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An immediate, qualitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for progesterone was evaluated for use in determining the day of ovulation in an equine embryo transfer program. Plasma samples were collected from 27 mares from the third day of estrus to the second day of diestrus for 50 cycles. Ovulation was detected by ultrasound examination per rectum. Plasma progesterone concentrations were estimated using the qualitative assay to detect the time of the rise in progesterone after ovulation. Qualitative scores were compared to progesterone concentrations for the same samples as measured by a quantitative ELISA; the correlation between the two methods, expressed as a contingency coefficient, was 0.56. The accuracy of determining day of ovulation using qualitative progesterone results was compared to that achieved using the quantitative assay or detection of the first day of diestrus by teasing. Accuracy in determining day of ovulation +/- 1 d using the three methods was qualitative, 36/50 (72%); quantitative, 44/50 (88%); and teasing, 43/50 (86%). There was a significant difference in accuracy between the qualitative and quantitative progesterone assays (P<0.05).  相似文献   
A molecular mechanical study of netropsin-DNA interactions   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
J Caldwell  P Kollman 《Biopolymers》1986,25(2):249-266
We present molecular mechanical calculations on the complexes of netropsin with dA6·dT6, d(TATATA)2, d(CGCGCG)2, and d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2. The complexes were model built using computer graphics and then completely energy refined. Our calculations are consistent with the observed AT preference for netropsin and suggest that mixed sugar pucker geometries should be more stable than uniform in netropsin complexes with poly[d(A-T)]·poly[d(A-T)] and poly(dA)·poly(dt). The netropsin·d(TATATA) and netropsin·dA6·dT6 complexes are significantly different in structure, leading to a possible reason why the observed thermodynamics of netropsin-association with poly[d(A-T)]·poly[d(A-T)] and with poly(dA)·poly(dT) are so different. We also model built and energy refined a structure of netropsin-d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 using as a guide the nmr data of Patel [(1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 79 , 6424–6428] and found a three-dimensional structure qualitatively consistent with the NOE enhancements observed by him. After our calculations were completed, we learned of an x-ray structure of a netropsin:d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 complex, and we compared the structure found in our calculation with the x-ray structure.  相似文献   
Summary Injection of depolarizing current into vegetative cells of the water moldBlastocladiella emersonii elicits a regenerative response that has the electrical characteristics of an action potential. Once they have been taken past a threshold of about –40 mV, cells abruptly depolarize to +20 mV or above; after an interval ranging from several hundred milliseconds to a few seconds, the cells spontaneously return to their resting potential near –100 mV. When the action potential was analyzed with voltage-clamp recording, it proved to be biphasic. The initial phase reflects an influx of calcium ions through voltage-sensitive channels that also carry Sr2+ ions. The delayed, and more extended, phase of inward current results from the efflux of chloride and other anions. The anion channels are broadly selective, passing chloride, nitrate, phosphate, acetate, succinate and even PIPES. The anion channels open in response to the entry of calcium ions, but do not recognize Sr2+. Calcium channels, anion channels and calcium-specific receptors that link the two channels appear to form an ensemble whose physiological function is not known. Action potentials rarely occur spontaneously but can be elicited by osmotic downshock, suggesting that the ion channels may be involved in the regulation of turgor.  相似文献   
In an attempt to determine the mechanism by which rat skeletal muscle endplates generate a steady outward current, we measured the effects of several drugs (furosemide, bumetanide, 9-anthracene carboxylic acid [9-AC]) and changes in external ion concentration (Na+, K+, Cl-, Ba++) on resting membrane potential (Vm) and on the steady outward current. Each of the following treatments caused a 10-15-mV hyperpolarization of the membrane: replacement of extracellular Cl- with isethionate, addition of furosemide or bumetanide, and addition of 9-AC. These results suggest that Cl- is actively accumulated by the muscle fibers and that the equilibrium potential of Cl- is more positive than the membrane potential. Removal of external Na+ also caused a large hyperpolarization and is consistent with evidence in other tissues that active Cl- accumulation requires external Na+. The same treatments greatly reduced or abolished the steady outward current, with a time course that paralleled the changes in Vm. These results cannot be explained by a model in which the steady outward current is assumed to arise as a result of a nonuniform distribution of Na+ conductance, but they are consistent with models in which the steady current is produced by a nonuniform distribution of GCl or GK. Other treatments (Na+-free and K+-free solutions, and 50 microM BaCl2) caused a temporary reversal of the steady current. Parallel measurements of Vm suggested that in none of these cases did the electrochemical driving force for K+ change sign, which makes it unlikely that the steady current arises as a result of a nonuniform distribution of GK. All of the results, however, are consistent with a model in which the steady outward current arises as a result of a nonuniform distribution of Cl- conductance, with GCl lower near the endplate than in extrajunctional regions.  相似文献   
