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Prenatal screening for Down Syndrome (DS) would benefit from an increased number of biomarkers to improve sensitivity and specificity. Improving sensitivity and specificity would decrease the need for potentially risky invasive diagnostic procedures.


We have performed an in depth two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D DIGE) study to identify potential biomarkers. We have used maternal plasma samples obtained from first and second trimesters from mothers carrying DS affected fetuses compared with mothers carrying normal fetuses. Plasma samples were albumin/IgG depleted and expanded pH ranges of pH 4.5 - 5.5, pH 5.3 - 6.5 and pH 6 - 9 were used for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE). We found no differentially expressed proteins in the first trimester between the two groups. Significant up-regulation of ceruloplasmin, inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4, complement proteins C1s subcomponent, C4-A, C5, and C9 and kininogen 1 were detected in the second trimester in maternal plasma samples where a DS affected fetus was being carried. However, ceruloplasmin could not be confirmed as being consistently up-regulated in DS affected pregnancies by Western blotting.


Despite the in depth 2DE approach used in this study the results underline the deficiencies of gel-based proteomics for detection of plasma biomarkers. Gel-free approaches may be more productive to increase the number of plasma biomarkers for DS for non-invasive prenatal screening and diagnosis.  相似文献   
An estimated 500-1 000 Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genes mutate to embryonic lethality. In addition, several hundred mutations have been identified that cause gametophytic lethality. Thus, a significant fraction of the ~25,000 protein-coding genes in Arabidopsis are indispensable to the early stages of the diploid phase or to the haploid gametophytic phase. The expression patterns of many of these genes indicate that they also act later in development but, because the mutants die at such early stages, conventional methods limit the study of their roles in adult diploid plants. Here, we describe the toolset that allows researchers to assess the post-embryonic functions of plant genes for which only gametophytic- and embryonic-lethal alleles have been isolated.  相似文献   
The rapid repolarization during phase 1 of the action potential of sheep cardiac purkinje fibers has been attributed to a time- and voltage-dependent chloride current. In part, this conclusion was based on experiments that showed a substantial slowing of phase 1 when larger, presumably impermeant, anions were substituted for chloride in tyrode’s solution. We have re- examined the electrical effects of low-chloride solutions. We recorded action potentials of sheep cardiac purkinje fibers in normal tyrode’s solution and in low-chloride solutions made by substituting sodium propionate, acetylglycinate, methylsulfate, or methanesulfonate for the NaCl of Tyrode’s solution. Total calcium was adjusted to keep calcium ion activity of test solutions equal to that of control solutions. Propionate gave qualitatively variable results in preliminary experiments; it was not tested further. Low-chloride solutions made with the other anions gave much more consistent results: phase 1 and the notch that often occurs between phases 1 and 2 were usually unaffected, and the action potential duration usually increased. The only apparent change in the resting potential was a transient 3-6 mV depolarization when low-chloride solution was first admitted to the chamber, and a symmetrical transient hyperpolarization when chloride was returned to normal. If a time- and voltage-dependent chloride current exists in sheep cardiac purkinje fibers, our results suggest that it plays little role in generating phase 1 of the action potential.  相似文献   
Human T-cell leukemia virus type-1 (HTLV-1) expresses an 87-amino acid protein named p13 that is targeted to the inner mitochondrial membrane. Previous studies showed that a synthetic peptide spanning an alpha helical domain of p13 alters mitochondrial membrane permeability to cations, resulting in swelling. The present study examined the effects of full-length p13 on isolated, energized mitochondria. Results demonstrated that p13 triggers an inward K+ current that leads to mitochondrial swelling and confers a crescent-like morphology distinct from that caused by opening of the permeability transition pore. p13 also induces depolarization, with a matching increase in respiratory chain activity, and augments production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). These effects require an intact alpha helical domain and strictly depend on the presence of K+ in the assay medium. The effects of p13 on ROS are mimicked by the K+ ionophore valinomycin, while the protonophore FCCP decreases ROS, indicating that depolarization induced by K+ vs. H+ currents has different effects on mitochondrial ROS production, possibly because of their opposite effects on matrix pH (alkalinization and acidification, respectively). The downstream consequences of p13-induced mitochondrial K+ permeability are likely to have an important influence on the redox state and turnover of HTLV-1-infected cells.  相似文献   
