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Recruitment, Search Behavior, and Flight Ranges of Honey Bees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the past three decades, considerable evidence has beengathered in attempts to understand more fully honey bee recruitmentto food sources. Those efforts also apply directly to two long-standingand competing recruitment hypotheses: odor search vs. "dancelanguage" communication. However, whereas most researchers havefocused on individual interactions and behavior, the colonycan also be viewed as a unit. A review of evidence from a colonyperspective reveals that colony members range an average distancefrom their home base, whether while foraging on food sources,while collecting water, or while relocating as swarms. Thoseaverages, based on the logarithm of the distance from the colony,vary with the type of resource exploited and size of the odorfield. Such a mathematical correspondence between distancestravelled from parent colonies may well agree with an odorsearchrecruitment model, but is hardly reconcilable with the "dancelanguage" hypothesis.  相似文献   
  • 1 Carbon dioxide and water vapour fluxes were measured for 55 days by eddy covariance over an undisturbed tropical rain forest in Rondonia, Brazil. Profiles of CO2 inside the canopy were also measured.
  • 2 During the night, CO2 concentration frequently built up to 500 ppm throughout the canopy as a result of low rates of exchange with the atmosphere. In the early morning hours, ventilation of the canopy occurred.
  • 3 Ecosystem gas exchange was calculated from a knowledge of fluxes above the canopy and changes of CO2 stored inside the canopy. Typically, uptake by the canopy was 15 μmol m?2 s?1 in bright sunlight and dark respiration was 6-7 μmol m?2 s?1 The quantum requirement at low irradiance was: 40 mol photons per mol of CO2.
  • 4 Bulk stomatal conductance of the ecosystem was maximal in the early morning (0.4-1.0 mol m?2 s?1) and declined over the course of the day as leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference increased.
Barriers to the recovery of aquatic insect communities in urban streams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Worldwide, increasing numbers of stream restoration projects are being initiated to rehabilitate waterways modified by urbanisation. However, many of these projects have limited success in restoring stream communities. Prompted by this, we investigated previously unrecognised barriers to aquatic insect colonisation in urban streams. 2. To investigate whether the availability of suitable substrata for oviposition limited the longitudinal distribution of caddisflies, large boulders were added to the upstream reaches of one stream. Prior to the addition, more egg masses were observed downstream and this longitudinal pattern persisted subsequently. 3. Malaise trapping revealed that adult caddisfly diversity and abundance was greater downstream than upstream. Furthermore, in a previous study the authors found larval caddisflies reflected the longitudinal distribution of adults. 4. The only obvious potential obstructions between reaches were roads beneath which the stream flowed through culverted crossings. Malaise trapping was used to examine the effect of road culverts and bridges on caddisfly dispersal. Numbers of caddisflies caught declined upstream and about 2.5 × more individuals were taken in traps immediately below than above five culverts. 4. Bridges, which had a more open structure than culverts, had no significant effect on the size of catches made above and below them. 5. Road culverts could act as partial barriers to upstream flight, with consequences for larval recruitment in urban streams. We recommend that urban planners and designers of restoration projects consider possible synergistic effects of poor oviposition habitat and barriers to aquatic insect dispersal, which may be critical for the colonisation of urban headwater streams and for the maintenance of stream insect populations.  相似文献   
The endangered Uluguru Bush Shrike Malaconotus alius is a large, black-headed bush shrike, strictly endemic to the Uluguru Mountains in Tanzania. It has recently been suggested that this species has been misplaced within the genus Malaconotus and might instead be related to Malagasy Vangidae. To assess its systematic affinities, we analysed 1518 bp of sequence data obtained from a nuclear intron (myoglobin intron-2) and a mitochondrial protein-coding gene (ND2) using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. Both genes strongly support the traditional placement within the genus Malaconotus , suggesting that similarities between the Uluguru Bush Shrike and the Vangidae are due to convergence. These results caution that taxonomic changes should not be made without a proper character analysis (i.e. assignment of character homology).  相似文献   
1. The successful establishment of novel plant–insect interactions may depend on the availability of suitable hosts, which itself is influenced by the inherent flexibility of the herbivore for the native plants in its new range. The polyphagous beech leaf mining weevil, Orchestes fagi L., is a recent invader to eastern Canada, and while beech is a primary host, it remains unclear the extent to which it might also utilise co‐occurring secondary hosts, as has been observed in its native European range. 2. A combination of field and laboratory feeding trials were used to quantify weevil secondary host use. Based on its expansive native host range in Europe, it was predicted that American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.), as well as several additional plant species, would be susceptible to weevil damage. 3. Contrary to this prediction, weevil feeding was almost entirely exclusive to beech in both the field and laboratory feeding trials. This result is further supported by field observations that revealed an absence of weevils and eggs on species other than beech. In general, the lack of pre‐diapause feeding on any alternate host species represented an extreme departure from feeding habits observed within the native range. 4. Overall, this host‐use bottleneck suggests that the adoption of a novel primary host by O. fagi, in this case American beech, may remove the normal requirement for secondary hosts and suggests a significant departure from native feeding habits with possible consequences for related life‐history parameters such as overwintering survival and fecundity.  相似文献   
