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Riverine landscapes: taking landscape ecology into the water   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
1. Landscape ecology deals with the influence of spatial pattern on ecological processes. It considers the ecological consequences of where things are located in space, where they are relative to other things, and how these relationships and their consequences are contingent on the characteristics of the surrounding landscape mosaic at multiple scales in time and space. Traditionally, landscape ecologists have focused their attention on terrestrial ecosystems, and rivers and streams have been considered either as elements of landscape mosaics or as units that are linked to the terrestrial landscape by flows across boundaries or ecotones. Less often, the heterogeneity that exists within a river or stream has been viewed as a `riverscape' in its own right.
2. Landscape ecology can be unified about six central themes: (1) patches differ in quality (2) patch boundaries affect flows, (3) patch context matters, (4) connectivity is critical, (5) organisms are important, and (6) the importance of scale. Although riverine systems differ from terrestrial systems by virtue of the strong physical force of hydrology and the inherent connectivity provided by water flow, all of these themes apply equally to aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and to the linkages between the two.
3. Landscape ecology therefore has important insights to offer to the study of riverine ecosystems, but these systems may also provide excellent opportunities for developing and testing landscape ecological theory. The principles and approaches of landscape ecology should be extended to include freshwater systems; it is time to take the `land' out of landscape ecology.  相似文献   
A computational technique is described for investigating the apparent mechanical properties of trabecular bone based on tissue geometry obtained from the marching cubes volume rendering scheme. Using this scheme, a 3D representation of the trabecular bone was extracted from two-dimensional cross-sections of the tissue originating from a quantitative serial sectioning procedure. Surface information consists of node coordinates and polygon connectivity in a 3D space. A custom, adaptive mesh generation technique using a normal offset was used to prepare 3D finite element volume meshes (4-node tetrahedral elements) of variable mesh density from the extracted surface geometry. Nine target mesh resolutions (32 μm to 107 μm) were examined for a (1.5 mmx 1.5 mmx 2 mm) volume of trabecular bone. A mesh density of 50,000 elements/mm(3) of bone tissue was found to be adequate for convergence of apparent (bulk) modulus for 1% uniaxial compression. For this convergent case, the maximum local normal compressive tissue stress was 400 MPa which was six hundred-fold greater than the computed apparent stress. Variation in the apparent modulus was less than 5% when Poisson's ratio values were varied between 0.1 and 0.4. Poisson's ratio values greater than 0.4 had a more marked effect on the apparent modulus. Based upon these results, approximately 1 million, 4-node tetrahedral elements are required to analyze a continuum scale model of trabecular bone (5 mm cube).  相似文献   
This paper reviews the occurrence of nocturnal activity, particularly foraging, in wildfowl (Anseriformes) and shorebirds (Charadrii), and discusses its significance. Many duck species are mainly active at night while others regularly feed during both the day and night. Some ducks and geese are normally day feeders and occasionally forage during darkness. In a few duck species, courtship also has been observed at night. Most shorebirds forage both by day and night, in temperate and in tropical latitudes. Some are mainly crepuscular and nocturnal feeders and also display at dusk and at night. Some species may use their daytime territory at night. A few shorebird species, including some visual peckers and long-billed tactile probers, use the same foraging method to detect and capture food by night as by day. However, some long-billed species that forage visually during daytime modify their feeding techniques and rely completely or partly on tactile means for detecting prey at night. Large eyes seem an advantage to plovers and other sight feeders for night feeding. Numerous touch-sensitive corpuscles in the bill of ducks and many scolopacid species favour tactile feeding. Some ducks, geese and shorebirds may especially use moonlit nights for feeding though, in a few species, moonlight seems to have no effect. The possible role of bioluminescence is also discussed. Nocturnal activity may occur for two reasons. The night may be preferred because foraging is more profitable or safest from predators. Alternatively, birds may be forced to forage at night because they fail to collect all their food requirements during the day. The evidence for both hypotheses is reviewed. Nocturnal activity does appear to allow wildfowl, and perhaps shorebirds, to avoid diurnal predators (including man). Shorebirds, and some ducks also seem to take advantage of prey that are more abundant and/or accessible at night. The main evidence for the supplementary feeding hypothesis comes from studies of seasonal variations in the occurrence of nocturnal feeding, about which rather little is known at present. The increasing availability of modern night-viewing equipment may help to fill this gap. There are two important implications arising from the widespread occurrence of nocturnal activity in wildfowl. Most knowledge on time and energy budgets is based on daytime studies, and so may need to be revised. Wintering dabbling ducks and shorebirds, at least in some regions, may use different habitats by day and by night. If confirmed, there would be a need to preserve some wintering habitats which, although little used by ducks and shorebirds during the day, may be intensively used at night.  相似文献   
The xylem cavitation rate, stem water content, stomatal conductance and leaf water potential of mature Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were compared over a period of 18 months at two sites in Britain where trees were planted from the same seed source. The sites were at Thetford in south-east England, where the climate is relatively warm and dry (average rainfall of 600mm per year), and Aberfoyle in central Scotland, where it is relatively cool and wet (average rainfall of 1500 mm year?1). In the first year of study (1992) the natural difference between the sites was amplified by a severe drought affecting south-east England. Acoustic emissions (as a result of cavitation) were detected at both sites, but were not an everyday occurrence, and rates depended on short-term meteorological variation. The relative water content (RWC) of the trunk at breast height at Thetford was significantly lower than at Aberfoyle, and declined in parallel with increasing severity of drought. Following the release from drought a gradual increase in RWC was found, but the pre-drought RWC was not attained. The same xylem water potential gradient and stomatal conductance was found at the two sites; but on a diurnal basis, as water potential declined, cavitation rates increased. There was no difference in vulnerability to cavitation or in hydraulic conductance between the sites.  相似文献   
