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Abstract: Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) is a popular small game species in northeastern North America. We assessed female ruffed grouse habitat characteristics during winter of 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 in a region dominated by mixed softwood-hardwood forests by comparing used and random locations. We followed 23 radiotagged adult females in 2 forest sites of the Réserve faunique de Portneuf, Québec, Canada, from late November to mid-April. We described grouse habitat using ground surveys and identified selected habitat characteristics using analysis of variance and logistic regression. Females preferred mixed softwood-hardwood stands > 17 m tall and 61-120 years old. Compared with random locations, grouse locations had more well-developed total canopy cover (>4m;75%), canopy (>4m;35%), midstory (1-4 m tall; 35%), and lower-story (<1 m tall; 23%) coniferous cover, and higher coniferous stem density and tree basal area (dbh > 9 cm; 343 stems/ha and 9.0 m2/ha, respectively). Forest management should maintain mature mixed softwood-hardwood stands (50% coniferous), which are adequate winter habitat for ruffed grouse.  相似文献   
To predict the impact of climate change over the whole species distribution range, comparison of adult survival variations over large spatial scale is of primary concern for long-lived species populations that are particularly susceptible to decline if adult survival is reduced. In this study, we estimated and compared adult survival rates between 1989 and 1997 of six populations of Cory's shearwater ( Calonectris diomedea ) spread across 4600 km using capture–recapture models. We showed that mean annual adult survival rates are different among populations along a longitudinal gradient and between sexes. Variation in adult survival is synchronized among populations, with three distinct groups: (1) both females and males of Corsica, Tremiti, and Selvagem (annual survival range 0.88–0.96); (2) both females and males of Frioul and females from Crete (0.82–0.92); and (3) both females and males of Malta and males from Crete (0.74–0.88). The total variation accounted for by the common pattern of variation is on average 71%, suggesting strong environmental forcing. At least 61% of the variation in survival is explained by the Southern Oscillation Index fluctuations. We suggested that Atlantic hurricanes and storms during La Niña years may increase adult mortality for Cory's shearwater during winter months. For long-lived seabird species, variation in adult survival is buffered against environmental variability, although extreme climate conditions such as storms significantly affect adult survival. The effect of climate at large spatial scales on adult survival during the nonbreeding period may lead to synchronization of variation in adult survival over the species' range and has large effects on the meta-population trends. One can thus worry about the future of such long-lived seabirds species under the predictions of higher frequency of extreme large-scale climatic events.  相似文献   
Melanocytes in human skin reside both in the epidermis and in the matrix and outer root sheath of anagen hair follicles. Comparative study of melanocytes in these different locations has been difficult as hair follicle melanocytes could not be cultured. In this study we used a recently described method of growing hair follicle melanocytes to characterize and compare hair follicle and epidermal melanocytes in the scalp of the same individual. Three morphologically and antigenically distinct types of melanocytes were observed in primary culture. These included (1) moderately pigmented and polydendritic melanocytes derived from epidermis; (2) small, bipolar, amelanotic melanocytes; and (3) large, intensely pigmented melanocytes; the latter two were derived from hair follicles. The three sub-populations of cells all reacted with melanocyte-specific monoclonal antibody. Epidermal and amelanotic hair follicle melanocytes proliferated well in culture, whereas the intensely pigmented hair follicle melanocytes did not. Amelanotic hair follicle melanocytes differed from epidermal melanocytes in being less differentiated, and they expressed less mature melanosome antigens. In addition, hair follicle melanocytes expressed some antigens associated with alopecia areata, but not antigens associated with vitiligo, whereas the reverse was true for epidermal melanocytes. Thus, antigenically different populations of melanocytes are present in epidermis and hair follicle. This could account for the preferential destruction of hair follicle melanocytes in alopecia areata and of epidermal melanocytes in vitiligo.  相似文献   
Many studies suggest that MPF activation depends on protein phosphorylation or that MPF is itself a protein kinase. In the present report, cyclic variations of MPF activity have been correlated in vivo with changes in the extent of protein phosphorylation or in vitro with changes of a major protein kinase during the first cell cycles of fertilized starfish eggs. This cycling protein kinase neither requires cAMP nor Ca2+. Neither colchicine nor aphidicoline, which inhibits cleavage and chromosome replication respectively, was found to suppress the synchronous and cyclic variations of both MPF and protein kinase activities. Protein synthesis was found to be required for both MPF and protein kinase activities to reappear after their simultaneous drop at the time of mitotic or meiotic cleavages. Production of either MPF or protein kinase activities is not the immediate result of protein synthesis since there is a delay at each cell cycle between the time when protein synthesis is required and the time when both MPF and protein kinase activities are produced. This suggests that both MPF and protein kinase activities might involve some post-translational modification of a precursor protein synthesized during the preceeding cell cycle.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The distribution of acid phosphatase was investigated at the ultrastructural level in Paramecium caudatum. Acid phosphatase occurs in endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, food vacuoles, autophagic vesicles, vacuolar and dense bodies. Some slight deposits are also seen in the mitochondria.
