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Melanoides tuberculata was introduced to several types of aquatichabitat occurring in the marshy forest zone, Guadeloupe, asa competitor of the snail host, Biomphalaria glabrata, of Schistosomamansoni. Colonization by the competitor was successful in allhabitats, but the impact on the snail host was variable accordingto the site. Evolution of global prevalences, intensities andabundances of Schistosoma mansoni in the reservoir host, Rattusrattus, did not show any significant changes during the eightyears following the introduction of the competitor. The analysisof size distribution of M. tuberculata in a release plot showedthat maximum reproduction took place during the rainy seasonbetween June and November. The thiarid snail needed 4.5 monthsto reach a size of 10 mm, 14 months to reach 15 mm, and morethan 30 months to reach 20 mm. Calculated life expectancieswere 0.74 year at the first year of age, 0.9 year at the secondyear, and 0.5 year at the third year. (Received 21 September 1992; accepted 5 January 1993)  相似文献   
Reinitiation of meiosis has been triggered in vitro in oocytes of the anouran Xenopus laevis and the urodeles Pleurodeles waltlii and Ambystoma mexicanum by enzymatic, mechanical or manual defolliculation, without addition of hormone. By measuring changes in the membrane resistance and time constants, we also demonstrate the existence of an electrical polarized coupling between the oocyte and its follicle and show that progesterone breaks it definitively within the first two hours. These results are discussed in relation to mammalian maturation.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Wildlife-vehicle collisions cause numerous human fatalities and injuries, and generate considerable expenses in property damage each year. Certain characteristics of the road and its surroundings are known to have an impact on collision probability. Roadside salt pools increase the risk of collision by attracting moose (Alces alces) to the side of the road. In the Laurentides Wildlife Reserve of Québec, Canada, roadside salt pools were drained and filled with rocks to deter moose from drinking. We surveyed 12 roadside salt pools during 3 consecutive summers (2003–2005) from mid-May to mid-August. Seven salt pools were managed in autumn 2004, and 5 pools were left untreated. We equipped all 12 sites with electronic apparatus that allowed us to detect moose attendance and study their behavior. We also measured physical, chemical, and environmental characteristics of these pools and other unvisited pools in order to correlate moose attendance with specific habitat criteria. We found that moose mostly attended roadside salt pools from mid-June to mid-July, with a decrease in August. Moose attendance was significantly correlated with visual obstruction toward the road and water availability. Management of the pools caused a decrease in mean length of time moose spent at them. Number of visits decreased significantly at night (by 90%), which was when most visits occurred, but not during the day. The proposed management practice prevented all visiting moose from drinking brackish water. These results suggest that moose should eventually lose interest in treated salt pools, therefore decreasing the risk of moose-vehicle collisions on the road.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We developed and validated a density-adjusted spatial model to predict moose (Alces alces) highway-crossing probability to see if the model could be used as an index of moose-vehicle collision risk. We installed Global Positioning System telemetry collars on 47 moose in the north of the Laurentides Wildlife Reserve, Québec, for 2–36 months. We recorded only 84 highway crossings in spring (0.29% of 28,967 2-hr steps) and 122 crossings in summer (0.18% of 68,337 2-hr steps), despite a high sampling effort and having captured moose close to highways. Moose movement rates during movement steps crossing a highway were on average 3 times higher than during the steps preceding or following highway crossing. Paths used by moose when crossing a highway were characterized by a high proportion of food stands, low proportion of lakes and rivers, and topography typical of a valley. Highway-crossing sites were located in valleys with brackish pools and forest stands providing coniferous cover but a low proportion of lakes and rivers. We adjusted moose crossing probability for local variation in moose density using aerial survey data and assessed crossing probability along the highways in the entire Laurentides Wildlife Reserve. We tested the model using moose-vehicle accident data from 1990 to 2002. The relationship between the density-adjusted crossing probability and number of accidents was relatively loose at the 1-km scale but improved markedly when using longer highway sections (5–15 km; r > 0.80). Our results demonstrate that roads and their surroundings are perceived as low-quality habitat by moose. We also conclude that road segments installed along secondary valleys could be a highly strategic site to deploy mitigation measures such as fences and that it could be desirable to increase the width of road shoulders to reduce forest cover and to eliminate brackish pools to reduce cervid-vehicle collisions. We suggest using empirical data such as location of vehicle-wildlife collisions to plan mitigation measures at a fine scale.  相似文献   
Annexin I is an abundant protein in U937 cells differentiated towards a macrophagic phenotype. These cells become able to killEscherichia coli, however, the intracellular pathogenBrucella suis, known to interfere with phagosome maturation, multiply in these differentiated cells. We have analysed by confocal and electron microscopy the cellular localization of annexin I during phagocytosis of yeast, non-pathogenicE. coliand the intracellular pathogenB. suis. Using immunocytochemical detections annexin I was found mainly as patches in the cytoplasm of uninfected cells. Upon phagocytosis of yeast orE. coliorganisms, annexin I rapidly translocated and concentrated around phagosomes. On the other hand, annexin I was never detected around liveB. suis-containing phagosomes. However, when dead brucellae were used, annexin I did translocate to the periphagosomal region. Our results suggest that annexin I could play a role in the molecular mechanism of phagosome maturation, which is impaired by some intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Photosynthesis and calcification in zooxanthellatescleractinian corals and coral reefs are reviewed at severalscales: cellular (pathways and transport mechanisms of inorganiccarbon and calcium), organismal (interaction between photosynthesisand calcification, effect of light) and ecosystemic (communityprimary production and calcification, and air-sea CO2 exchanges). The coral host plays a major role in supplying carbon for thephotosynthesis by the algal symbionts through a system similarto the carbon-concentrating mechanism described in free livingalgal cells. The details of carbon supply to the calcificationprocess are almost unknown, but metabolic CO2 seems to be asignificant source. Calcium supply for calcification is diffusionalthrough oral layers, and active membrane transport only occursbetween the calicoblastic cells and the site of calcification.Photosynthesis and calcification are tightly coupled in zooxanthellatescleractinian corals and coral reef communities. Calcificationis, on average, three times higher in light than in darkness.The recent suggestion that calcification is dark-repressed ratherthan light-enhanced is not supported by the literature. Thereis a very strong correlation between photosynthesis and calcificationat both the organism and community levels, but the ratios ofcalcification to gross photosynthesis (0.6 in corals and 0.2in reef communities) differ from unity, and from each otheras a function of level. The potential effect of global climatic changes (pCO2 and temperature)on the rate of calcification is also reviewed. In various calcifyingphotosynthetic organisms and communities, the rate of calcificationdecreases as a function of increasing pCO2 and decreasing calciumcarbonate saturation state. The calculated decrease in CaCO3,production, estimated using the scenarios considered by theInternational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is 10% between1880 and 1990, and 9–30% (mid estimate: 22%) from 1990to 2100. Inadequate understanding of the mechanism of calcificationand its interaction with photosynthesis severely limits theability to provide an accurate prediction of future changesin the rate of calcification.  相似文献   
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