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Apolipophorin‐III is known to play a role in transporting lipids in insects, and much attention has been paid to lepidopteran insects' apolipophorin. Thus, we were interested in examining the effects of blood‐meal on the expression pattern of apolipophorin‐III in mosquitoes. This led us to clone and partially characterize the full‐length cDNA of apoLp‐III (AnsiApoLp‐III) from Anopheles sinensis. Analysis of AnsiApoLp‐III cDNA shows that the 728‐bp sequence has a 582‐bp protein‐coding region with 94 bp of putative 5′ untranslated region and 152 bp of 3′ untranslated region. The deduced amino acid sequence begins with a methionine codon at position 95 and extends to position 674, encompassing a polypeptide of 193 amino acids. AnsiApoLp‐III has the highest identity (63%) to Culex quinquefasciatus apoLp‐III. Temporal expression pattern analysis shows that although AnsiApoLp‐III was expressed at all developmental stages, it was highly detected at egg and adult stages in the female mosquitoes. In addition, we found out that AnsiApoLp‐III was induced in An. sinensis adult females after uptaking a blood‐meal. Spatial expression patterns of AnsiApoLp‐III shows that AnsiApoLp‐III mRNA was strongly induced at day 1 and gradually decreased from day 1 to day 4 in the ovaries. Most interestingly, AnsiApoLp‐III mRNA in the Malpighian tubule was strongly induced at day 1, decreased during days 1–3, and then became elevated again at day 4. These data suggest that blood‐meal influences AnsiApoLp‐III mRNA induction in ovaries and Malpighian tubules. It remains to further elucidate the biological roles of AnsiApoLp‐III in these organs.  相似文献   
The identification of northern and southern components in different vertebrate species led researchers to accept a two‐component hypothesis for the Brazilian Atlantic forest (BAF). Nevertheless, neither a formal proposal nor a meta‐analysis to confirm this coincidence was ever made. Our main objective here was therefore to systematically test in how many vertebrate components the BAF could be divided by analysing existing empirical data. We used two approaches: (1) mapping and comparing the proposed areas of vertebrate endemism in the BAF and (2) analysing studies mentioning spatial subdivisions in distinct forest‐dependent vertebrates within the biome, by the use of panbiogeography. The four large‐scale endemism area components together with the six small‐scale panbiogeographical ones allowed the definition of three BAF greater regions, subdivided into nine vertebrate components, latitudinally and longitudinally organized. Empirical time estimates of the diversification events within the BAF were also reviewed. Diversification of these vertebrates occurred not only in the Pleistocene but also throughout the Miocene. Our results confirm the BAF's complex history, both in space and time. We propose that future research should be small‐scale and focused in the vertebrate components identified herein. Given the BAF's heterogeneity, studying via sections will be much more useful in identifying the BAF's historical biogeography. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ??, ??–??.  相似文献   
Effects of mute swan grazing on a keystone macrophyte   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. This study describes the early summer foraging behaviour of mute swans (Cygnus olor) on the River Frome, a highly productive chalk stream in southern England in which Ranunculus penicillatus pseudofluitans is the dominant macrophyte. 2. A daily maximum of 41 ± 2.5 swans were present along the 1.1 km study reach during the study period (late May to the end of June). The river was the primary feeding habitat. Feeding activity on the river at dawn and dusk was much lower than during daylight, but we cannot rule out the possibility that swans fed during the hours of darkness. 3. The effects of herbivory on R. pseudofluitans biomass and morphology were quantified. Biomass was lower in grazed areas and swans grazed selectively on leaves in preference to stems. A lower proportion of stems from grazed areas possessed intact stem apices and flowering of the plant was reduced in grazed areas. 4. A model, based on the swans’ daily consumption, was used to predict the grazing pressure of swans on R. pseudofluitans. The model accurately predicted the number of bird days supported by the study site, only if grazing was assumed to severely reduce R. pseudofluitans growth. The proportion of the initial R. pseudofluitans biomass consumed by a fixed number of swans was predicted to be greater when the habitat area was smaller, initial R. pseudofluitans biomass was lower and R. pseudofluitans was of lower food value. 5. We concluded that the flux of N and P through the study reach was largely unaffected by swan activity. The quality of R. pseudofluitans mesohabitat (the plant as habitat for invertebrates and fish) was significantly reduced by grazing which also indirectly contributed to reduced roughness (Manning's n) and by inference water depth. Wetted habitat area for fish and invertebrates would also be lowered over the summer period as a consequence of the reduction in water depth. It was estimated that, while grazing, an individual swan may eat the same mass of invertebrates per day as a 300‐g trout. 6. There is a need to manage the conflict between mute swans and the keystone macrophyte, R. pseudofluitans, in chalk streams, and the modelling approach used here offers a potentially useful tool for this purpose.