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Pestalotia rhododendri was exposed to vapours from 1 ml propanol solution in water and linear growth, formation of aerial hyphae and production of conidia were determined. A special Petri dish technique was used and maximum stimulation of conidial formation was induced by the vapours from a propanol concentration of 3–4 % (v/v) at 25°C. When propanol was added directly to the medium, a concentration of 1.2 × 10?2M was optimal for growth and sporulation at 30°C. Sporulation stimulated by propanol was observed at temperatures from 20–32°C, with an optimum at 30°C. Certain observations indicated that an exposure to propanol for 24 hours was enough to induce a stimulated spore production. The stimulation was noticed on different media at 25°C, and was more pronounced at 30°C. One exception was observed. Propanol did not promote sporulation when the fungus was grown on maltagar at 30°C. Propanol 3 ° (v/v) in combination with the standard medium containing (NH4)2-tartrate as sole nitrogen source, inhibited the linear growth at 15–20°C, was inactive at 22.5° and 25°C, and stimulated growth at 27.5–31°C. The stimulatory effect was maximal at 30°C. Other media were tested at 25° and 30°C. At both temperatures stimulations of linear growth caused by propanol were observed with a medium containing KNO3 as sole nitrogen source, and inhibitions with maltagar and another medium containing l -asparaginc as sole nitrogen source. The linear growth could be either inhibited or stimulated while the sporulation was stimulated.  相似文献   
  • 1 Temporal changes in host adaptation were followed in a local population of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. Aphid clones were collected in one alfalfa and one clover field at three different times. In the spring, first-generation females were collected. Later, in the autumn, females belonging to the last parthenogenetic generation were collected. Lastly, sexual females were collected after mating in autumn and allowed to produce eggs which were hatched. The performance was evaluated on alfalfa and clover. The spring-collected individuals were also assessed on peas.
  • 2 On the overwintering hosts clover and alfalfa, the clones performed best on the plant of origin, i.e. negative correlations in performance. Correlations between performance on the temporary summer host, pea, and that on clover/alfalfa were weak or nonsignificant.
  • 3 Significant variation in host performance was found within both host fields at spring, which is a prerequisite for changes in clone composition due to selection/migration.
  • 4 The clones from alfalfa showed an increase in mean performance on alfalfa between spring and autumn, whereas no changes among the clones from the clover field were observed. This difference in seasonal response between the two fields could have been the result of larger variation in performance among the alfalfa clones and/or a differential tendency to migrate among clones in both fields.
  • 5 After sexual recombination in the autumn, mean performance in the alfalfa field returned to the spring level, probably as a result of emergence of new genetic combinations. In the clover field, mean performance did not change significantly over time.
The lacinia mobilis of the Crustacea Malacostraca is a more or less spine-like movable appendage of the medial mandibular edge, inserted near the base of the incisor process. It occurs in two or possibly three eumalacostracan superorders but is retained in the adult stage only in the Peracarida. The lacinia has been interpreted as the distal member of the spine-row found in many adult Malacostraca and/or their larvae, or alternatively as a derivative of a certain cusp ('cusp b') of the biting edge of the primitive lophogastrids. The distribution, ontogeny and function of the lacinia were studied in a variety of Eumalacostraca. There is great variability in the guiding and locking mechanisms involved in biting, within the subclass and even within single orders. A lacinia-based guiding and locking system is likely to function only in weak mandibles. New evidence is produced in favour of derivation of the lacinia from the spine-row, and the 'cusp b' derivation hypothesis is rejected, 'cusp b' being only a highly specialized lacinia. Doubt is cast upon the unity of the superorder Peracarida mainly because the place of the order Amphipoda within it is regarded as insecure.  相似文献   
1. The influence of coarse substratum and flow, coarse substratum and food, and predation risk and flow on habitat use by Gammarus pulex was studied in three experiments conducted in artificial stream channels. Each stream channel consisted of a riffle and pool habitat.
2. Location of coarse substrata and food was manipulated by placing cobbles (coarse substratum) and leaf packs (food) in different habitats. Predation risk was varied by running experiments in the presence and absence of sculpins ( Cottus gobio ), and flow was varied by pumping water with one or two pumps.
