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Dependence among responses in using the A-Not A or " Yes-No" task are accounted for in new hypothesis testing models. The new models involve adjustments to Pearson's and McNemar's chi-square statistics and to the variance of d', a measure of signal detectability or sensitivity.  相似文献   
The cold-acclimation effects on the Ca2 + -ATPase activities in plasmolemma of the winter wheat seedlings ( Triticum aestivum L. ) were studied with electromicmscopic-cytochemical assay in which cerium trichloride precipitation method was adopted. The main conclusions are: (1) The plasmolemma Ca2+ -ATPase activities of the wheat seedlings treated at –9 ℃ for 3 h decreased considerably as compared with those of the seedlings grown at the optimal temperature of 20 ℃. A further impediment of the enzyme activities was observed when the cold-stress was prolonged to 12 h at –9 ℃. And complete enzyme inactivation as well as damage of ultrastructure of cells occurred when the seedlings were subjected to cold-stress at –9 ℃ for 24 h. (2) If seedlings were cold-ac- climated at 2 ℃ for 15 d, the plasmolemma Ca2 + -ATPase activities were higher than those of the non-acclimated seedlings. When the cold-acclimated seedlings were then treated at –9 ℃ for 3 h, the enzyme activities decreased less markedly than those of the non-acclimated seedings under the same treatment condition. Similarly, under prolonged cold-stress of both seedlings at – 9 ℃ for 12 h, the enzyme activities of the cold-acclimated seedlings still kept higher than those of the non-ac- climated ones. Finally, when the cold-stress lasted for 24 h at – 9 ℃, the enzyme activities of the cold acclimated seedlings remained active, and the cellular ultrastructure also remained unchanged. The above results indicate that cold-acclimation has enhanced the stability of the plasmolemma Ca2 + -ATPase activities of the winter seedlings under low temperature stress.  相似文献   
通过磷酸铈沉淀的细胞化学观察揭示,常温下生长的冬小麦幼苗的Ca2+ -ATP酶活性主要定位在质膜上,同时,水浸种和抗寒剂浸种的小麦质膜Ca2+ -ATP酶活性没有差异。然而,小麦幼苗经-7℃冰冻处理12小时和24小时后,则表现明显的区别:水浸种的小麦幼苗质膜Ca2+ -ATP酶活性明显下降,直至完全失活,细胞的精细结构也同时被破坏;而经抗寒剂浸种的小麦幼苗质膜Ca2+ -ATP酶仍维持较高的活性,细胞结构也保持完整,显示抗寒剂对质膜Ca2+ -ATPase酶起着明显的稳定作用。  相似文献   
Foliar modifications induced by inhibition of polar transport of auxin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of auxin polar transport inhibitors,9-hydroxy-fluorene-9-carboxylic acid (HFCA);2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid(TIBA) and trans-cinnamic acid (CA) on leaf pattern formation were investigated with shoots formed from cultured leaf explants of tobacco and cultured pedicel explants of Orychophragmus violaceus,and the seedlings of tobacco and Brassica chinensis,Although