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to identify the effects of local geomorphometry on the abundance, richness and floristic composition of tree species in the central Brazilian Amazon. Forty‐six 0.25‐ha plots in different phyto‐ecologic sites were sampled, and their trees were inventoried. Geomorphometric data (elevation, slope, aspect, plan and profile curvatures) were derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data. A detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used to examine the floristic distribution patterns among plots. In addition, geomorphometric variables were submitted to multiple regression analysis to identify the variables influencing floristic composition (represented by the first DCA component), abundance and species richness. Correlation analyses between the number of individuals from each species and the first DCA component were performed to evaluate the contribution of each species. Analysis of the results could not confirm an effect of geomorphometry alone on species richness and abundance, although floristic composition was significantly influenced by profile curvature and elevation. Despite the relatively low variation in altitude at the study site, species were found to be sensitive to terrain peculiarities such as elevation and profile curvature, which can constrain particular ecologic niches and contribute to the spatial distribution patterns of species.  相似文献   
Abstract Understanding the factors that affect plant species distribution and coexistence in areas with high plant species diversity is a challenge for ecologists. According to some authors, species occupy specific niches, but for others, species coexistence and geographical distribution patterns are random. Floristic composition of the family Leguminosae was studied on moist and dry slopes of the Baturité mountains in semi‐arid northeastern Brazil and was compared with findings for other plant formations elsewhere in Brazil. Substantial floristic differences were found between the moist windward and dry leeward slopes of the Baturité mountains despite their close geographical proximity. The leeward slope was slightly more diverse than the windward slope. Similarity analyses showed that the windward face is floristically allied to the Amazon forest, whereas the leeward slope is similar to other dry‐area formations of northeastern Brazil, such as thorny woodland (caatinga) and seasonal forests. The strong floristic differences that were observed between the windward and leeward slopes corroborate the theory of ecological niche conservatism, which holds that species occurrence is closely linked to environmental factors, such as temperature and precipitation.  相似文献   
为重新分析韩国大麝鼩种群与相邻的俄罗斯远东种群之间的遗传分化情况,我们获得9 条来自韩国4 个地点和俄罗斯3 个地点的大麝鼩线粒体细胞色素b 基因(Cyt b)全序列,并将其与来自GenBank 的4 条Cyt b 全序列和4 条Cyt b 部分序列进行比较。结果发现韩国的大麝鼩并非只有一种基因型,因此,在利用Cyt b 部分序列进行种群遗传学分析时需格外注意。基于Cyt b 全序列分析,发现韩国的大麝鼩与俄罗斯远东地区的大麝鼩之间存在1.08% 的平均JC 距离和7 个位点的差异,推测韩国的大麝鼩与俄罗斯远东地区的大麝鼩在包括末次冰盛期在内的很长时期都没有进行过遗传交流。目前的测序结果不支持当前认为大麝鼩为单系群的亚种分类理论,支持韩国大麝鼩是C. l. thomasi 亚种的分类理论,但还需进一步对中国东北地区的样品进行测序分析后才能最终确认。  相似文献   


Insulin stimulates glucose uptake by adipocytes through increasing translocation of the glucose transporter GLUT4 from an intracellular compartment to the plasma membrane. Fusion of GLUT4-containing vesicles at the cell surface is thought to involve phospholipase D activity, generating the signalling lipid phosphatidic acid, although the mechanism of action is not yet clear.  相似文献   
The fungal toxin α-amanitin given in vivo selectively inhibits for 10–60 min a nucleoplasmic type of RNA polymerase in rat liver but the synthesis in vivo of all species of nuclear RNA remains blocked for several hours.  相似文献   
Tropical vegetation is a major source of global land surface evapotranspiration, and can thus play a major role in global hydrological cycles and global atmospheric circulation. Accurate prediction of tropical evapotranspiration is critical to our understanding of these processes under changing climate. We examined the controls on evapotranspiration in tropical vegetation at 21 pan-tropical eddy covariance sites, conducted a comprehensive and systematic evaluation of 13 evapotranspiration models at these sites, and assessed the ability to scale up model estimates of evapotranspiration for the test region of Amazonia. Net radiation was the strongest determinant of evapotranspiration (mean evaporative fraction was 0.72) and explained 87% of the variance in monthly evapotranspiration across the sites. Vapor pressure deficit was the strongest residual predictor (14%), followed by normalized difference vegetation index (9%), precipitation (6%) and wind speed (4%). The radiation-based evapotranspiration models performed best overall for three reasons: (1) the vegetation was largely decoupled from atmospheric turbulent transfer (calculated from Ω decoupling factor), especially at the wetter sites; (2) the resistance-based models were hindered by difficulty in consistently characterizing canopy (and stomatal) resistance in the highly diverse vegetation; (3) the temperature-based models inadequately captured the variability in tropical evapotranspiration. We evaluated the potential to predict regional evapotranspiration for one test region: Amazonia. We estimated an Amazonia-wide evapotranspiration of 1370 mm yr−1, but this value is dependent on assumptions about energy balance closure for the tropical eddy covariance sites; a lower value (1096 mm yr−1) is considered in discussion on the use of flux data to validate and interpolate models.  相似文献   
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