Evidence regarding the interaction of ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280-320 nm) radiation and plant competition in terrestrial ecosystems is examined. The competitive interactions of some species pairs were affected even by ambient solar UV-B radiation (as exists without ozone depletion), when compared to control pairs grown without UV-B. Also, the total shoot biomass of these species pairs was depressed under ambient UV-B. Relatively large increases in UV-B radiation (approximating a 40% ozone layer reduction when weighted with the generalized plant action spectrum) altered the competitive interactions of some species pairs grown in pots under field conditions, but did not affect the total shoot biomass production of those pairs. Recent field experiments have examined the competitive interactions of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Bannock) and wild oat ( Avena fatua L.) under a simulated increased UV-B regime resulting from a 16% ozone layer reduction when weighted with the generalized plant action spectrum. This increase in UV-B altered the competitive interactions of these two species without affecting the total shoot biomass production of the species pair. The manner in which increased UV-B affected the relative competitive abilities of the two species was highly dependent upon the environmental conditions during the early life stages of the plants. The implications of these results for both agricultural and natural plant communities are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The ecology, strain evaluation, genetics of host strain interactions and physiology of nitrogen fixation ofRhizobium japonicum in association with the soybean,Glycine max, were studied. Results of inoculation experiments with selected strains ofRhizobium japonicum indicated that indigenous strains occupied most of the nodules of soybeans grown in highRhizobium japonicum populated soils. Nodule sampling indicated that inoculation did not result in quicker nodulation or a higher incidence of root nodules (primary or secondary) than uninoculated checks. Rhizosphere studies indicated that colonization by introduced strains did occur but did not compete successfully with field strains for nodule sites. Recovery of specific serological types from nodules was influenced by planting intervals. The distribution of the serotypes varied with the time of planting and the age of the plant. Temperature studies indicated that the distribution of serotypes recovered from the nodules was influenced by temperature. Field studies showed the selectivity of soybean genotypes on strains ofRhizobium japonicum. Some strains were more common in the nodules of some varieties than in others. Closely related varieties had similar populations in their nodules. Three genes which control nodule response in soybeans are reported. Nitrogen fixation profiles were determined for some variety-strain interactions. Combinations previously classified as inefficient showed some nitrogenase activity as measured by the acetylene reduction technique. Research Microbiologist; Research Agronomist; Research Plant Physiologist, Soybean Investigations, Crops Research Division, Beltsville, Md. (USDA, ARS); and Plant Pathologist currently located at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.  相似文献   
It has been well established that “normal” pregnancy gives rise to much anxiety whose source is variable. When not adequately dealt with, the anxiety may masquerade in the guise of physical symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, or, more often, as disquieting emotional counterparts, like irritability and depression.A study was undertaken in the outpatient obstetrical department at U.C.L.A. utilizing a group psychotherapeutic approach. The results helped the patients and offered training to staff in dealing with emotional problems of pregnancy. Patients were seen in groups of seven, twice a month for one-hour sessions. Participating in each group were an obstetrical resident, a psychiatric resident and a nurse. The subject material was not selected beforehand. Groups were similar in that the expected time of delivery of the patients was approximately the same. Results of the study suggested that the much needed emotional support may be supplied in this way with little to no additional time expenditure on the part of the physician or nurse.  相似文献   