the effective concentration varies with the inhibitors used,all of the inhibitors induced the formation of trumpet-shaped and/or fused leaves.The frequency of trumpet-shaped leaf formation was related to the concentration of inhibitors in the medium.Histological observation of tobacco seedlings showed that there was only one main vascular bundle and several minor vascular bundles in normal leaves of the control,but there were several vascular bundles of more or less the same size in the trumpet-shaped leaves of treated ones.These results indicated that auxin polar transport played an important role on bilateral symmetry of leaf growth.  相似文献   
全球变化与野生物种:观测和预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
倪健 《生物多样性》1999,7(2):132-139
由于人类活动的影响,世界正在变暖。迅速的全球变化很可能对野生物种产生巨大影响,同时伴随着城市化、农垦和造林实践所引起的自然生境的丧失和破坏。观测和预测的气候变化对野生物种的影响着眼于4个方面:生活史的时间、物种分布与种群格局、迁移对策以及重要地点。许多物种可能因气候的变化而灭绝,而气候变化所造成的野生物种分布的变化很可能对人类产生长期久远的影响。  相似文献   
Copyright by Science in China Press 2005 Primary hepatocarcinoma is one of the most fre-quent digestive-tract cancers, particularly in China. The incidence and death rate of primary hepatocarci-noma in China is the highest in the world, with about 1100 thousands people dying from primary hepatocar-cinoma per year[1]. Although the chemotherapeutic agents are the main therapeutic approach for hepato- carcinoma, they are relatively ineffective and result in many toxic and side effects. Accordin…  相似文献   
1植物名称 公鸡花(Aristolochia labiata Willd.)。 2材料类别 成熟种子。 3培养条件 种子萌发培养基:(1)MS;(2)MS+6.BA1.0mg·L^-1(单位下同):(3)MS+6-BA1.0+NAA0.2;(4)MS+IBA1.0+NAA0.2。芽诱导增殖和继代培养基;(5)MS+6-BA2.0+NAA0.2;(6)MS+6.BA1.0+1BA1.0;  相似文献   
西凉湖水生植物多样性研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
研究了江汉湖群西凉湖水生植物多样性的现状及其变化 ,讨论了西凉湖水生植物多样性丧失的原因和保护的途径。主要结果是 :( 1 )西凉湖现有水生植物 3 2科 5 6属 77种 ,优势种类为微齿眼子菜、密齿苦草、轮叶黑藻、菹草、野菱、双角菱、金鱼藻、凤眼莲和菰等。 ( 2 )西凉湖现有水生植物群落类型 1 3个 ,全湖水生植被覆盖率约为 61 %,平均生物量为 1 4 70 .5 g/m2 。 ( 3 )物种多样性指数最高的群落是“凤眼莲 +野菱 +双角菱群丛”(D =0 .8499,H =2 .975 8) ,其次为“菰—凤眼莲群丛”与“野菱 +双角菱群丛”(D =0 .840 1 ,H =2 .82 35 ;D =0 .83 2 4,H =2 .888) ,以微齿眼子菜群丛的多样性指数最低 (D =0 .2 2 81 ,H =0 .782 3 )。 ( 4 )二十年来 ,西凉湖水生植物多样性严重丧失 :植被覆盖率和全湖平均单位面积生物量分别下降了 3 8.80 %与 77.87%,先后有 8种水生植物 (水葱、荸荠、莲子草、乌菱、细果野菱、萍蓬草、睡莲、小眼子菜 )和 4个水生植物群落类型(荇菜群落、乌菱群落、马来眼子菜群落、穗花狐尾藻群落 )从西凉湖消失。 ( 5 )多样性丧失的原因是围网养殖、过度收获水草、耙捞蚌类螺类等人为干扰  相似文献   
红笛鲷仔鱼体内特异性母源抗体降解动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用山羊IgG免疫红笛鲷亲鱼,人工催产孵化出仔鱼后,用双抗体夹心法检测仔鱼特异性抗体的降解过程,发现抗体水平随时间变化呈下降趋势且可以持续7d,每尾仔鱼特异性抗体降解量约0.001μg,最低检测限为0.482μg/mL。采用饱和硫酸铵分步盐析与亲和层析等方法纯化红笛鲷仔鱼特异性抗体,结果显示,盐析仔鱼特异性抗体最理想的硫酸铵饱和度为40%-50%;亲和层析分离到两个明显独立的层析峰。SDS-PAGE证明纯化的抗体具有极高纯度,其L、H链分子量分别为29 kD和77.5 kD,抗体分子量约为852 kD。该抗体不仅能够与山羊IgG产生特异性免疫反应,而且能与兔抗红笛鲷IgM抗血清产生免疫反应,因而认为红笛鲷母源抗体可以垂直转移至仔鱼。  相似文献   
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