An important nutritional characteristic of ruminant meat is its high content in vitamin B12. The variability of these contents is not known. Three studies were been set up in order to test the influence of the animal species (2 studies on Charolais steers slaughtered at 30-32 months of age, n = 24 and n = 30 and a third one on lambs slaughtered at 4.5 months of age, n = 21), of the nature of the diet (grass vs. maize silage, lucerne or concentrate diets) and of physical activity (without or with walking) on the vitamin B12 contents of different muscle types (rather oxidative (Rectus Abdominis, RA), intermediate (Longissimus Dorsi, LD), or glycolytic (Semi Tendinosus, ST)) and on the liver. The animals were supplemented in macro and trace minerals according to usual feeding practices in France in order to theoretically avoid any risk of deficiency. For this reason, cobalt allowances, which are necessary for the ruminal synthesis of vitamin B12, could differ among treatments. The results indicate the following: (1) cobalt allowances varied widely among treatments, from (sub-)deficient to plethoric allowances, influencing vitamin B12 contents of the liver, and muscles (only in case of deficiency), (2) the effects of dietary treatments or of physical exercise were essentially related to differences in cobalt allowances, (3) the oxidative type muscle (RA) showed contents which were double those in glycolytic type muscle (RA 10.8 vs. ST 5.0 ng.g(-1)) and (4) vitamin B12 contents of raw muscles were lower than the values indicated in tables of feed composition for humans for cooked meat (0.5 to 1 vs. 2 to 3 microg.100 g(-1)).  相似文献   
In the marine environment, the persistence and abundance of Vibrio are related to a number of environmental parameters. The influence of the different environmental variables in determining the Vibrio occurrence could be different in the specific geographic areas around the world. Moreover, oceanographic parameters are generally interdependent and should not be considered separately when their influence on bacterial presence and concentration is tested. In this study, an integrated approach was used to identify key parameters determining the abundance of Vibrio spp in marine samples from the Venetian Lagoon in Italy, which is an important area for fish farming and tourism. Multivariate techniques have been adopted to analyze the dataset: using PCA, it was shown that a relatively high proportion of the total variance in this area was mainly due to two independent variables, namely salinity and temperature. Using cluster analysis, it was possible to categorize different groups with homogeneous features as regards space (“stations”) and time (“seasons”) distribution, as well as to quantify the values of environmental variables and the Vibrio abundances in each category. Furthermore, integrating key environmental factors and bacterial concentration values, it was possible to identify levels of salinity and sea surface temperature which were optimal for Vibrio concentration in water, plankton, and sediment samples. The identification of key environmental variables conditioning Vibrio occurrence should facilitate ocean monitoring, making it possible to predict unexpected variations in marine microflora which determine possible public health risks in coastal areas.  相似文献   
The activities of bulls, their feeding behaviour and their ruminal pH were examined at several stages during the finishing period, according to the forage-to-concentrate ratio of their diet. Twenty-four bulls of the Blond d'Aquitaine breed (initial body weight = 326 ± 21 kg) were assigned to six balanced pens with a space allowance of 9.4 m2 per bull during the finishing period. They were fed three different diets with achieved forage-to-concentrate ratios of (i) 8% straw and 92% concentrate, (ii) 44% hay and 56% concentrate and (iii) 57% maize silage and 43% concentrate. Bulls had ad libitum access to feed dispensed once daily. Offered and refusals were weighed on 5 consecutive days per week. The bulls were slaughtered at the common final live weight of 650 kg and the finishing period lasted 138, 181 and 155 days for straw-concentrate, hay-concentrate and maize silage-concentrate diets, respectively. The time budget was estimated four times by scan sampling with a 10-min interval. Feeding behaviour was appraised using data from electronic feeding gates. Ruminal pH was measured from a ruminal fluid sample collected by rumenocentesis. On average, the bulls spent 78% of the time lying or standing still, and 11% of the time eating. The forage-to-concentrate ratio of the diet influenced only those activities directly linked to feeding, i.e. eating and drinking. Bulls fed a high-concentrate diet spent less time eating than the other bulls (47 min v. >2 h) and took shorter meals (7 min v. 17 min). The bulls fed the straw-concentrate diet spread their meals over the entire day, whereas the others maintained two major peaks of eating activity, the main one in the morning after feed dispensing, the other one at the end of the diurnal period. Intake rate ranged widely between diets, from 58 g/min on average for the diets based on hay or maize silage up to 173 g/min for the high-concentrate diet. The concentrate-diet bulls also had a lower ruminal pH during the first 2 months of the finishing period. The dispersion of meals based on a high-acidosis-risk diet may be a way to limit the decrease in ruminal pH.  相似文献   
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