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This paper describes the diet of young Lammergeiers Gypaetus barbatus during the nesting period on the island of Corsica. From 1985 to 1990, food items were collected from 10 nests after the young had fledged. These nests were from five territories where the potential food supply was estimated using a range of 'large mammal' counts. Feathers, bones and isolated hooves were used to identify prey. For each nest, the minimal number of food portions was quantified, ignoring material that provided no food value. The diet consisted mainly of limb extremities of domestic ungulates (c. 36% by number of portions of sheep and goat; 33% of cattle, mostly calves). Pigs, both wild and domestic, yielded c. 16% of the items. Where present on the territory, mouflon occurred frequently in nests (c. 12% of items). Birds and small mammals were scarce in the diet. For three territories, samples varied less among years than among territories. There was a strong association between the diet of the young and the food available in the territories. We examined the possible links between known 20th century changes in stock rearing activities and the Corsican Lammergeier's diet.  相似文献   
New specimens of Acomys spinosissimus from northern Malawi and southern Tanzania were subjected to morphological, molecular (cytochrome b mitochondrial gene) and cytogenetical analysis in order to establish the phylogenetic position of these populations among A. spinosissimus, as well as their relationships with other species (A. subspinosus and A. wilsoni). The monophyly of the spinosissimus clade is supported by morphological and molecular phylogenies. Cytogenetics and morphology, but not the cytochrome b phylogeny show the possible existence of two sibling species within spinosissimus. Incongruences are noted between molecular and morphological trees, especially concerning the position of the Transvaal specimens. Two different biogeographic scenarios for the origin and dispersal of A. spinosissimus are discussed in the light of available palaeontological data.  相似文献   
We have previously reported the identification of cell surface glycoproteins in Pleurodeles waltlii gastrulae. In an attempt to study the expression of three of these cell surface glycoproteins (proteins referred to 1, 11 and 14), we have produced monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies by immunizing mice with the spots of the three selected glycoproteins excised from 2D-gels. Expression of the three glycoproteins was detected on the surfaces of all cells during embryonic development. Before hatching, proteins 1, 11 and 14 become expressed in a limited number of tissues.  相似文献   
  • 1 A two-dimensional, highly reproducible, analytical separation procedure for Triton/urea extractable proteins, using isoelectric focusing in the first dimension and gelelectrophoresis with sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) in the second, is described. The separation of erythrocyte membrane proteins compares the reliability with that of published procedures.
  • 2 From the thylakoid membranes of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardii and of spinach, two-dimensional maps of the Triton/urea extractable proteins were established, containing 58 and 33 peptide spots, respectively, which were characterized by their molecular weights and apparent isoelectric points. In Chlamydomonas some of the spots could be attributed to the photosystem I and II particles. A few major spots in the maps of the thylakoid proteins from the two non-related plants were found at the same relative positions.
  • 3 A one-dimensional electrophoretic comparison of the SDS and the Triton/urea-extractable proteins showed that in the Triton/urea extract of thylakoid membranes some proteins of the photosystem II region, and in that of erythrocyte membranes, some components of the band 3 and 5 region are reduced or missing.
The Citril Finch Serinus citrinella breeds in several mountains of central and southern Europe and on Corsica, Sardinia and Tuscany islands. Several studies have emphasized differences in phenotype and vocalization, and some authors consider mainland and insular forms to be two distinct species. A genetic approach based on the sequences of a mitochondrial DNA fragment was used to estimate genetic distance separating several populations. Individuals from the Alps and the Pyrenees belong to one group and the individuals from Corsica to the second. These results, discussed together with data on ecology, biometrics and vocalization, suggest keeping only one polytypic species which includes two distinct forms.  相似文献   
The overall system of Rukuba marriage is formally a straight exchange of women between the component units of two exogamous moieties, component units which in turn abduct each other's wives in secondary marriage. The youths and girls of each of these component units pair off in formalized premarital relationships until girls marry out in the other moiety. The exchange pattern between the moieties works in such a way that the eldest girl of a set of uterine sisters must marry her mother's last lover's son, and her junior sisters are preferentially married in their mother's natal component unit, thus introducing a delayed exchange between the component units of opposite moieties working concurrently with the straight exchange system between the moieties. This is made possible by the various combinations of primary and/or preferential marriage and subsequent secondary marriages. [Rukuba, moieties, Nigeria, preferential marriage]  相似文献   
Oncocyclus irises endemic to Lebanon form a complex of three closely related taxa replacing each other over short geographical distances in a linear habitat. In order to characterize the appropriate taxonomic levels and to assess their conservation status, we investigated patterns of phenotypic variability and the partitioning of genetic variation within and among populations using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Multivariate analysis (principal components analysis and multiple correspondence analysis), based on 16 quantitative and six qualitative characters, revealed no separation between populations or taxa. Moreover, no morphological character could be used to define clear boundaries between populations/taxa. The genetic characterization revealed high levels of polymorphism and diversity (Hs). Principal components analysis showed population delimitations, but no groupings reflecting the currently defined taxa could be identified. Both morphological and genetic data showed that Lebanese oncocyclus irises could not be fitted into clear taxonomic boundaries. Consequences for conservation are discussed. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 123–135.  相似文献   
Phytophthora ramorum is an oomycete plant pathogen classified in the kingdom Stramenopila. P. ramorum is the causal agent of sudden oak death on coast live oak and tanoak as well as ramorum blight on woody ornamental and forest understorey plants. It causes stem cankers on trees, and leaf blight or stem dieback on ornamentals and understorey forest species. This pathogen is managed in the USA and Europe by eradication where feasible, by containment elsewhere and by quarantine in many parts of the world. Genomic resources provide information on genes of interest to disease management and have improved tremendously since sequencing the genome in 2004. This review provides a current overview of the pathogenicity, population genetics, evolution and genomics of P. ramorum. Taxonomy: Phytophthora ramorum (Werres, De Cock & Man in't Veld): kingdom Stramenopila; phylum Oomycota; class Peronosporomycetidae; order Pythiales; family Pythiaceae; genus Phytophthora. Host range: The host range is very large and the list of known hosts continues to expand at the time of writing. Coast live oak and tanoak are ecologically, economically and culturally important forest hosts in the USA. Rhododendron, Viburnum, Pieris, Syringa and Camellia are key ornamental hosts on which P. ramorum has been found repeatedly, some of which have been involved in moving the pathogen via nursery shipments. Disease symptoms: P. ramorum causes two different diseases with differing symptoms: sudden oak death (bleeding lesions, stem cankers) on oaks and ramorum blight (twig dieback and/or foliar lesions) on tree and woody ornamental hosts. Useful websites: http://nature.berkeley.edu/comtf/ , http://rapra.csl.gov.uk/ , http://www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/plant_pest_info/pram/index.shtml , http://genome.jgi‐psf.org/Phyra1_1/Phyra1_1.home.html , http://pamgo.vbi.vt.edu/ , http://pmgn.vbi.vt.edu/ , http://vmd.vbi.vt.edu./ , http://web.science.oregonstate.edu/bpp/labs/grunwald/resources.htm , http://www.defra.gov.uk/planth/pramorum.htm , http://www.invasive.org/browse/subject.cfm?sub=4603 , http://www.forestry.gov.uk/forestry/WCAS‐4Z5JLL  相似文献   
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