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牛脾转移因子的提取工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:比较从牛脾中提取活性TF的不同方法。方法:分别利用Lawrence--透析法、Lawrence-超滤法、超离心-超滤法提取,再以蛋白反应、红外及紫外扫描予以鉴定比较。结果:Lawrence-超滤法和超离心-超滤法效果较好。结论:工业化生产中应采用Lawrence-超滤法。  相似文献   
Falseryx neervelpensis sp. nov. (Booid-grade, 'Tropidophiidae') from the earliest Oligocene (MP 21) of Belgium is described on the basis of vertebrae coming from all major portions of the vertebral column. In its peculiar caudal osteology, the snake approaches the unique morphological pattern characteristic of the living Neotropical Tropidophiinae. This is the first time such a complete and informative vertebral column of a dwarf boa has been described. The genus Falseryx was absent from Western Europe in younger parts of the Oligocene, but reappeared at the end of the Early Miocene. This dispersal pattern provides additional evidence that in most phases of the Oligocene and Early Miocene Western European snake faunas were effectively isolated from possible influences from the East.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 393–406.  相似文献   
In the Society archipelago (French Polynesia), Acrocephalus reed warblers are known only from four islands: Tahiti, Mo'orea, Huahine and Raiatea. All populations are now extinct except on Tahiti. Our knowledge of these birds is based on a small number of specimens preserved in museums, collected mostly during the 19th century. We present here a review of the past and present distribution, habitat and threats to the Society Islands reed warblers, including details on the specimens in museum collections. We compare the external morphology of the different populations, and use samples from museum specimens to propose a molecular phylogeny of all taxa based on partial cytochrome b gene sequences. The genetic data do not support the monophyly of the Society Islands reed warblers, which probably derived from three different lineages, found in Tahiti, Mo'orea and in the cluster Raiatea–Huahine. We outline the taxonomic consequences of this phylogeny. Our results support the hypothesis that evolutionary pattern, not distance between islands, shaped the long-distance colonization of oceanic islands by reed warblers.  相似文献   
Woodpeckers and certain passerine species secure encased food in the environment in various ways to facilitate the extraction of the contents with their bills. They do this by securing the food items in locations such as crevices and holes, newly defined in this paper as ‘vice-anvils’. Here I report that free-living New Caledonian crows (Corvus moneduloides) and rooks (Corvus frugilegus, in New Zealand) also use vice-anvils to process candlenuts and walnuts, respectively. New Caledonian crows placed candlenut sections in vice-anvils to aid kernel extraction, after the candlenuts had been dropped onto an anvil to break them open. In contrast, rooks used vice-anvils to secure walnuts while they broke the shell with their bills. Long-term use by rooks of a vice-anvil in a tree had produced a ‘purpose-made’ nut-cracking site. My findings extend the persistent use of specific vice-anvils to Corvus species and further demonstrate their innovative and flexible foraging behaviour.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships among prokaryotic and eukaryotic catalases   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
Seventy-four catalase protein sequences, including 29 bacterial, 8 fungal, 7 animal, and 30 plant sequences, were compiled, and 70 were used for phylogenetic reconstruction. The core of the resulting tree revealed unique, separate groups of plant and animal catalases, two groups of fungal catalases, and three groups of bacterial catalases. The only overlap of kingdoms occurred within one branch and involved fungal and bacterial large-subunit enzymes. The other fungal branch was closely linked to the group of animal enzymes. Group I bacterial catalases were more closely related to the plant enzymes and contained such diverse taxa as the Gram-positive Listeria seeligeri, Deinocococcus radiodurans, and gamma-proteobacteria. Group III bacterial sequences were more closely related to fungal and animal sequences and included enzymes from a broad range of bacteria including high- and low-GC Gram positives, proteobacteria, and a bacteroides species. Group II was composed of large-subunit catalases from diverse sources including Gram positives (low-GC Bacilli and high-GC Mycobacteria), proteobacteria, and species of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus. These data can be interpreted in terms of two gene duplication events that produced a minimum of three catalase gene family members that subsequently evolved in response to environmental demands. Horizontal gene transfer may have been responsible for the group II mixture of bacterial and fungal large-subunit catalases.   相似文献   