These observations point out that this hydrolase activity is related to digestive processes. The enzyme, originating from the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus reaches the food vacuole or autophagic vesicle likely via the reticulum. The digestion of the bacteria or of the enclosed organelle gives rise to electronopaque material which is later found in dense bodies. These dense bodies are likely secondary lysosomes and it is possible that they may fuse with the young food vacuole or with autophagic vesicles.  相似文献   
Roĉek, Z. & Rage, J.-C. 1994 10 15: The presumed amphibian footprint Notopus petri from the Devonian: a probable starfish trace fossil.
A presumed amphibian footprint from the late Middle or early Late Devonian of Brazil, described as the ichnotaxon Notopus petri Leonardi, 1983, has been reinvestigated. Various morphological and paleoecological data, taken as a whole, cast doubts on the original interpretation. It is not excluded that the specimen represents an imperfect impression produced by an asteroid or ophiurid echinoderm similar to those that are allocated to the ichnogenus Asteriacites Schlotheim, 1820, nor can some other reported trackways be taken as unequivocal evidence of Devonian amphibians. Notopus petri, ichnofossil, Devonian, Echinodermata, starfish, Amphibia, Brazil .  相似文献   
Obtention of epinasty in the cotyledons of Sinapis alba under continuous far-red illumination. Relation to the development of hypocotyl and cotyledons. Treatment by far red light induces epinasty of the cotyledonary leaf. The effects of light treatments of different intensities were recorded for hypocotyl length, percentage of epinasty and the cotyledon leaf area. The percentage of epinasty increases as a function of treatment duration and light intensity. As from the second day of treatment a correlation is obtained between the percentage of epinasty and hypocotyl length when the seedlings are given far-red light treatment of different durations.  相似文献   
Coexisting populations of the mussels, Perna perna and Mytilusgalloprovincialis, were monitored at two sites on the NorthAfrican coast, east of Algiers, over a five year period (1985–1989).While spatfalls were observed throughout the year, only themajor spring-summer recruitment, which occurred during favourableweather conditions, contributed to the renewal of both musselspecies at both sites. Very high densities (>10, 000 ind.m–2) were observed at both sites, but the mussel bedswere composed principally of young and small specimens due toharvesting of the largest animals for use as bait and for humanconsumption. The maximal length observed was 75 mm in P. pernaand 49 mm in M. galloprovincialis. The life span of the specieswas low, 12–24 months in P. perna and 11–28 monthsin M. galloprovincialis. This survey showed that M. galloprovincialisbecame dominant in both mussel beds due to its resistance todisturbance by human activities. (Received 5 January 1995; accepted 18 April 1995)  相似文献   
Calluses and cell suspension cultures were initiated from young and fully developed fruits and from stem and petiole tissues of ‘Passe Crassane’ pears. On a dry weight basis, proliferation is significantly higher in tissues from full-grown fruits and petioles. Cullus tissues grown in vitro have a protein content up to 25 times higher than the initial quiescent organ. Three amylase fractions (2 β amylases E, and E2: 1 α amylase E3) were isolated by gel filtration on Sephadcx G-100 and isoenzymes revealed in these fractions after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Comparison of amylase activity in actively growing cells and in auxin-starved cell suspensions shows that β-amylase activity is mainly a function of cell growth, while α-amylase activity is more related to the age of the cells. The presence of two isoenzymes in the β-amylase E2 fraction was found to be highly characteristic of young fruits. The same polymorphism was found in all the strain of tissues thus indicating that tissues grown in vitro retain or revert to a juvenile biochemistry. The growth hormone. 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, used to support cell division, is demonstrated to be responsible for the reversion of the β-amylase polymorphism from a mature to a juvenile phenotype in mature fruit explants incubated in vitro. The interest of fruit tissue and cell culture for the study of fruit physiology is questioned and discussed.  相似文献   
  • 1 Bioassays were carried out to examine differences in the feeding of a folivorous weevil, Stereonychus fraxini De Geer, on leaves from ash saplings with undamaged roots, and those with damaged roots. Beetles ate significantly more of the leaves of root-damaged saplings in a choice experiment.
  • 2 A separate study of the effect of root damage on leaf toughness was carried out on a second group of ash saplings. Saplings with damaged roots had less tough leaves than control saplings. Decreased leaf toughness in hypothesized as a mechanism to explain the preference of weevils for leaves from damaged trees.
  • 3 Both chemical and physical changes may occur in the tissues of ash trees in response to environmental stress such as drought and root damage.
  • 4 Root damage caused by agricultural disturbance is hypothesized as a mechanism making mature ash trees in hedgerow ecosystems more susceptible to insect herbivores.
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