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1. Vertical and horizontal movement were studied in the freshwater bivalve Elliptio complanata at a sandy site in an oligotrophic lake over 3 years. Mussel movement did not vary significantly between day and night. On average, between 2 and 8% of 527 mussels moved each month during the ice-free season and the distance travelled by moving mussels averaged 0.6 cm day–1.
2. Mussels were endobenthic during the winter, emerged from the sandy substrate in mid-May, peaked in sediment surface abundance in July, and descended into the sediments for the winter in September–October. Vertical displacement of mussels was closely correlated with water temperature although daylength may play a role. Mussels apparently move very little beneath the sediment during the winter.
3. The number of mussels moving horizontally at any given time was linearly correlated with daylength, but the distance travelled during a sampling period was related to daylength in a non-linear fashion. Greatest horizontal displacement of epibenthic mussels was found during spring and early summer, coincident with spawning in E. complanata  相似文献   
Approximate likelihood ratios for general estimating functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The method of estimating functions (Godambe, 1991) is commonlyused when one desires to conduct inference about some parametersof interest but the full distribution of the observations isunknown. However, this approach may have limited utility, dueto multiple roots for the estimating function, a poorly behavedWald test, or lack of a goodness-of-fit test. This paper presentsapproximate likelihood ratios that can be used along with estimatingfunctions when any of these three problems occurs. We show thatthe approximate likelihood ratio provides correct large sampleinference under very general circumstances, including clustereddata and misspecified weights in the estimating function. Twomethods of constructing the approximate likelihood ratio, onebased on the quasi-likelihood approach and the other based onthe linear projection approach, are compared and shown to beclosely related. In particular we show that quasi-likelihoodis the limit of the projection approach. We illustrate the techniquewith two applications.  相似文献   
An investigation of sperm ultrastructure in representatives of the marine bivalve families Carditidae (Carditoidea) and Crassatellidae (Crassatelloidea) reveals features o f taxonomic significance. Spermatozoa of Cardita muricata (Carditidae) and Eucrassatella cumingii, E. kingicola, Talabrica aurora (Crassatellidae) differ from the classic aquasperm type in having an elongate acrosomal vesicle and elongate nucleus. In addition, the midpiece region in these species is composed of a distinctive, and here considered t o be apomorphic. arrangement of 8 (rarely 7 or 9), tightly abutted mitochondria grouped around ii dense rod which is continuous with the distal centriole (basal body). A recognizable (i.e. triplet-substructure) proximal centriole is therefore absent in mature spermatozoa of crassatellids and carditids. This situation contrasts with the presence of an unmodified proximal centriole in the spermatozoa o f all other investigated bivalves. Observations on crassatellid and carditid spermatids indicate that the dense r o d is derived through metamorphosis of the proximal centriole. The shared and highly characteristic midpiece features of spermatozoa of the Crassatellidae and Carditidae clearly indicate ii close relationship between these families and support the unification of the Crassatelloidea and Carditoidea into a single superfamily Carditoidea Fleming. 1820 (date priority over Crassatelloidea Férussac. 1822).  相似文献   
1. General accounts of the natural history and behaviour of fiddler crabs suggest there exist two broad mating patterns in the genus. Most western and Indo-Pacific species mate on the surface of intertidal substrates near burrows females defend. The sexes associate only briefly during courtship and mating. In contrast, males of many American species court from and defend burrows to which females come for mating. Copulation occurs underground in burrows plugged at the surface; the sexes usually remain together for at least several hours. Here we summarize and contrast recent detailed field studies of the mating systems of U. pugilator, an American species, and U. vocans, a species widely distributed in the western and Indo-Pacific. We indicate how differences in the breeding ecology of these two species may account for basic differences in modes of sexual selection leading to the two broad mating patterns in the genus. 2. U. pugilator burrows in protected sandy substrates in the upper intertidal and supratidal zone. During ebb tide, nonbreeding crabs leave burrows they occupy during high tide to forage on food-rich substrates in the lower intertidal zone. Reproductively active males remain in the burrow zone where they fight for and defend burrows from which they court. Large males win most fights for burrows and tend to defend burrows high on the elevation gradient, especially during periods with relatively high tides. Females usually approach and descend the burrows of several males before choosing their mates by remaining in males' burrows. Males remain underground with their mates for 1–3 days until after they oviposit their eggs. Some males then emerge and leave their burrows while others sequester their mates in the chambers where mating and oviposition has occurred, dig new chambers and resume courtship, perhaps attracting additional females. In either case, females remain underground for approximately 2 weeks, finally emerging to release their planktonic larvae. Burrows that do not collapse due to tidal inundation or flooding by groundwater are best for breeding and usually are located relatively high on the elevation gradient. Females choose mates indirectly by preferring to breed in burrows that will remain intact while they oviposit and incubate their eggs. Large males mate more often than small males because they are better able to defend burrows at locations females prefer to breed. The mating system of U. pugilator may be classified as resource-defence polygyny. 3. U. vocans burrows in open muddy substrates in the mid- to lower intertidal zone. At a site near Chunda Bay, Australia, where the reproductive behaviour of this species has been studied in depth, both sexes feed near burrows they defend. Females tend to occupy their burrows for longer periods and move shorter distances than do males. Mating occurs on the surface near the burrows that females defend. Females accept both resident and wandering males as mates. They show no preference for mating with larger males. Female choice may be based on other male morphological or behavioural characteristics. Females oviposit their eggs either while on the surface or in their burrows. They produce relatively small clutches and are active on the surface throughout their breeding periods. Males fight both their neighbours and wandering males. Large males tend to win fights and defend burrows in areas where large females, which produce relatively many eggs, are most dense. Such areas may offer greater protection from predators than areas occupied by smaller females. Small males mate about as often as large males but may father fewer larvae. The mating system of U. vocans is resource-free and promiscuous. 