Population dynamics of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia in western France   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Population dynamics of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia were studied in Charente-Maritime, France from 1978 to 1996, during which time the number of breeding pairs increased from one to 44. Modal age at first return and first breeding were 2.4 and 3.4 years, respectively. White Storks produced an average of 3.2 fledglings per nest. The average number of fledglings per nest decreased with increasing nest density, probably because of an increase in the number of interactions between breeding birds. Nests surrounded by marshes had slightly greater productivity than nests on peripheral sites. Individual White Storks followed an annual breeding cycle and attempted to breed in 97% of seasons once mature. Nest-site and mate fidelity were high (88 and 83%, respectively). Immigration rate was nearly twice that of emigration during the last few years of the study and recruitment was close to 30%, although underestimated. We modelled survival and recapture probabilities using capture-mark-recapture methods. Adult survival was found to be dependent on age, but not sex. Survival of younger birds varied greatly over the years, whereas survival of older birds was relatively constant and averaged 78%. Survival rates of young birds wintering in the Sahel zone were positively linked to the amount of rainfall in their wintering area. The proximate reason for the population increase was probably immigration of birds from other European countries, probably encouraged by a high adult survival rate. Ringing recoveries indicate that some birds winter in Spain and the high adult survival rate may reflect a change in migratory pattern in recent years. Finally, reproductive success was relatively high during the study.  相似文献   
When potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) are treated with Rindite(ethylene chlorohydrin, ethylene dichloride, carbon tetrachloride,7/3/1, v/v/v) for 2 d, and then stored at 20°C, importantchanges in enzymatic activities are observed in mitochondrialas well as in microsomal fractions isolated from these tubers.In mitochondria isolated from Rindite-treated tubers, the oxidationofsuccinate was more active and more resistant to cyanide thanin mitochondria from untreated tubers. The functioning of acyanide-resistant, SHAM-sensitive oxidative activity was similarto that observed after an ageing treatment of tuber slices oran ethylene treatment of whole tubers. However, in the lattercase, changes in oxidative properties or cyanide-resistancewere less important. Moreover, all the observed changes disappearedafter 4 d of storage. The NADH-femcyanide reductase and NADHcytochromec reductase activities of microsomal fractions isolated fromRindite-treated tubers increased after 1 d or 4 d of storage,relative to the activities of untreated tubers. Moreover, theoleatedesaturase activity, which could not be detccted in microsomesprepared from untreated tubers, was high in microsomes fromtreated tubers stored for 1 d and 4 d, and then the activitydecreased. The induction of an oleatedesaturase activity byRindite treatment can be compared to the effect of the ageingtreatment on tuber slices. The enhancement of oleatedesaturaseactivity was linked to an increase in cytochrome b5content ofmicrosomes of treated tubers. However, all these changes werenot observed when whole tubers were treated with ethylene alone. Key words: Rindite, Mitochondria, Microsomes, Solanum tuberosum  相似文献   
Changes of DNA Ligases in Chick Neural Retina as a Function of Age   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the course of chick neural retina development, several forms of DNA ligase have been found. During embryonic life the major DNA ligase activity that is found at seven days is form I (8.2 S) which gradually decreases and disappears by 14 days after incubation, whereas form II (6.2 S) increases to reach a maximum at the time of hatching. Form II then decreases reaching a constant level by Day 7 and from that time new slow sedimenting forms also appear (forms III and IV). Form III (2 S) is first detectable at seven days and increases up to 90 days, whereas form IV (3 S) is the only form detected in the 17- and 18-month-old and also in the 5-year-old birds. These four forms display different elution patterns on phosphocellulose column chromatography. They also differ in their thermal stability and sensitivity towards N-ethylmaleimide.  相似文献   
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