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Regression with censored data   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
MILLER  RUPERT; HALPERN  JERRY 《Biometrika》1982,69(3):521-531
Our objective is to describe a multi-layer model of C3-canopy processes that effectively simulates hourly CO2 and latent energy (LE) fluxes in a mixed deciduous Quercus-Acer (oak–maple) stand in central Massachusetts, USA. The key hypothesis governing the biological component of the model is that stomatal conductance (gs) is varied so that daily carbon uptake per unit of foliar nitrogen is maximized within the limitations of canopy water availability. The hydraulic system is modelled as an analogue to simple electrical circuits in parallel, including a separate soil hydraulic resistance, plant resistance and plant capacitance for each canopy layer. Stomatal opening is initially controlled to conserve plant water stores and delay the onset of water stress. Stomatal closure at a threshold minimum leaf water potential prevents xylem cavitation and controls the maximum rate of water flux through the hydraulic system. We show a strong correlation between predicted hourly CO2 exchange rate (r2= 0.86) and LE (r2= 0.87) with independent whole-forest measurements made by the eddy correlation method during the summer of 1992. Our theoretical derivation shows that observed relationships between CO2 assimilation and LE flux can be explained on the basis of stomatal behaviour optimizing carbon gain, and provides an explicit link between canopy structure, soil properties, atmospheric conditions and stomatal conductance.  相似文献   
Abstract Seeds of Polemonium reptans var. reptans , a perennial herb of mesic deciduous forests in eastern North America, mature in late May-early June, and a high percentage of them are dormant. Seeds afterripened (came out of dormancy) during summer when kept in a nylon bag under leaves in a nonheated greenhouse or on wet soil in a 30/15°C incubator. The optimum temperature for germination of nondormant seeds was a simulated October (20/10°C) regime. In germination phenology studies in the nonheated greenhouse, 20–30% of the seeds that eventually germinated did so in October, and the remainder germinated the following February and March. Since low (5°C) winter temperatures promote some afterripening (ca. 50%) and do not cause nondormant seeds to re-enter dormancy, seeds that fail to germinate in autumn may germinate in spring. Thus, the taxon has very little potential to form a persistent seed bank. The large spatulate embryos and ability of seeds to afterripen at high temperatures means that seeds of P. reptans var. reptans have nondeep physiological dormancy, unlike many herbaceous woodland species, which have morphophysiological dormancy.  相似文献   
The functional morphology of deposit feeding relative to proboscideal morphology of the maldanid polychaetes Axiothella rubrocincta (Johnson, 1901), Clymenella californica Blake & Kudenov, 1974, and Praxillella affinis pacifica (Berkeley, 1929) from central California is presented. The proboscides of these species are externally and internally similar. They consist of a cuticulatized buccal mass, a bucco-pharyngeal junction and ciliated pharynx. A functional unit of the feeding process is the palpode because its secretions enable the proboscis to be effectively everted. These worms exploit die physical properties of the substratum by changing its dilatancy (and thixotropy) while feeding. The rapidly emerging buccal mass increases the dilatancy of the sediment and provides a penetration anchor. The buccal mass partially deflates and loosens the substratum just prior to the forceful extrusion of the bucco-pharyngeal junction. Sediment about the latter region becomes dilatant. The proboscis then shortens and widens, causing the substratum about the pharynx to become thixotropic while it becomes dilatant about the region of the proboscis proximal to the pharynx. The worms push their proboscides into the loosened sediment while pharyngeal ciliary currents and the undulating bucco-pharyngeal margin draw food into the pharynx. Pharyngeal cilia and the buccal mass function in particle selection.
The maldanids and arenicolids examined to date share similar and basic proboscideal morphologies and activities. It is suggested that the feeding mechanism described for the maldanids, A. rubrocincta, C. californica and P. affinis pacifica , will be found in some members of both families.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Immunoblotting tests involving cytoskeletal protein arrays and fluorescence microscopical examinations of whole cells using monoclonal antibody 424A8 gave substantially different results in three evolutionary subgroups within the genus Tetrahymena. These responses are described and some implications of the evolutionary divergence indicated in this ciliated protozoan are discussed.  相似文献   
The dispersal unit of many Ericaceae comprises an ovoid drupe with a woody indehiscent endocarp, and diaspores of this type are notoriously difficult to germinate for most members of this widely distributed family. Within the biodiverse south‐west of Western Australia, more than 200 drupaceous species of Ericaceae have been described, more than 50 of which are considered to be rare and threatened, requiring significant conservation action in the near future. In this paper, we investigate the germination ecology of the common Australian endemic, Astroloma xerophyllum, as a proxy for closely related threatened taxa, focusing on the ex situ and in situ germination requirements of seeds and indehiscent endocarps. Each endocarp possessed up to seven locules and means of 2.0–3.4 seeds per endocarp from the two collections used in this study. Seeds were up to 2.74 mm in length and 100% viable. Embryos were linear, differentiated and approximately 1.3 mm in length. Seeds within endocarps imbibed water to 28%, whereas excised seeds became hydrated to 44%. Fifty‐five per cent of seeds extracted from endocarps germinated on water agar alone and 100% germinated when presoaked in gibberellic acid. Seeds remaining inside intact endocarps failed to germinate unless treated with a germination promoter and incubated for more than 20 weeks. Rapid germination of seeds in intact endocarps was promoted by soaking endocarps in gibberellic acid and incubating them in 100% O2. Embryos grew substantially in length within seeds prior to germination, and thus seeds have morphophysiological dormancy. Seeds under natural conditions required several seasons to germinate to any degree. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 160 , 299–311.  相似文献   
Predictive models describing best-fit regression equations for per cent mortality of horn flies as a function of temperature were determined for each of three pyrethroid insecticides (fenvalerate, flucythrinate and permethrin) over the temperature range 20-35 degrees C. Susceptible horn flies, Haematobia irritans (L.), were exposed to c. an LC70 dose of each pyrethroid using a residue-on-glass method. This technique used confined exposure in chambers with temperatures of 20, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C. Within this range, mortality was greatest at 25 degrees C with all three insecticides. Estimated temperature-mortality equations for each pyrethroid revealed different responses of horn flies to each of these insecticides. Horn flies exposed to flucythrinate demonstrated a linear mortality response that varied inversely with temperature. The response to permethrin was described by a quadratic equation, while the response to fenvalerate was best fitted by a cubic equation.  相似文献   
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