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SYNOPSIS. Models suited for quantitative analysis of cutaneousgas exchange and transport with particular emphasis on diffusionlimitation are discussed. I. The diffusive transfer of gasesbetween body and environment can be compared to diffusion acrossa homogeneous flat tissue sheet characterized by a diffusionconductance or diffusing capacity (D). II. A flat barrier separatingthe medium from blood flow is a widely useful model. The characteristic parameter is theratio , where rß is the effective solubility of the gas in blood. A high value means predominant perfusionlimitation; low signifies diffusion limitation. III. In some conditions, as in still wateror at body-soil contact, a considerable diffusion resistancein the medium may become important. IV. Unequal distributionof D to may strongly reduce gas exchange efficiency. V. Diffusive arteriovenous shuntingof gases may lead to additional reduction of gas exchange efficiency.VI. The parallel arrangement of skin circulation with respectto tissue circulation (in contrast to the arrangement in seriespresent in fish gills and in tetrapod lungs) leads to mixingof arterialized with venous blood and reduced efficiency ofblood flow in gas transport.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships among members of the family Gyrinidae (Coleoptera: Adephaga) were inferred from analysis of 42 morphological characters and DNA sequence data from the genes 12S rRNA, cytochrome c oxidase I and II, elongation factor 1 alpha (2 different copies) and histone III. Eighty‐nine species of Gyrinidae were included representing all known subfamilies, tribes and genera. Outgroups include species from Noteridae, Paelobiidae and Dytiscidae. Analyses include parsimony analysis, and partitioned time‐free and relaxed‐clock Bayesian analyses of the combined data using reversible‐jump MCMC to simultaneously integrate over all possible 4 × 4 nucleotide substitution models. Analyses resulted in conflicting topologies between the combined parsimony and Bayesian analyses on the one hand, and the relaxed‐clock analysis on the other. The marginal likelihoods of competing models were calculated with stepping‐stone sampling and used in a Bayes factor test, which, along with arguments from morphology, supported the topology generated by the relaxed‐clock analysis. This phylogenetic hypothesis is adopted to revise the higher classification of Gyrinidae. Major taxonomic conclusions include: (i) monophyletic Gyrinidae, (ii) the Nearctic Spanglerogyrinae Folkerts (with one species, Spanglerogyrus albiventris Folkerts) sister to all other Gyrinidae, (iii) the Madagascar endemic Heterogyrinae Brinck stat. n. (with one species, Heterogyrus milloti Legros) sister to all Gyrinidae except Spanglerogyrinae, (iv) monophyletic Gyrininae Latreille including three monophyletic tribes with the following relationship: Orectochilini Régimbart + (Gyrinini Latreille + Enhydrini Régimbart), (v) monophyletic Orectochilini comprising four monophyletic genera with the following relationships: (Gyretes Brullé + Patrus Aubé stat. n. ) + (Orectogyrus Régimbart + Orectochilus Dejean), (vi) monophyletic Gyrinini comprising three genera with the following relationships: Gyrinus Geoffroy + (Metagyrinus Brinck + Aulonogyrus Motschulsky), each monophyletic except Metagyrinus with only one included species and not tested for monophyly, and (vii) monophyletic Enhydrini comprising five genera with the following relationships: (Porrorhynchus Laporte + Dineutus MacLeay) + (Enhydrus Laporte + (Andogyrus Ochs + Macrogyrus Régimbart)), each monophyletic except Porrorhynchus, Enhydrus and Andogyrus each with one included species and untested for monophyly. Each subfamily, tribe and genus is diagnosed and discussed. The female reproductive tract of each group is presented, illustrated and discussed with respect to the phylogenetic conclusions.  相似文献   
The efficiencies of incomplete block designs were investigated by comparing two hundred and twenty eight analyses from eleven trials using hedonic scales with corresponding randomized complete block analyses. Of the ten explanatory factors examined, only the panelist, the product type, the number of samples per session and the average score of the data had an effect on the efficiency of incomplete block designs. The effect of product type was attributed to influences of produce consumed outside the trial, and the effect of the data mean reflected decreased conscientiousness with products the panelists disliked. With three and four samples per session, incomplete block designs were 31 % and 2 % more efficient, respectively, than randomized complete block designs. When five or more samples were tested, the incomplete block designs were markedly less efficient. The practical implications of all these effects on experimental design are discussed.  相似文献   
