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ABSTRACT Wildlife management and research have depended upon trapping as an essential tool for decades. Although deer (Odocoileus spp.) capture by Clover traps remains a basic technique that has changed little over time, researchers use it as an integral part of field operations to support increasingly sophisticated and costly project objectives. Despite reports of deer preference for certain baits, no study has determined if bait preference can effectively increase capture success of free-ranging deer. By supplementing corn bait with salt, peanut butter, or molasses, we tested effects of these bait treatments on capture success of free-ranging white-tailed deer (O. virginianus), as well as levels of nontarget animal disturbance in Clover traps, during February-March 2005. With 1,446 adjusted trap-nights and a 6.5% capture success rate, the probability of capture increased over time and varied among 4 study sites (df = 3, P < 0.005); however, we did not detect a significant effect of bait supplementation on capture success (df = 3, P > 0.8). Nontarget animal activity in the trap varied by site (df = 3, P < 0.001), bait treatment (df = 3, P=0.04), and Julian date (df=3, P < 0.001). Our results are the first to suggest that bait preference may not translate into actual improved capture success of free-ranging deer. Future research should focus on testing additional baits or bait supplements to determine if an increase in trapping success and a minimization of trap disturbance by nontarget species occurs.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Investigation of bird migration has often highlighted the importance of external factors in determining timing of migration. However, little distinction has been made between short- and long-distance migrants and between local and flight birds (passage migrants) in describing migration chronology. In addition, measures of food abundance as a proximate factor influencing timing of migration are lacking in studies of migration chronology. To address the relationship between environmental variables and timing of migration, we quantified the relative importance of proximate external factors on migration chronology of local American woodcock (Scolopax minor), a short distance migrant, using event-time analysis methods (survival analysis). We captured 1,094 woodcock local to our study sites in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin (USA) during autumn 2002–2004 and documented 786 departure dates for these birds. Photoperiod appeared to provide an initial proximate cue for timing of departure. Moon phase was important in modifying timing of departure, which may serve as a navigational aid in piloting and possibly orientation. Local synoptic weather variables also contributed to timing of departure by changing the rate of departure from our study sites. We found no evidence that food availability influenced timing of woodcock departure. Our results suggest that woodcock use a conservative photoperiod-controlled strategy with proximate modifiers for timing of migration rather than relying on abundance of their primary food, earthworms. Managing harvest pressure on local birds by adjusting season lengths may be an effective management tool with consistent migration patterns from year to year based on photoperiod.  相似文献   
Abstract We studied den selection of Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis; hereafter lynx) at multiple ecological scales based on 57 dens from 19 females located in western Montana, USA, between 1999 and 2006. We considered 3 spatial scales in this analysis, including den site (11-m-radius circle surrounding dens), den area (100-m-radius circle), and den environ (1-km radius surrounding dens). Lynx denned in preexisting sheltered spaces created by downed logs (62%), root-wads from wind-thrown trees (19%), boulder fields (10%), slash piles (6%), and live trees (4%). Lynx preferentially selected den sites with northeasterly aspects that averaged 248. Average distance between dens of 13 females monitored in consecutive years was 2,248 m, indicating low den site fidelity. Lynx exhibited habitat selection at all 3 spatial scales. Based on logistic regression, den sites differed from the surrounding den areas in having higher horizontal cover and log volume. Abundant woody debris from piled logs was the dominant habitat feature at den sites. Lynx generally denned in mature spruce-fir (Picea-Abies) forests with high horizontal cover and abundant coarse woody debris. Eighty percent of dens were in mature forest stands and 13% in mid-seral regenerating stands; young regenerating (5%) and thinned (either naturally sparse or mechanically thinned) stands with discontinuous canopies (2%) were seldom used. Female lynx selected den areas with greater spruce-fir tree basal area, higher horizontal cover, and larger-diameter trees compared to random locations within their home range. Lynx selected den environs in topographically concave or drainage-like areas, and farther from forest edges than random expectation. Maintaining mature and mid-seral regenerating spruce-fir forests with high horizontal cover and abundant woody debris would be most valuable for denning when located in drainages or in concave, drainage-like basins. Management actions that alter spruce-fir forests to a condition that is sparsely stocked (e.g., mechanically thinned) and with low canopy closure (<50%) would create forest conditions that are poorly suitable for lynx denning.  相似文献   