Here we describe the complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome (16 583/4 bp) of the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Primers were designed based on highly conserved regions of an alignment of three passerine complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. A combination of overlapping long polymerase chain reaction (PCR) purification, followed by fully nested PCR and sequencing was used to determine the complete mtDNA genome. Six birds, from distinct maternal lineages of a pedigreed population were sequenced. Five novel haplotypes were identified. These sequences provide the first data for sequence variation across the whole mitochondrial genome of a passerine bird species.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Out of precaution, opportunism, and a general tendency towards thoroughness, researchers studying wildlife often collect multiple, sometimes highly correlated measurements or samples. Although such redundancy has its benefits in terms of quality control, increased resolution, and unforeseen future utility, it also comes at a cost if animal welfare (e.g., duration of handling) or time and resource limitation are a concern. Using principle components analysis and bootstrapping, we analyzed sets of morphometric measurements collected on 171 brown bears in Sweden during a long-term monitoring study (1984–2006). We show that of 11 measurements, 7 were so similar in terms of their predictive power for an overall size index that each individual measurement provided little additional information. We argue that when multiple research objectives or data collection goals compete for a limited amount of time or resources, it is advisable to critically evaluate the amount of additional information contributed by extra measurements. We recommend that wildlife researchers look critically at the data they collect not just in terms of quality but also in terms of need.  相似文献   
The Cinnamon Ibon inhabits the canopy of cloud‐forest of Mindanao Island in the Philippines, and has until now been classified as an aberrant member of the Zosteropidae (white‐eyes). We assessed the systematic position of this enigmatic species using DNA sequence data (two mitochondrial markers, two nuclear introns and two nuclear exons) and broad taxon sampling. The species was robustly placed among the granivorous passeroid clades, as a basal branch in the family of true sparrows, Passeridae. Morphological data lend further support, as the Cinnamon Ibon shows similar specialization of the skull as other granivorous passeroids. The species’ restricted distribution in the montane cloud‐forest of the island of Mindanao, which is of oceanic origin, is difficult to explain without assuming an over‐water dispersal event.  相似文献   
1. Spring‐fed streams, with temperatures ranging from 7.1 to 21.6 °C, in an alpine geothermal area in SW Iceland were chosen to test hypotheses on the effects of nutrients and temperature on stream primary producers. Ammonium nitrate was dripped into the lower reaches of eight streams, with higher reaches being used as controls, during the summers of 2006 and 2007. Dry mass of larger primary producers, epilithic chlorophyll a and biovolumes of epilithic algae were measured. 2. Bryophyte communities were dominated by Fontinalis antipyretica, and biomass was greatest in the warmest streams. Jungermannia exsertifolia, a liverwort, was found in low densities in few samples from cold streams but this species was absent from the warmest streams. 3. Nutrient enrichment increased the biomass of bryophytes significantly in warm streams. No effects of the nutrient addition were detected on vascular plants. The biomass of larger filamentous algae (mainly Cladophora spp.) was significantly increased by nutrient enrichment in cold streams but reduced by nutrients in warm streams. Thalloid cyanobacteria (Nostoc spp.) were not affected by nutrients in cold streams but decreased with nutrient addition in warm streams. Epilithic algal chlorophyll a was increased by nutrients in all streams and to a greater extent in 2007 than in 2006. Nutrient addition did not affect the epilithic chlorophyll a differently in streams of different temperatures. 4. There were small differential effects of nutrients, influenced by pH and conductivity, on different epilithic algal groups. 5. As global temperatures increase, animal husbandry and perhaps crop agriculture are likely to increase in Iceland. Temperature will directly influence the stream communities, but its secondary effects, manifested through agricultural eutrophication, are likely to be much greater.  相似文献   
Temperature and the metabolic balance of streams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. It is becoming increasingly clear that fresh waters play a major role in the global C cycle. Stream ecosystem respiration (ER) and gross primary productivity (GPP) exert a significant control on organic carbon fluxes in fluvial networks. However, little is known about how climate change will influence these fluxes. 2. Here, we used a ‘natural experiment’ to demonstrate the role of temperature and nutrient cycling in whole‐system metabolism (ER, GPP and net ecosystem production – NEP), in naturally heated geothermal (5–25 °C) Icelandic streams. 3. We calculated ER and GPP with a new, more accurate method, which enabled us to take into account the additional uncertainties owing to stream spatial heterogeneity in oxygen concentrations within a reach. ER ranged 1–25 g C m?2 day?1 and GPP 1–10 g C m?2 day?1. The median uncertainties (based on 1 SD) in ER and GPP were 50% and 20%, respectively. 4. Despite extremely low water nutrient concentrations, high metabolic rates in the warm streams were supported by fast cycling rates of nutrients, as revealed from inorganic nutrient (N, P) addition experiments. 5. ER exceeded GPP in all streams (with average GPP/ER = 0.6) and was more strongly related to temperature than GPP, resulting in elevated negative NEP with warming. We show that, as a first approximation based on summer investigations, global stream carbon emission to the atmosphere would nearly double from 0.12 Pg C year?1 at 13 °C to 0.21 (0.15–0.33) Pg C year?1 with a 5 °C warming. 6. Compared to previous studies from natural systems (including terrestrial ecosystems), the temperature dependence of stream metabolism was not confounded by latitude or altitude, seasonality, light and nutrient availability, water chemistry, space availability (water transient storage), and water availability. 7. Consequently, stream nutrient processing is likely to increase with warming, protecting downstream ecosystems (rivers, estuaries, coastal marine systems) during the summer low flows from nutrient enrichment, but at the cost of increased CO2 flux back to the atmosphere.  相似文献   
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