We have studied reciprocal transplant gardens involving the hybrid zone between basin and mountain big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) in Salt Creek Canyon, Utah, for 9 years. Previously, we showed that the parental taxa and hybrids had superior reproductive and vegetative performance in their native garden. These earlier data supported the Bounded Hybrid Superiority model. Now, after 9 years, we find that the mountain seed source plants have greater relative fitness than middle hybrid zone seed source plants in the middle hybrid zone garden. These results may be due to plant density and climatic factors more conducive to mountain seed source growth than that of either basin or middle hybrid zone seed source plants. On the other hand, these fitness estimates do not take into account the timing of reproduction, which together with the age-specific survival rate, can profoundly affect lifetime fitness. The intrinsic rate of increase ( r ) takes both of these factors into account, providing another estimate of fitness. Middle hybrid zone seed source plants had the greatest rate of increase in both the middle hybrid zone and mountain gardens and a greater rate of increase than either parent in the basin garden. This is most likely due to the greater reproductive performance of middle hybrid zone plants earlier in life than either parental taxon. These results partly support the Bounded Hybrid Superiority model and show the importance of long- term studies of hybrid fitness.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 86 , 213–225.  相似文献   
Plant species in fire‐prone environments possess specific traits which allow them to survive fire. Species are commonly classified according to whether they survive fire and resprout or whether they are killed by fire and regenerate from seed. However, different populations of the same species have been shown to vary in their responses. Therefore, the classification of a species into a single category based on fire‐response traits may not necessarily be representative of every population under every circumstance. This study examined the extent of within‐species variation in fire‐response traits of woody plants in south‐eastern Australia after the 2003 fires. Species were then classified using two approaches: (i) using data from a field survey of fire‐response traits, taking into account within‐species variation; and (ii) using species' fire responses listed in a pre‐existing fire‐response database compiled from a variety of primary sources. Field data showed that the majority of species in the study area resprouted after fire with around one in 10 species variable in their resprouting response. Almost half of all species varied from site to site according to whether they regenerated from seed, either solely or in addition to resprouting. The numbers of species classified as resprouters and seed regenerators varied according to the classification method used. Differences were also found between the classification method when calculating the mean proportion of resprouters and seed regenerators across sites. The fire‐response traits for some species from the database were found to differ from the observed field responses. This study demonstrated that the application of a fire‐response trait, reported in a trait database, to an entire species, may not adequately represent the actual fire responses of the populations of interest. Rather than considering the fire‐response traits of a species, accurate prediction may be better achieved by considering how different populations of plants will respond to fire.  相似文献   
One of the most critical challenges facing ecologists today is to understand the changing geographic distribution of species in response to current and predicted global warming. Coastal Western Australia is a natural laboratory in which to assess the effect of climate change on reef coral communities over a temporal scale unavailable to studies conducted solely on modern communities. Reef corals composing Late Pleistocene reef assemblages exposed at five distinct localities along the west Australian coast were censused and the results compared with coral occurrence data published for the modern reefs offshore of each locality. The resulting comparative data set comprises modern and Late Pleistocene reef coral communities occurring over approximately 12° of latitude. For the modern reefs this gradient includes the zone of overlap between the Dampierian and Flindersian Provinces. Modern reef coral communities show a pronounced gradient in coral composition over the latitudinal range encompassed by the study, while the gradient in community composition is not as strong for Pleistocene communities. Tropical‐adapted taxa contracted their ranges north since Late Pleistocene time, emplacing two biogeographic provinces in a region in which a single province had existed previously. Beta diversity values for adjacent communities also reflect this change. Modern reefs show a distinct peak in beta diversity in the middle of the region; the peak is not matched by Pleistocene reefs. Beta diversity is correlated with distance only for comparisons between modern reefs in the north and the fossil assemblages, further supporting change in distribution of the biogeographic provinces in the study area. Coral taxa present in modern communities clearly expanded and contracted their geographic ranges in response to climate change. Those taxa that distinguish Pleistocene from modern reefs are predicted to migrate south in response to future climate change, and potentially persist in ‘temperature refugia’ as tropical reef communities farther north decline.  相似文献   
Floral structure is compared in Pelagodoxa and Sommieria (Arecaceae, Arecoideae). Male flowers have three free, imbricate sepals, three basally congenitally united and apically valvate petals, and six stamens. Anthers are dorsifixed and dehiscence introrse. The sterile gynoecium is tricarpellate. Female flowers have three free, imbricate sepals and three free, imbricate petals, which are slightly fused with the sepals at the base. Four to six staminodes are congenitally united at the base and fused with the ovary for a short distance. The gynoecium is syncarpous. Carpels are almost equal in early development; later the gynoecium becomes pseudomonomerous. The three stigmatic branches are equally developed, apical and sessile. The carpels are (syn-)ascidiate up to the level of the placenta and (sym-)plicate above. Each carpel has one ovule, in the sterile carpels it is aborted at anthesis. The fertile ovule is erect up to anthesis and pendant afterwards because of the bulging out of the ovary. Pollen tube transmitting tracts (PTTT) encompass the secretory epidermis of the ventral slits of each carpel. Floral structure in Pelagodoxa and Sommieria supports the sister group relationship between the two genera suggested in recent molecular phylogenies and reflects their close relationships to a major clade of pseudomonomerous arecoid palms from the Indo-Pacific region.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 27–39.  相似文献   
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