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Nuclear or cell number, and the mitotic index, were recordedin endosperms of Triticum aestivum cv. Mardler to test if aparticular stage of endosperm development was critical in determiningthe final grain weight. The basal four florets of emasculatedspikelets (controls), and the third and fourth florets of spikeletswhere the two basal ovaries were removed (ovary-removed), weresampled at various times up to 360 h after hand-pollination.The coenocytic phase in endosperms ended about 84 h after pollinationregardless of both grain position and the treatment. The onsetof the cellular stage was characterized by the final large fluctuationsin the mitotic index reflecting the culmination of the synchronousnuclear division of the coenocytic stage. Thereafter, the mitoticindex fluctuated with smaller amplitudes and, by 216 h afterpollination, was < 1%. Neither floret position in the spikeletnor the treatment affected the pattern of alteration to themitotic index. However, ovary removal from first and secondflorets resulted in significantly heavier grains and higherendosperm cell number in the 3rd and 4th florets compared withthe controls. In all florets, mean endosperm cell number peakedat 280 h but decreased by 360 h after pollination. At this time,the mean cell numbers in endosperms of the 3rd and 4th floretsof ovary-removed spikelets were significantly higher than inthe corresponding endosperms in the controls. Thus, a key contributoryfactor in determining the final endosperm cell number may bethe number of cells which are lost during the late period ofthe cellular stage of endosperm development. Key words: Endosperm cell number, florets, grain weight, mitotic index, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   
  • 1 We examined how the presence of predatory fish affected macro—and microhabitat use and movement patterns of the amphipod, Gammarus minus Say, in a second order stream.
  • 2 Among macrohabitats, amphipods were consistently more abundant in runs than in pools. Densities in pools were low regardless of fish presence, whereas low densities in runs were correlated with fish presence. Siltation and the lack of coarse substrate particles probably accounted for the scarcity of G. minus in pools. Among microhabitats, G. minus was more abundant in leaf litter and gravel than in silt/sand substrates. Fish presence did not affect microhabitat use in the field. Laboratory manipulations showed, however, that predation rates by green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus Rafinesque) were significantly lower on amphipods in leaf litter than in other microhabitats.
  • 3 Most movement by G. minus in runs occurred at night and was directed downstream. In the laboratory, amphipods significantly reduced swimming activity at night in response to water conditioned with green sunfish. In the field, however, amphipods were only slightly less active in runs at night when exposed to chemical cues of confined green sunfish. The distribution of amphipods in streams is influenced by the presence of fish, but chemical cues alone may not be important in triggering predator avoidance behaviours in nature.
SYNOPSIS. It was exactly 300 years ago this month (August 1974) that the 17th century modest draper from Delft, Holland—Antony van Leeuwenhoek—discovered protozoa. Describing them, often with amazing accuracy considering the optical equipment he was using (simply a home-made “glorified”hand lens), in letters to the Royal Society of London, he established himself, certainly, as the founding father of protozoology. It is particularly appropriate for an assemblage of protozoologists to pay homage to this intrepid “philosopher in little things,”a man with an insatiable curiosity about his wee animalcules, on the tricentenary of his discovery of them, since it was an event of such long-lasting significance.  相似文献   
Root Density and Water Potential Gradients near the Plant Root   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The models of Gardner (1960) and Cowan (1965) for water transferto the plant root are used to estimate the differences in waterpotential between the root and the bulk soil for a wide rangeof root densities and water extraction rates at a series ofmatric potentials for a Yolo light clay. For root densities and extraction rates reported both in theliterature and in this paper there is good evidence to suggestthat the large potential gradients originally predicted by Gardnerand Cowan are restricted to situations involving very low rootdensities and high extraction rates in relatively dry soil.  相似文献   
Changes in urease (E.C. were followed during the growth of 1-year-old MM 106 and 9-year-old Golden Delicious apple trees (Malus pumila Rehd.). Urease was found in leaves, roots, and bark with actively growing tissues containing more activity than senescing tissues. The urease activity in the leaves declined steadily during leaf senescence but abscised leaves still contained about half of their initial urease activity. In the bark the urease activity changed only slightly. Urease activities in the leaves and bark of apple trees were always greater in those trees which had received an application of urea. In senescing apple leaves, urea induced a rapid increase in urease activity. The changes in total activity and specific activity of urease were parallel and suggests that urease was synthesized de novo. After urease activity reached a maximum, a rapid decline occurred. Urease was inhibited by low concentrations of ammonia and this decline may be due to product inhibition.  相似文献   
