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A cDNA coding for a fungal amino acid transporter ( AmAAP1 ) was identified from Amanita muscaria ectomycorrhizas. The transporter gene was expressed at a basal level under all conditions investigated, but its expression was enhanced 10-fold in the absence of a N source utilized by the fungus. Nitrate was not a suitable N source for A. muscaria and resulted in maximal AmAAP1 expression. The expression of AmAAP1 in a yeast mutant revealed its function as a high-affinity amino acid transporter with a broad substrate spectrum. AmAAP1 takes up all investigated amino acids with K m values between 22 μM for histidine and up to 100 μM for proline. Gene expression and amino acid uptake data together indicate two main functions for AmAAP1: uptake of amino acids from soil for fungal nutrition, and prevention of an amino acid loss by hyphal leakage in the absence of a suitable N source.  相似文献   
Nitrogen fixation in legumes is downregulated through a whole plant N feedback mechanism, for example, when under stress. This mechanism is probably triggered by the impact of shoot‐borne, phloem‐delivered compounds. However, little is known about any whole‐plant mechanism that might upregulate nitrogen fixation, for example, under N deficiency. We induced emerging N‐deficiency through partial excision of nodules from Medicago truncatula plants. Subsequently, the activity and composition of the remaining nodules and shifts in concentration of free amides/amino acids in the phloem were monitored. Furthermore, we mimicked these shifts through artificial feeding of γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) into the phloem of undisturbed plants. As a result of increased specific activity of nodules, N2 fixation per plant recovered almost completely 4–5 d after excision. The concentration of amino acids, sugars and organic acids increased strongly in the upregulated nodules. A concomitant analysis of the phloem revealed a significant increase in GABA concentration. Comparable with the effect of nodule excision, artificial GABA feeding into the phloem resulted in an increased activity and higher concentration of amino acids and organic acids in nodules. It is concluded that GABA might be involved in upregulating nodule activity, possibly because of its constituting part of a putative amino acid cycle between bacteroids and the cytosol.  相似文献   
Research into tick‐borne diseases implies vector sampling and the detection and identification of microbial pathogens. Ticks were collected simultaneously from dogs that had been exposed to tick bites and by flagging the ground in the area in which the dogs had been exposed. In total, 200 ticks were sampled, of which 104 came from dogs and 96 were collected by flagging. These ticks were subsequently examined for DNA of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Rickettsia spp. and Babesia canis. A mixed sample of adult ticks and nymphs of Ixodes ricinus (Ixodida: Ixodidae) and Haemaphysalis concinna (Ixodida: Ixodidae) was obtained by flagging. Female I. ricinus and adult Dermacentor reticulatus (Ixodida: Ixodidae) ticks dominated the engorged ticks removed from dogs. Rickettsia spp. were detected in 17.0% of the examined ticks, A. phagocytophilum in 3.5%, B. canis in 1.5%, and B. burgdorferi s.l. in 16.0%. Ticks with multiple infections were found only among the flagging sample. The ticks removed from the dogs included 22 infected ticks, whereas the flagging sample included 44 infected ticks. The results showed that the method for collecting ticks influences the species composition of the sample and enables the detection of a different pattern of pathogens. Sampling strategies should be taken into consideration when interpreting studies on tick‐borne pathogens.  相似文献   
Colchicine-binding Proteins in Chromatin and Membranes   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
THE cytoplasm of several cell types contains a protein which is characterized by its specific capability to bind colchicine1–4 and which may be in dynamic equilibria between monomers and a distinct form of polymer structure, the microtubules. Studies of the character of this protein have hitherto usually proceeded from the cellular homogenate to the 100,000g supernatant which, at least in brain tissue, provides the largest enrichment and recovery. Two lines of observations prompted us to examine the possibility that colchicine-binding proteins exist in association with structures other than microtubules. First, considerable amounts of colchicine-binding protein are recovered in the 100,000g sediments. This is especially noticeable with mammalian liver but has also been noted during vertebrate brain fractionation4–7. Second, certain structures exhibit frequent and conspicuous associations with microtubules, in particular membranes8,9 and chromosomal structures. Membrane preparations too have been reported to share some protein properties in common with tubulin10,11.  相似文献   
Ant–plant relationships, with variability in both intimacy and the trophic structure of associations, are described for the Austro-Malesian rainforest tree genus Ryparosa (Achariaceae). The range of associations involves opportunistic interactions between plants and foraging ants, mediated by food bodies, and tighter associations in which ant colonies, tending hemipteran trophobionts, reside permanently in plant structures with different degrees of adaptation to house ants. Our study provides strong baseline data to suggest that Ryparosa could become a new model system for examining the evolutionary radiation of ant-related traits. To define the diversity of ant–plant associations in Ryparosa , we first present a review of ant-plant terminology and an outline of its use in this study. Field studies of ant interactions with food bodies in myrmecotrophic R. kurrangii from Australia and the association between myrmecoxenic R. fasciculata and two Cladomyrma plant-ant species on the Malay Peninsula provide detailed examples of ant–plant interactions. An examination of herbarium material revealed a diverse range of ant–plant associations in other Ryparosa taxa. All 27 species had evidence of food body production, seven species had evidence of stem inhabitation by ants, five species had specialized stem domatia, and the domatia of R. amplifolia featured prostomata. Variation in the specificity of Ryparosa ant–plant interactions is discussed in relation to known ant partners and other ant–plant associations.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 353–371.  相似文献   