Arginine can be metabolized by inflammatory cells through at least two pathways. One is an oxidative l-arginine deiminase (OAD) that results in the formation of citrulline and reactive nitrogen intermediates. The other is arginase, which determines the production of ornithine and urea. The temporal expression of these pathways in an experimental wound model (s.c. implanted polyvinyl alcohol sponges in the rat) was investigated by examining the concentrations of amino acids and of nitrite in fluids obtained from the sponges 6 h to 15 day after implantation. These analyses revealed two distinct periods during which the arginine concentration in the fluids was markedly below plasma levels. During the early period (less than 3 days after sponge implantation) wound fluid contained more citrulline and nitrite than at any other time, suggesting OAD activity. In contrast, ornithine accumulated in the fluids during the late decrease in arginine concentration that extended beyond day 3, during which time the wound fluid also contained a high arginase activity. This time-dependent expression of different pathways of arginine metabolism in wounds was confirmed in sponge cultures containing [guanido-14C]-l-arginine. Cells contained in sponges harvested less than 48 h after implantation metabolized labeled arginine mainly to labeled citrulline, whereas labeled urea was produced during culture of sponges harvested after this time. The low arginine content of wound fluid did not appear to be rate limiting for the expression of OAD in late sponges because no OAD activity was evidenced when 4 mM arginine was added to the cultures. These results indicate that the OAD pathway is expressed in this model predominantly during the early, polymorphonuclear leukocyte-predominant, phase of repair. At this time, the reactive nitrogen intermediates resulting from the metabolism of arginine may mediate some of the events characteristic of early inflammation, including microbiostasis, vasodilation, and inhibition/reversal of platelet aggregation. In turn, the late suppression of this pathway and the catabolism of arginine through arginase may promote macrophage function within wounds.  相似文献   
Recent insights in phosphatidylinositol signaling   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Studies of phosphatidylinositol signaling pathways are entering a new phase in which molecular genetic techniques are providing powerful tools to dissect the functions of various metabolites and pathways. Studies with phospholipase C are most advanced and clearly indicate that phosphatidylinositol turnover is critical for vision in Drosophila and cell proliferation in various cultured cells. Expression of cDNA constructs and microinjection of PLC or antibodies against it clearly establish a role for PtdIns signaling distinct from its role in calcium mobilization and protein kinase C activation. The importance of inositol cyclic phosphates is also beginning to be realized from the study of cyclic hydrolase using similar techniques. Elucidation of the function of the 3-phosphate inositol phospholipid pathway awaits similar studies. The recent cDNA cloning of inositol monophosphatase (Diehl et al., 1990), Ins(1,4,5)P3 3-kinase (Choi et al., 1990), and inositol polyphosphate 1-phosphatase (York and Majerus, 1991) should provide tools to define further the cell biology of the phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway.  相似文献   
A nonreductive community-level study of P availability was conducted using various forms of adsorbed P. Orthophosphate (Pi), inositol hexaphosphate (IHP), and glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) were adsorbed to a short-range ordered Al precipitate. These bound phosphates provided a P source sufficient to support the growth of microbial communities from acidic Brazilian soils (oxisols). Adsorbed IHP, the most abundant form of organic phosphate in most soils, had the lowest bioavailability among the three phosphates studied. Adsorbed G6P and Pi were almost equally available. The amount of adsorbed Pi (1 cmol P kg–1) required to support microbial growth was at least 30 times less than that of IHP (30 cmol P kg–1). With increased surface coverage, adsorbed IHP became more bioavailable. This availability was attributed to a change in the structure of surface complexes and presumably resulted from the decreased number of high-affinity surface sites remaining at high levels of coverage. It thus appears that the bioavailability of various forms of adsorbed phosphate was determined primarily by the stability of the phosphate-surface complexes that they formed, rather than by the total amount of phosphate adsorbed. IHP, having the potential to form stable multiple-ring complexes, had the highest surface affinity and the lowest bioavailability. Bioaggregates consisting of bacteria and Al precipitate were observed and may be necessary for effective release of adsorbed P. Bacteria in the genera Enterobacter and Pseudomonas were the predominate organisms selected during these P-limited enrichments. Correspondence to: C. Shang  相似文献   
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