Sexual selection theory predicts that genital structures in isolated populations are likely to diverge, but male genitalia are often species-specific, which led to the idea that male genitalia are relatively invariable within species. Previous allometric studies collectively suggested that male genitalia are intraspecifically invariable in size compared with external body parts. We investigated whether male genitalia are invariable in shape in three populations of a grasshopper Schistocerca lineata Scudder, 1899, using two independent methods of geometric morphometric analyses. Specifically, we focused on the idea that male genitalia are complex structures consisting of many functionally different components, and studied how these individual parts diverge among three populations. Individual components of male genitalia show different population-level divergence, resulting in the mosaic pattern of genital divergence. Individual components diverge independently from each other. Body size is positively correlated with genitalia size, but is significantly correlated with the shape of only one of the three genital structures we measured. Thus, different components of male genitalia may be influenced by different evolutionary processes. This study is the first to show that components of complex genitalia evolve separately within a species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 289–301.  相似文献   
The so-called 'mimic octopuses' of tropical Indonesia are reputed to mimic up to 13 species of other local marine organisms. We tested for mimicry by allowing individuals of two species of octopus to habituate to divers, then observing and filming two species continuously as they foraged daily in the same open, featureless volcanic sand habitat. Mimicry of a local, abundant flounder occurred commonly during 5 days of natural foraging: nearly 500 episodes were analysed. Both octopus species mimicked the shape, swimming actions, speed, duration, and sometimes the coloration of swimming flounders. During flounder mimicry, octopuses were actively moving and conspicuous, whereas immediately before and after flounder mimicry, they were camouflaged and motionless (sitting or very slowly crawling). Furthermore, when motionless, octopuses assumed body patterns and postures that resembled small sponges, tube-worm tubes, or colonial tunicates, which were among the few objects in the open sand habitat. The key finding was that octopuses used flounder mimicry only when their movement would give away camouflage in this open habitat. In all cases, octopuses used mimicry as a primary defense. Several interactions with fishes and stomatopods were filmed and typical secondary defense behaviours, not mimicry, were used by the octopuses. Foraging occurred twice per day and two tactile feeding tactics were used. Dens and food were not limiting; thus, we observed a highly unusual circumstance of a guild of small, long-armed octopus species that shared the same habitat, den sources, food, activity period, and some behaviours.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 23–38.  相似文献   
Population divergence of phytophagous insects is often coupled to host‐plant shifts and is frequently attributed to the divergent selective environments associated with alternative host‐plants. In some cases, however, divergence is associated with the use of alternative host‐plant organs of a single host species. The basis of within‐host radiations such as these remains poorly understood. In the present stusy, we analysed the radiation of Asteromyia gall midges occurring both within one host plant species and within a single organ on that host. In this system, four morphologically distinct Asteromyia gall forms (morphs) coexist on the leaves of goldenrod Solidago altissima. Our analyses of amplified fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequence data confirm the genetic differentiation among midges from three gall morphs and reveal evidence of a genetically distinct fourth gall morph. The absence of clear gall morph related clades in the mitochondrial DNA derived phylogenies is indicative of incomplete lineage sorting or recent gene flow, suggesting that population divergence among gall forms is recent. We assess the likely history of this radiation and use the results of phylogenetic analyses along with ecological data on phenology and parasitism rates to evaluate potential hypotheses for the mode of differentiation. These preliminary analyses suggest that diversification of the Asteromyia gall morphs is likely shaped by interactions between the midge, a symbiotic fungus, and parasitoid enemies. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 840–858.  相似文献   
Passerines are especially vulnerable to predation at the pre-independence stage. Although the role of nest success in British farmland passerine declines is contentious, improvement in nest success through sympathetic management could play a role in their reversal. Because habitat is known to interact with predation, management options for mitigation will need to consider effects of nest predation. We present results from an observational study of a population of Common Blackbird Turdus merula on a farm which has experienced a range of agri-environment and game-management options, including a period with nest predator control, as a case study to address some of these issues. We used an information theoretic model comparison procedure to look for evidence of interactions between habitat and nest predation, and then asked whether habitat management and nest predator abundances could explain population trends at the site through their effects on nest success. Interactions were detected between measures of predator abundance and habitat variables, and these varied with nest stage – habitat within the vicinity of the nest appeared to be important at the egg stage, and nest-placement characteristics were important at the nestling stage. Although predator control appeared to have a positive influence on Blackbird breeding population size, the non-experimental set-up meant we could not eliminate other potential explanations. Variation in breeding population size did not appear to be influenced by variation in nest success alone. Our study demonstrates that observational data can only go so far in detection of such effects, and we discuss how it might be taken further. Agri-environment and game-management techniques are likely to influence nest predation pressure on farmland passerines, but the patterns, mechanisms and importance to population processes remain not wholly understood.  相似文献   
