the echinoids and demonstrate that colonization was post mortem. Because of the endurance of clypeasteroid skeleton and the pronounced bell‐shaped morphology of Clypeaster, the tests of these echinoids provided the most suitable substrates for hard‐bottom colonizers on an otherwise sandy seafloor. The scenario described from Tarragona can be extended to other Neogene and Quaternary strata elsewhere; there is ample evidence for the long‐term utilization of tests of Clypeaster by gastrochaenid bivalves in shoreface palaeoenvironments.  相似文献   
1. How species reach and persist in isolated habitats remains an open question in many cases, especially for rapidly spreading invasive species. This is particularly true for temporary freshwater ponds, which can be remote and may dry out annually, but may still harbour high biodiversity. Persistence in such habitats depends on recurrent colonisation or species survival capacity, and ponds therefore provide an ideal system to investigate dispersal and connectivity. 2. Here, we test the hypothesis that the wide distributions and invasive potential of aquatic snails is due to their ability to exploit several dispersal vectors in different landscapes. We explored the population structure of Physa acuta (recent synonyms: Haitia acuta, Physella acuta, Pulmonata: Gastropoda), an invasive aquatic snail originating from North America, but established in temporary ponds in Doñana National Park, southern Spain. In this area, snails face land barriers when attempting to colonise other suitable habitat. 3. Genetic analyses using six microsatellite loci from 271 snails in 21 sites indicated that (i) geographically and hydrologically isolated snail populations in the park were genetically similar to a large snail population in rice fields more than 15 km away; (ii) these isolated ponds showed an isolation‐by‐distance pattern. This pattern broke down, however, for those ponds visited frequently by large mammals such as cattle, deer and wild boar; (iii) snail populations were panmictic in flooded and hydrologically connected rice fields. 4. These results support the notion that aquatic snails disperse readily by direct water connections in the flooded rice fields, can be carried by waterbirds flying between the rice fields and the park and may disperse between ponds within the park by attaching to large mammals. 5. The potential for aquatic snails such as Physa acuta to exploit several dispersal vectors may contribute to their wide distribution on various continents and their success as invasive species. We suggest that the interaction between different dispersal vectors, their relation to specific habitats and consequences at different geographic scales should be considered both when attempting to control invasive freshwater species and when protecting endangered species.  相似文献   
Allozyme electrophoresis was conducted to survey the levels and distribution of genetic diversity in the tetraploid perennial larkspur Delphinium montanum (Ranunculaceae), which is endemic to the eastern Pyrenees of Spain and France and considered to be endangered. Seven populations were sampled, resolving 14 putative enzymatic loci belonging to eight enzymes. Banding patterns stained in gels revealed several enzymatic duplications attributable to autotetraploidy, such as the presence of both balanced and unbalanced heterozygotes and the lack of fixed heterozygosity. However, variability in D. montanum ( P  = 23.8%, A  = 1.48, and H e = 0.082) was lower than that expected for an autotetraploid species. This, in addition to the scarcity of loci showing three or four different alleles, could indicate that this species has suffered genetic erosion through population bottlenecks, or, alternatively, that it is undergoing diploidization.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 211–222.  相似文献   
1. Diapause is a dynamic process of low metabolic activity that allows insects to survive periods of harsh conditions. Notwithstanding the lowered metabolism, and because diapausing insects have no access to food, diapause has an energetic cost that may affect post‐diapause performance. 2. Previous studies on the solitary bee Osmia lignaria have shown that prolonged pre‐wintering periods (the time during which individuals already in diapause remain at warm temperatures) are associated with elevated lipid consumption, fat body depletion, and body weight loss. The present study investigated whether prolonged pre‐wintering also affects reproduction, i.e. whether the costs associated with diapause could have an effect on post‐diapause performance in this species. 3. Females were exposed to a range of pre‐wintering conditions, and ovary development and individual post‐wintering performance were monitored throughout their adult life span. 4. No evidence of an effect of pre‐wintering duration on post‐diapause reproductive success was found. Expected differences in the timing of establishment were not observed because ovary maturation was, surprisingly, not arrested during pre‐wintering. Prolonged pre‐wintering duration did not result in decreased life span, probably because emerging females could rapidly replenish their metabolic reserves through feeding. However, there was a very strong effect of the duration of the pre‐emergence period on the likelihood of nest establishment. 5. Longevity, the main factor determining fecundity in Osmia, is subjected to high levels of intrinsic variability, even among females of similar size exposed to identical conditions during development and nesting.  相似文献   
Plumage coloration plays an important role as a signal of individual quality. We studied plumage coloration in two Great Tit Parus major populations to test the hypothesis that coloration changes during the year without moult. As expected, the coloration of 'yellow' and 'dark green' areas in the breast and back changed with time but not the colour characteristics of the 'black' crown. This suggests that colours based on carotenoids could be more exposed to abrasion or fading than melanin-derived colours, although other factors could affect the patterns of change found. Our results show that effects of colour alteration could be important to the understanding of the potential for reliable signalling of different colours. Seasonal changes in plumage colour should be considered in future analysis of intraspecific variation in coloration.  相似文献   
Gibert, J.M. de, Mas, G. & Ekdale, A.A. 2012: Architectural complexity of marine crustacean burrows: unusual helical trace fossils from the Miocene of Mallorca, Spain. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 574–585. Unusual helical trace fossils occur in Tortonian shelfal calcarenites in the island of Mallorca. Their morphology may be either simple (ichnogenus Gyrolithes) or, more commonly, consist of two concentric helical burrows (ichnogenus Lapispira). They bear a very characteristic pelleted lining and are associated and probably connected to Thalassinoides and Ophiomorpha burrow systems very abundant in the same unit. These features allow the interpretation that the tracemaker was a thalassinidean shrimp. The complex and compound nature of these trace fossils is comparable to that seen in other modern and fossil crustacean burrow systems, and it reflects the behavioural plasticity of the architects. □Trace fossils, ichnology, ichnofabrics, crustacean burrows, Miocene, shallow marine, Lapispira.  相似文献   
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