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Heretofore, no study has determined how germination of ingested seeds is affected by the kind (class) of dormancy nor by seed dormancy x seed size interaction. Thus, we aimed to determine the effects of seed size, kind of dormancy and their interaction on germination of defecated seeds using a meta-analysis. We collected data for 366 plant species in 97 plant families from 76 publications. In general, gut passage significantly increased germination percentage of defecated seeds by 5% compared with that of control seeds. Germination percentages of non-dormant, physiologically dormant, and morphologically/morphophysiologically dormant seeds (all water-permeable) significantly decreased after gut passage by 40, 18, and 14%, respectively, compared with control seeds (non-gut-passed). Changes in germination percentage of seeds with physical dormancy (water-impermeable) were positive, and gut passage increased germination by 69% compared with control seeds. Germination of small seeds decreased 8% after gut passage, whereas germination of both medium and large seeds increased by 18%. However, changes in germination percentage differed between categories of seed size in each class of dormancy. In physically dormant seeds, germination of all seed sizes improved after gut passage, and the magnitude of increase was higher for large than for medium and small seeds. Thus, gut passage increased germination of medium-size water-permeable seeds (physiologically dormant and morphologically/morphophysiologically dormant) more than it did for large and small seeds. However, gut-passage decreased or did not change the germination percentage of non-dormant seeds. Seed size and kind of dormancy should be included in studies on the effect of gut passage on germination.  相似文献   

Sleep deprivation impairs performance on cognitive tasks, but it is unclear which cognitive processes it degrades. We administered a semantic matching task with variable stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) and both speeded and self-paced trial blocks. The task was administered at the baseline and 24 hours later after 30.8 hours of total sleep deprivation (TSD) or matching well-rested control. After sleep deprivation, the 20% slowest response times (RTs) were significantly increased. However, the semantic encoding time component of the RTs remained at baseline level. Thus, the performance impairment induced by sleep deprivation on this task occurred in cognitive processes downstream of semantic encoding.  相似文献   
The partitioning of limited resources commonly explains how different species can coexist within the same ecological community. In this 2010 study, the diets of three coexisting freshwater fishes (Cape galaxias Galaxias zebratus, n = 27; Cape kurper Sandelia capensis, n = 60; Breede River redfin Pseudobarbus burchelli, n = 77) were characterised and compared in three headwater streams in South Africa's Cape Fold Ecoregion using gut contents and stable isotope analyses. These data were analysed to ascertain whether the three species exploit distinct trophic niches. Both approaches provided evidence that these species occupy different trophic niches, though with some overlap. However, dietary differences among sites were not consistent and were probably influenced by site-specific factors like resource availability. Pseudobarbus burchelli had a broader niche breadth at Tierkloof Stream than the other two species, but not at Waaihoek or Tierstel Streams. Our results also suggest that P. burchelli consumed a more omnivorous diet than do the other two species, whereas S. capensis occupied a higher trophic position than the other two species and consumed vertebrates. Our findings suggest that these species occupy non-equivalent feeding niches in Cape Fold Ecoregion headwater streams, and that diet partitioning might facilitate their coexistence in these systems.  相似文献   
  • Seed germination is the earliest trait expressed in a plant's life history, and it can directly affect the expression of post‐germination traits. Plant height is central to plant ecological strategies, because it is a major determinant of the ability of a species to compete for light. Thus, linking seed germination and plant height at the community level is very important to understanding plant fitness and community structure.
  • Here, we tested storage condition and temperature requirements for germination of 31 species from a wetland plant community on the eastern Tibet Plateau and analysed correlation of germination traits with plant height in relation to storage condition.
  • Germination percentage was positively related to plant height, and this relationship disappeared when seeds were incubated at a low temperature (i.e. 5 °C) or after they were stored under wet‐cold conditions. The response of seeds to dry+wet–cold storage was negatively related to plant height. Based on the scores of each species on the first two principal components derived from PCA, species were classified into two categories by hierarchical clustering, and there was a significant difference between germination and plant height of species in these two categories.
  • These results suggest that the requirements for seed germination together with seasonal change in environmental conditions determine the window for germination and, in turn, plant growth season and resource utilisation and ultimately plant height.
L-Lactate dehydrogenase (L-LDH, E.C. is encoded by two or three loci in all vertebrates examined, with the exception of lampreys, which have a single LDH locus. Biochemical characterizations of LDH proteins have suggested that a gene duplication early in vertebrate evolution gave rise to Ldh-A and Ldh-B and that an additional locus, Ldh-C arose in a number of lineages more recently. Although some phylogenetic studies of LDH protein sequences have supported this pattern of gene duplication, others have contradicted it. In particular, a number of studies have suggested that Ldh-C represents the earliest divergence among vertebrate LDHs and that it may have diverged from the other loci well before the origin of vertebrates. Such hypotheses make explicit statements about the relationship of vertebrate and invertebrate LDHs, but to date, no closely related invertebrate LDH sequences have been available for comparison. We have attempted to provide further data on the timing of gene duplications leading to multiple vertebrate LDHs by determining the cDNA sequence of the LDH of the tunicate Styela plicata. Phylogenetic analyses of this and other LDH sequences provide strong support for the duplications giving rise to multiple vertebrate LDHs having occurred after vertebrates diverged from tunicates. The timing of these LDH duplications is consistent with data from a number of other gene families suggesting widespread gene duplication near the origin of vertebrates. With respect to the relationships among vertebrate LDHs, our data are not consistent with previous claims that Ldh-C represented the earliest divergence. However, the precise relationships among some of the main lineages of vertebrate LDHs were not resolved in our analyses.   相似文献   
A flux analysis of glucose metabolism in the filamentous fungus Rhizopus oryzae was achieved using a specific radioactivity curve-matching program, TFLUX. Glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates labeled through the addition of extracellular [U-14C]glucose were isolated and purified for specific radioactivity determinations. This information, together with pool sizes and the rates of glucose utilization and end product production, provided input for flux maps of the metabolic network under two different experimental conditions. Based upon the flux analysis of this system, a mutant of R. oryzae with higher lactate and lower ethanol yields than the parent was sought for and found.  相似文献   
Globoid cell leukodystrophy, or Krabbe disease, is a severe disorder of the peripheral and central nervous system myelin caused by deficient galactocerebrosidase (GALC) activity. This autosomal recessive disease affects humans and animals including dogs, mice, and rhesus monkeys. Cloning of the human and animal GALC genes opened opportunities for therapeutic trials using animal models. We describe the clinical, pathologic, and biochemical features of the affected rhesus monkey. Affected monkeys had very low GALC activity and a two base pair deletion in both copies of the GALC gene. Clinical signs of tremors, hypertonia, and incoordination led to humane euthanasia by 5 months of age. At necropsy, peripheral nerves were enlarged. Microscopically, the cerebral, cerebellar, and spinal cord white matter was infiltrated with periodic acid-Schiff-positive multinucleated globoid cells, and there was a striking lack of myelin. Peripheral nerve fibers were decreased in number and separated by Alcian blue- and safranin O-positive material. Myelin sheaths were greatly diminished. Lipid analysis of brains of 12-day-old and 158-day-old affected monkeys revealed a great excess of psychosine in white matter. The rhesus monkey model will be especially useful for exploring treatment options, including prenatal bone marrow transplantation and various approaches to gene therapy.  相似文献   
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