4. The mating systems of U. pugilator and U. vocans differ fundamentally in that female U. pugilator require access to a specific microenvironment to breed successfully, while female U. vocans do not. We suggest this difference occurs because of contrasts in clutch sizes and the mobility and movement patterns of feeding females. Female U. pugilator produce relatively large clutches and probably experience more intense selection from factors that can cause egg loss and mortality than do U. oocans, which produce clutches of sufficiently small volume to be protected by their abdominal flaps. Hence, the range of suitable breeding environments for U. pugilator is small compared to that for U. vocans. In addition, U. pugilator burrows in areas that are relatively food-poor, leading to daily migrations to and from food-rich substrates in the lower intertidal zone, preventing female defence of an area suitable for both breeding and feeding. U. vocans, however, burrows in areas sufficiently rich to support feeding, leading to relatively low female mobility and defence of burrows that are also suitable breeding sites. 5. Adaptive radiation of the genus Uca in the Americas is manifest by trends toward smaller adult size, higher population densities, more frequent microgeographic sympatry and increased terrestriality, compared to species in the western and Indo-Pacific regions. We outline the general features of the selection mechanisms tying each of these trends to the evolution of resource—defence mating systems. Intraspecific variation in the courtship behaviour and site of mating in U. lactea and U. vocans supports our contention that resourse—defence behaviour tends to occur at high population densities. Additional data are needed to evaluate the other hypotheses critically.  相似文献   
In general, ionic regulation will depend on active transportby epithelia and also on the permeability properties of thesetissues. Passive permeability has recently been studied in thehindgut of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria using electrophysiologicaland radiotracer techniques. Although locust rectum has low electricalresistance, cell membranes provide the major route for transepithelialionic diffusion; i.e., the locust rectum is a tight epithelium.Potassium permeability (PK) is apparently regulated by luminalK and osmotic concentrations (local control), and also by thepeptide hormone CTSH (chloride transport-stimulating hormone).Transepithelial resistance declines when isolated recta areexposed to CTSH or its "second-messenger" cAMP (adenosine 3':5'-cyclicmonophosphate). Cyclic-AMP also stimulates K diffusion acrossrecta by 400%. Intracellular cable analysis indicatesthat cAMPlowers apical and basal membrane resistances (Ra and Rb, respectively)by {small tilde}80%; however different ionic permeabilitiesare affected at thelumen- and hemolymph-facing membranes: ThecAMP-induced decline in Ra, requires potassium whereas Rb isCl-dependent. The actions of cAMP on active transport and passivepermeability are complementary and would allow remarkably efficientcontrol over KC1 absorption in vivo. One hypothesis is as follows:CTSH elevates intracellular cAMP concentration by stimulatingadenyl cyclase. Cyclic-AMP enhances transepithelial Cl absorptionby stimulating a Cl pump in the apical membrane and also byincreasing the Cl permeability of the basal membrane. PassiveK absorption would also increase during cAMP stimulation sinceCl transport results in a more positive luminal potential, andbecause cAMP elevates transrectal PK. The mechanisms by whichmembrane permeability is regulated in insects have not yet beenstudied, but these might involve the modulation of ion channelsby cAMP- or calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation, Ca or calmodulinbinding, methylation, or insertion of new channels into themembrane.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. (1) The average benthic density of Peltoperla maria in an undisturbed southern Appalachian stream was more than twice that of a nearby stream draining a previously clear-cul catchment in its tenth year of natural secondary succession.
(2) Peltoperla production estimates, using three methods, do not show a significant difference in production between streams draining the two catchments. We attribute these results to quicker growth and slightly higher densities of larger nymphs in the disturbed stream. Production estimates for the disturbed stream ranged from 498 to 560 mg (ash free dry weight) m−2y−1 while those for the undisturbed stream were 41–4–515 mg m−2 y−1.
(3) Our results reinforce the view that conclusions based solely upon numerical densities may lead to erroneus interpretations about the roles organisms play in ecosystems.
(4) Annual frass production by this shredder is about 20 times (10 g m−2 y−1) the secondary production of P. maria.  相似文献   
Abstract Photosynthetic temperature acclimation in Carex eleocharis has been demonstrated in a previous study in which warm grown (35/15°C) plants were shown to have photosynthetic temperature optima approximately 14°C higher than cool grown (20/15°C) plants (Monson, Littlejohn & Williams, 1983). The current study examined the time course of this acclimation by determining photo-synthetic temperature optima as a function of time, of cool grown plants moved to warm growing conditions. Leaves which had developed under cool conditions were capable of an upward adjustment of 6–8°C of their optimum photosynthetic temperature within a time span of 6–14 d. For greatest photosynthetic temperature acclimation it was necessary for leaves to form and develop entirely under warm conditions. These leaves exhibited a 14–15°C upward adjustment of their optimum temperature for photosynthesis within 20–31 d since moving plants from cool to warm growing conditions. Thus, the time course of this acclimation is of short enough duration to be significant during the growing season and presumably contributes toward the ability of this species to maintain active growth during the cool and warm portions of the growing season. It is also noted that the plant with its capacity to form new leaves, has a much wider acclimation capacity than any single leaf.  相似文献   
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