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Abstract: Snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) are an important prey species and a dominant herbivore across much of their North American range, and researchers have questioned the influences of forestry practices that alter habitat for hares and the potential community-level effects on carnivores. We examined the effects of precommercial thinning (PCT) from 1 to 11 years posttreatment on snowshoe hares. In the commercial forests of northern Maine, USA, we counted and cleared hare pellets twice a year during 2001 and 2002 on >46 km of pellet transects across 30 regenerating conifer stands (17 treated with PCT) previously treated with an aerial application of herbicide. We compared densities of snowshoe hare pellets among 3 development classes with (1 yr after thinning, 6 yr after thinning, and 11 yr after thinning) and without thinning (stands with a similar history of clearcut and herbicide treatment but no thinning). During both years, densities of hares were lower in stands treated with PCT than in similar unthinned stands across the 3 development classes and during both leaf-off and leaf-on seasons (P < 0.001). Within both thinned and unthinned stands, hare density was greatest in stands in the 1-year development class when compared to the 6-year and 11-year development classes, but a statistical difference (P = 0.048) among classes was evident only during leaf-off seasons. Precommercial thinning was associated with densities of snowshoe hares that were approximately half of those in similar unthinned stands up to at least 11 years posttreatment; however, thinned stands may retain densities of hares greater than stands managed using other forest harvesting regimes. Our results apply to core portions of stands with crop trees spaced at 1.8–2.4-m intervals following complete overstory removal and herbicide treatment. We advocate caution when applying our results to other thinning regimes or across broader spatial scales.  相似文献   
The monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) is a successful invasive species that does not exhibit life history traits typically associated with colonizing species (e.g., high reproductive rate or long‐distance dispersal capacity). To investigate this apparent paradox, we examined individual and population genetic patterns of microsatellite loci at one native and two invasive sites. More specifically, we aimed at evaluating the role of propagule pressure, sexual monogamy and long‐distance dispersal in monk parakeet invasion success. Our results indicate little loss of genetic variation at invasive sites relative to the native site. We also found strong evidence for sexual monogamy from patterns of relatedness within sites, and no definite cases of extra‐pair paternity in either the native site sample or the examined invasive site. Taken together, these patterns directly and indirectly suggest that high propagule pressure has contributed to monk parakeet invasion success. In addition, we found evidence for frequent long‐distance dispersal at an invasive site (~100 km) that sharply contrasted with previous estimates of smaller dispersal distance made in the native range (~2 km), suggesting long‐range dispersal also contributes to the species’ spread within the United States. Overall, these results add to a growing body of literature pointing to the important role of propagule pressure in determining, and thus predicting, invasion success, especially for species whose life history traits are not typically associated with invasiveness.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Mortality due to fisheries interactions has been implicated as a contributor to population decline for several species of sea turtle. The incidental capture of sea turtles in the coastal gillnet fisheries of North Carolina, USA, has received much attention in recent years, and mitigation measures to reduce sea turtle mortality due to gillnet entanglement are a high priority for managers and conservationists. Efforts to evaluate effects of gillnet entanglement on sea turtle populations are complicated by the lack of information on health status of turtles released alive from nets and postrelease mortality. We obtained blood samples from green (Chelonia mydas) and Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) sea turtles captured in gillnets for 20–240 minutes to assess the impacts of gillnet entanglement on blood biochemistry and physiological status. We measured concentrations of lactate, corticosterone, ions (Na+, K+, Cl-, P, Ca2+), enzymes (lactate dehydrogenase [LDH], creatine phosphokinase [CPK], aspartate aminotransferase [AST]), protein, and glucose in the blood and also performed physical examinations of turtles to document external indicators of health status (injuries, lethargy, muted reflexes). We evaluated the effects of entanglement time on blood biochemistry and to look for correlations between blood biochemistry and results of the physical examinations. We observed a significant increase in blood lactate, LDH, CPK, phosphorus, and glucose with increased entanglement time. Alterations in blood biochemistry were generally associated with a decline in health status as indicated by results of the physical examination. Although entanglement time plays an important role in determining the health status of sea turtles upon release from a gillnet, our results suggest that factors such as the depth and severity of entanglement may also have an effect on health status of turtles and the probability of postrelease survival. We were unable to set a maximum unattended gillnet soak time to minimize impacts on captured sea turtles, and therefore recommend that fisheries managers continue to enforce the net attendance regulations currently in place in the lower Cape Fear River, North Carolina, during the summer months.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. The female‐limited colour polymorphic damselfly Ischnura elegans has proven to be an interesting study organism both as an example of female sexual polymorphism, and in the context of the evolution of colour polymorphism, as a model of speciation processes. 2. Previous research suggests the existence of correlations between colour morph and other phenotypic traits, and the different female morphs in I. elegans may be pursuing alternative phenotypically integrated strategies. However, previous research on morphological differences in southern Swedish individuals of this species was only carried out on laboratory‐raised offspring from a single population, leaving open the question of how widespread such differences are. 3. The present study therefore analysed multi‐generational data from 12 populations, investigating morphological differences between the female morphs in the field, differences in the pattern of phenotypic integration between morphs, and quantified selection on morphological traits. 