Soil microorganisms, the central drivers of terrestrial Antarctic ecosystems, are being confronted with increasing temperatures as parts of the continent experience considerable warming. Here we determined short‐term temperature dependencies of Antarctic soil bacterial community growth rates, using the leucine incorporation technique, in order to predict future changes in temperature sensitivity of resident soil bacterial communities. Soil samples were collected along a climate gradient consisting of locations on the Antarctic Peninsula (Anchorage Island, 67 °34′S, 68 °08′W), Signy Island (60 °43′S, 45 °38′W) and the Falkland Islands (51 °76′S 59 °03′W). At each location, experimental plots were subjected to warming by open top chambers (OTCs) and paired with control plots on vegetated and fell‐field habitats. The bacterial communities were adapted to the mean annual temperature of their environment, as shown by a significant correlation between the mean annual soil temperature and the minimum temperature for bacterial growth (Tmin). Every 1 °C rise in soil temperature was estimated to increase Tmin by 0.24–0.38 °C. The optimum temperature for bacterial growth varied less and did not have as clear a relationship with soil temperature. Temperature sensitivity, indicated by Q10 values, increased with mean annual soil temperature, suggesting that bacterial communities from colder regions were less temperature sensitive than those from the warmer regions. The OTC warming (generally <1 °C temperature increases) over 3 years had no effects on temperature relationship of the soil bacterial community. We estimate that the predicted temperature increase of 2.6 °C for the Antarctic Peninsula would increase Tmin by 0.6–1 °C and Q10 (0–10 °C) by 0.5 units.  相似文献   
1. The invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis Pallas (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is implicated in declines of native ladybirds with intraguild predation identified as an underlying mechanism, however, less studied are the effects on non‐coccinellid predators. Intraguild predation between Anthocoris nemoralis Fabricius (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) and H. axyridis and the relative effects of inter‐ and intraspecific competition on predators on potted Tilia cordata Mill. was investigated, at two aphid densities. 2. Intraguild predation was unidirectional in favour of H. axyridis in Petri dishes although a low level of ladybird egg predation by A. nemoralis occurred. However, on trees intraguild predation was rare. 3. A positive effect of aphid density on H. axyridis weight gain, and increased survival when reared with A. nemoralis on potted trees indicated stronger effects of intraspecific competition on H. axyridis. Consistent suppression of aphids by ladybirds revealed their superior competition for aphids. 4. Anthocoris nemoralis weight gain was reduced when reared with H. axyridis on potted trees, indicating a potential for a sublethal effect through interspecific competition. Survivorship of A. nemoralis did not differ between con‐ and heterospecific treatments, but high aphid density enhanced A. nemoralis survival. Overall, high mortality among nymphs across treatments suggested effects related to both inter‐ and intraspecific competition for resources. 5. Results provide evidence of a sublethal effect by invasive H. axyridis through resource competition, suggesting that where these predators co‐occur, competitive interactions for shared prey are more likely to affect A. nemoralis populations than intraguild predation by H. axyridis.  相似文献   
Roussea , a monotypic genus endemic to Mauritius, has for a long time been associated with Brexia (Celastraceae). Recently, it has been shown that Roussea is placed correctly in the mainly Australasian Asterales, but the sister group to Roussea has not been unequivocally identified. Cladistic analysis of the chloroplast genes ndhF and rbcL identifies the sister group to.Roussea as Carpodetaceae. Recognizing this relationship, the monotypic Rousseaceae is merged with Carpodetaceae into Rousseaceae s.l. comprising two subfamilies. This group is characterized by many-locular ovaries and similarities in the appearance of the petals. Rousseaceae s.l. exhibit a disjunct distribution in Mauritius, East Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea  相似文献   
Sculpture of dermal bones and their vascularization in basal tetrapods are closely connected. Ontogenetic data suggest that the large vessels that coursed to the superficial bone surface induced the formation of sculptural ridges and tubercles around their openings. Imprints show that the vessels continued on the bone surface and coursed within furrows or pits, where they were protected by the sculpture from mechanical damage. Dermal bone histology indicates a consolidation of the integument in basal tetrapods by strong, mineralized Sharpey's fibres in the sculptural ridges and tubercles, and by the presence of metaplastic tissue in several taxa. Because of the tight integration of bone and dermis, the large vessels were not able to spread over the sculptural elements, but instead had to pass interosseously. The diverse sculptural morphologies depend on the variation in height and width of the ‘nodal points’ and their connecting ridges, and in the size and shape of the enclosed cells and furrows. A principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminant function analysis (DFA) of 47 basal tetrapod taxa with 12 discrete characters shows that dermal sculpture is suited for distinguishing some main basal tetrapod lineages. Taxa that are interpreted as being largely aquatic have generally a more regular sculpture than presumably terrestrial ones. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 302–340.  相似文献   
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