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Summary Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Chenopodium album L., and Amaranthus retroflexus L. are three summer annual weeds that occur in disturbed habitats. In nature, the peak germination season for A. artemisiifolia and C. album is in early to mid-spring, while in A. retroflexus the peak germination season is late spring to early summer. Furthermore, seeds of A. artemisiifolia germinate only in spring, while seeds of C. album and A. retroflexus germinate throughout the summer. In an attempt to explain the differential germination behavior of these three species in nature, changes in their germination responses to temperature during burial in a non-heated greenhouse from October 1974 to October 1975 were monitored. A high percentage of the seeds of all three species after-ripened during winter. Seeds of A. artemisiifolia and C. album germinated at temperatures characteristic of those in the field in early and mid-spring, but seeds of A. retroflexus required the higher temperatures of late spring and early summer for germination. Seeds of all three species germinated to higher percentages in light than in darkness. Non-dormant seeds of A. artemisiifolia that did not germinate in spring entered secondary dormancy. On the other hand, seeds of C. album and A. retroflexus that did not germinate when temperatures first became favorable for germination, did not enter secondary dormancy and, thus, retained the ability to germinate at summer field temperatures during summer. Thus, temporal differences in the germination behavior of these three species are caused by the differential reaction of the seeds to temperature during the annual temperature cycle.  相似文献   
Fine filaments in lymphatic endothelial cells   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Several and various types of cells contain fine cytoplasmic filaments closely resembling the myofilaments of muscle cells (2, 18, 23, 24). In many of these cells and especially when cultured, it has been demonstrated that some of these filaments react with heavy meromyosin (HMM) in the same way as do the actin filaments of muscle cells (3, 6 7). This suggests that these filaments may be actinoid and form part of a contractile system. As fine intracytoplasmic filaments do occur in lymphatic endothelial cells (2, 14), we undertook an electron microscope investigation of their fine structure and their reaction on incubation with HMM and EDTA. We postulated that lymphatic endothelial cells possess a contractile filamentous system to which these filaments belong.  相似文献   
Summary Both primary and secondary (tongue) bars of the pharyngeal gill basket are covered by epithelial cells that are continuous with the cells that line the atrium. Anterior and posterior faces of the gill bars are covered with lateral ciliated cells, which possess a single cilium, ringed by microvilli, and an elaborate basal mitochondria-rootlet apparatus. Pharyngeal faces of the gill bars are covered with ciliated pharyngeal cells, atrial faces by mucus secreting atrial cells. The surface epithelium rests on a stromal septum, a flattened tube of basal lamina which dilates to form the visceral blood vessel (along the pharyngeal face) and skeletal blood vessel (along the atrial face). This basal lamina surrounds paired skeletal rods which run through the longitudinal axis of the gill bars near the atrial face. Between the skeletal rods and atrial cells of primary gill bars is a coelomic channel lined by epithelioid coelomic cells. Neuronal processes, some with neurosecretory granules, are located among the bases of the atrial cells. Some axons may contact lateral ciliated cells where the latter meet atrial cells, but synaptoid endings have not been found here or elsewhere in the gill bars. Nervous tissue has not been identified among lateral ciliated cells even though ciliary activity of these cells is supposedly regulated by atrial nervous tissue.Supported by a Cottrell College Science Program Grant from Research Corporation. We thank Nancy Kelly and Gerhard Ott for excellent technical assistance and are grateful for the facilities provided by the Department of Zoology and Seaver Science Center, Pomona College.  相似文献   
Beta and gamma endorphin-like peptides were measured by radioimmunoassay in whole pituitary. Boiling of acetic acid extracts prior to tissue disruption increased the concentration of both beta E- and gamma E-like peptides. The gamma E-like immunoreactivity from the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary co-eluted with synthetic gamma E upon gel permeation chromatography. Immunoreactivity for beta E-like and gamma E-like peptides in the intermediate lobe of the pituitary was also shown by immunoperoxidase staining. The results suggest that gamma E-like peptides are present primarily in the pars intermedia in vivo and do not arise as artifacts of acid extraction of pituitary tissue.  相似文献   
An experimental system was developed in which the majority of all lymphocyte cell-surface proteins, regardless of antigenic specificity, could be cross-linked and redistributed in the membrane to determine whether this would induce a corresponding redistribution of intramembrane particles (IMP). Mouse spleen cells were treated with P-diazoniumphenyl- β-D-lactoside (lac) to modify all exposed cell-surface proteins. Extensive azo- coupling was achieved without significantly reducing cell viability or compromising cellular function in mitogen- or antigen-stimulated cultures. When the lac-modified cell- surface proteins were capped with a sandwich of rabbit antilactoside antibody and fluorescein-goat anti-rabbit Ig, freeze-fracture preparations obtained from these cells revealed no obvious redistribution of IMP on the majority of fracture faces. However, detailed analysis showed a statistically significant 35 percent decrease (P less than 0.01) in average IMP density in the E face of the lac-capped spleen cells compared with control cells, whereas a few E-face micrographs showed intense IMP aggregation. In contrast, there was no significant alteration of P-face IMP densities or distribution. Apparently, the majority of E-face IMP and virtually all P-face IMP densities or distribution. Apparently, the majority of E-face IMP and virtually all P-face IMP do not present accessible antigenic sites on the lymphocyte surface and do not associate in a stable manner with surface protein antigens. This finding suggests that IMP, as observed in freeze-fracture analysis, may not comprise a representative reflection of lymphocyte transmembrane protein molecules and complexes because other evidence establishes: (a) that at least some common lymphocyte surface antigens are indeed exposed portions of transmembrane proteins and (b) that the aggregation of molecules of any surface antigen results in altered organization of contractile proteins at the cytoplasmic face of the membrane.  相似文献   
Using an antigen of defined physical structure with precisely mapped immunogenic sites, we asked whether those molecular sites previously shown to be critical for immune response gene-mediated initiation of T cell proliferation and T help correspond to the same molecular regions capable of inducing antigen-specific suppression of T cell proliferation and antibody production. Inbred strain 2, 13, and 2 x 13 F1 hybrid guinea pigs were immunized with various species variants or fragments of insulin adjuvant before subsequent immunization with antigen in complete Freund's adjuvant. Analysis of the patterns of depressed T cell responsiveness showed a striking correspondence to the Ir gene-dependent mechanism that controls the recognition of discrete regions within the insulin molecule observed in T cell help in antibody production. In addition, suppression of carrier-specific T cells parallels suppression of anti-hapten antibody responses when hapten is presented on the suppressed carrier without a concomitant suppression of the anti-carrier antibody response.  相似文献   
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