With the realization that new data (especially ultrastructural) and new ideas are making necessary a major revision of the scheme of classification of the Ciliophora, several groups of ciliatologists are preparing treatises on the subject. The present paper is concerned with the composition of the large new class of ciliates, Kinetofragmophora de Puytorac et al., 1974, established very recently by the French group. Several new taxa, at ordinal and subordinal levels, are proposed for inclusion in that class, with special emphasis on the new order to contain the most primitive of extant species. Actions taken here are incorporated in a major review and revisory work of the author which is being published elsewhere. The class Kinetofragmophora, by far the largest of the 3 classes now recognized as comprising the whole phylum Ciliophora, is itself considered to contain 4 sizeable subclasses and to embrace a total of 13 orders and 14 suborders. Two orders and 6 suborders are named and described here as new, enumerated and briefly identified as follows: Order Primociliatida n. ord., for the most “primitive” of gymnostomes, with three new suborders— Homokaryotina n. subord., for the homokaryotic genus Stephanopogon; Karyorelictina n. subord., for a number of mostly interstitial ciliates which, though heterokaryotic, possess nondividing, diploid macronuclei (e.g. Trachelocerca, Trachelonema, and Tracheloraphis); and Prorodontina n. subord., for a group of relatively specialized formerly “rhabdophorine” gymnostomes such as Coleps, Placus, and Prorodon and order Haptorida n. ord., for rapacious carnivorous forms, formerly lumped with the preceding groups as “rhabdophorines,” many with oral toxicysts and well developed thigmotactic ciliature (e.g. Actinobolina, Didinium, Dileptus, Enchelys, Spathidium, and Trachelius). All foregoing taxa are members of the 1st kinetofragmophoran subclass, the Gymnostomata. In the taxonomic conclusions drawn, new significance is placed on ultrastructural data, on macronuclear differences of evolutionary importance, and on habitat and behavior. A brief review of the literature on psammophilous ciliates is presented. In the subclass Vestibulifera is now located the order Entodiniomorphida Reichenow, a group formerly considered to be a spirotrich taxon. A suborder, Blepharocorythina n. subord., is proposed to contain the old “trichostome” family Blepharocorythidae, species commensalistic in horses and ruminants and now—with their syncilia, etc.—considered ancestral to the ophryoscolecids and relatives. In the subclass Hypostomata, order Nassulida, the suborder Paranassulina n. subord. is established to contain nassulids which appear more highly evolved than Nassula itself (e.g. Paranassula and Enneameron) in perioral ciliature, mode of stomatogenesis, etc. In the enigmatic and still vexatious order Rhynchodida, the suborder Aneistrocomina n. subord. is erected to embrace rhynchodid genera with an anteriorly located sucking tentacle (and other unique characteristics)—for example, Ancistrocoma, Crebricoma, Holocoma, and Sphenophrya. With the banishment of the bulk of the old “thigmotrichs” to the oligohymenophoran order Scuticociliatida, the ancistrocomines are left with the family Hypocomidae (and relatives) in the order Rhynchodida. It is not yet clear, however, how closely related the 2 suborders of rhynchodids should be considered. Special nomenclatural problems are also involved.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The recent literature on the physical, chemical and biological characterization of antigens from the African trypanosomes is reviewed. The antigens are divided into three major groups: a) variant-specific antigens, b) common antigens, and c) host-like antigens. The variant-specific antigen(s) are relatively small molecular weight proteins located on the surface of the trypanosome, and are involved in protection and agglutination. It is suggested that there is more than a single variant-specific antigen on the cell surface. In contrast, the common antigens are internal or somatic antigens which are believed to have structural or enzymatic functions but are not involved in either protection or agglutination. In addition, evidence is also presented which suggests that there are host-like antigens within the surface coat and/or membranes of the trypanosomes. The importance of these three groups of antigens, and the mechanis(s) of antigenic variation are discussed in relationship to the immune response of the host to the African trypanosomes. Several possible approaches for future investigations are described.  相似文献   
Exploration and Social Play in Squirrel Monkeys (Saimiri)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri) have been studied in a variety oflaboratory and natural environments. The frequency and formof exploration and social play vary considerably among differentenvironments. For example, in some environments, young monkeyshave been observed to play for 3 hr per day; but in one naturalenvironment, not a single bout of social play was seen duringa 10-week intensive study. Numerous intermediate levels of playactivity have been observed. Whereas many theories of play make it appear that play is essentialfor the development of sexual behavior, integrated roles introop structure, control of aggressive responses, social cohesion,etc., the data on squirrel monkeys indicate that social organizationand many normal social behaviors can develop without socialplay. However, the opportunity to play socially provides learningexperiences that increase the variety of each animal's behavioralrepertoire and the subtly of social cues to which it can respond.An adaptive modicum of competence can appear without socialplay, but the opportunity to play socially develops the competenceof animals beyond that modicum.  相似文献   
Immunoreactive Parathyroid Hormone in Circulation of Man   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
WE have reported that parathyroid hormone (PTH) is secreted from the parathyroid in vivo as a polypeptide of eighty-four amino-acids, identical to the hormone stored in the glands (molecular weight of 9,500), but that the hormonal polypeptide is cleaved after it enters the general circulation1. A large hormonal fragment from this cleavage, with a molecular weight of approximately 7,500, has been identified in the circulation. The fragment differs immunologically from the hormone secreted and extracted from the glands1. To analyse the biological significance of the metabolism of the hormone and the chemical nature and hormonal activity of the large circulating fragment, we have developed radioimmunoassays that specifically measure the amino-terminal (N-assay) and carboxyl-terminal (C-assay) regions of the hormonal molecule. We now report that much higher concentrations of immunoreactive hormone are found in the general circulation by the C-assay than by the N-assay. The studies with the N-assay indicate that the large fragment has lost a portion of the amino-terminal sequence required for biological activity9. Since the fragment is present in much higher concentration than native uncleaved hormone, we must conclude that much of the immunoreactive PTH detected in the circulation is biologically inactive.  相似文献   
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