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1. Anthropogenic pressures have produced heterogeneous landscapes expected to influence diversity differently across trophic levels and spatial scales. 2. We tested how activity density and species richness of carabid trophic groups responded to local habitat and landscape structure (forest percentage cover and habitat richness) in 48 landscape parcels (1 km2) across eight European countries. 3. Local habitat affected activity density, but not species richness, of both trophic groups. Activity densities were greater in rotational cropping compared with other habitats; phytophage densities were also greater in grassland than forest habitats. 4. Controlling for country and habitat effects, we found general trophic group responses to landscape structure. Activity densities of phytophages were positively correlated, and zoophages uncorrelated, with increasing habitat richness. This differential functional group response to landscape structure was consistent across Europe, indicated by a lack of a country × habitat richness interaction. Species richness was unaffected by landscape structure. 5. Phytophage sensitivity to landscape structure may arise from relative dependency on seed from ruderal plants. This trophic adaptation, rare in Carabidae, leads to lower phytophage numbers, increasing vulnerability to demographic and stochastic processes that the greater abundance, species richness, and broader diet of the zoophage group may insure against.  相似文献   
Breeding success is a key element of animal population dynamics. In many taxa including birds, nest success, or the proportion of laid clutches that actually hatch, is mainly determined by predation. Previous research gives an inconsistent picture of the prevalence of density-dependent nest predation and one reason for this is the general lack of well-designed replicated experiments. Using simulated Mallard Anas platyrhynchos nests and a crossover design for 20 lakes in the nemoral and boreal biotic zones, we tested the predictions that nest survival is negatively density-dependent and that nest predation is higher in agricultural than in forested landscapes. Study day and daily abundance of waterfowl, other waterbirds, as well as avian predators were included as covariates in the analysis. Model fitting in program mark revealed a general negative effect of nest density on nest survival. In addition, nest survival rate was higher at forest lakes than at lakes in agricultural landscapes, irrespective of nest density. The only covariate producing model improvement was study day; older nests had higher survival rates than recently initiated ones. This is the first replicated lake-level experimental study showing that nest predation is density-dependent in waterfowl. The pattern was consistent between landscape types, implying that density-dependent nest predation may affect habitat choice and population dynamics over large parts of the Mallard's range.  相似文献   
The Pyrenean region exhibits high levels of endemism suggesting a major contribution to the phylogeography of European species. But, to date, the role of the Pyrenees and surrounding areas as a glacial refugium for temperate species remains poorly explored. In the current study, we investigated the biogeographic role of the Pyrenean region through the analyses of genetic polymorphism and morphology of a typical forest-dwelling small mammal, the bank vole ( Myodes glareolus ). Analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and the third upper molar (M3) show a complex phylogeographic structure in the Pyrenean region with at least three distinct lineages: the Western European, Spanish and Basque lineages. The Basque lineage in the northwestern (NW) Pyrenees was identified as a new clearly differentiated and geographically localized bank vole lineage in Europe. The average M3 shape of Basque bank voles suggests morphological differentiation but also restricted genetic exchanges with other populations. Our genetic and morphological results as well as palaeo-environmental and fossils records support the hypothesis of a new glacial refugium in Europe situated in the NW Pyrenees. The permissive microclimatic conditions that prevailed for a long time in this region may have allowed the survival of temperate species, including humans. Moreover, local differentiation around the Pyrenees is favoured by the opportunity for populations to track the shift of the vegetation belt in altitude rather than in latitude. The finding of the Basque lineage is in agreement with the high level of endemic taxa reported in the NW Pyrenees.  相似文献   
Abstract Environmental disturbance and condition are complex concepts to define and measure in forested landscapes. The highly fragmented Afrotemperate forests in South Africa are under increasing pressure from the agricultural matrix and resource harvesting. Rapid assessment of forest condition and disturbance would aid their conservation management. The terrestrial amphipod, Talitriator africana, dominates the decomposer guild of Afrotemperate forests and has been previously identified as a potential indicator of forest condition. Using four published studies, we further evaluate this species' suitability as an environmental indicator of forest disturbance and condition. Amphipods were consistently more abundant at highly disturbed forest edges compared to less disturbed interiors, and less abundant in deep litter compared to shallow litter. High amphipod numbers in shallow litter was correlated with low predator abundance. Shallow litter may in turn be caused by more efficient breakdown of litter by amphipods at forest edges. Numbers varied considerably between sites and years, but showed a consistent trend of high abundance with increasing forest disturbance. The latter, and the ease with which it can be surveyed and identified, make a compelling case for the use of T. africana as a single‐species environmental indicator of forest disturbance. However, relatively broad tolerances and the difficulty of calibrating the abundance‐disturbance relationship over a wide region limits the indicator value of this species to the local landscape, where disturbance effects vary only in their intensity (as opposed to type) across forests.  相似文献   