Arabidopsis plants were exposed to high light or sulphur depletion alone or in combination for 6 d, and changes of photosynthetic parameters and metabolite abundances were quantified. Photosynthetic electron transport rates (ETRs) of plants exposed to sulphur depletion and high light decreased strongly at day 2 of the acclimation period. After 3 d of treatment, the photosynthetic capacity recovered in plants exposed to the combined stresses, indicating a short recovery time for re‐adjustment of photosynthesis. However, at metabolic level, the stress combination had a profound effect on central metabolic pathways such as the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, glycolysis, pentose phosphate cycle and large parts of amino acid metabolism. Under these conditions, central metabolites, such as sugars and their phosphates, increased, while sulphur‐containing compounds were decreased. Further differential responses were found for the stress indicator proline accumulating already at day 1 of the high‐light regime, but in combination with sulphur depletion first declined and after a recovery phase reached a delayed elevated level. Other metabolites such as raffinose and putrescine seem to replace proline during the early combinatorial stress response and may act as alternative protectants. Our findings support the notion that plants integrate the selectively sensed stress factors in central metabolism.  相似文献   
In vitro motility and morphology of Cryptosporidium sporozoites were examined in the presence of various solutions. Crude preparations of the bile salt, taurocholic acid, maintained both motility and morphology in a dose-dependent manner. These effects appeared to be due to the taurocholic acid itself, and not simply due to pH variations, osmotic factors, or contaminants. Lysis of sporozoites was also observed and was found to be dependent on pH, with acidic conditions (pH < 6.2) triggering the lysis.  相似文献   
In this paper we report on recently collected specimens of glass sponges belonging to Farreidae Gray, 1872, and Tretodictyidae Schulze, 1886 (Porifera: Hexactinellida: Hexactinosida). All specimens represent new geographical records for their genera: Coral Sea for Aspidoscopulia Reiswig, 2002 (Farreidae) and Psilocalyx Ijima, 1927 (Tretodictyidae); north‐west Atlantic for Sarostegia Topsent, 1904 (Farreidae). Two new species, Aspidoscopulia australia Dohrmann, Göcke & Janussen sp. nov. and Aspidoscopulia ospreya Dohrmann, Göcke & Janussen sp. nov. , are described. To investigate further the evolution of hexactinosidan sponges, we sequenced two nuclear (18S and 28S rDNA) and two mitochondrial [16S ribosomal rDNA, cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI)] genes from these specimens, as well as from a recently described new species of Lonchiphora Ijima, 1927 (Farreidae). Besides corroborating the monophyly of Tretodictyidae, our molecular phylogenetic analyses support a clade of clavule‐bearing sponges with a farreoid dictyonal framework (i.e. Farreidae sensu stricto). In contrast, Sarostegia, which lacks these features, appears unrelated to this clade – instead our data are consistent with an earlier placement of this genus in Euretidae Zittel, 1877. We introduce formally the taxon Sceptrulophora Mehl 1992, and emend the classification of Hexactinosida to reflect this move and our new findings regarding the position of Sarostegia. Finally, we discuss implications of the molecular phylogeny for the evolution of sceptrules, the defining autapomorphy of Sceptrulophora. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 1003–1025.  相似文献   
1. Running waters, including associated riparian areas, are embraced by international legal frameworks outlining targets for the preservation, protection and improvement of the quality of the environment. Interactions between stream and river processes and riparian habitats have not received much attention in the management of stream ecosystems, and integrated measures that consider both the ecological status of streams and rivers (sensu EU Water Framework Directive, WFD) and the conservation status of riparian habitats and species (sensu EU Habitats Directive, HD) are rare. 2. Here, we analysed the influence of stream size, morphology and chemical water characteristics for the distribution of water‐dependent terrestrial habitat types, i.e. alkaline fens, periodically inundated meadows and meadows in riparian areas in Denmark using an extensive data set covering a total of 254 stream reaches. A species‐based classification model was used to translate species lists into a standardised interpretation of habitat types protected by the HD in Denmark. 3. No size dependency was found regarding the distribution of fen and meadow vegetation. Instead, the distribution of fen and meadow vegetation was strongly affected by the morphology of the streams. Alkaline fens, periodically inundated meadows and meadows occurred six, five and four times, respectively, less frequently along channelised compared with natural stream reaches. Our results indicate that stream channelisation strongly interfered with the natural hydrology of riparian areas, affecting conditions needed to sustain protected fen and meadow communities. 4. We also found that water chemistry strongly influenced the occurrence of fen and meadow vegetation in riparian areas. The probability of finding fen and meadow vegetation was reduced when total phosphorus (TP) concentration exceeded 40–50 μg P L?1, whereas meadow vegetation responded less strongly to TP. 5. Our findings highlight the importance of restoring hydrology of riparian areas to improve conditions for fen and meadow vegetation, but also that the water chemistry should be considered when measures that increase hydrological connectivity result in an increase in the probability of flooding.  相似文献   
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