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1. Periphytic diatoms, macrophytes, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish were sampled with standard methods in 185 streams in nine European countries to compare their response to degradation. Streams were classified into two main stream type groups (i.e. lowland, mountain streams); in addition, the lowland streams were grouped into four more specific stream types. 2. Principal components analysis with altogether 43 environmental parameters was used to construct complex stressor gradients for physical–chemical, hydromorphological and land use data. About 30 metrics were calculated for each sample and organism group. Metric responses to different stress types were analysed by Spearman Rank Correlation. 3. All four organism groups showed significant response to eutrophication/organic pollution gradients. Generally, diatom metrics were most strongly correlated to eutrophication gradients (85% and 89% of the diatom metrics tested correlated significantly in mountain and lowland streams, respectively), followed by invertebrate metrics (91% and 59%). 4. Responses of the four organism groups to other gradients were less strong; all organism groups responded to varying degrees to land use changes, hydromorphological degradation on the microhabitat scale and general degradation gradients, while the response to hydromorphological gradients on the reach scale was mainly limited to benthic macroinvertebrates (50% and 44% of the metrics tested correlated significantly in mountain and lowland streams, respectively) and fish (29% and 47%). 5. Fish and macrophyte metrics generally showed a poor response to degradation gradients in mountain streams and a strong response in lowland streams. 6. General recommendations on European bioassessment of streams were derived from the results.  相似文献   
葡寡糖对LPS诱导小鼠氧化应激与炎症反应调节作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了低、中、高三种不同聚合度葡寡糖(LGOS、MGOS、HGOS)对小鼠氧化应激与炎症反应的调节,并探讨其可能的作用机制。在采食正常日粮基础上,各组小鼠每日分别灌胃生理盐水、低聚果糖(FOS)、LGOS、MGOS、HGOS。21 d后,腹腔注射脂多糖(LPS)诱导小鼠建立氧化应激与炎症反应模型,分别测定LPS刺激后4 h和18 h时血清和肝脏中活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)水平、总抗氧化能力(total antioxidant ca-pacity,T-AOC)、过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(glutathione peroxidase,GSH-Px)活性、丙二醛(Malondialdehyde,MDA)含量、肝脏中一氧化氮(NO)含量、一氧化氮合酶(nitric oxide synthase,NOS)活性、血清中白细胞介素1(Interleukin-1,IL-1)和肿瘤坏死因子(tumor necrosis factor,TNF-a)含量。结果表明:三种聚合度葡寡糖均能显著降低LPS刺激小鼠血清、肝脏中ROS水平(P<0.05),降低肝脏中NO含量、T-NOS、iNOS活性、血清中炎性细胞因子(IL-1、TNF-a)含量(P<0.05),显著提高总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)和抗氧化酶(CAT、GSH-Px)活性(P<0.05)。葡寡糖具有保护机体免受氧化损伤,减缓炎症反应的作用,并随着平均聚合度(degree ofpolymerization,DP)的增加,其调节功能逐渐增强。  相似文献   
1. Rates of whole‐system metabolism (production and respiration) are fundamental indicators of ecosystem structure and function. Although first‐order, proximal controls are well understood, assessments of the interactions between proximal controls and distal controls, such as land use and geographic region, are lacking. Thus, the influence of land use on stream metabolism across geographic regions is unknown. Further, there is limited understanding of how land use may alter variability in ecosystem metabolism across regions. 2. Stream metabolism was measured in nine streams in each of eight regions (n = 72) across the United States and Puerto Rico. In each region, three streams were selected from a range of three land uses: agriculturally influenced, urban‐influenced, and reference streams. Stream metabolism was estimated from diel changes in dissolved oxygen concentrations in each stream reach with correction for reaeration and groundwater input. 3. Gross primary production (GPP) was highest in regions with little riparian vegetation (sagebrush steppe in Wyoming, desert shrub in Arizona/New Mexico) and lowest in forested regions (North Carolina, Oregon). In contrast, ecosystem respiration (ER) varied both within and among regions. Reference streams had significantly lower rates of GPP than urban or agriculturally influenced streams. 4. GPP was positively correlated with photosynthetically active radiation and autotrophic biomass. Multiple regression models compared using Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) indicated GPP increased with water column ammonium and the fraction of the catchment in urban and reference land‐use categories. Multiple regression models also identified velocity, temperature, nitrate, ammonium, dissolved organic carbon, GPP, coarse benthic organic matter, fine benthic organic matter and the fraction of all land‐use categories in the catchment as regulators of ER. 5. Structural equation modelling indicated significant distal as well as proximal control pathways including a direct effect of land‐use on GPP as well as SRP, DIN, and PAR effects on GPP; GPP effects on autotrophic biomass, organic matter, and ER; and organic matter effects on ER. 6. Overall, consideration of the data separated by land‐use categories showed reduced inter‐regional variability in rates of metabolism, indicating that the influence of agricultural and urban land use can obscure regional differences in stream metabolism.  相似文献   