We present the most comprehensive analysis of higher-level relationships in gall wasps conducted thus far. The analysis was based on detailed study of the skeletal morphology of adults, resulting in 164 phylogenetically informative characters, complemented with a few biological characters. Thirty-seven cynipid species from thirty-one genera, including four genera of the apparently monophyletic Cynipini and almost all of the genera in the other tribes, were examined. The outgroup included exemplar species from three successively more distant cynipoid families: Figitidae (the sister group of the Cynipidae), Liopteridae and Ibaliidae. There was considerable homoplasy in the data, but many groupings in the shortest tree were nonetheless well supported, as indicated by bootstrap proportions and decay indices. Partitioning of the data suggested that the high level of homoplasy is characteristic of the Cynipidae and not the result of the amount of available phylogenetically conservative characters being exhausted. The analysis supported the monophyly of the Cynipini (oak gall wasps) which, together with the Rhoditini (the rose gall wasps), Eschatocerini and Pediaspidini formed a larger monophyletic group of gall inducers restricted to woody representatives of the eudicot subclass Rosidae. The inquilines (Synergini) were indicated to be monophyletic, whereas the Aylacini, primarily herb gall inducers, appeared as a paraphyletic assemblage of basal cynipid groups. The shortest tree suggests that the Cynipidae can be divided into three major lineages: one including the inquilines, the Aylacini genera associated with Rosaceae, and Liposthenes ; one consisting entirely of Aylacini genera, among them Aulacidea , Isocolus and Neaylax ; and one comprising the woody rosid gallers (the oak and rose gall wasps and allies), the Phanacis-Timaspis complex and the Aylacini genera associated with Papaveraceae.  相似文献   
Molecular tools help us deduce historical events such as vicariance, dispersal, gene flow and speciation. However, our inferences are inevitably linked to the nature of the characters that we use to infer history. For example, the difference in inheritance patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA (non-recombining maternal vs. recombining biparental inheritance) may lead us to propose different intraspecific histories. The peninsula of Baja California of north-western Mexico, a region affected by a complex geological history involving temporary seaways, permits evaluation of differences between these character types. We sequenced 1966 bp of mtDNA to reconstruct the genealogical history of Urosaurus nigricaudus (black-tailed brush lizard) from samples spanning the entire peninsula. The genealogy revealed several deep divergences, congruent with temporary vicariance events in the mid-peninsular, Loreto and Cape regions, as well as a major split across the Isthmus of La Paz, possibly resulting from a late Miocene seaway. The results support an emerging picture of the historical biogeography of Baja California, which suggests that key vicariance events are older than commonly perceived. The maternal genealogy of U. nigricaudus sharply contrasts with variation in allozymes that suggests very little differentiation across mitochondrial breaks, consistent with a pattern of ongoing gene flow. We interpret this cytonuclear discordance in relation to the historical biogeography of the region.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 89–104.  相似文献   
Organisms that tolerate essentially complete dehydration are said to be in anhydrobiosis, and can be referred to as anhydrobiotes. Those organisms are of great ecological and medical importance, but also provide models for the study of a variety of biological phenomena. We examined the tolerance of selected eukaryotic anhydrobiotes to high temperatures using slow (∼4 °C min−1) and rapid (∼100 °C min−1) heating to 110, 120, 130, and 140 °C. Test organisms were then either returned to storage temperatures close to 22 °C (preheating), or held at those high temperatures for an additional 10 min. Some anhydrobiotes survived slow heating to 130 °C, whereas rapid heating led to a dramatic reduction in survival. None of these organisms encounter anywhere near these high temperatures in nature, so tolerance is not an obvious result of adaptation to current or recent conditions. We speculate that tolerance could have been achieved during the much earlier evolution of these organisms, and has been retained up to the present.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 15–22.  相似文献   
The relationship between organic matter (OM) lability and temperature sensitivity is disputed, with recent observations suggesting that responses of relatively more resistant OM to increased temperature could be greater than, equivalent to, or less than responses of relatively more labile OM. This lack of clear understanding limits the ability to forecast carbon (C) cycle responses to temperature changes. Here, we derive a novel approach (denoted Q10?q) that accounts for changes in OM quality during decomposition and use it to analyze data from three independent sources. Results from new laboratory soil incubations (labile Q10?q=2.1 ± 0.2; more resistant Q10?q=3.8 ± 0.3) and reanalysis of data from other soil incubations reported in the literature (labile Q10?q=2.3; more resistant Q10?q=3.3) demonstrate that temperature sensitivity of soil OM decomposition increases with decreasing soil OM lability. Analysis of data from a cross‐site, field litter bag decomposition study (labile Q10?q=3.3 ± 0.2; resistant Q10?q=4.9 ± 0.2) shows that litter OM follows the same pattern, with greater temperature sensitivity for more resistant litter OM. Furthermore, the initial response of cultivated soils, presumably containing less labile soil OM (Q10?q=2.4 ± 0.3) was greater than that for undisturbed grassland soils (Q10?q=1.7 ± 0.1). Soil C losses estimated using this approach will differ from previous estimates as a function of the magnitude of the temperature increase and the proportion of whole soil OM comprised of compounds sensitive to temperature over that temperature range. It is likely that increased temperature has already prompted release of significant amounts of C to the atmosphere as CO2. Our results indicate that future losses of litter and soil C may be even greater than previously supposed.  相似文献   
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