4. It was found that consistent morphological differences indeed existed between the morphs across populations, confirming that the previously observed differences were not simply a laboratory artefact. It was also found, somewhat surprisingly, that despite the existence of sexual dimorphism in body size and shape, patterns of phenotypic integration differed most between the morphs and not between the sexes. Finally, linear selection gradients showed that female morphology affected fecundity differently between the morphs. 5. We discuss the relevance of these results to the male mimicry hypothesis and to the existence of potential ecological differences between the morphs.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data were used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships for eleven of the twelve currently recognized species of Fahrenholzia , lice found only on rodents of the family Heteromyidae. Field collections included twenty of the thirty-three known host associations and resulted in the discovery of four new associations. Phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial and nuclear datasets were in general agreement, resulting in a well-resolved Fahrenholzia phylogeny. Analyses supported the monophyly of lice parasitizing the host subfamily Heteromyinae (spiny pocket mice). Lice parasitizing the genera Chaetodipus (pocket mice) and Perognathus (silky pocket mice) each represent monophyletic lineages. Phylogenetic patterns and levels of genetic differentiation suggest that the widespread Fahrenholzia pinnata may contain several cryptic species. Cryptic species may exist also within the less widely distributed species, Fahrenholzia microcephala and Fahrenholzia reducta .  相似文献   
Diversification of phytophagous insects is often associated with changes in the use of host taxa and host parts. We focus on a group of newly discovered Neotropical tephritids in the genus Blepharoneura , and report the discovery of an extraordinary number of sympatric, morphologically cryptic species, all feeding as larvae on calyces of flowers of a single functionally dioecious and highly sexually dimorphic host species ( Gurania spinulosa ) in eastern Ecuador. Molecular analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase-I gene from flies reared from flowers of G. spinulosa reveal six distinct haplotype groups that differ by 7.2–10.1% bp (uncorrected pairwise distances; N  = 624 bp). Haplotype groups correspond to six distinct and well-supported clades. Members of five clades specialize on the calyces of flowers of a particular sex: three clades comprise male flower specialists; two clades comprise female flower specialists; the sixth clade comprises generalists reared from male and female flowers. The six clades occupy significantly different morphological spaces defined by wing pigmentation patterns; however, diagnostic morphological characters were not discovered. Behavioural observations suggest specific courtship behaviours may play a role in maintaining reproductive isolation among sympatric species. Journal compilation  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 779–797. No claim to original US government works.  相似文献   
Abstract Invasion by Mediterranean annual grasses, such as Avena L. spp. and Bronms L. spp, is one of the major threats to temperate perennial grassland. This study investigated the effects of annual grasses and their litter on the species composition of a grassland near Burra, South Australia. The placement of annual grass litter on soil samples in the glasshouse decreased the establishment or growth of several exotic annual dicots. In the field the addition of annual grass litter slightly decreased the frequency of Danthonia Lam. & DC. tussocks. Furthermore, litter strongly reduced the species richness from 13 species in plots with no litter to nine species in plots with the highest litter level, mainly by decreasing the frequency of common exotic dicots. Native dicot frequency similarly appeared to be decreased by litter addition. In addition to the negative effects of their litter, annual grasses also directly competed with perennial grasses. The magnitude of the competitive effect varied systematically along a slope, suggesting that other factors such as soil properties may control competitive inter actions. The biomass of annual grasses also tended to increase with the addition of their own litter. This combination of positive and negative feedback mechanisms suggests that brief periods favourable for annual grasses, either through management changes or environmental conditions, can lead to persistent changes in the species composition of the system.  相似文献   
1. Aquatic ecosystems in Northern Europe are expected to face increases in temperature and water colour (TB) in future. While effects of these factors have been studied separately, it is unknown whether and how a combination of them might affect phenological events and trophic interactions. 2. In a mesocosm study, we combined both factors to create conditions expected to arise during the coming century. We focused on quantifying effects on timing and magnitude of plankton spring phenological events and identifying possible mismatches between resources (phytoplankton) and consumers (zooplankton). 3. We found that the increases in TB had important effects on timing and abundance of different plankton groups. While increased temperature led to an earlier peak in phytoplankton and zooplankton and a change in the relative timing of different zooplankton groups, increased water colour reduced chlorophyll‐a concentrations. 4. Increased TB together benefitted cladocerans and calanoid copepods and led to stronger top‐down control of algae by zooplankton. There was no sign of a mismatch between primary producers and grazers as reported from other studies. 5. Our results point towards an earlier onset of plankton spring growth in shallow lakes in future with a stronger top‐down control of phytoplankton by zooplankton grazers.  相似文献   
A total of 15 microsatellite primers pairs were developed for the Australian small‐eyed snake Rhinoplocephalus nigrescens. Five primers were used to screen 93 individuals of R. nigrescens and were also tested against eight species of the closely related genus Suta. Allelic diversity in R. nigrescens was high in three loci (12–27) and there was high heterozygosity (0.58–0.82). Observed heterozygosity did not deviate from Hardy–Weinberg expectations for the five loci tested. These primers will be useful in studies of population genetics and mating systems of small‐eyed snakes and related species.  相似文献   
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