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Phylogenetic relationships between species of Allium section Cepa and A. rqylei (section Rhizirideum) have been inferred from nuclear DNA variation (RAPDs; nDNA dataset) and from morphological, pollen epidermis texture, chromosomal and chemical variation (supranuclear dataset). These sets were complemented with data, taken from the literature, on cpDNA variation and crossability. The trees produced with the supranuclear, nDNA and cpDNA datasets were compared by using the topology of the most parsimonious tree of one dataset as the constraint for the construction of a most parsimonious tree of another dataset. The accuracy of the trees were evaluated by calculating several Consistency and Incongruence Indices. The constrained tree of supranuclear-nDNA datasets showed the highest index values. The tree topologies of the supranuclear and cpDNA datasets were the least similar. The cpDNA tree and crossability dendrograms were identical. The most important difference between the nDNA-supranuclear trees and the cpDNA-crossability trees pertains to the position of Allium roylei , which is much closer to the clade A. cepa/A. vavilovii in the cpDNA tree than in the nDNA tree. This difference is considered to be the result of chloroplast capture from one species to another after an introgression event. A shorter distance between species inferred from a cpDNA tree than from a nDNA or comparable tree might be indicative for the level of crossability.  相似文献   
Habitat associations and distribution of breeding Sociable Lapwings were examined in 2004–2008 in central Kazakhstan to develop and assess hypotheses relating to the species' decline and high conservation threat status. At a landscape scale, breeding colonies were strongly positively associated with villages and rivers. Habitat suitability models had very high predictive power and suggested that only 6.6–8.0% of the 30 000-km2 study area was potentially suitable for Sociable Lapwings. Models developed to describe the spatial distribution of nests in one region of Kazakhstan in one year predicted well the distribution of nests in another region, suggesting good generality. At a colony scale, nests were most likely to be found in the most heavily grazed areas, with a high cover of animal dung and bare ground. Despite the low density of human settlements in the study area, most Sociable Lapwing nests were < 2 km from a village. Patterns of grazing were assessed by fitting GPS loggers to cattle. There was a strong positive correlation around villages between grazing intensity and the density of Sociable Lapwing nests, with clear evidence of a threshold of grazing density that needs to be reached before birds will breed. This high degree of synanthropy, perhaps unique in a critically endangered bird, is likely to result from post-Soviet changes in steppe management and offers both threats and opportunities to the species' conservation.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity in the Killarney fern, Trichomanes speciosum Willd. has been investigated in south-western Scotland, the northern-most limit of the distribution of the sporophyte. T. speciosum is unique amongst European pteridophytes in that both phases of the life cycle are perennial and capable of vegetative propagation. Within sites no variation was revealed by allozyme electrophoresis, even where both generations were growing together. In contrast, diversity was observed among sites, with seven different multilocus phenotypes (MLPs) present in the area. Two of these MLPs covered large areas while the others were restricted to one, or few localities. Asexual reproduction of the gametophyte via gemmae is assumed to be the main means of dispersal in recent times, allowing single clones to become widespread, while the overall genetic variability may be attributed to sexual reproduction and spore dispersal in historic times under more favourable climatic conditions. We suggest that it is not inbreeding, nor lack of genetic variation that limits sporophyte production, but rather the prevailing climatic conditions. The sporophyte is extremely rare and vulnerable. However, when the gametophyte is considered, the species is neither threatened with extinction, nor does it appear to face the danger of marked genetic erosion, because the long-lived gametophyte stage contains all of the genetic variability present in the area and can be regarded as a valuable 'seed-bank'.  相似文献   
Global environmental change, related to climate change and the deposition of airborne N‐containing contaminants, has already resulted in shifts in plant community composition among plant functional types in Arctic and temperate alpine regions. In this paper, we review how key ecosystem processes will be altered by these transformations, the complex biological cascades and feedbacks that might result, and some of the potential broader consequences for the earth system. Firstly, we consider how patterns of growth and allocation, and nutrient uptake, will be altered by the shifts in plant dominance. The ways in which these changes may disproportionately affect the consumer communities, and rates of decomposition, are then discussed. We show that the occurrence of a broad spectrum of plant growth forms in these regions (from cryptogams to deciduous and evergreen dwarf