The African palm fossil record is limited but the data provide an outline of palm evolution from the Late Cretaceous through the Neogene. Pollen attributed to palms is reported from the Aptian (125–112 Mya), but the earliest unequivocal record in Africa is Campanian (83.5–70.6 Mya). Palms diversified 83.5–65.5 Mya and became widespread, although most records are from the west and north African coasts. Many taxa were shared between Africa and northern South America at that time, but a few were pantropical. Extirpations occurred throughout the Palaeogene, including a notable species turnover and decline at the Eocene–Oligocene boundary (33.9 Mya), a change that resulted in the elimination of nypoid palms from Africa. The Neogene plant macrofossil record is better sampled than the Palaeogene, although few palms are documented. Thus, the low diversity of African palms today is more likely the result of Palaeogene, rather than Neogene extinctions. Newly discovered palm fossils of leaves, petioles and flowers from the Late Oligocene (27–28 Mya) of north-western Ethiopia document the abundance and dominance of palms in some communities at that time. The fossils represent the earliest records of the extant genera Hyphaene (Coryphoideae) and Eremospatha (Calamoideae).  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 69–81.  相似文献   
1. The importance of a long‐term ecological perspective is well documented, yet the availability of long‐term data remains limited. This paper highlights the value of long‐term ecological studies of freshwater macroinvertebrates by reviewing both the availability of long‐term data and recent ecological contributions based on them. 2. A survey of recent literature on stream macroinvertebrates identified 46 papers published between 1987 and 2004 that included long‐term (i.e. ≥5 years) data. Most recently published long‐term studies of stream macroinvertebrates began collecting data in the 1970s and 1980s and their duration (time between first and last year sampled) was relatively brief (median = 9 years, maximum = 96 years). Most studies did not expand their temporal perspective by incorporating older data collected by other researchers. 3. Recent long‐term studies of macroinvertebrates have made major contributions to our understanding of interannual variation and cycles, complex abiotic and biotic interactions, and natural and anthropogenic disturbance and recovery. Without these studies, we would know much less about the magnitude of natural temporal variation, the importance of physical and biological disturbance and interactions, the role of pathogens and introduced species, the overall impact of pollution and the effectiveness of protection and remediation efforts. 4. If we are to encourage long‐term perspectives in our science, we need to facilitate the transfer of individual studies, as well as knowledge and data, among scientists. This includes efforts to archive and annotate data more effectively, so that they can be more easily incorporated into future research.  相似文献   
1. The predictive modelling approach to bioassessment estimates the macroinvertebrate assemblage expected at a stream site if it were in a minimally disturbed reference condition. The difference between expected and observed assemblages then measures the departure of the site from reference condition. 2. Most predictive models employ site classification, followed by discriminant function (DF) modelling, to predict the expected assemblage from a suite of environmental variables. Stepwise DF analysis is normally used to choose a single subset of DF predictor variables with a high accuracy for classifying sites. An alternative is to screen all possible combinations of predictor variables, in order to identify several ‘best’ subsets that yield good overall performance of the predictive model. 3. We applied best‐subsets DF analysis to assemblage and environmental data from 199 reference sites in Oregon, U.S.A. Two sets of 66 best DF models containing between one and 14 predictor variables (that is, having model orders from one to 14) were developed, for five‐group and 11‐group site classifications. 4. Resubstitution classification accuracy of the DF models increased consistently with model order, but cross‐validated classification accuracy did not improve beyond seventh or eighth‐order models, suggesting that the larger models were overfitted. 5. Overall predictive model performance at model training sites, measured by the root‐mean‐squared error of the observed/expected species richness ratio, also improved steadily with DF model order. But high‐order DF models usually performed poorly at an independent set of validation sites, another sign of model overfitting. 6. Models selected by stepwise DF analysis showed evidence of overfitting and were outperformed by several of the best‐subsets models. 7. The group separation strength of a DF model, as measured by Wilks’Λ, was more strongly correlated with overall predictive model performance at training sites than was DF classification accuracy. 8. Our results suggest improved strategies for developing reliable, parsimonious predictive models. We emphasise the value of independent validation data for obtaining a realistic picture of model performance. We also recommend assessing not just one or two, but several, candidate models based on their overall performance as well as the performance of their DF component. 9. We provide links to our free software for stepwise and best‐subsets DF analysis.  相似文献   
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