3. In all experiments Gammarus were most abundant in pools but placement of cobbles in riffles increased use of the latter. An even greater percentage of Gammarus used riffles if leaf packs were also placed there. Decreased discharge and the presence of sculpins ( Cottus gobio ) also caused Gammarus to increase use of riffles. These data indicate that Gammarus is able to evaluate differences in habitat quality and respond accordingly.  相似文献   
This study describes the remarkable radiation of Modisimus on Hispaniola. During two short trips to the island, more species have been collected than are known from any comparable area on the mainland. We redescribe three of the four previously known Hispaniolan species, and describe 22 new species. Most Haitian species are local endemics, either of the severely threatened forests in one of the two national parks (La Visite National Park and Macaya Biosphere Reserve) or of their surrounding areas. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that most of these species together represent a species group that is restricted to the paleogeographically distinct southern ‘paleoisland’, and that is otherwise known neither from Hispaniola nor from any other island. Two mitochondrial markers, 16S and cytochrome oxidase I (COI), were sequenced in 21 species to test for their performance as barcoding genes within this group of partly closely related species. Both markers unambiguously corroborated the morphospecies, with small but distinct gaps between the intra‐ and interspecific genetic distances. The absence of Modisimus in South America argues against colonization of the West Indies over a ‘landspan’ connecting South America to the Greater Antilles. Overwater dispersal is supported by two lines of evidence (unusual radiation and reduced higher‐level diversity), but further data (especially time estimates for the separation of mainland and island taxa) are needed to evaluate the third major model, continent–island vicariance as a result of plate tectonics. The species diversity of the genus, combined with the presence of habitat specialists, suggests that this system may have the potential to complement the classic studies on adaptive radiation in Caribbean Anolis lizards. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 244–299.  相似文献   
Chesapeake Bay is a bacterially dominated ecosystem driven,at least under summer conditions, by high levels of labile dissolvedorganics. Bacterioplankton are exceptionally abundant (20 x109 cells liter–1) and productive (7 x 109 cells liter–1d–1), and their biomass can equal or exceed 60% of phytoplanktonbiomass. In the salinity stratified Chesapeake Bay bacterioplanktonaccount for 60–100% of planktonic oxygen consumption,potentially driving the Bay to anoxia in days to weeks. Sulfide,released from sediments by sulfate reducing bacteria, chemicallyconsumes oxygen at rates up to 9 mg O2 liter–1 d–1maintaining the oxygen deficit. The organic matter driving thisoxygen demand in the summer season is functionally dissolved.Dissolved organics, measured as biochemical oxygen demand, accountfor about 60% of microbially labile organics throughout thewater column and 80% (sometimes 100%) in the subpycnoclinalwater. Field studies suggest that reduced oyster stocks in ChesapeakeBay may be a major factor in the shift to this bacterially dominatedtrophic structure  相似文献   
Ecological and evolutionary consequences of host–parasite interactions have attracted considerable attention from evolutionary biologists. Previous studies have suggested that immune responsiveness may be genetically or developmentally linked with colour pattern, such that the evolution of animal colour patterns may be influenced by correlated responses to selection for parasite resistance. We studied interactions between the endoparasitic fly Leiophora innoxia (Meigen) (Diptera: Tachinidae) and its colour polymorphic pygmy grasshopper host Tetrix undulata (Sow.) (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) to test for morph‐specific differences in parasitization and immune defence, and host‐induced variation in parasite phenotypes. Our results revealed that c. 2 and 30% of adult grasshoppers collected from the same natural population in two subsequent years, respectively were parasitized. Parasite prevalence was independent of host sex and colour morph. Pupae were larger if the parasite had developed in a female than in a male host, possibly reflecting host resource value or a physical constraint on larval growth imposed by host body size. Pupal size was also associated with host colour morph, with individuals that had developed in dark morphs being smaller at pupation compared to those that developed in paler morphs. However, immune defence, measured as the encapsulation response to a novel antigen, did not differ among individuals belonging to alternative colour morphs or sexes. Darker morphs warm up more quickly and prefer higher body temperatures than paler ones. Encapsulation was not influenced by maintenance temperature (15 vs. 30 °C), however, suggesting that indirect effects of coloration on parasite resistance mediated via differential body temperature are unlikely. The dependence of parasite body size on host colour morph may thus reflect plasticity of growth and development of the larvae in response to differential host body temperature, rather than variable host immune defence. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85 , 373–383.  相似文献   
Genome size varies tremendously both within and among taxa, and strong correlations between genome size and various physiological and ecological attributes suggest that genome size is a key trait of organisms, yet the causalities remains vague. In the present study, we tested how genome size is related to key physiological and ecological properties in five large orders of crustaceans: Decapoda, Cladocera, Amphipoda, Calanoida, and Cyclopoida. These span a wide range in sizes, habitats and life-history traits. To some extent, genome size reflected phylogenetic footprints but, generally, a very wide range in genome size was found within all orders. Genome size was positively correlated with body size in Amphipoda, Cladocera, and Copepoda, but not for Decapoda in general. This could indicate that the evolution of body size occurs mainly by changing cell size for the three first orders, whereas it is more attributed to cell numbers for Decapoda. Cladocera, with direct development and a high growth rate, have minute genomes compared to copepods that possess a more complex life history, whereas, within Decapoda and Amphipoda, developmental complexity is not related to genome size. The present study suggests that, within the crustaceans, selection for a wide variety of life-history strategies has led to widely different genome sizes.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 393–399.  相似文献   
Abstract: Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) populations in the United States portion of the Great Lakes region increased through the 1990s but have since declined. To promote sustainable growth of this population, managers need to understand how perturbation of vital rates will affect annual population growth rate (Λ). We developed a stage-based model representing the female mallard population in the Great Lakes using vital rates generated from a landscape-level study documenting reproductive parameters from 2001 to 2003. We conducted perturbation analyses (i.e., sensitivity analyses) to identify vital rates that most influence Λ and variance decomposition analyses to determine the proportion of variation in Λ explained by variation in each vital rate. Perturbation analyses indicated that Λ was most sensitive to changes in nonbreeding survival, duckling survival, and nest success. Therefore, changes in these vital rates would be expected to result in the greatest ΔΛ. Process variation in breeding season parameters accounted for 63% of variation in Λ. Breeding season parameters explaining the most variation were duckling survival (32%) and nest success (16%). Survival of adult females outside the breeding season accounted for 36% of variation in Λ. Harvest derivation, high harvest, and high sensitivity of Λ to nonbreeding survival for Great Lakes female mallards suggests there is a strong potential for managing the Great Lakes mallard population via harvest management. Because Λ was highly sensitive to changes in duckling survival, we suggest programs that emphasize wetland protection, enhancement, and restoration as a management strategy to improve population growth for breeding mallards.  相似文献   
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