Parasitoid wasps of the subfamily Telenominae (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea, Platygastridae) develop as immatures within the eggs of other insects (Lepidoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera and Neuroptera). Rearing records indicate that individual species are restricted to attack hosts within only one of these four main groups. We conducted a phylogenetic analysis of the group using sequence data from multiple genes (18S, 28S, COI, EF‐1α) to assess the pattern of shifts among host groups and to test the monophyly of and relationships among genera and species‐groups. Telenominae sensu Masner—that is, including only the nominate tribe Telenomini—is not monophyletic. Representatives of the Psix group of genera (Psix Kozlov & Lê and Paratelenomus Dodd) form a monophyletic group that is sister to Gryon Haliday (Scelioninae: Gryonini) and are excluded from the subfamily. The remaining telenomines are monophyletic. The genus Phanuromyia Dodd and the crassiclava group of Telenomus Haliday, both recorded as parasitoids of planthopper eggs (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha, Fulgoroidea), form a monophyletic group that is sister to all other telenomines exclusive of the Psix group. Twenty‐nine species of the crassiclava and aradi groups of Telenomus are transferred to Phanuromyia as new combinations. Basal elements of the remaining species are all in groups reared from the eggs of true bugs (Heteroptera), primarily the stink bugs (Pentatomoidea) and seed bugs (Lygaeoidea). A shift to parasitism of lepidopteran eggs evolved within a single clade, occurring either one or two times. From this clade a small group of species, the Telenomus tabanivorus group, subsequently shifted to parasitism of egg masses of true flies (Tabanidae and Stratiomyiidae). Aholcus Kieffer and Platytelenomus Dodd both belong to the clade of lepidopteran parasitoids and are considered as junior synonyms of Telenomus (new synonymy for Aholcus). The monophyletic status of the two core genera, Telenomus and Trissolcus could not be resolved using these data. The phylogenetic pattern of host shifts suggests comparisons among taxa that may be fruitful in elucidating mechanisms by which parasitoids locate their hosts, the proximate factors that determine the host range, and the changes in these factors that influence host changes.  相似文献   
梨分子遗传图谱构建及生长性状的QTL分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
利用鸭梨和京白梨杂交得到的F1(145株)实生苗为作图群体,通过对AFLP和SSR两种分子标记的遗传连锁分析,应用Joinmap 3.0作图软件,368个AFLP标记、34个SSR标记构建了分属18个连锁群的梨分子遗传连锁图谱,各连锁群的LOD值在4.0~7.0范围之间,图谱总长度覆盖梨基因组1395.9cM,平均图距为3.8cM.采用区间作图法,对该群体与生长性状相关的调查数据进行QTL分析,检测到与新梢生长量、新梢茎粗、节间长度、节间数量、树干径、树高及皮孔密度7个农艺性状连锁的QTL位点35个,其中主效QTL位点11个(LOD≥3.5).与生长性状相关的农艺性状QTL位点多集中在LG16连锁群上.  相似文献   
This study examined the transcultural robustness of a screening instrument for hypomania, the Hypomania Checklist-32, first revised version (HCL-32 R1). It was carried out in 2606 patients from twelve countries in five geographic regions (Northern, Southern and Eastern Europe, South America and East Asia). In addition, GAMIAN Europe contributed data from its members. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to examine the transregional stability of the measurement properties of the HCL-32 R1, including the influence of sex and age as covariates. Across cultures, a two-factor structure was confirmed: the first factor (F1) reflected the more positive aspects of hypomania (being more active, elated, self-confident, and cogni-tively enhanced); the second factor (F2) reflected the more negative aspects (being irritable, impulsive, careless, more substance use). The measurement properties of the HCL-32 R1 were largely invariant across cultures. Only few items showed transcultural differences in their relation to hypomania as measured by the test. F2 was higher among men and in more severe manic syndromes; F1 was highest in North and East Europe and lowest in South America. The scores decreased slightly with age. The frequency of the 32 items showed remarkable similarities across geographic areas, with two excep-tions: South Europeans had lower symptom frequencies in general and East Europeans higher rates of substance use. These findings support the interna-tional applicability of the HCL-32 R1 as a screening instrument for hypomania.  相似文献   
应越南国家植物保护研究院的邀请 ,受我国科技部的委派 ,我们于 2 0 0 1年 1 1~ 1 2月赴越进行“小菜蛾化学信息素的分离鉴定及应用研究”。河内地处热带 ,光照充足 ,雨量充沛 ,气候湿润 ,郊区拥有数百平方公里的蔬菜基地 ,种植着各式各样的蔬菜 ,长势旺盛 ,所产各类蔬菜主要用于出口 ,但虫害较重。在进行小菜蛾PlutellaxylostellaL .化学信息素研究[1] 的同时 ,我们对主要蔬菜品种上的昆虫群落的组成及优势种昆虫进行了考查和分析。1 材料与方法选取 1 0多种蔬菜作为调查对象 ,每种蔬菜样地面积≥ 6 6 6× 2m2 ,以五点取样法选取 5个样…  相似文献   
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