shrubs, graminoids and forbs), together with hypothesized low functional redundancy, will mean that shifts in plant dominance result in a complex series of biotic cascades, couplings and feedbacks which are supplemental to the direct responses of ecosystem components to the primary global change drivers. The nature of these complex interactions is highlighted using the example of the climate‐driven increase in shrub cover in low‐Arctic tundra, and the contrasting transformations in plant functional composition in mid‐latitude alpine systems. Finally, the potential effects of the transformations on ecosystem properties and processes that link with the earth system are reviewed. We conclude that the effects of global change on these ecosystems, and potential climate‐change feedbacks, cannot be predicted from simple empirical relationships between processes and driving variables. Rather, the effects of changes in species distributions and dominances on key ecosystem processes and properties must also be considered, based upon best estimates of the trajectories of key transformations, their magnitude and rates of change.  相似文献   
We evaluated how three co‐occurring tree and four grassland species influence potentially harvestable biofuel stocks and above‐ and belowground carbon pools. After 5 years, the tree Pinus strobus had 6.5 times the amount of aboveground harvestable biomass as another tree Quercus ellipsoidalis and 10 times that of the grassland species. P. strobus accrued the largest total plant carbon pool (1375 g C m?2 or 394 g C m?2 yr), while Schizachyrium scoparium accrued the largest total plant carbon pool among the grassland species (421 g C m?2 or 137 g C m?2 yr). Quercus ellipsoidalis accrued 850 g C m?2, Q. macrocarpa 370 g C m?2, Poa pratensis 390 g C m?2, Solidago canadensis 132 g C m?2, and Lespedeza capitata 283 g C m?2. Only P. strobus and Q. ellipsoidalis significantly sequestered carbon during the experiment. Species differed in total ecosystem carbon accumulation from ?21.3 to +169.8 g C m?2 yr compared with the original soil carbon pool. Plant carbon gains with P. strobus were paralleled by a decrease of 16% in soil carbon and a nonsignificant decline of 9% for Q. ellipsoidalis. However, carbon allocation differed among species, with P. strobus allocating most aboveground in a disturbance prone aboveground pool, whereas Q. ellipsoidalis, allocated most carbon in less disturbance sensitive belowground biomass. These differences have strong implications for terrestrial carbon sequestration and potential biofuel production. For P. strobus, aboveground plant carbon harvest for biofuel would result in no net carbon sequestration as declines in soil carbon offset plant carbon gains. Conversely the harvest of Q. ellipsoidalis aboveground biomass would result in net sequestration of carbon belowground due to its high allocation belowground, but would yield lower amounts of aboveground biomass. Our results demonstrate that plant species can differentially impact ecosystem carbon pools and the distribution of carbon above and belowground.  相似文献   
Abstract: The two odontocete taxa Squalodon grateloupii and Patriocetus ehrlichii, both the type species of their respective genera, have been at the centre of a great deal of taxonomic confusion. Originally regarded to be conspecific, these two taxa have been the subject of a bewildering taxonomic debate lasting for more than a century, which recently led to the suggestion to abandon these widely used names and replace S. grateloupii with the similar, yet independently and later proposed name S. gratelupi as the type species of Squalodon. Here, we attempt to summarise the events leading to the current confused situation in the hope of resolving this issue once and for all and argue that the name Squalodon grateloupii, as originally proposed, should be reinstated.  相似文献   
In the aquatic liverwort Riccia fluitans the regulation of theplasma membrane H+/amino acid symport has been investigated.Cytosolic pH (pHc), membrane potential (Em) and membrane conductancehave been measured and related to transport data, (i) The releaseof [14C]amino acids is strongly stimulated by cytosolic acidification,induced by the external addition of acetic acid, a decreasein external K+, and in the change from light to dark. On average,a decrease in pHc of 0.5 to 0.6 units corresponded with a 4-foldstimulation in amino acid efflux. (ii) External pH changes havefar less effect on substrate transport than the cytosolic pHshifts of the same order. (iii) The inwardly directed positivecurrent, induced by amino acids, is severely inhibited by cytosolicacidification. (iv) Fusicoccin (FC) stimulates amino acid uptakewithout considerable change in proton motive force. (v) Whenthe proton motive force is kept constant, the uptake of aminoacids into Riccia thalli is much lower than when the pump isdeactivated. It is suggested that both the proton pump activityand cytosolic pH are the dominant factors in the regulationof the H+/amino acid symport across the plasma membrane of Ricciafluitans, and it is concluded that the proton motive force isnot a reliable quantity to predict and interpret transport kinetics. Key words: Amino acid, cytosolic pH, pH-sensitive electrode, proton motive force, regulation, Riccia fluitans  相似文献   
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