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1. How organisms locate their hosts is of fundamental importance in a variety of basic and applied ecological fields, including population dynamics, invasive species management and biological control. However, tracking movement of small organisms, such as insects, poses significant logistical challenges. 2. Mass‐release and individual–mark–recapture techniques were combined in an individually mark–mass release–resight (IMMRR) approach to track the movement of over 2000 adult insects in an economically important plant–herbivore system. Despite its widespread use for the biological control of the invasive thistle Carduus nutans, the host‐finding behaviour of the thistle head weevil Rhinocyllus conicus has not previously been studied. Insects were released at different distances from a mosaic of artificially created host patches with different areas and number of plants to assess the ecological determinants of patch finding. 3. The study was able to characterize the within‐season dispersal abilities and between‐patch movement patterns of R. conicus. Weevils found host plant patches over 900 m away. Large patches, with tall plants, situated close to the nearest release point had the highest first R. conicus resights. Patch area and plant density had no effect on the number of weevils resighted per plant; however, R. conicus individuals were more likely to disperse out of small patches and into large patches. 4. By understanding how R. conicus locates host patches of C. nutans, management activities for the control of this invasive thistle can be better informed. A deeper mechanistic understanding of host location will also improve prediction of coupled plant–herbivore spatial dynamics in general.  相似文献   
The effect of red light in the high irradiance reaction of phytochrome:   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
Abstract. A proposal has recently been made (Johnson & Tasker, 1979) that phytochrome acts through the multiplicative effect of two components of the phytochrome system, only one of them being Pfr and the other a product of the photoconversion reaction Pr → Pfr . It has been shown previously that HIR action spectra based on this assumption show a good resemblance to the observed responses with the possible exception of the red region of the spectrum. There, a greater response is predicted than is often observed and fluence rate dependency is predicted, on which matter there is disagreement in the literature.
The experiments reported here show that, because chlorophyll is formed in red light but not in far-red, chlorophyll screening lowers the effective fluence rate in red light with respect to phytochrome. When such screening is eliminated the observed responses show strong fluence rate dependency, as predicted. Evidence is also presented to support the conclusion that the two proposed effectors must act together multiplicatively.  相似文献   
In the Dampier Archipelago of Western Australia's Pilbara Region, several locally endemic, morphologically distinctive species of Rhagada land snails occur, contrasting with the morphologically conservative species with wider distributions on the adjacent mainland. To test alternative origins of this unusual local diversity in a continental archipelago, we examined sequences of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 and 16S mitochondrial genes in 22 described species and eight undescribed forms, including all known morphospecies from the Pilbara Region's Dampier Archipelago and adjacent mainland. Phylogenetic analyses consistently resolved four, deep clades within the Pilbara Region, with a mean sequence divergence of 15–18%. All but one of the species from the Dampier Archipelago formed one of the major clades, indicating that the morphological radiation in the archipelago evolved locally, rather than through multiple, relictual mainland lineages. Morphological divergence spanning almost that of the entire genus was within a subclade with sequence divergence < 4%, highlighting the disconnection between morphological diversification and levels of molecular genetic divergence. This in situ morphological radiation in the Dampier Archipelago, which transcends variation seen over much larger distances on the mainland, is unusual for a continental archipelago, and may relate to local heterogeneity of land forms. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 316–327.  相似文献   
Fourteen elite sorghum lines were evaluated for their resistance to Striga hermonthica at three locations in Nigeria and Mali. Results showed that many of the lines especially MALISOR 84-1, SAMSORG 41, 97-SB-F5DT-64 (Keninkédié) and the check SRN 39 remained resistant to Striga in all locations with low emerged Striga counts, while SAMSORG 14 had the highest Striga infestation in all locations. Considerable variation in reaction to Striga infestation was observed on Séguètana, 97-SB-F5DT-63 (Wasa), 97-SB-F5DT-65, CMDT 38, CMDT 39 and CMDT 45 which were susceptible to Striga at Samaru, Nigeria but were resistant to Striga at both locations in Mali. Based on low Striga resistance and high grain yield, lines MALISOR 84-1, SAMSORG 41, 97-SB-F5DT-64, 97-SB-F5DT-65, CMDT 39 and SAMSORT 14 have been nominated for wider evaluation across more West African countries.  相似文献   
1. Despite non‐point‐source (NPS) pollution being perhaps the most ubiquitous stressor affecting urban streams, there is a lack of research assessing how urban NPS pollution affects stream ecosystems. We used a natural experimental design approach to assess how stream macroinvertebrate community structure, secondary production and trophic structure are influenced by urban NPS pollution in six streams. 2. Differences in macroinvertebrate community structure and secondary production among sites were highly correlated with stream‐water specific conductivity and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) concentrations. Macroinvertebrate richness, the Shannon diversity index and the Shannon evenness index were all negatively correlated with specific conductivity. These patterns were driven by differences in the richness and production of EPT and other intolerant taxa. Production of the five most productive taxa, tolerant taxa, non‐insect taxa and primary consumers were all positively correlated with stream‐water DIP. 3. Despite the positive correlation between primary consumer production and DIP, there was no correlation between macroinvertebrate predator production and either total or primary consumer macroinvertebrate production. This was observed because DIP was positively correlated with the production of non‐insect macroinvertebrate taxa assumed to be relatively unavailable for macroinvertebrate predator consumption. After removing production of these taxa, we observed a strong positive correlation between macroinvertebrate predator production and production of available prey. 4. Our results suggest that urban NPS pollution not only affects macroinvertebrate community structure, but also alters secondary production and trophic‐level dynamics. Differences in taxon production in our study indicate the potential for altered energy flow through stream food webs and potential effects on subsidies of aquatic insect prey to riparian food webs.  相似文献   

Exact locations of spawning areas used by marine fishes are needed to design marine reserves and estimate spawning stocks. The location of spawning areas of soniferous fishes such as weakfish Cynoscion regalis can be determined by means of passive hydroacoustic surveys. We conducted nocturnal hydrophone surveys at 12 locations in Pamlico Sound in May of 1996 and 1997. Digital audio tapes were made of weakfish “purring” sounds, the tapes were analyzed spectrographically and compared with ichthyoplankton surveys taken at the same stations and times. All weakfish “purring” sounds were recorded at stations near inlets. Maximum sound pressure levels recorded after sunset were 127 dB (re 1 (μPa) for individual weakfish, but reached a maximum of 147 dB when weakfish and other fish were producing sounds simultaneously. The maximum distance that an individual weakfish “purr” can be detected above the background sound, assuming a cylindrical spreading model, is approximately 50 m. There was a strong association (r = 0.78) between the log10— transformed abundance of early-stage sciaenid-type eggs and maximum sound pressure levels, with the greatest numbers occurring at the inlet stations. These results suggest that passive hydroacoustic surveys can be used to delimit spawning areas for conservation and management purposes.  相似文献   
A chicken embryo cDNA library was screened with a mouse probe for ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and 14 positively hybridizing clones isolated. The longest of these (1.7 kb) was sub-cloned and sequenced. It is estimated that the clone comprises approximately 98% of the coding region for chicken ODC. The DNA sequence shows 78% identity with the human ODC cDNA sequence and the deduced amino acid sequence is almost 90% homologous to mouse and human. Both the peptide and cDNA sequences show interesting potential regulatory features which are discussed here.  相似文献   
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